Fishing for BLACK DRUM Packery Channel Bridge (Corpus Christi, Tx)

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[Music] foreign [Music] there we go what's going on guys I know I haven't posted a video quite a bit been busy went on a little vacation took a trip to the Frio but I'm out here today with my boy Damien we are going to be targeting some black drum over here at the packery Channel Bridge we got some dead shrimp but yeah it's uh we got a little late start today it's about maybe like 7 30 right now we're gonna cast out see if we get on the drum if not we got some lures throw some trout and reds but we're just gonna see what the Day offers pretty calm day pretty nice out but we'll see you guys once we get a line in the water all right guys starting off with the Carolina rig it's a one ounce weight with a bead it's a barrel swivel it's a three odd circle hook and we got some nice lovely fresh dead shrimp just gonna feed my shrimp through my circle hook to where it looks like that it's all the way through and right here the bridge is a channel that runs right here directly in the middle you don't gotta cast too too far just let it hit bottom and wait for a bite there's bottom right there I don't think the current's too too strong today some days the current is really strong in here but it doesn't look too bad today Damien's throwing a double drop rig two shrimps yeah I'm using a this is a pissy fun this is a 3000 these guys actually sent me a couple more reels the other day and then I'm using a falcon seven foot six but yeah we're gonna oh I'm gonna I'm already getting bit something small yep I don't think it's a drone but I'm getting bit yeah safer yeah foreign get him get him get him get him oh really that's that's new that was Heavy really heavy yeah it's probably a drone Club I got one no he came off I guess that's crazy hey that was good to us quick bites lost my lost my shrimp there you go that works all right guys yep as soon as it gets down there bro as soon as it got down there already there's something down there don't really have to set the hook with this circle hook but it's kind of hard for me I'm not gonna lie it's just a force a habit I love setting the hood Damien's finally got the first fish first good fish yep black drum yes Damian don't reel anymore hey good job oh yeah that's what we're here for boys hold them up that is a perfect eating size right there good job Damien oh Damon's on another one that's another one same thing same thing as far as you can this one's a lot bigger yeah that's another good one cool as far as you can it's gonna feel like he's a crabs dragging it bro yeah awesome they started fighting man that's back to back Damian let's go oh man I don't got some weight very nice yeah I got I got some small hits right away yeah they're just heavy nice taking a little drag that's a that's a better one yes how many another piece of shrimp yeah that's a better one Damian nice that one's like 20. yes there you go it's a small shrimp it's like pinches literally cute and then as far as you can right yeah from that you see that yeah right out here towards that truck bed all right Damien's got two yeah they definitely started biting Damien's got two now back-to-back cast I Gotta Give me one just throwing it way out there come on I don't think I have a drum but I'm on doubled Damian's smoking me he's got three drum already I got something small he said yeah mine's not a drum you can see the drum I got a croaker I'm catching everything but the Drone it's another nice one okay yeah that was another Kroger that's a good one you see that you I searched I see I see yeah it's good I only blinked it I didn't ask the very far that's another nice one dude that's number three foreign number three for Damien limits limits five a person they got to be 14 inches 14 to 28 inches slot size all the other slot size right there it's perfect lady to the left of us has just caught one too I'm afraid of getting stuck on that thing out there I think they avoided it for me I feel like I'm stuck on it right now yeah I am oh there we go there we go I can get you out yeah I just don't want him to cut me on that thing you know yeah they'll tell you what it is it's not yeah he's out he's out yeah welcome back baby we're right it's like get him out of that area I'm just trying to get him up because he goes down right there that's I was on it already but I got off it's about the price size of the ones you caught yeah yeah he's about the size of a big one I might drive kind of loose walking you yeah I know I've been catching all these small fish man about time because I'm doing some shoulders didn't get the hooks in on camera but come we got him oh yeah we're gonna Beach him beautiful black drum boys right here yeah he's done oh watch watch the Navigator there we go finally on the board good 20 incher circle hook right in the corner of the mount look at that thing guys got one [Music] oh yeah that is a good one number two yeah one two yeah that's not your Rod bounce because I just went Slack this one feels bigger than me yeah that feels good we're almost out of shrimps got a handful of shrimp left I got the bag right there watch out watch out watch out watch out hey he saw land and he's pulling drag now dude he won't stop getting angry you know what's up black drum is so fun a light tackle man thank you this guy don't want to come in come in buddy he's fighting man oh he's rap you yes sir about the same size there he is September oh nice one right there look at that we got a couple more shrimps too right in the corner of the mountain we're gonna be in good tonight boys that's what we came out here for we wanted some fish to eat it's exactly what we got a circle hook came right out go ahead and put the Stringer on we got a one-man limit now there you go I mean the only one I did it was thank you sir yeah double baby there we go oh yeah back to back gotta keep them up that thing's right there yes sir two back to back the last couple shrimps oh yeah he's gonna run again once he sees Shore about the same size but as soon as they get like right here start taking off no I want this one yeah this one's smaller he's not small but not small my first one was small die God dang it all right I see that come this way dude oh there we go number three yes sir yes sir he's still there fighting his okay I don't recommend grabbing fish by the eyes unless you're keeping them I only do it whenever I'm keeping fish it does damage them but he's going to be on the Stringer anyways circle hook right in the mouth corner of the mouth we got six on the Stringer we got a few more shrimps hell yeah Oh Carolina rigs come on again come on again number four if I can get them in that guy's still finding his over there he got his snag he's over there under the bridge trying to get it out I'm going your way you just got to be careful because right in front of us there's like a good snag spot like you got to keep your fish up or else they get snack that's what happened to that guy it's fun on these light setups oh yeah using spinning rod yeah yeah did you realize you used to beat gaster good luck it's definitely more fun oh yeah I'll probably go underneath you just so I get out of your way I think I got one too yeah they just go with a real slow yeah man turned it around here and then these last couple shrimps I was struggling for a bit kept catching everything but a drone we're on them now I don't like land this sounds good yeah he got it I got it this one's big dude complete watch out I'm gonna go right there got another one oh it's a little bit bigger black girl baby beautiful come on [Music]
Channel: Eric C.
Views: 34,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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