First Wash in 20 Years: ABANDONED Camaro RS! | Car Detailing Restoration

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we found this Camaro RS sitting in a field for the last 20 years untouched which has caused all the white paint to turn green from Moss but after completely soaking the paint into Greaser this became one of the most satisfying pressure watching videos we've ever made but RJ do you think we could save it I don't know how we're getting this out well you heard him but let's find out more about it we drove all the way to Cincinnati for that a 1992 Camaro that's been sleeping for a really really long time I think that's the owner said that it's been here for the last 14 years the prior owner abandoned it after some legal issues and uh this is where it sat and you could totally tell cuz a look at the clearance on the bumper I was like oh that that wheel's got to be flat walked around to this side the wheel's not flat it's just underground this is the rim the rim is underground so we have this much these are big tires we have this much Tire under the ground right now Brent did you see this side already and you didn't tell me about this you can't even tell what color it is there's so much Moss look at this crazy growth pattern too it's like weird squiggle lines if anyone knows what these little squiggle lines are like I don't know if those are like mites or something that eat the Moss off the car and that's the pattern that they make or what but I've never seen this on a car we've done a lot of Mossy cars but that's a first oh boy uh man they always smell like this I don't know why but they always smell like this you see these Mike's going to love these D we can put it on a Shaco or maybe his S4 all right well I guess it's time for us to figure out how we're going to get this thing out of here so while I was pulling out the winch RJ had to get on the ground and connect a monkey ball underneath the car to be able to start pulling it out of its tomb and check out how much Moss is on this one mirror it's completely taking over the car we have to clean it and as the Camaro got pulled out of its ditch for the first time you can see the wheels also got completely eaten up by Vines but I want to ask the question of the video so leave your answers in the comments below it's clear this thing is in super rough shape even after we clean it up there's no guarantee it's not rusted in the engine will run so do you think this is more of a parts car or or should it be back on the road let me know what you think down below all right Mike rubbish yeah you ready to see Joe dirs Camaro RS6 Camaro I'm excited I can see the corner of it it looks terrible from here Tada it looks great with a with the green all on it though do you like it rumpy is that is that the garbage company it's it's rumpy Mountain Boys stop yeah this may have been like a you didn't pay us wow this thing is rough bro it's an RS car but it has a lot of the stylings of the Z28 the big the big front lip and then the hood obviously so I don't know if that you were able to buy an RS with that package but possibly like a m car today you get like the M series cars or like you know instead of an Audi S4 you get a4s line with all the pretty stuff on it it might be something like that right right you know all the guys that drive m340 the m340 wait hang on How does it go the M3 M3 this is crazy though I can't believe it's fully everybody always takes these cars apart all these old cars are always missing stuff so the outside's like complete complete check out the inside Mike you got to use your muscle yeah there you go oh my gosh this gnarly how's it smell it's you know bad but not that bad I see there was already just like a big old nest over there we could keep these I can get waa dude you're driving this baddy with the USA protective glasses put them on dude I I can't do that on mik you can put them on oh man I don't need these dude they're gross this is all gross very very gr oh dude all right ready oh Bel Buckle dude okay I like that you riding a big Harley with that on what is this even for it's got like Springs on it it's your new belt buckle buddy okay I get SP Buckle but like what was this actually meant for whoever this thing was freaking I know rock and roll dude sick I think first plan of action is vacuum the outside of the car yeah we'll get off all the big debris and then we'll start on the outside it could be yours it could highly likely not be my V6 automatic Camaro so like RJ just said we're going to get all the debris off the car vacuum it off and we haven't even popped the hood yet we know there's probably a good chance there's a lot in there so we're going to open that as well check out the engine and clean that off [Music] too [Music] [Music] so here we are under the hood of the Camaro we had to open this up to clean some of this debris out of here there's quite a lot but this is a Camaro RS it's got a 3.1 l V6 not the most impressive thing in the world obviously the SS or the irck car had a you know big old V8 in it not even that big of a V8 a small block but a lot of people swap these over whether you do a LS motor or a 383 or something which would be really cool I want to know what you would put in this car I mean it's still all dirty and I'm sure it's going to come out great in a little bit but this motor is something that probably would have to go sadly we don't have a key for this car but uh I'm going to see if this motor is unlocked if it is we might have Ray come help us out to see if we we can get this thing fired up be pretty cool um let me grab some tools and I'm going to see if we can crank this guy over so let's give it a shot here now this thing's been sitting for what is it FR like 20 years you said yeah you said like 19 jeez that okay good luck that's a lot oh no no I don't I don't think this one's going to go that was a lot of pressure no I do not think so this is one is uh you not eat your breakfast okay I did not have breakfast