FIRST TIME WATCHING The Shining (1980)

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what is going on ladies and gentlemen welcome back today we are watching the shining now this is a classic or so i am told it is a horror classic i believe it's a book as well uh i don't know who it's directed by i know jack nicholson is in it i believe he plays our antagonist or main character perhaps i don't know i know that there is a female lead as well and i've heard stories that she was like overworked on set or something which i guess helped with her performance i know i know like not literally like they didn't overwork her specifically so she would give a better performance i just mean that a lot of stories have come out that she was just overworked long days really tiring and no one treated her very well and it i guess made her performance better but that wasn't the intention um that's just what i've heard i don't know if that's true so i guess let me know in the comments if that is actually true um i heard jack nicholson gives a fantastic performance very bone chilling uh very well done i don't know what kind of horror this is if it's like jump scare horror or you know more of a thriller or just really well written um i i don't know what it is i'm not someone who watches horror movies a lot um but i'm not opposed to them either i've read some books that would be qualified as um as horror i guess so i like horror books i think they're really well written um i don't know how i feel about about horror movies i think jump scares are super cheap um jump scares are not horror at all because anything can be jump scared like it's just something that's unexpected it doesn't necessarily have to be scary you know like you walking and you just see like your friend around the corner that you weren't expecting and you get jump scared like that's not scary it's just something unexpected so if it's a jump scare horror i'm not gonna be as happy with that because i find that really just like so lazy in terms of writing so i hope it's more of a well-written horror and more not necessarily have to be psychological but i guess thriller-ish i just hope the horror elements are really well written it's one of the reasons i loved haunting of hill house um because i mean they had a few jump scares in there but i found that horror as it may not scare you as a person but like i can have so much more appreciation for it because the writing is just so good so that's what i'm hoping to see from this i've never seen it i haven't seen any clips i although i've seen that here's johnny i think that's from this movie where he's like with an axe and banging on the door and he goes here's johnny i think that's from this and there is a staircase scene where the female-led co-star i don't know who she is i hope she i i i don't know who she is so that's all i can call her um but i heard she did well i heard she gave a good performance but she was walking up the stairs and then jack nicholson's character is walking towards her and he's like something about i'm going to bash your brains in i think that's the sentence i remember it might not even be the actual sentence but that's all i can tell you besides that i don't know the story i don't know what it's about i don't know who directed it although i do believe that semi recently there was like a sequel to this um or a remake of some sort that came out uh but i haven't seen that either so i am genuinely going into this very blind i am excited to watch it because i've heard so much about it i know so many people love this movie so i'm hoping for good things man i really am um in case you don't know i do have a patreon full-length reactions and early access so if that interests you link in the description but without further ado let's watch this movie [Music] creepy ass music stanley kubrick okay okay okay now i see now i see yes okay that name i know okay that's pretty dope i think i should watch i don't think i've ever seen any of stanley kubrick's movies so maybe i should watch more of those for you guys i've never actually seen them but i've heard his name god knows how many times so i know he's good at least by reputation at the very least good references and from what i've been told i mean he seemed like a completely normal individual he must have suffered some kind of a complete mental breakdown he ran a muck and killed his family with an axe stacked neatly in one of the rooms is that not that is that not the entire plot of this movie him killing his family with the axe is that not is there like some magical sense is there some some fantasy element to this movie you can rest assured mr ullman that's not gonna happen with me hilarious and uh i'm sure she'll be absolutely fascinated when i tell her about it i'm sure she will firm ghost story and horror film addict although it i already though i can't tell if it's just the way jack is acting by jack i mean jack nicholson not jack torrance the character but i can't tell he's if he's acting or if there is something off-putting about his character like the person feels like he's acting very well put together and nice you know what i mean but i can't tell if that's because of how he's choosing to act or if he's purposefully making the character look that way like the character is actually a little bit crazy and he's trying to compose himself like a psychopath per se or his character is just like that like that's the dude before he suffers a mental breakdown i can't tell yet it just feels off-putting okay i've seen those two girls before i've seen that that shot of those two girls i've seen that before so that's from