Fishing for Big Cod from the beach | TAFishing

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besides I'm completely green cracking about the strip off I must have walked for 30 minutes a car on him yet they said I've still got a big walk along as bit misleading your speech is just huge so nothing because I've never been this n before I thought there but here's a little short once the pentose jobbies another Savalas better go specs there's little specs in the distance please God let it be dense it's a physical walk anymore well I walked halfway to call what I feel but I found the man yourself down here Nathan's just be highly efficient so Steve how goes it have you had any bites err Graham you missed the action you missed ugly action all together here we go so noise fish lovely look at that frying Chesil Beach Cod about four and a half pound five buck for laughter five pounds another I guess because I'm a cracking boy pulled down really hard snack line great little fire actually good scrapping the surf was um yeah I want paints out on as on a plane blow like baked just straight blow like nice big blow locally so prime example of a chairs of each cartridge agency they didn't take you no no you know it's only probably wait all day for one now all in about five minutes well so you all set up here Steve very very steep beach here looks like goes into deep water work should my setup be my preferred chasm South is a long up and over clip down pulley I like to use so hook size two O's two for us and I don't need anything massive for Colin I've got a big mouth but you'll find the bigger the hook the light they tend to get hooked I don't know why this the smaller hook they tend to take him so fairly deep uniting the back of the frightened in the corner of the mouth quite often the bait I love to use is blow lug and these they almost look like black plug they're so big it is a little spot about five minutes down the road from me I get these not very many I can get hundred of tide maybe something like that from if I'm very very lucky but they are absolutely beautiful prime cod blades as you can see what a difference three knows in a black just shows it the ordinary angular nose um black lug to me to myself never pump blacks myself I don't know in your area I think the black leather tough are bigger world I think the smells lightly different obviously allows you to freeze them yes yeah he allows you to freeze them because they got a thicker skin stuff like that you know you can you can freeze them down and a lot people salt them as well they have a tendency to something up but some people actually like blow or no boat fish in a guy he's just out fishes like ten to one he would but I'm here because the juices in it he said it's fresh juice whereas the others you know where the head to dry out in their face and they don't in the whole descent as well he's a he saying what you're doing is gutting the smell from it really to make it last longer but II to have it last in less time but smells like reduce yeah exactly so what we're going to put a few of those on a hook yeah I'll tell you use that fo for not that many its small a small bait range down here fishes that to out fishes everything really it's not a small blow like they out range and what else is out there you know you anglers just all the anglers liable to catch down here um anything really this this Beach is fried up just about everything you can think of you get John Dory down here angler fish down here you get every specie of gun as you can catch gray streets Reds tubs you get ball HUS down here a lot of dogfish a lot of power a lot of white in just about anything readers been shooting a site off your I've seen a tuner down here sort of an 80-pound bluefin cool Marco six for outboard me my friend Adam both sort and he lept into action at a live mackerel trying to slide okay I've seen a fresher jump down here my spin hundred pound class fresher just cleared the water again first light and because the deep water close in here it's the air you got very deep or close in its it's a massive expanse of beach and it and the mackerel shows you get done in the summer just immense what date did it be a Steve become that you know cast out say eighty hundred yards or probably around about 60 70 foot some another very key yeah on a big spring you I ate you foot or so so there's a large tide today so we should have quite a lot of water here and hopefully a lot of caught well fingers caught remember child it in the cord I have got a couple of mackerel a bit of squid is it worth putting that out on one would I get anything else Congress or anything you will get Congress on undulates down there they have been quite a few being caught late these days it's and cause don't you come to change yep I know it's even in the boat the cardones need to come out much on fish bites today really nice did you squiggly line do you think this time either feeding on Spratt quite often up in the war feeding on Spratt this time of the year you won't catch them all up on a fish baits that's very strange by that um my name is Nathan I've just come over to see Anglin this past year I spent most of my life carp and course fishing and fortunately for me Steve who you've seen earlier has taken me under his wing and is showing me the ropes of sea angling what we have here I've just baited up a log and black lugworm cocktail got black log frozen black log at the top here with blo lug fred it up just underneath are you going to tell us how many put on me naked - frozen blacks and five maybe six small blow log on for Oh panel setup they're definitely gonna smell it are they oh yeah that scent will get out there there's no question you're gonna know you're here yeah um so what gear do you use you know well you got into as you started when I started I had a pair of leader icon power