Fishing 100' DEEP with SQUID! Until my ARMS were SORE!

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yo everybody welcome back this is Stephen with Bama saltwater fishing we're sitting out on a reef out here in the Gulf of Mexico it's about 70 foot deep give or take and we're going to be fishing with some squid so I just have a little double drop high low rig chicken rig whatever you want to call it I call it a refishing rig for Triggerfish beeliners mangrove snapper these are five alt circle hooks on each dropper loop with 30 pound leader and a four ounce Bank Sinker these are all ready to go tied up on Bama if you want to check them out and get you some today I'm throwing this on a Daiwa saltus mq this is an 8 000 size reel 40 pound braid and a star plasma 2 7 foot heavy power Rod let's prep our bait and drop it down and see what we can catch so all I've done today is go to the tackle shop and buy this quart of squid these are whole squid see check it out and the first thing I want to do let's take these tentacles those are my favorite part to catch fish with so I'm going to set those aside we want small pieces most of these fish are after today have smaller mouths someone take the sore bait knife it's a five inch and open the squid up we're gonna make it flat as we can just like that and what I do is I take all this stuff and toss it overboard of some Chum now if you've never seen a Squid's backbone before this is it I believe someone had mentioned it's called a quill which makes sense it kind of feels like a plastic straw but it's not plastic that's the Squid's backbone which they're not really bones but just a colloquial term pretty cool so now that we Chom the water a little bit with that we have a nice flat piece of squid and I'm just going to cut it up into strips about one inch wide see there's a nice squid strip and I'm going to cut that one in half even more so see I have two pieces of squid right there that's about the size you want for these type of fish and you can get a lot of bait out of one whole squid now they do sell squid strips separately but I like taking the whole squid and doing it this way a little bit better all I'm going to do with that tentacles take my circle hook and just run it straight through one time just like that see that's ready to go have another hook down on the bottom let's put that other tentacle down there once again boom and we're baited up ready to go just like that doesn't take much to do some simple fishing so let's go ahead drop this down and see what we can catch I'm down in some hard bottom I am marking some fish there's a little bit of relief there check that out that's what we want to see we can keep trigger fish we can keep beeliners mangrove snapper really the only thing we can't keep right now are amberjack and red snapper and certain grouper species but that four ounce weight's down on the bottom all I did was just reel in my slack so my bait's right below me and we're already getting a nibble all right we have our first fish on find out what this is going to be circle hooks all you do is just start reeling put some pressure on the line majority time to hook themselves and we have a nasty Remora that's our first fish not really a fish I intended to catch but it is a fish nevertheless these are kind of cool they stick on sharks big race Cobia any big fish but see they have that sucker on their head look these things will even stick to your arm see how he's kind of stuck there it's time to let him go that was cool those are kind of pest but at least that's a fish nevertheless you never know what you're gonna pull up out here I've pulled up octopus before small grouper bunch of different stuff down there we're getting another nibble all right we have our first decent feeling fish Sean on that whole squid body that didn't take long dang all right typically I like fishing with real light tackle but when you have dolphin and sharks and the reef to contend with and I plan on keeping fish I'm using this heavy setup so we're gonna bring this up I was hoping it was a big trigger fish but this is a red snapper an American red snapper pretty little thing that would be a keeper in the season but it's not in season there's a lot of them out here pretty thing let's get them back we're in pretty shallow water he doesn't need venting there you go straight down the bottom he didn't suffer from any Bearer trauma which is usually when their stomach's protruding because their swim bladder is so full from coming in deep deep water you need to use a decennial device or venting tool which I have both and you're required to have at least one on board along with your D hooker when refishing and along with using non-stainless circle hooks I'm glad he spit up my squid I get to reuse it so one Remora one American red snapper there we go a hard puller there very hard fighter [Music] it's kind of circling up I don't know that might be our fish we're after nope another red big old red snapper too look at that tired of feeding dolphin well I'm catching nothing but a bunch of red snapper here the bottlenose dolphins start showing up I don't want to feed them I'm going to move a little bit deeper so I just came out to much deeper water 112 foot but look at that huge structure lots of marks up on top big old structure down there I know we're going to catch something now we're baited back up again with some of this nasty stinky squid see what happens getting a nibble we have a fish on in the deeper water there's usually a lot of b-liners and mangrove snapper that sit on this spot let's get them up foreign oh yeah first fish to keep on Deck this is a beeliner also named a Vermilion snapper they're very very good to eat there's no opened or closed season on them and they only have to be 10 inches to land you allow 10 per person look at that thing they're beautiful little things they got small mouths but there's that a phenomenal eating and tasting fish Spike them bleed them out throw them in the cooler so he's in the cooler and I got my bait back from them that's what I like right there let's get it back down usually when you catch one of those there's gonna be a whole bunch with it okay we just had something nice just grab it and run with it we're gonna bring this up feels a little big if it's a B liner it's a big one but I've also doubled up on them before too since this has two baits down there double your chances of getting fish hmm see what this is what are you I see you you're not gonna believe this can't believe it I'm going to show you all this because this is dumb I just called a hard head catfish I'm 20 miles offshore and catch a big old hard head catfish and his belly's