this movie as well okay also i have no [ __ ] idea what that scene was supposed to mean i mean tony somehow knew that they were gonna die that those girls played a part or maybe that was the i can't remember he set out the story the guy who killed his family did he have two twin girls and he killed them is that like the ghosts of the previous family he said he killed his wife and kids but i don't know if that's that guy's kids but i imagine it is because why wouldn't it be yes i'm hungry why you should have eaten your breakfast is it just me is the acting just bad or was this like direction-wise was this told to them to be very stilted and like stagnant is that just me am i being an [ __ ] thinking that acting feels really bad currently or is it supposed to feel that way because they all feel like they're just reading lines and not actually acting you know what i mean they got snowbound one winter in the mountains they had to resort to cannibalism in order to stay alive bro you see how he smiles when he says that this guy definitely has some deep-rooted issues man come on yes hello all right so this kid can see ghosts for sure but i guess that's a running motif in the stephen king universe like the kids usually or like i remember seeing a video about it like the shining is like a term in his universe for someone who can have mystical abilities of some sort so perhaps this kid has that ability maybe i don't know but he definitely sees the dead kids dude this is [ __ ] the sixth sense all over again construction started in 1907. it was finished in 1909. the site is supposed to be located on an indian burial ground and i believe they always always always the burial grounds in the stories and then mystical [ __ ] takes place on them and you wonder why i mean in real life obviously that doesn't happen but you know now this is where we keep all of our meat the way that was shot made me think of like human body parts being kept in a freezer how do you know we call him doc big burden doc you called danny doc twice just now i guess i probably heard you calling that well it's possible but i honestly don't remember calling him that since we've been with you i don't know about that i don't know about that all right so there's some haunted elements in this for sure like mythical wise there's some there's some fantasy elements for sure yo this kid this kid be seeing [ __ ] dude how'd you like some ice cream [Music] whoa what's that about is there something bad here what is the shining like as a power what is it is it like telekinesis telepathy some kind of mystical force that people can tap into like what is the shining sometimes i can see things that happen long time ago so that's why he keeps seeing the girls room 237 [Music] was that the room the other dude killed his family in probably what decides who shines like is it a just luck of the draw you're born that way are you chosen by some other force like how do you determine who shines and who doesn't like both of these people do the kid and the the gentleman but like why and how [Music] i love the sound design so dope also the filmmaking of this movie is just phenomenal honestly like just the the choice of direction and stuff are absolutely top-notch i mean even this shot right here just to show you staying up too late jack through the mirror i know it's fantastic the [ __ ] was that well something will come it's just a matter of settling back into the habit of writing every day yeah that's all it is that sounded like you know when you answer a question sarcastically when someone tries to oversimplify what you do because they don't actually understand it very well you know it's like when you're like depressed and someone's just like just keep your head up and you're like yeah that's what it is just keep my head up definitely isn't it beautiful man this movie is showing just how much music can affect a scene you know the scene as it was playing earlier like this while they were running itself was just so cute and pleasant all you have to do is add some atmospheric and eerie music and all of a sudden you know the hairs on your arms stick up it's just so well done [Music] i also love how big everything feels in this movie like even with those gigantic tracking shots at the beginning like when they showed the mountains and stuff and like now they're in this me they're in this maze and the hedges are huge and the hotel they're at is very big like i love the sense of scale even the rooms like nothing feels claustrophobic everything feels so open also what the [ __ ] is this guy doing oh is it locked well that blows i wanted to see what was in room 237 yo those girls are creepy dog the way their faces just stare at you and like the redness around their eyes they are they are creepy to look at how's it going fine what was the point of that get a lot written today with the music crash when he rips out the paper it was the point of that yes why does this guy look like he [ __ ] hates his wife she's been like nothing but nice to him what is this let me explain something to you oh god whenever you come in here and interrupt me you're breaking my concentration you're distracting me and it will then take time to get okay bro is unhinged bro is absolutely unhinged whether you don't hear me typing with the [ __ ] you hear me doing in here when i'm in here that means that i am working that means don't come in how do you think you can handle that okay this guy's a pretentious [ __ ] but to be fair i have heard a lot of authors do this specific thing like while they're working don't bother them don't come in allow them to just fully envelop themselves