rods I've since upgraded to these century CE curves I upgraded to them cuffs if I basically sing the fish that Steve would caught on his and I know that sentry is a good name they're going to last me a lifetime and they're going to handle any fish I'm likely to catch from all the venue style fish and you reel when you go for reading line for real wise over here I have a thousand twelve which has been mono magged by Chris Macey and line is just simple Rove X believe it's Rove X 10x in the red color for leaders I like to use the bullet tapered it's just it's something that I've confidence in and they work that's all the matters don't worry Eddie you read this some of you had a big stingray as well yeah um yeah I said it's my first year into sea angling I've had stingrays 217 pound ouch angelarts - yeah luckily it didn't sting me yeah undulates just over 11 small loads - ten and a half thorn backs nothing big with the thorn backs I've had three specimen spotted over four pounds idiot big year biggest one was four pound nine man is cod from this very venue any jewelry I absolutely love it fantastic venue you never know what it's going to throw her gather that you're gonna watch any really it's a few months ago the British record stingray came from here Oh 80-something been here around the 80-pound mark if not more I have last absolutely phenomenal and it's not a known stingray venue yeah which makes it even better get that bait in the water mate let's see you get trapped in Spain still living everyday here in the pathway I know it's hard was caught on arm double black double black lug intended for a cord but pretty things absolutely gorgeous looking fish I can feel him croaking on my hand happy going over here Holly could you get them sure chuckles got 12 pounds that stoves that sounds of British record is you know a shortcut record the chalk or Eccles pastiera 1211 pounds of I'm not filming this aim there's only a baby yeah pretty degrade very big you know my favorite fish the capsulate absolutely stunning when I'm gone I'll be back someday to keep searchin okay just let's go over I'm my Cod rig I like to use down chisel it's an up and over clip down you start with a geminal a quick clip with the little upturn hook on the end of it I'm not sure they call Explorer make the Gemological clip not very long rig body really soft I don't know two and a half foot maybe so another tooth two foot long coming down to breakaway pulley bead I am I like these mainly because this 100-pound rig body hundred pounds quite strong but with the pulley bead it doesn't fray the line and it has a tendency to trap the line in quite a wide angle rather than on a swivel or a normal quick clip which has tended to cut into the line I've had the rig body go on the car several times running down to an imp which I like for bigger baits it just just holds the the hook in play stops it from coming on clipped which it can do on the impact shield sometimes just help keep it in place for the cast and then I have a double bead a double loonie be the luminous beat not because they glow in the dark but because they're quite soft bead and they make a very very good buffer for the not running down to a Gemini 80-pound swivel I have a small length of tubing just as a neat angle in the tire doesn't run in very strong because with an up and over and there's no tide has a tendency to to land in a ball but with the small piece of silicon tubing it just helps kick it waist like this all just stops it from turning them the hooklink itself is double the length of the but the rigged body itself but with this where it's free sliding even if you lose it lose the hook or you cut looks off just to change them quickly you know it's free sliding you see it doesn't matter if you're clinks ten inches shorter you can you can continue clicking it up and using it and nobody I want to talk about with the upper Novus it's calling up an over rig for a reason the hooklink itself comes up to the top clip the top clip there over the top like that so this hooks over the top and then down to Eva the IMP or the impact shield is up to you whichever one you want to use but I like to use the empty myself holes hook into place so in theory as that hits the water the impact shield will go up like so the hook link will drop down getting up with a nice long blowing trace on the bottom as such when the fish picks the book when it was nothing about touch up as well on this rig when the fish picks the bay up the problem with fixed rigs is as soon as they pick the bay up their intention in tied with this and the bow of your line it's free sliding the fish has a chance to sort of pick it up and move off a little bit I find the cod down here especially seems to be a little bit deeper hooked on this rig because they pick it up and they get a chance to take it down and move off with it hooks you don't anything huge for cod I've never used a big bigger unhook Ricard mainly cuz ain't munchies blow lab baits this itself I use a free oh very vast cheenu which is a very small sharp very very sharp and strong little hook and on the bottom a free eye or a four oak Amazon is all I like to use for the worms themselves because when you fish and blow load bait if you have a big hook you struggle to fit over the eye of the hook or over them they're not itself just tears the beta part in ends up blowing up my god it's a Pollock what an earth happened to me no one right always a big whiting what about that going off the beach I just looked very thin well actually look at the song whose head compared with the rest of the body there big big mouth on it I put a piece of mackerel on tipped off on the log were small hooks with our old Tony's tackle rigs here got the little flash of ease on them there and you can see they're in a sequence here where I'll tell you what breezy that's Pollock