fat it's got Barrel trauma can't stand these things but I do like to respect nature so he's going to go back can't believe I just caught the trashiest saltwater fish of all time is a hard head catfish crazy Kobe I do like eating them when they're smaller and a lot of other fish will eat them too but Kobe especially or Ling they like to eat smaller hard heads and sell cats you can find them in their bellies but this one's pretty big he's been living a good life down there slimy nasty things now I've cooked a saltwater catfish a few of them the cell cat or the Gaff top sell catfish those are actually not bad the hard head's a little bit different they're very mushy their fins hurt they don't even look cool at least the cell caps look cool hopefully we don't catch another junk fish but a fish is a fish it's fun either way there's a fish that might be our b-liner it's not pulling any drag so it's something kind of small I hope it's a B liner or sand perks those things are good too but we're gonna get it up this one I had all the way down at the bottom oh yeah look how pretty these things are super red they got those bright red eyes they're very easy to distinguish against a red snapper too especially because they're mouth they have little teeth that you can actually touch if you want to they are kind of Pokey but you wouldn't ever stick your finger in a red snapper and you don't really want to do it on these but I'm going to measure him and if he keeps he's going in the cooler on the squid so now I have two beeliners at least that's something to take home I got my bait back luckily Squid's a tough material too it toughens up all right we got another one hooked up hopefully it's a bigger B liner trigger fish mangrove oh wait hopefully it's one of them things so we can keep oh man that's a stud B liner wow y'all that's exactly what I came out here for that is a big old beeliner or Vermillion Snapper having a cooler full of those is awesome look at that thing I was about to move spots again but man if there's a whole school of these things down there that's what we want we don't want to have to measure them we want them to be for sure Keepers what an awesome catch so those things aren't the biggest fish in the water but man do they taste delicious and it's something you can keep year-round that anyone can do if you have a way of getting out here he gave me some squid back and I'm just going to throw that back on the hook see if we can get another one that size there's another one I hope it's another one of those big Vermillion snapper those are awesome love catching them that big he's kind of fighting back oh yeah got a little bit of weight to it can't see them there we go that's what I'm after that's it right there you gotta love it he's gonna go in the cooler I know y'all love seeing fish being kept on the channel I do a lot of Catch and Release but when you come out here spend the gas money bait and pull these fish out from their home and they taste so good you bet I'm gonna throw it in the coolers it's March beautiful weather and we're catching fish to keep so there's another squid baited up let's get them back down I think I found some beeliners something's pecking at it oh and try grabbing it it's a pretty big bait down there they have small mouths but you throw a big bait typically you're going to catch some bigger ones oh something with a little more power to it it actually wants to fight back we're gonna get them up it'd be nice ifills that look two pound B liner nope that's a red snapper see they definitely look different than the B liners the more you look at them and the more you see they're much wider body they're not as red their mouth shape is different it would be a keeper if the season was in but see you buddy well that's why I fought a little harder because I was a red snapper another fish some weight to it come on now you gotta love this type of fishing get bites all the time oh man yeah [Music] there's another one of them stud B liners look at that big old fish that's what I'm talking about he is for sure going home with us that's a good one right there that's why I didn't leave yet because I know these are down there I really haven't been catching that many red snapper I caught the one I just showed you but dang look at the tail on that sucker that's a good one we got a tail and just like that it's another fish certainly once you get one fired up normally the others will follow suit now when that water gets warmer I actually come and Chum these things up and sight fish for them but this is another nice b-liner not quite the stud that we caught before but that's a nice average size beeliner there we go that's what I'm talking about this is a ruby red lips I'll show you why these are edible there's no size limit on them they make really good amberjack and grouper bait but see why they call them ruby red lips look at that they have a big old mouth and it's got that red inside pretty cool fish I caught one today so add that to the species list and it goes back strong the current is today see my squid down there it looks like it's swimming it looks alive that's why I think it works so well has a nice scent to it someone have to drop down this jig down here golly wow hmm something Smack That jig gosh come on put the slow pitch Rod to work wow that's insane what a hard fighter no these slow pitch rods look real light and that's because they are but they're designed that way the rod really bends and flexes so to impart some really good action onto your jigs a little bit different than your vertical high-speed jigging shot and that's a jack there we go decent one at that oh that's a good one these are out of season two but he did eat that jig these are your Amber Jack they get a lot bigger than this but even this size fights like crazy it's insane so he's going to go back real quick but the Jacks they're very easy you just kind of jet them down rushes the water through skills and he's gone as long as you get them up fast I don't think I want another Jack but I would like to see what other kind of bottom species are hanging around that will eat The Jig hello I'm saying these rods are very very light they look like a bass rod but they're designed that way for a reason it really imparts some good action onto that jig and then it allows you to have that parabolic bend or that Rod you notice has been over double and then you can pump it and fight the fish up with the Reel now on these jigs typically you tie onto that solid ring because a lot of them are going to have a split ring a couple hooks or on some of them you tie to this side and you tie a little loop knot but if you ever have one like this