in their work because if you come and distract them it [ __ ] with their work and i get that so that part's fair that was kind of hella rude and unnecessary and unwarranted his wife is super nice and he is an [ __ ] so i did i you don't need any mystical [ __ ] for me to believe this guy's gonna [ __ ] his family over he's just an [ __ ] so far he seems like someone who's constantly on edge like on the verge of just having not a mental breakdown but like a breakdown of rage okay there's that iconic stare like i said like just a verge of a breakdown of rage that's a terrifying shot that is gorgeous but yeah he feels unhinged as hell man he feels extremely unhinged and he's trying to keep it together just trying to keep composure when he talks to anybody although i gotta say this is like almost 40 minutes have passed in this movie it's been an extremely slow burn man like i feel like nothing has happened yet you know okay well as i say that these kids come back to the picture but i just meant like i want the story to continuously go you know i feel like i haven't there's been a lot of phenomenal technical stuff but besides the story i don't really know what's happening [Music] jesus that's gruesome bro wow damn that dude who murders his family with the axe that's [ __ ] i thought he would have killed them in room 237 but i guess i don't know did he kill him in the hallway then is that what he was seeing and then there was the gigantic pool of blood at the elevators as well so not really sure tony oh no i'm scared it's just like pictures in the book danny it isn't real okay so that's what the shining is showing him it's showing him the the history of the place but they're like pictures in a book so it's like studying it reading it it's not actually happening currently he's just experiencing the photos of history through his mind's eye which is very cool but confusing although i like it although i would have thought it was something with like only kids you know because a lot of movies do that where kids can see things that adults can't but the uh the gentleman that worked in the kitchen he also has the ability so it's not just a kid thing although i'd like to see more of him talk with danny because it'd be cool to see them converse considering they can see things can i go to my room and get my fire engine what a shot i think so far if there was a word i could use to describe the movie just from what i've seen i would i would say it's unsettling like it's not scary it's not creepy but i can appreciate all the horrific aspects around it and just like how the story slowly unfolds i would call it unsettling same with the music that's that's how i feel about it so far okay it's always a bad sign when seeing affection from a parent to their kid makes you feel very uncomfortable i want you to like it here [Music] i wish we could stay here forever and ever i guess if he kills himself and his family then technically they do stay there forever and ever and ever so you never hurt mommy and me would ya hey yo what do you mean a yo [Music] hey why his face like that as a as a response to that statement that's the face he makes he doesn't even say no oh god not good i love you danny oh god i would never do anything to hurt you never i don't believe that you know that don't you bro he is terrifying i'm not gonna lie he's actually terrifying actually like just the way he speaks and he how he looks at stuff and the music and the camera work just adding so much to it beautifully done oh no the door to 237 is open yo stanley kubrick loves his [ __ ] mirrors he has been using those to just show things that normally you can't see so much i love it what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it sounds like homer simpson he sounds like homer simpson i killed you i knew he was gonna say that bro i was gonna say i was like the screams the way he sounded i knew he was gonna say i was killing you i [ __ ] knew it because that was that's not his nightmare dog that's his [ __ ] fantasy what the hell dude but like two times in a row the last family and this family what is it about this place that does this to people oh my god [ __ ] you did this to me didn't you how could you did he did he do that just to see what it would feel like and that's why he started having the dreams about what he actually wants to do he was just like dipping his toe into the water what the [ __ ] my goddamn soul [Music] just a glass of beer a little slow tonight isn't it [Laughter] hey yo this dude's losing his [ __ ] mind white man's burden lloyd my man white man's burden what does that even mean i don't even know what that's supposed to mean best god damn bartender from timbuktu to portland maine a portland oregon for that matter yeah see now he's like the real version of jack is showing whereas like throughout the beginning of the movie he felt so restrained because he was trying to keep his composure and now he's just like that manic all over the place eccentric version of himself is showing i wouldn't touch one hair on his goddamn little head always says his what about your wife i love the little son of a [ __ ] what about your wife though dog what why did you have a baseball bat oh you saw what happened to danny oh no it's happening to both of them they're like suffering a seizure oh [ __ ] so something to do with the shining people or people who shine who the [ __ ] is this is this real he smiles all right that's a little bit predatory i don't know if this is real because i mean even the bartender guy like this guy is seeing [ __ ] he's losing his mind so he probably did attack his son at least i imagine