for goodness sake that is a nice palette and pleased with that one just just cast on the edge of the foam you know where they talking about the foam coming in close I thought I've got a casting close because the phones in closer what a good result had a feeling that might be in close to this deep water let's get this guy back you you my chosen SAP for fishing chisel beach at the moment I've um I upgraded my rod slightly I now fish with a pair of T 1000s century eliminated t 1000s they're absolutely lovely rods phenomenal rods I can't complain a local thing they're very stiff but they're not they've got cracking boy detection loads and loads of power through the blank if you want to lean fish out of rocks or if you want put a big bay at big range is why I like them for fishing bigger baits at long-distance reels I use a pair of diverse artists black and gold's in 30 size 20 size I find two narrower like the 30 size wider spawn more fun room 9 at the moment I'm using 24 pound robux XT it's it's quite fitting for what it is it does that does catch the tide though that's the only issue and the tides roaring through you led will bump out apart from that I can't fault the line it's extremely tough very strong very good for Leonar snags as well and snack free time today and just pulled it out and bend the hooks out so I can't complain it's only this one in for a safe change like I have a mouth new bass here we go my first as a bus on bait for a little while I was quite the stamp you'll expect along here welcome nonetheless cracking little bats and big ones along you in the summer I gave nor years some very big bass along here in the summer and in the winter I know several doubles so far this year so a couple of crackers along with on big fish baits you know generally a big fish big fast motion and some baits and stuff like that people eat up trying to target a I'm a big part of the Congress up like that and then we tend to pick them up but there's a nice little by-product efficient worm bait things come and go and see if people are just stir I've had to come back I was talking to Steve about tacky they come sit down you asked me why you need to sit down go shouldn't you be fishy he's just told me how much those rods cost I said they look fairly expensive rods here Steve I bet they're a couple of hundred pounds each nearly now six hundred pounds each retail that's 1,200 pound for his rods without the reels god annoys me terrified there break and I think those things will ever break I shouldn't ever break those that's what you need that type of specialist equipment forget now long distance Big Basin long distance that's where he case you so many fish me while me I'm just throwing out my trusty fix calls yes struggling but enjoying it that's what it's all about and I know yet because I put some small hooks back out there we can refresh space because it's getting dust to be dark soon so I've hung out there a half a Mac halt taller three-quarters the way out before Congress in case could get some big grab hold it who knows if the other guys hang another cord down there I will change over the week and just go to worms but who knows what we're going to catch on that Tony or some fishing show something thinking no love me me like a voodoo puff it out of Pisa wanna find you baby when I find you I'm gonna I am watching me back all right the real good one number two that fishery yeah taken blow a beautiful fresh good brightly you did yeah give a cracking thump and then slackline since I picked some different into I knew it was tragic I'm funky air straightaway love it Cod lovely people watching it oh yeah a Happy Camp they gone over here you have frump on this beach here over the years the biggest I've seen is 24 but I know the few sort of the high poly tiny pound mark I know in here yeah around the Holly twenties no probably knows as well down the hatch great fit on Wow dusty Sephora skies and here is the culprit of the rod rattling many of you know him well he is called Peter pouting he can be very good when used for conga at night even a cub might take that one to be honest I think they make fish cakes out of them bigger ones in this obviously but that's the pout in at least you give me a rod rack and a bit of a bite now we're going to keep it and y'all just no put it back don't need for bait already got half a mackerel out there put it back out and I think these might start come on now it's done there we go guys here's the night shift take it over to show you these to see them that's a penalty plenty out there no problem at all but if you were one to catch a big Cod well use fish a live bait rig you just fish one hook here like this with this little chap tethered on there were more men and leave a bigger hook up here unbated and along comes the cod or indeed the congo in the bass engulfs this and take the big hook as well it's a standard method of fishing for big Cod it does work but obviously I don't have that extra big hook on there I hope you've enjoyed watching totally awesome fishing show you've seen a couple of really nice cold caught by Steve this I'm probably gonna give it another hour and then it's going to be the big March back to the car which I am NOT looking forward to followed by a three hour drive home hopefully two and a half and not falling asleep at the wheel so
Channel: TA Fishing
Views: 464,441
Rating: 4.7413435 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing (TV Genre), Cod (Organism Classification), winter, beach, fishing, shore, angling, Chesil Beach (Tourist Attraction), chesil, big cod, huge, giant, tips, rigs, baits, casting, long distance, surf, epic, surf beach, graeme pullen, mike pullen, tafishing, awesome, totally awesome fishing, show
Id: DzwItaXB-IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2015
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