First Turnabout - REAL Lawyer Plays Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Blind) | VOD Cut - Episode 1

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[Music] so I will be doing this just like I would normal day terms of Oh time in the courtroom coat off you're not in the courtroom all right so we're gonna play game one because it's a trilogy and I have not played any of them this is a blind playthrough I have no idea what the game plays no idea in the slightest let's get into it and see well find a guess we're going to represent the sockless individual no idea who that woman is and man does that other do look like a shady character oh the lady's a dead person [Music] Oh is somebody still in like him let me get the night she did it dependent Lobby that's very interesting boy am i nervous right oh I achieved actually its give her the the perceived ooh I'm glad I made it on time well I have to say Phoenix I'm impressed good big not everyone takes on a murder trial right off the bat like this it says a lot about you and your clients as well um thanks actually it's because I owe him a favor favor you mean you need to defend it before this case yes actually I kind of hold my current job tonight he's one of the reasons I became an attorney well that's news to me I wanna help him out any way I can I just really want to help him I own that much over my life everything it's all over wait is that your client screaming over there yeah it's death despair oh I'm gonna do it I'm gonna die sounds like he wants to die umm oh yeah [Music] dick hey hey there Larry dude I'm so guilty tell them I'm guilty give me that give me the distance I ain't afraid to die what what's wrong Larry dude's name is Larry whoo it's all over I've unfinished finished I can't live in a world of powder I get who who took your way from me Nick who did this Oh Nick you gotta tell me who took my baby away the person responsible for your girlfriend's death the newspapers say it was you my name is Phoenix Wright here's the story my first case is a fairly simple one is it really a murder simple a young woman was killed in her apartment the guy they arrested was the unlucky SAP dating her Larry Butz my best friend since grade school our school of saying when something smells it's usually the butts in the 23 years I've done if it's usually good true he has a knack for getting himself in trouble one thing I could say though it's usually not his fault he just has terrible luck I know better than anyone that he's a good guy hard and I own one which is why I took the case to clear his name and that's just what I'm gonna do yeah that lady was that Court is now in session the trial of mr. Larry Butz the prosecution is ready your honor the defense is ready your honor Oh mr. rat just your first trial is it now yes your honor I'm a little nervous the conduct during this trial will decide the fate of your client murder is a serious charge for your clients sake I hope you can control your nerves that's kind of [ __ ] up for the judge just call you out like that I have never seen a judge call somebody out for it for it being their first trial or court hearing or whatever thank you thank you your honor [Music] mr. right given the circumstances I think we should have a test to ascertain your readiness [Music] wait what's hey that beard doesn't give him the ability to be a jackass know how long maybe it does yes your honor [Music] well that's Larry Butz Your Honor I mean he's right next to me not a [ __ ] idiot correct just keep your wits about you and you'll be clean you'll do fine next question this is a murder trial tell me what's the victim's name Hilary then I read the case report cover to cover somebody trust it's no no wait I forgot I'm drawing a total Blake here my god Phoenix are you absolutely sure you're up to this you don't even know the victim's name yeah he should be chastised for this oh I just forgot temporarily I think I feel a migraine coming on look the victim's name is listed in the court record press the hour button to check at any time okay remember to check it often do it for me please I'm begging you and for your client you know mr. right who is the victim in this case Andy stone of the victim's name is Cindy stone correct now tell me what was the cause of death she died because she was um allegedly hit with a blunt object she was struck once by blunt object correct you've answered all my questions I see no reason why we shouldn't proceed you see much more relaxed mr. rod good for you I would not be relaxed if the judge asked me those questions Vicki run because I don't feel relaxed temperature Valdez first the questions for the prosecution mr. Payne yes Robert as mr. Rogers told us the victim was allegedly struck with a blunt object would you explain to the court just what that object was the booter lifted up alleged murder weapon was this statue of the same you'll smell yl before next a little bit I see the court accepted into evidence mr. Payne the prosecution may call its first witness prosecution cuz of the thing that mr. butts of the statute um chief what do I do now attention you don't want to miss any information that might help your clients case wow they're calling our client as an adverse witness that's kind of crazy you'll get your chance to respond to the prosecution later so be ready let's