so although danny did say it was a woman so maybe not him but i have no [ __ ] idea my mans you have a wife you know that right you know that is that the same woman that does not look like the same person that's [ __ ] disgusting oh my god oh dude what the [ __ ] what was that oh my god that was actually disgusting so both of them felt it the two people who shine they both had like a seizure so i guess room 237 there is something special about it but i don't know who the [ __ ] that lady is and i also don't know why they suffered a seizure what the hell was that about i think he did it to himself now how did he do that there's no way doing this gives you enough force they grab someone's belt like come on now whatever the explanation is oh you can hear them what what did that say say murder it was too fast and backwards but i think it said murder it is so freaking typical of you to create a problem like this when i finally have a chance to accomplish something when i'm really into my work wendy please leave this man please take your son and run away please this guy is deranged unhinged so many issues wendy please you are so nice and so sweet take your son run the [ __ ] away please and thank you this guy wants time to do his work that's fine let him sit here alone let him work that ain't got nothing to do with you leave let him be here and lose his mind by himself please and thank you because dear god [Music] see but the difference is i can't tell if this is just in his mind or if like the hotel itself is doing something or if there's some outside force that's influencing him like i can't tell what the reasoning is as to why all these things keep appearing you know it's not a matter that concerns you mr torrance at least not at this point [Music] anything you say lloyd i don't know why but that guy reminds me of like not like hades but like this reminds me of the underworld and he's like the guy who transfers the spirits from the people who just died to like the land of the like the river of nile or whatever like i don't know why but you are the caretaker you've always been the caretaker so maybe the story is about him maybe the story's about him like he's actually grady or whatever this entire story is fictitious or in his head or like a recollection of what happened or something like i don't know it was very odd yeah he shines i don't think you are aware how great it is but he is attempting to use that very talent against your will see so like does jack also shine then is that how he's able to see all of this or how it's able to tell him stuff cause like how is he finding out all this information from who from what from where unless it's uh coming from him you know it's his mother she interferes bro the way he said that the like the absolute giddy excitement he feels even even thinking of harming them is insane well now why would you do something like that [Music] now she can't call or radio anybody to help her [ __ ] oh yeah she's never gotten to read any of his work what does it say what the [ __ ] just the same sentence over and over and over again and that's why there's like spelling mistakes and certain word letters capitalized that's funny yes guy was just slowly deteriorating mentally jesus christ that's [ __ ] weird oh no he's gonna find her oh no oh no i think you have some very definite ideas about what should be done with danny and i'd like to know what they are when do you think maybe he should be taken to a doctor as soon as possible as soon as possible god this guy is deplorable like i hate listening and watching him like it pisses me off internally i really don't like this guy and are you concerned about me no i hope you die that the owners have placed their complete confidence and trust in me and that i have signed a letter of agreement a contract this guy just like is so insecure and lacks attention like for real no confidence in himself at all so he needs other people to tell him how good he is at what he does what a [ __ ] loser i'm not gonna hurt you i'm just gonna bash your brains in i'm gonna bash him right the [ __ ] in jesus christ i mean he's given a killer performance though i'll give him that but like what is happening dude this put the bat down the slow walking scarier you know wendy give me the bed i love the red lighting just slowly becoming more and more over them so good winner yeah yeah do it again hit him again what a terrifying shot let me out of here and i'll forget the whole goddamn thing it'll be just like nothing ever happened i love the way he speaks to when he's like angry so much diction you know what i mean just the pronunciation of each syllable in each consonant like just so so uh so meaningful you're not going anywhere go check out the snow cat in the radio and you see what i mean [Laughter] [ __ ] he ruined the snow cat too ah man go check it out this guy is [ __ ] insane dude absolutely crazy and it's not near anywhere you know what i mean so like she can't walk she just has to wait for the other guy to get there the cook the other guy who shines that's her only hope basically is for him to make it back in time i guess i give you my word throw the excitement on his face at the possibility of harming his wife and son gee what so grady is a ghost and he's real and can influence the surroundings because he just unlocked the door the [ __ ] is that about they don't give you a very good uh i don't know like they don't give much of concrete information on how the spirits work how the shining works if the hotel is haunted like they don't give much information they just kind of show us you and they're like [ __ ] deal with it oh no