on most butterfly jigs you want to tie to that solid ring because if this weight comes off you're still attached to that fish with the hook because that's what the hooks attach to or if your split ring stretches out you'll still have the fish I've used up all of my squid I'm actually going to put on some fish bites these are the fishing chunks in the squid flavor these are a lot bigger than the ones that you would typically use for surf fishing let's see if we can catch something on them okay so our fish bites is down there it's going to slowly dissolve and get that scent out is that all we need it is a trigger fish on the fish bites is it going to be a keeper oh man that one might not Keith it might keep I don't know we got to measure it but they love this stuff they have to be 15 inches from the tip of their mouth to the middle of their tail or the fork in their tail 14 inch fish he's got to go back but I did catch one so here we go you just needed to be one more inch well they're going the other way instead of getting bigger it got a little smaller [Music] but he's down there going to get a nice healthy release on him there we go I got some nasty teeth there we go on The Jig I love jigging incredibly fun what do we have oh we have a lane snapper that's a keeper Lane those are very good to eat they only have to be eight inches so he definitely makes it really nice yellow stripes going through very good eating he's going to go in the cooler with us as well and join his other buddies I tied on a different jig this is a Daiwa Saltiga FK jig it's a 140 gram and the orange and glow color flying fish flying fish I don't know what chasing it something was so that squid out here well that was neat oh have something on the squid I threw out towards that flying fish with that nomad vertrex and now I have something what are you let's see is that a Cobia nope just a big Remora okay remember how I said this Remora can get bigger there's a decent one these are crappy fish I've already showed you how they stick to things so I'm gonna get this squid tracks out and get this slimy Joker back they're so slimy there we go I think they're kind of cool though you gotta have fun fishing you know when you go out every day like I do you don't have to go out and try hard and stress yourself to get a Target species at least that's what I tell myself you just go out enjoy this nature like this enjoy the fight it's fun no matter what you catch now there are a lot of times where I go out with a specific goal but today I was just go out if I catch a legal trigger hey try to get some b-liners which I did so I'm happy with that and uh the rest is just for fun I thought I was hung up for a second what is that no that's gotta be huge probably a big snapper I thought I was hung up on the bottom that was awesome little I thought I was stuck on the reef until it started fighting back now I'm in the battle with the giant here um that I just hope I can get my eyes on that's all I ask for now I don't even know what it is I just know it took off like crazy um I just want to get to my Top Shot it didn't want to come up all that line I just got back um that's insane y'all I hope you're excited and have as much anxiety as I do right now about this because I don't know what it is there's my Top Shot oh I just saw it what is shark it's a shark really give me my jig back you big dummy that's what it was I'm gonna try to get my jig back that's not going to be very fun I need that jig got my little handy dandy D hooker I don't like dealing with these things by myself because they're tough they're tough critter he has a little Remora on him what kind of shark are you a black nose kind of looks like a Blackness shark not what I look forward to here give me my jig it's right there he's got two hooks in them get his head out well I guess we're gonna bring him on death anyway well I got him on Deck not what I wanted to do but I need my jig back and I want to make sure he's left without any hooks in them as well okay on top of his head and I see there we go got my jig back got the hook out of this beauty Pretty Little Critter and we're gonna show you to the camera and let you go got him there we go y'all check this thing out I'm glad I was able to get my jig back and get the hook out of this cool little Joker I want to get them back as quick as I can now that I showed him to the camera here we go get out of here big dummy that was tough did not expect that to be honest which there's always expect unexpected when fishing salt water but that's why I like throwing a jig I've caught so much stuff on these jigs but I was glad I was able to get that back that will die with Jake strong and my leader would didn't get in his mouth I'm impressed [Music] all right so awesome Springtime early spring Gulf of Mexico finally got some cold weather to get out it was beautiful thank you Lord for putting all this there for us it's awesome and then When Storms Come Through It can be complete opposite so let's make our way back I'll see y'all back at the ramp man it is dark I've cleaned up I got oh no oh no what's up buddy oh you're a good boy you know some of those fish I caught today were bigger than you are buddy if you haven't met Ono we have two dogs we have Bobo who's inside sleeping he's our Shih Tzu and then Ona is our newest puppy and he's a little Australian shepherd mixed with the mini Australian Shepherd and he likes to get into trouble are you a good boy huh are you gonna go fishing with us when you get bigger I think you are well y'all I hope you have fun hope you enjoy these longer videos I have been posting some shorts that's not the end to longer videos trust me those are just highlights from previous videos I've done just help you get through the day and get through the week while I'm editing and filming and all that to get these long episodes for you I'm sure some of y'all have noticed that I appreciate each and every one of y'all for watching smash that subscribe button amazing absolutely amazing to see the growth of the channel so cool and I cannot wait to continue growing with y'all 100 000 is not the end it's just a stepping stone towards being able to share and teach fishing to everyone so we'll see you on the next band with saltwater fishing video I want to thank the good Lord up above for everything he does for us as always we'll see you later oh he's fast he's fast he's quick ain't he he doesn't want to be caught there you go buddy we gone
Channel: Bama Saltwater
Views: 265,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing
Id: erc6NwuetBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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