just hope he doesn't say anything unfortunates oh there he gets excited easily this could be bad you didn't [ __ ] coach them before head of course not of course that corrects it's considered a legend until the judge or jury determines that it was factual because I mean the murder weapon for example murder weapon there are two problems here one you're not actually sure if that's what it was because somebody could have planted it there with like red stuff on it that what turns out to not really be blood but they tried to make it look like it was blood or wasn't her blood or you'd actually have to prove that she was struck by you know blunt trauma like she has trauma in her head or something like that the other thing is that it's possible that she didn't die because of the weapon she could have died for another reason but she was struck over the head with the statute yeah the hell hey watch it buddy you agree together we Romeo and Julia Cleopatra in Burgundy um didn't they all die take a bit bilko's mercy be ever which to you anyways bra relaxed well mr. buxley what you described is simply what we called them just returned from overseas of the day before the three P's one of them lies all of it lies I don't believe a word of it your honors release Tabasco according to this she was in Paris until the day before she died [Music] indeed she appears to have returned the day before the murder she was an Instagram model the influencer so to speak she had several sugar daddies man who gave her buddy a gift because it's a supporter lifestyle that's kind of odd I would generally define what a sugar daddy is before actually like saying she had men who did x and y for what we would call a sugar daddy but we could clearly see what color blue love the Smiths tones what do you think of her now right I don't think he wants him to answer that question yeah Larry has a way of running his mouth on all the wrong direction should I [Music] my client had no idea the victim was seeing of the other men that question is irrelevant to this case what do you mean a relevant dude shut your [ __ ] oh my god there chichi dogs I'm gonna die I'm just gonna drop dead yeah what I meet her in the afterlife I'm going to get to the bottom of this let's continue with the trial shall we I believe the accused motive is clear to everyone yes quiet oh boy this is so not looking good let's question you Italy victims the paper on the day of the murder did you not well did you or did you not would be maybe I did he went what do I do there's no grounds to stop this quit because they're trying to establish where he was I don't think there's a room I don't think it's possible for me to stop him from answering I know cinema city truth yeah yeah I was there order well mr. Muntz dude chill I didn't see rescue select all a witness who can prove mr. buzzes lied well that simplifies matters who was your witness oh my god he's so shocked well they haven't found the victim's body just before making the gruesome discovery he saw the defendant fleeing the scene of the crime nobody's investigated the man who found the body order order in the court mr. Payne the prosecution may call its witness yes your honor it's bad well they have a murder my witness was selling newspapers of the victims building please bring mr. Franks solid to the stand look at this freak flood you saw newspaper subscriptions black dress oh yes newspapers yes mr. Sava you may proceed with your testimony tell me to tell the court what you saw on the day of the 3rd no the judge can't ask questions but he's not going to start the [ __ ] testimony with doing the questioning for the attorneys okay testimony oh I was going door-to-door selling some chips ins but I saw a man sitting at apartment I thought he must be an attorney because he lets the door half open behind him he'll be straight I looked inside the apartment and I saw her lying there a woman i quelled it Friday though-it's of unable to go inside I thought to call the police immediately I'll have a definite in her apartment with him work heard them the police in her apartment the phone in her apartment with the word allege a nearby park and by the police on the remember the time exactly it was 1:00 p.m. [Music] Mary why didn't you tell the truth I can't defend you against testimony testimony like that incidentally why wasn't the phone in the victims apartment working your honor at the time of the murder there is a black out of the building on phone supposed to work during a blackout yes your honor however some cordless phones do that folks adore believe before that mr. solo uses will the glows Your Honor I have a record of the blackout for your Peru and for your perusal the 6:00 p.m. okay now mr. right yes yes your honor you may begin your cross-examination examination your honor all right right this is it the real deal what exactly am I supposed to well Phoenix writes a [ __ ] idiot that's what I can tell you so far what you expose the lies in the testimony demanded the mistress gave wise work he was lying your clients innocent right then that witness must have lied in his testimony who is your clients really guilty how do I prove they is not you hold the key it's in the evidence her time of death was four to five it wasn't at one we don't have badges by the way we just have cards we carry in our wallet first find