no what are we doing here what are we doing here red rum red rum red rock imagine waking up to that red [Music] like imagine waking up to that your kids [ __ ] screaming for writing murder in lipstick with a knife like dear god okay at least the kid will make it to safety okay that's good at least although i wish wendy made it to safety too can she fit nah she can't can she you have a knife you have stuff in there break that [ __ ] window that's what i would do i would just break it completely like take the top off the toilet bowl and start [ __ ] swinging you know what i mean like something that's personally i think that's what i would do [Music] here's johnny that's like the one thing i've seen [Music] yeah let's go wendy yeah oh that's what i like to see tries to put his hand in there again or his face you [ __ ] stab it oh he left wendy alone now he's going for the sun what why i thought he would never harm a hair on his head she gave a great performance throughout that man like genuinely she nails that horror scream you know what i mean like so good this guy's [ __ ] limping too dude you could just outrun him so easily look at him slow ass [ __ ] god the wind in the background just adds so much tension and just like i don't know adds so much to the atmosphere it's so good [Applause] wow no no oh come on man oh come on oh [ __ ] i had so much faith i really thought he was gonna be our savior oh [ __ ] ah what what the [ __ ] huh what what what is that no explanation on that part nothing no okay we're just all right into the maze we go oh boy hell of a place for a final showdown although now you kind of trapped yourself danny so i don't know about this you're also in the snow so it's really easy to follow your footsteps man the lighting of this part is so good man what the [ __ ] good good oh no the elevators with the blood not really sure what it means or how it happened but looks cool [Music] god those horns those are [ __ ] menacing [Music] [ __ ] hall ass big guy hall absolute ass [Music] my man just got his ankles broken by a kid yo y'all better get in that [ __ ] snow can get the [ __ ] out of here right now no no hugs no nothing get in the thing and leave immediately yes die alone in the cold yes beautiful you love to see it you love to see it i'm so happy they escaped [Music] god what a shot man just gorgeous like the silhouette shot i love that oh god damn homie froze to death i'm glad he's dead that's a yeah that's a solid ending to me so this hotel is haunted right or like plagued with spirits something it's gotta be cause like who the [ __ ] are all these people who opened the door you know oh my god he's right there 1921. at least i think that's him it looks like him and his wife is nowhere to be found so was he the original one the story that's why i said we're gonna be here forever and ever and then he was like the caretaker and he was like you're the only one when he was talking to like gary or whatever the [ __ ] so i guess that's what that is right he was the original story when he was like that story of the family who the guy who killed his family is that about him although he didn't actually kill them what the [ __ ] i need a moment to think because i don't even know well to start to start i think on a technical level this movie is like a masterpiece in terms of like horror storytelling the music implementation and the style of the music was so [ __ ] good so good it puts you just completely on edge built so much tension had had so much suspense to it like the music was just just the perfect sprinkle on top you know what i mean like it just it added so much flavor to the meat that is this movie like it really made it made it what it is the music i really think the music was so good especially also the sound design and like the the editing of the sound so not only what the characters were doing but like a lot of the wind aspects throughout this or the snow aspects just the little stuff even the simple things when uh when danny was riding his little bike through the hotel and it was going from the floor to the carpet to the floor to the carpet like just the simple stuff the opening of doors the locks like just the little things i think really built this movie up so much of this in terms of sound design sound editing and how the sound was implemented along with the music was just [ __ ] absolutely top notch with without a doubt top notch so like on a technical aspect i think this movie was really amazing like especially the shots i mean god the direction of this too is just so good genuinely i love one of the motifs i guess i love with this i don't know if you'd call it a motif but there was so much to do with mirrors you know there was a lot of shots that was shown through the reflection a lot and i don't know if that has anything to do with like you know the you know people being superstitious of course say that you know like i think it's like mirrors are a gateway to another [ __ ] world or whatever that's how demons and ghosts can transport through places and yada yada [ __ ] yada i don't know if that's what it was trying to say or if that was it that's what it was showing about but mirrors definitely played a huge part but besides the meaning behind it the technical aspect of showing shots through mirrors i thought was so good man so many times you just see the character's reaction through the mirror while keeping the whatever is happening in the forefront of the camera is so [ __ ] good especially when we were looking into room 237 i love how like the door is closed and like we can't actually see what's in the room but from where we're walking we