First to find hidden troll hole wins in Golf It

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me and Jenny going on another golf journey in the skies and this map is made by one of the best creators you'll ever see we're gonna be traveling through time defeating monsters and seeing some of the most incredible worlds you've ever seen in golf this looks fine what are you doing are we doing one of those crazy masks I mean this one's potentially gonna be kinda crazy one wait already oh okay if you don't get a hole in one you suck oh well I mean I don't know how I wouldn't have got that I guess you don't suck Josh already see the whole crevice okay so oh nice I found a little shortcut but I actually a short oh wait would that have taken you towards the hall yeah it would have so close I gotta do this uh unfortunate jelly and three well if you can get it from there sick moves Johnny now in oh my goodness are you trying to do this is this a performance Josh is now in the lead that was a bit embarrassing it was really embarrassing I know I'm aware smithy's shot oh whoa whoa why am I shooting some see wait does it count on the wood does it count on the wood please count on the wood plea okay good hello oh hello I lined up perfectly oh whoa what wait a minute that's not I wouldn't have been able to make that anyway right oh that was actually quite a nice shot for me oh thank you that helped me out Oh wrong way no I'm gonna try to bounce in the water bold move dude I almost made that I almost made that is that gonna be how you make a comeback uh-oh whoops come on why are you still bouncing make that I feel like I could easily make that oh what the why is the water so bouncy yeah the water's on the water's here get up there eight Strokes oh look at him go oh whoa and I caught up he's only done it same amount of points I have to respect that I have to respect that one thank you Josh thank you do appreciate your respect okay I do appreciate your respect good what it's just the way you're saying it it's kind of weird but okay I can't appreciate your respect no it's just I don't want you to appreciate anything in light no in general no anime and guess oh down he goes okay so you are gonna go back into second place which otherwise known as last place are you kidding me off you go wait that means I could have already made this before you know what I mean oh like right that we could we could have probably done that on whole yeah true anyway um what's up there it's oh we couldn't go forward can I just show you that yeah I definitely did not realize that that was the right way to go I might have realized it later but I didn't at the beginning I'm not doing too bad where am I in the cannon oh this is kind of getting crazy to be honest I want to see how you do this where are we going come on Josh come on Josh oh we landed in basically the same place yeah yeah and I'm not gonna let you hit me so there you go in three for me steady just okay so we gotta control the ball control okay I am in control of the ball uh oh all right um okay an easy hole in one yeah assuming you don't mess it up oh this is cool Josh I can see like an entire castle in the background wait what am I supposed oh my God I see the camera oh that's a close one jelly you better be careful and another jump oh my God oh my God don't go over are we going to watch it yeah I guess so jelly all right oh my God don't go over it jelly [Music] we've made it to a different era in life Josh the Enchanted Forest you look like you're about to fall off there almost don't you can take a shortcut all right I'm gonna be well this is cool I just jumped over it should have been more careful this is so pretty jelly it's not pretty it's all pretty up we go oh perfect Let It Go in Let It Go in oh in three in three you've slipped jelly you fell off now two points behind again it's too tight I don't like it it's too much it's too much too too much stress okay Arcane acquisitions are we allowed to V I mean it hasn't said not to be then I'll be but where am I going I did a kind of a weird shot I'm hoping it pays off here now I'm feeling like that's not where I'm supposed to go ah I'm in a bad spot oh it's bad all right I did a little bit of a skip jelly oh you got it in four all right all doing it for as well I think [Music] you're not catching up anymore all right I'm still two points behind though so I need to do better package okay no I just went back the same way come on bro okay come on okay don't go back the same way this is good I'm already pretty wait how are you fading that that felt really easy for me what is it you're stuck on I think like I'm just not shooting fast enough oh okay well you can go over the middle here jelly fortunate what a waste what a waste all right down we go another one of these cool control ones oh no okay whoa okay this reminds me of Subway Surfer it's good that you're ahead of me because I can actually kind of see where you have to go okay classic jelly classic jelly taking the easy route in life hey you nger than me like I didn't do this on purpose yeah yeah yeah next time you can go what is it you fell just don't jump that means I knew how to jump or I mean I knew two jumps what not how oh my God oh my God I almost I almost failed but I've got it I've got it I lost the shot I've lost the shot jump it says jump it says jump when when does it say JUMP I can't see anything oh you can't bear what is that there was a person whoa that was a weird looking thing okay okay you only picked up a single shot jelly it's not that big of a deal all right that means I'm four points behind nightmare Zone Josh everything's black and white because it's a nightmare Zone okay that shot was a nightmare wait where are you going are you cheating I was trying are you Tweeting cheating if it's possible go go go I'm going so slow but it's actually working kind of what is this what is this man yeah definitely don't cheat jelly because it teleports you like halfway yeah well I I that's I tried it is it whispering to me oh my