Fishing Stories Animated

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there used to be a pond about half a mile away from my old house that I would commonly go fishing in it was nicknamed Darryl's pond I still have no idea who darryl was or why it was called that but nobody owned it so people would once in a blue moon go fishing there as well it was usually me by myself though I had dug a pole into the ground where I would tie a noose to and from my small kayak I'd say it was about 3:00 in the afternoon when I rode out to the middle of the pond the sweet spot for getting a decent catch there was another person coming out from the trees I waved at him and gave him a smile he hopped into a small boat floating by the edge of the pond and began to roll over to me as he got close enough were trying to speak to him wouldn't come off his obnoxious I gave him a friendly perfect day isn't it yes absolutely he said he didn't say anything after that and I started to feel a bit awkward as if I were obligated to keep some kind of conversation rolling now so you come out here to throw some lines I asked no I don't actually fish oh well it's never a bad day to relax on the pond I said he continued to roll closer to me until his boat collided with mine creating a big fog I was genuinely uncomfortable now I didn't feel threatened just weirded out I was only 24 years old this guy looked like he was late 40s or 50s there was an awkward silence I tried to just act like I was focused on trying to make a catch but by now that wasn't even on my mind this guy was weird I didn't know what he wanted and I was uncomfortable being so close to him I felt him looking at me or at least in my direction as I faced halfway to the opposite direction of him I took a quick glance to my right yeah he was staring at me I decided to be ballsy and walk eye contact with him after about four seconds he looked away so uh where are you from my askin up there he pointed behind himself in the direction of the woodsy hill leading pest the dirt road oh you live by Suffolk I asked no no I'm not he said what made you decide to come out here I said why not I continue to try and uncomfortably fill the awkward silences that kept coming up his responses were dry he didn't contribute anything to what was barely a conversation he just sat there not doing anything with half a smile on his face looking either at me or in my general direction throughout I was creeped out my heart was racing at this point I go as far as saying that I was nervous for my life we were surrounded by trees in all directions in the middle of the pond I started to row with a closer to land but in a very low-key kind of way trying to play dolphins and we just trying to find a better spot to find some fish I was horrified when I saw he was following me what a great day huh I felt a shake in my voice I got close enough to the edge of the pond where I finally told the man I think I'm gonna call it a day I turned to see his reaction he was still staring at me but his smile was gone now I can't let you leave he said he lifted his flannel to expose a handgun sticking out of his jeans pocket as soon as I could process what I was looking at I divided the boat for land ran the whole half-mile uphill through the woods back to my house unlocked every door and window as soon as I made it home I pulled down the blinds to the dining room window leaving it open just a crack for peeking outside undetected it started to get dark out and I left every light in the house off still peeking out to the front yard making sure I wasn't followed the time came when I finally decided I wasn't followed I realize now like you that not calling the police immediately it was a huge mistake I kept my bedroom windows open to let the room air out my bedroom was on the second floor so I wasn't worried about being watched through the window about half an hour after shutting the light and falling under the covers I heard the sound of leaves crunching from outside i sat up to hear it more clearly it was definitely something walking around out there normally I would assume there was a deer or a bear but after what just happened I was still in paranoia mode i sat up as still as a statue except for my shaking out of fear waiting as the sounds of the steps stopped hey buddy you up there are you trying to sleep sorry didn't need to wake you I felt like a hundred pounds just fell directly onto my chest it was the same voice I knew it right away I didn't make a sound I crept out of the room quietly downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed the phone practically crawling on my way out to avoid being seen through the open blinds i called 9-1-1 like I should have earlier in the temporary safety of my bedroom I made sure to whisper into the phone as I was still hoping that he hadn't he had heard or spotted me 20 minutes felt like an hour as I sat behind my bed waiting for the police to arrive in constant fear that I would hear glass breaking from downstairs or a thud on the back door or even just the voice again from down below my window outside the police did a thorough investigation of the property in nearby woods turning up nothing they suggested I stay with a friend or a family member for a few days and so I did I never heard from or saw the man again but I still moved a month later I couldn't deal with the constant fear and paranoia of being watched through my windows I feel much more comfortable fishing out by the day now you
Channel: Llama Arts
Views: 5,369,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing stories animated, mr nightmare animated, llama arts, llamaarts, mr nightmare llama arts, scary flash, Horror (Film Genre), Animation (TV Genre), horror flash, scary animation, horror animation, flash animation, Adobe Flash (Software), Cartoon, fishing stories, Animated
Id: Ggd4R0UYPxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2015
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