can see off the mirror and you can see into the room like i love that i think that was i think that's fantastic and it was used and utilized a lot throughout the movie and i thought that was dope i really did i think the performances from all of the cast got a lot better so i think it was intentional for them to be really stilted and um almost like cardboard at the beginning like it felt very not acting it felt like you gave someone who couldn't act at all just a piece of paper and told them to read it and they're like how was your day this morning my day was good hi dad are you okay to like that's how it sounded to me and it was really not good but then as the story progresses and as the movie develops the acting became a lot better it became a lot more fluent which i guess is because we not because we understood the characters more but i think it's because the actual characters got to show themselves as the movie progressed like jack nicholson's character jack he at the beginning was trying to keep his composure before he actually went [ __ ] insane and he was trying to keep it in he was trying to keep it together and then it just slowly deteriorates so like whenever he got angry when he was talking with the with the bar guy and everything like he became so eccentric he became cartoony like he was all over the place like how you doing guys how are you doing i would love to do this you know like he became so cartoonish and just eccentric and energetic all over the place and like it felt more fluid you know it felt more fluent at the very least and i was like yeah i wanted more of that i liked that so it slowly got better i think wendy the the actress who played wendy did so good man i mean god damn she she was amazing in this i she was fantastic she was throwing through the best character or the one that i could root for at the very least because our jack was [ __ ] batshit dude's insane tried to kill his wife who was literally like don't even get me started wendy was a fantastic she was sweet she was supportive she was nice she was helping out how much more do you need she was fantastic and this guy was a piece of [ __ ] this guy in his own arrogance his own ego and his insecurity of not feeling important to anybody or important to the world has to shove it in his wife's face and be the biggest [ __ ] possible and wendy is just being sweet and supportive he's like do you understand i'm trying to work here you are interrupting the brilliance of what i am writing never [ __ ] interrupt me because that's all you do all you care about all you talk about and our son what do you think happened to ourselves yo relax relax you know what i mean like just his own fragility in himself no confidence pure insecurity and just dumping it onto his wife seek therapy the supernatural aspects though like that's where this movie leaves me with more questions than answers because huh you know what i mean like so was the hotel haunted and like what's the shining people who shine they have the ability to see the past and the present and the future i know i say the present but by the present i mean like he could hear things that he wasn't in the room with right he was far away and he could still hear them talking that's what i mean by the presence we could hear things he could see the past he could see the future and the past is like a history book it's not actually happening or really there but he can see it and it affected him he had a voice inside him that could control part of him which was tony uh jack's character when he went into room 237 and made out with the beautiful woman who turned into the decomposed old woman at the end there with the dude in the pig mass sucking off the butler like so many things happening and i don't know what any of it means or how it came about how real any of it is or was everyone just slowly mentally deteriorating was everyone slowly going insane but the thing is i can't say that they're slowly going insane because how did jack get out of the food locker the door was locked from the outside there's no way he could have done it and the mom and son didn't unlock it the cook didn't unlock it there was nobody else in the hotel and he was talking to some imaginary voice in his head of the previous guy who killed his family and then the door was unlocked so clearly there's some supernatural aspect that works in people's favors or against them that we don't know about what that wasn't really explained it kind of just existed and that's it like there was no nothing else to it you don't get any more information at least i couldn't see any of the information but it's hard to tell what the [ __ ] is up you know what i mean i don't know and one thing i love is how like i said before i don't like horror movies that do the stupid jump scare stuff because it's lazy it's not real you know what i mean it's not real writing it's not real horror at all because it doesn't scare you anything can make you jump scare you know it's the same like i don't know by [ __ ] you know tickling you to get you to laugh throwing water on you to get you wet like it's the water on wet one doesn't really work but you know what i mean it's just like there's no work done involved no actual stuff is being done to get you to that destination it's just a cheap trick like tickling you to make you laugh it's cheap you're not building up a joke you're not making me laugh you're not making me appreciate the technical aspect of you writing the joke or your timing or your storytelling nothing you just tickle me same with this like there's no you don't you just jump scare somebody like you you don't give