God whoa dude do you like spiders yeah I love spiders all right good oh what the heck this is are you here where do we go what do you mean go in the hole this is terrifying this is actually yeah you can just left click once what is this world how did I do it in two months than you I don't know using all right am I gonna be able to catch up or am I just last place forever now Josh um probably right oh where am I going what oh cause the ground's bumpy bumpy ground there we go now jelly you definitely could catch up but like there's four yeah you can there's four more shots to go four more uh holes you mean that's what it meant yeah six points behind oh it's this one jelly I'll go first I'll go I'm like literally next to you I'll take it I'll take it mate okay just let me know when you fail okay yeah well you'll be able to see it well no I'm not a bit too close oh just say I failed I didn't fail no I don't need to know when you didn't fail jelly what is this no what these light levels just get insane bruh this is too much I failed I failed I failed I failed all right we failed together wait remember don't look down jelly remember it's that whole thing why am I giving you advice I actually forgot about that yeah looking down makes you go down that's what a famous for some reason oh oh my gosh and he fell off that where are we going ah it's kind of difficult what oh wow hold on a sec oh I just got shot by a tank yeah yeah that happens just an average day in golf really just an average day in golf man this is this is in golf this is so crazy this was the first map that they ever made by the way jelly are you kidding like genuine the first match too much all right I think we're here Josh win here of course no the spiky bit touched me do you have to do everything again or from the last no just the last TP oh you're lucky I'm on three Strokes though oh I'm on two yeah because I failed he's won this map Tick Tock unless I fail Tick Tock okay yes is it the end all in two okay fine all right all right three more to go you've I gotta catch up five points in three holes now Josh it's I mean you've got a chance I'll be honest is there a cheat where is there a cheat I need to find definitely not a cheat that's just confusing it's a six count like am I okay to shoot on this all right bruh okay that's not too bad probably shouldn't reset that and in five and five never mind and in six oh no I should have thought shot faster never mind I'm doing it in the fall they're picking up two shots jelly do you do that each time you could win yes I can still do this three points behind Castle Courtyard okay wait I'm real Garden we should both go okay I went Garden didn't give me a choice you got Armory make it interesting jelly make it interesting what do you have in Garden Gardens nope okay you know it's a bit is it is it tight for you like is there a lot of tight angles so I'm experiencing a lot of high angles a cannon I'm getting spat between plants what do not spit on me oh it is a little bit tight for me Josh all right I'm uh here I've got I'm doing it in six no no no no no fell didn't six Jay are you gonna pick up a shot or two where are you what um at least one shot come on where is this oh the the flag bro oh you're gonna lose a shot oh it's a big landing area though I didn't even have to do this shot oh you're some lag going on here no oh could I can't shoot food for that well that was a lie oh no the dreams crumbled Oh my Jesus all right well I'm definitely losing you yeah and that's like a dnf somehow um it's a lost battle man that's an L for you is that it and it's just one of those yeah we're just gonna roll straight and get a hole in one aren't we I don't know we're about to find out Josh it's been a good battle but I think you're not a better girlfriend than me but this time you won against me this only this time yeah I wouldn't look back at the history jelly oh oh we have to control the ball you could still make it will jelly manage to somehow take this let's find out with a nine point difference a nine point difference it's been done before yes usually and I already failed how stop asking questions all right can you feel like like 10 times and that would make it fun I don't want fun I want you to cry like I have to do it in a hole in one yeah and you have to do it in in ten well let's see if you get lucky jelly all right oh my goodness I actually nearly failed that I thought the map is blowing up off the map is blowing up time jib of time of time okay remember look forwards bro where are we man I can barely see uh I can literally know yeah are we time traveling yeah kind of looks like that you can barely see man these platforms are confusing I could see I can see have you failed yeah I don't want a hole in one Journey you know what if I get this in a hole in one that's that is that is fake that is not allowed who's that I cannot agree to that there's a woman here chilling on the beach what all right wait where am I it was just the random woman at the beach oh that was a jump I didn't see that oh hello hello oh I can see up her nose my bad sorry hello oh there we go I'm back in time jelly again of gem of what whoa this is really going out with a bang what is going on yeah this is nuts man I'm kind of far ahead and haven't failed yet which is really impressive if you really consider it it's also a bad oh I failed oh my God I just made that I just made that I thought I'd fail that god this is my I'm at the end it's like a whole game this is crazy again ah you know yeah I think I'd throw it a fair or jelly from here and slowly rolling into my w well I made it there first which actually means nothing means nothing you don't I don't know where you pulled these things out of your bottom but no not today
Channel: Slogo
Views: 694,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, First to find hidden troll hole wins in Golf It, Golf It, jelly, new map, Golf
Id: WnWXN76A6oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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