today but that if I if I crank on that anymore I'm either going to blow this apart or blow the head of that apart so so this engine's seized this engine is definitely seized up um but again these are candidates for you know swaps so this 3.1 L V6 that made like I don't even know I think it's like 150 horsepower somewhere in there it did not make a lot of power and uh anybody who would want to fully restore one of these this would not be their first choice per se we got to clean this all out of here get the vacuum kind of get some of the stuff out of the way so I could clean up the bay a little [Music] [Music] bit now with the engine B vacuumed out we're going to start pressure washing off the car but first deeg greasing everything with our new purro allpurpose cleaner HD then we could safely start breaking up some of the organic material on the surface of the paint and you'll see after 20 years how it washes away almost all of it and then whatever's left over that's embedded into the paint we'll use it again with our microfiber mits and get the rest of it and if you guys are in the market for for an allpurpose cleaner that's safe on any surface on your exterior or on your interior the link is in the top of the description try out [Music] Puro [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now moving on of the wheels we're going to start by pulling all the vines out of them then spraying them off applying Puro to the tires and then iron remover to the rims and with an assortment of brushes we're able to get it off and the one thing that we tried every single thing that we have in our Arsenal to get off that we could not get off these tires were these live Vines we still have the car so if you guys have any tips for us to get them off leave a comment below we're still trying to figure it out it's almost like they attached themselves to the Rubber and became one with it and we cannot remove [Music] them and just for fun I thought I'd show you a little test Mike and I were doing we wanted to see how the cleaning would work with Puro on one spot and then just water on another just to see how good the product actually is and you can see that it was definitely necessary to use I don't think I need to say much more because when we go over both spots the dirt came off of where the Puro was used and it would not come off of where it wasn't it was a pretty fun experiment and a lot of people always comment how we could clean these cars with only water and we wanted to see if that was true or false Mike clearly sprayed one side of the dirt and then the other and you definitely need a pre-rinse on a car like this or any car really but Puro works really good for stuff like this and it's safe on your [Music] paint [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] go [Music] now for the back like I said earlier all this dirt's embedded in the paint so what we're going to do is apply more to Greaser and then take microfiber mths and really work it in and agitate it and then spray it all away and it's going to get all of it [Music] out [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh and finally we're going to hit the roof and if you consistently watch our videos you know we only do that because we don't want to ruin the shots on the rest of the car but if you don't consistently watch our videos you should probably start now and you can also subscribe to our channel so you don't miss any future [Music] videos [Music] now into the engine bay with just a little bit of Degreaser watch how much this makes a [Music] difference [Music] you [Music] com [Music] oh and now it's time to remove this rear decal with a razor and because it's wet it actually made it a lot easier to get off but normally you'd have to use heat to get it off because heat helps release the bond of the [Music] adhesive all right we're going to pull the seats out of the car and then I have many many surprises for you Mike I haven't seen in this car really yet besides the mess I can see here but let me get the seat out of here here and we'll explore one thing that's very nice is these seats are lightweight and it protects our back cuz you know what they say you lift with your back not your legs protects your back don't listen to him we have a lot of surprises for you Mike yesterday I had to go through a treacherous journey in order to get the the the trunk to open so I got you a new belt sander I actually kind of need this yeah it's a black and wait is it a black and Dagger no do matter it's a skill classic baby this pretty cool American Spirit I know oh I didn't open it I didn't open it I didn't open it not open I didn't open it all right this is the pie of St this is I mean is so tiny it's pretty cute what I really want to show you Mike is it looks like they were trying to replace the fuel pump on this car which I believe is is behind the back seat yeah probably access as over there yeah do you want to see their incredible craftsmanship are you ready sure holy no man this is just like okay Chevy did this me and my buddy did a S10 once before and Chevy doesn't put a relief Port so a lot of people don't want to drop it they just cut them up like this this is incredible craftmanship do you know who would do something like this I don't know dude this is no you know who would do something like this who would do it all right me did you do this no absolutely not what do you thought I was getting frisky last night I know maybe you want to change the fuel pump I would love to know have any of you in the comments working on these like ' 80s 9s Chevys ever just cut the body to do this because I've I've seen this kind of thing before it's ridiculous I thought you would really enjoy this dude I love it I I'm so glad I had no idea he's like there's a surprise I was like okay what are we going to find here that's funny that's really funny I have a couple of things that I'm not sure we're going to find yet because I haven't been in the car uh this in depth yet so this mat