the contradictions between the court record and the witnesses testimony and once you've found the contradict the evidence present it and rub it in the witness's face Jesus Christ presents the man leaving an apartment is it a man leaving the department commissar you would take notice [Music] criminal fleeing from the scene of a crab jack shed the defense requests the witness refrain from conjecture thank you God of course what the witness needs was left the man he saw look suspicious well what happened next well the problem - is that Phoenix is an idiot so we got to get over that whole hump I think I'm also starting to think that I'm gonna think a little like I don't want to say above the game but the game is definitely like not assuming that attorneys an attorney playing this another lay persons playing this and I'm probably gonna like next level the game at some point and I'm gonna end up like screwing myself yeah it's our living there and what I knew who not moving dead how old did you know she was dead [Music] are you sure she was okay that's not what I would ask well you know I guess I was it but she wasn't moving it on Judith but everywhere yes that would look fatal very well what happened next okay so he said the phone I want to double check on this because he said the phone was a cordless one yes I mean no no no what you said you go into the apartment oh that they could explain that he was recruited exponent itself from the entranceway I reached inside tried using that to come let who wasn't working Brett hey hey hey hey hey we're not on we're not on redirects you you can't didn't no no no no you have to wait until I'm done questioning the only thing you can do is interject with objection or whatever else you can't interject with your own questions I remember the time exactly it was 1:00 p.m. [Music] X it's not an objection just your impeaching him for credibility you found the body at 1:00 p.m. you're sure yes it was 1:00 p.m. for certain frankly I find that hard to believe your statement directly contradicts the autopsy report the autopsy notes the time of death at some time after 4:00 p.m. there was nobody - no body to find it 1:00 p.m. how do you explain this three-hour gap dad this is truly limitless merely forgot the time after his testimony I find that hard to believe mr. Sauvage why were you so certain that you found the body at 1:00 p.m. it's it's a really good question hey hey also nobody's dead slamming you can trouble for that we ever do now would you care to give your testimony again happy mask salesman 'he's cousin I mean look play this [ __ ] guy anyways you see what everybody time it was a voice saying the time is probably coming for the television Oh babies three hours off wasn't it I guess the victim had to be watching a video of a tape program that's why I started with one for ya hear me Terry about to be city's any hmm I see you heard a voice saying the time on a taped program mr. right you may cross-examine the witness right you know what to do right there was a [ __ ] blackout got this one freeze it hold it right there the prosecution has said there was a blackout at the time of the discovery and this record proves it ding you couldn't have heard of television or video good I will the defense has a point do you have an explanation for this mr. so it puzzling myself quite yeah it is weird that what I said doesn't make any sense right guys right this is obviously from the American judicial system when I point things out keep in mind it's it means that if I were in court here that would not be allowed yes there will be times where it makes sense no sense for either countries are you are absolutely correct wait I remember now this is so much the court will prefer to hear an accurate testimony from the beginning these constant Corrections are harming your credibility actually this has already been impeached but more than just continuing to harmony his credibility just been outright harmed that and you seem rather distraught like what is with all that twitching and your mouth open and super wide all of a sudden man babe elegies you ready you know it must've been the shotgun fight either buddy yeah yeah yeah check it just shock of phase but the judge is already like pissing me off very well mr. solid let's hear your testimony once more please actually I didn't hear the time I saw it here is a table back to the apartment wasn't there yeah the murder weapon the killer use it did the victim that much to me when I saw [Music] you saw a clock I guess that would explain it Oh nod your [ __ ] head why wouldn't he have said that in the first place Len [Music] let's press test that strikes me is a very suspicious mistake yes I can see a TV is a little doubtful I'm really sorry hey just remember the table clock it must be missing me what I saw [Music] present it wait just a moment murder weapon wasn't a clock the house is supposed to be a clock you you would be rejection to your evidence do you think you would just answer the question mr. so it died yes I saw it there okay hey Jim its exact we were altar of living yes mr. Payne the Willis later the statue is indeed a clock collectors a switch just felt that the sons of time out loud doesn't look like a clock I saluted as a statute my apologies I see but the murder weapon wasn't famous clock after well mr. Wright appears that the witness's testimony [Music] Your Honor there's a gaping hole in this assessment the only way he could have known the weapon was a clock is to hold it in his hand getting it witness testified that he never entered the apartment I mean that's the other that's what I was seeing the other problem was clearly a contradiction indeed the witness knew it was a clock because he your life you were inside the apartment on the day of the murder yeah Judy who they went in there that's what I'll do better than that I can prove you were the one who killed it you struck her with the clock in the shock of the blow triggered the clocks voice that was the sound you heard oughta in the court intriguing please continue mr. OTT yes your honor mr. so it the sound must have left quite an impression on you since the murder weapon spoke just as you hit the victim that voice is burned into your mind that's why you were so certain about the time look what this elite league of us little all baseless conjecture basis just look at the witness's face with the witness care to elaborate did you strike the victim with the clock I heard no I mean I saw you oh my god shut up some some I hate you it was him I tell you I sub he killed her he should burn order order in the court I say you're honorable please there isn't a shred of evidence supporting the defensive plays mr. ride your honor if you claim the sound the witness heard came from the plot you have any evidence okay somebody better think it through carefully your honor Thomas wit her was definitely this plot a fact which is clear if you simply price sounding the clock what does it mean what was he mean he tried to make get the clock to make the sound I mean I feel like if you got it to make the sound that's like let's sound the clock now here in this Court Your Honor may have the clock I ask the court to listen very carefully 25 that certainly is a strange way to announce the time well is the thicker after all so we've heard the clock what are your conclusions mr. lat it's for page can you tell me what time it is now it's 11:00 Swilley pies whoo-ahh as you can see this clock is exactly three hours slow precisely the discrepancy between look mr. sweat herd and the actual time of death so mr. sweat try to talk your way out of this one we got with me let me seem like the clock is running three hours no it proves nothing how do you know it was running three hours during the day of the murder you can't through dead you don't have a case she's right how am I gonna prove that I'm so close mr. right it seems you lack the critical evidence to support your plan yes your honor this means I cannot let you indict the witness fortunately this ends the cross-examination of mr. Franks to which they come under way Dahlia to displace liquid happens you treat me like a criminal a criminal who is your Austin I'm interesting sorry Larry killed you there's nothing I can do about it now that's so fast mr. Swift yeah I mean chief listen up right don't throw this away not like this pink but sheep it's over they can't prove the clock was slow the day of the murder nobody can prove that um well yes but that doesn't mean you can't still win all right think outside the box no it's time down in facts assume the clock is go slow think through it ask yourself why was the clock three hours slow figure out the reason you'll have your proof the gas rights right can you think of a reason as to why the clock would be three hours snow yes wait maybe I can prove it you must have evidence somewhere that could prove it right find it and let them have it well mr. rat you say the clock was already running slow on the day of the murder have you found evidence to support this claim course there is a piece of evidence in the court records that can prove my claim beyond a day Jeff were just you put this one up let's see the evidence that proves why the clock was running slow Lichtman just returned from a from a brought home from abroad the day before the murders as we all know the time difference between here in Paris is nine hours to four pm here it's 1 a.m. the next day there the clock wasn't three hours slow it was nine hours fast the victim Henry set her clock since returning home that's why the time you've heard when you struck her dead in her apartment was wrong proof enough for you mr. suet or should I say mr. did it Oh God mister did it you know someone's crazy with her boy to throw the to pay off and yeah they're just sitting there like I don't know I I trust him completely even after he threw his toupee at the the defense attorney what would happen really it's it's a mr. su it I find you in contempt bailiff take him into custody immediately after happening well this case has certainly turned out differently than we all expected just to pain your witness the rest of us was taken away very well mr. Wright the purpose of prosecutor to be happy the right persons during the jail the prosecution isn't their job isn't to throw innocent people in the jail yesterday yes your honor I have to say I'm impressed I don't think I've ever seen someone completed defense so quickly and find it find the true culprit at the same time thank you your honor yeah this is what an hour and a half at this point this is only a formality but just what finds the defendant mr. therein butts not guilty and with that