is destroyed we got a bunch of pieces parts and uh this brother that bandana no no it's not going on my head man I'll put a lot of nasty stuff in my head this this is saved they have taken hold of the old steering wheel this a Beau oh my god I didn't even know that was back there I hope nothing's in here it feels really light I don't know huh that's gross that's a really big one that is a really big nest three door number one let's see is there anything cool number one oh boys there's a picture of sheep there a lot of tools in this car yeah including you and Mike oh dude stop this BR in the corner Brent every time Brent makes fun of us he's going in the corner from now on your new nickname is Bully BR I'm going we're who is this this guy Barry mow I don't know Audio Slave oh that's that's pretty sweet is it not going to lie I don't think I know Audio Slave you don't know Audio Slave do you guys like Audio Slave I don't know Audio Slave dude you're about to get roasted Audio Slave is huge what's the best Audio Slave song If you know Audio Slave and you like him he's a big audio file I'm surprised you're not uh familiar I I just there's a lot of music in the world man it doesn't come with a glove box you know not a great design GL box is kind of nice where are they going to put your gloves where do I put my gloves all right well there's a lot of garbage I mean there's a lot of valuable items that Mike's going to reduce reuse and recycle but we're going to throw a lot of it away and uh get to vacuuming still looks this is unopen here this is good stuff Michael here is our this is our milk CR garbage can no that's not a garbage can it's Michael sometimes you have to throw things out it's okay you just want to pollute our Earth our mother earth dude Mike do we need to talk about the rabbit rear hatch that you can't let go of dude I can totally chop this off and make a sick belt you know I can oh this is gas and brake pedal dude for sure cuz the this is the wide brake pedal and this is the gas pedal I think something went on my nose dude should we put this on your M2 I think it would be sick you ruin everything come on brother and now after we messed around for a while and got everything out of the car it's time to finally vacuum it and let me know if you want to see more of us doing this kind of stuff in the videos where it's more candid or if you just want to see the normal type of videos where I cut a lot of that [Music] out [Music] down down [Music] [Music] down [Music] [Music] all right so I'm here with the driver's seat of the car and I kind of noticed that there's some DIY action going on similar to what we found in the back of the Comm but I haven't pulled this off yet just seeing the little bit of tape makes me think that this is going to be uh quite the sight to see so we'll get this gross cover off here and see what this repair looks like wow high end whenever you are repairing a seat be sure to use duct tape cuz duct tape is good and also I'm not sure when I think is duct tape out of Ohio too duck tape yeah duck tape not duck duck like a duck cuz this is duct tape yeah yeah this is uh this is nice peel back of the layers here o man this is some Hightech work should we duct tape the uh the the metal fabrication in there too you know oh they did duct tape here too I didn't even seen this last time I think that guy might have also done that as well we threw away the duct tape it was in the trunk I had it in my hand dude I had it in my hand we threw away the culprit what do you man we got to fish it out so we can repair it dude rats it's still in the trash can you love jumping in the it's raining outside I'm not going to jump through this but we're going to get these seats cleaned up so to clean the seats first we're going to take these horrible seat covers off and you can see what they left on the seat beneath them and we're going to use our tornador which is compressed air to blow that all away and in the staining leftover after that we're going to use just a spritz of Puro and let it soak in and then use our extractor to suck it away and that's it and you can even see the red and the seats come back to life [Music] again [Music] and while we have the extractor out let's get the carpet done in the same way with a little bit of extractor soap so everything can dry at the same time before the seats go back in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] car [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and for all the Plastics and vinyl all we need is some Puro and a magic eraser and we'll make it look as good as [Music] new [Music] oh and back to the exterior the first thing we're going to do is a two-step polish to bring back that depth and shine of the [Music] paint then we're going to use some four o steel wool and metal polish and bring these exhaust tips back to life because they do not look [Music] good and the final things we do are dress the tires and put a ceramic sealant on the paint but if you enjoyed the video thank you for watching please like And subscribe because we have some insane finds that we just found you do not want to miss them because they're going to break the internet make sure you're subscribed and we'll see you next [Applause] [Music] week [Music] back [Music] around what goes around comes back WR
Channel: WD Detailing
Views: 470,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wd detailing, car detailing business, car detailing, the detail geek 2, the detail geek, stauffer garage, asmr, deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, detailing, corvette, satisfying video, satisfying, extractions, barn find, abandoned barn find, ammo nyc, car interior cleaning, barn find restoration project, interior car detailing, barn find camaro, camaro restoration, iroc z, mad detailing, car cleaning, robby layton, camaro barn find, camaro iroc, camaro rs
Id: sncm2dqsZig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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