this Court is adjourned turns out that Frank's - it was a cot with a common burglar he posed as a newspaper salesman to check and see when people were out of the house that day Larry went to her apartment the victim wasn't home after he left mr. so it let himself in to do his dirty work I hope it gets weirder I mean I'm not here to play the game of oh this is the basic case that I could do IRL I want something strange while he's searching your place the victim returned flustered mr. Swick grabbed the nearest blunt object he could find oh I still can't believe everyone writes good job in there yeah please tell me we can cake her at some point congratulations thanks chief I owe it all to you see the trial end up such as satisfying though that's what we called what that was our slang for courting a person that we were interested in I've never seen the cheap-looking was happening so I can came to June but I wouldn't recommend it can't imagine what Larry must feel like Larry you're supposed to be happy what's wrong now dude his girlfriend still just [ __ ] he died Nick you worry about me I'll be dead gone soon good wait no I mean bad bad bad bad bad Larry you're innocent the case is closed but but my Cindy Wendy's gone man God forever Larry she was a congratulations hairy man chief seems awesome you guys tell me that's not who you recommend well we'll see we probably have many more people to interact with over the case of the the course of the game right yes you I can practically see the headlines now hairy butts innocent Thanks really owe you money I won't forget this ever let's celebrate dinner movie my treat and now I couldn't hey I was the one who got you off the hood so hey here take this it's a present a present for me wait wasn't this the evidence that how did you even get a hold of it actually I made this classroom immediately I made one for her one for me oh I see really you you made this well thank you I'll keep it as a memento I would sooner that chick played me for a fool don't they make you want to just try it Larry a bag alive me as his being I'm liking everything about me as look her hair is nice she has beautiful brown eyes she wears a necklace is that technically a knob and that's not an ascot I guess it's not a scarf though is it is that technically a shawl I actually don't know but anyways it looks great and she's got like the sexy business attire you guys are telling me that it's a bad idea I am so disappointed cuz I'm gonna trust you guys this is [ __ ] excuse me I think she thought quite a lot of you in her own way now you again sympathize with me it's okay oh I'm not just sympathizing really this is that right right god I hate when she doesn't is that right right don't you have something to show you friend something that proves how she felt bad oh yeah right oh I gotta give him evidence I mean this statue I don't see how any of these things do take that thickness out Larry he's positive you weren't just some chump sir huh what about that clock this is the clock you made for her Larry and she took it with her when she trapped whatever and she probably just needed clock that's all now I clock like that you think so it's a pretty heavy clock to take travelling exactly Oh make of it what you will hey ya know glad I asked you to be my later your attorney your attorney that would be a that would be a dick correction really I am Thanks what's that made him feel a little better you know besides the whole he's innocent thing do not cake the court lady but you make court the cake lady ooh the cake lady you say rights if you see the importance of evidence now also hopefully you realize things change depending on how you look at them people too you never really know if our clients are guilty or innocent all we can do is believe in them in order to believe in them you have to believe in yourself great listen learn go strong never let go of what you believe in never I think our work here is done shall we be off yeah I guess so hey how about dinner on me we'll drink a toast to innocent butts yeah oh speaking of there was say part of why you became a lawyer was because of him yeah part at least tell me more about it sometime maybe over drinks oh my god you guys have told me lots of cake her and she's definitely coming out of me or am I like - you can tell me am I am I being a little conceited here by assuming she's coming out of me and so my first trial came to close giggity I've been told that I'm actually kind of oblivious to these sort of things so it's possible that I went and I like made the extreme opposite reaction but I'm pretty sure he's not going to pay us unless you count the clock he gave me yikes Omega yikes I didn't know it then but that clock was soon going to be at the center of another incident am i promised to tell the chief about me and am I promised to tell the chief about me and Larry will be1 promise that I wouldn't be able to keep oh my god is the chief gonna [ __ ] die [Music]
Channel: Twain, Gaming Counsel
Views: 64,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Game Grumps, Markiplier, Students of Gaming, Jacksepticeye, Humor, Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney, Trilogy, Remaster, Real Lawyer, Attorney, Blind
Id: 1K5cWzHpFqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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