me anything to appreciate there's no skill there's no technicality involved in it nothing this movie didn't do that and i loved it this was a technical [ __ ] juggernaut of a horror movie you know just everything man and one thing i didn't know from before is the kubrick sk a stair is what it's called the stanley cubic stair where the guy's like this and he just [ __ ] eyes up and it looks evil as [ __ ] that's like defined as his stare now because i believe it's in most of his movies and stuff so that's what that's about i guess but like i just love how there was so much more implemented to make you feel scared or uneasy to make you feel unsettled just never comfortable that's that's truly i think that that's a testament to how a movie can scare you is to not let you feel comfortable is to constantly make you on edge whether that's through the direction through the camera shot through the acting through the writing through the score through the music you know through the coloring just anything else you got to use other aspects to make it so i'm uneasy i'm unsettled i'm uncomfortable and this movie did that beautifully so that's top notch no doubt about that although i will say i think this movie was really slow like really [ __ ] slow it it just was i i i don't know maybe because like the story didn't really divulge until like an hour through almost like i know it's kind of like a slow descent into madness so it makes sense that the movie is slow but it just really felt like a slow burn through most of it until maybe about like the hour mark even a little bit after that then you kind of get what's happening and then it starts to pick up but even then it's still kind of slow you know so i i'm not a huge fan of that part but i know i understand that it builds to the horror aspect and it makes sense in this movie so i get why they did it as a personal note i don't like it but i i appreciate why they take it that specific route because it is the slow burn it's the slow falling into insanity and we're watching this man do it although the thing is we're not really watching him do it because i think from the jump he was hiding insanity from the jump on the inside he was not mentally well because he was trying to keep his composure from the very first scene like i said just the way he talks puts me off because it doesn't feel natural so like it's not that we're watching someone slowly fall into insanity i think it's someone who is slowly allowing themselves to be insane like they've always kind of been it but he's been trying to keep it back trying to keep composed trying to keep it behind doors and he's just slowly allowing himself to be his true self to show his true nature whatever the [ __ ] that may be but i think that's kind of how it felt to me even the other thing too with like when he was saying he would never hurt them as well and then he when he was drinking and he had that scene with the bartender and he was like she'll never let me live it down it was one accident three years ago and it's like even that should tell you that this guy was never well he didn't just happen to go insane here he was never mentally well he has been mentally unwell for a while you know what i mean like he was not okay for most of their relationship probably so i feel bad for wendy too but i'm glad that they escaped by the end of it because dear [ __ ] god man you know what i mean like just lord have mercy also jack nicholson's eyebrows in this movie have a whole different personality than he does that's all i'm gonna say they're an actor in and of themselves also the part where i said and there was a reason for it too because it reminded me of it otherwise but the part where i was like when he was drinking with the bar people and the way the bartender looked i was like it reminded me of like in greek mythology when you die you go to the underworld and it's the guy who takes you or travels you from i said i think that now wherever i forget what it's called but um like where all the soul of the damned are and like he just looks like the gatekeeper of the dead and it's funnier because before that he goes like it striked me as odd because it sounded so jarring like there was no reason for him to say that but he said it anyway which was when he was like when he was trying to have a drink and he was uh there was nobody there and the bar was empty and he was like man i'd sell my soul for a drink and then the bartender showed up you know what i mean so it's like he kind of stole his soul and that's why he was allowed to drink you know what i mean like that's that whole line felt so out of place and then directly after seeing what happened it kind of makes sense if you know what i mean although as well like he was like you know when he said to to his wife and to his son when they were talking in the bedroom or he was talking to his son he was like i want to stay here forever and ever and i was like if you kill your family you kind of do stay here forever and ever but the thing is that picture was from 1921 and that was from a long time ago before he started working there and we had this idea of the soul with him like because that picture's from 1921 but this is him now so these are two different parts so either like his soul goes into other people or this is fictitious and we're just watching his soul replay different kinds of events of the exact same thing over and over and over again but like i think his soul is the one that haunts this hotel i guess because like how did those other people appear how did things happen so i think it's like a on loop basically because the picture was from 1921 and it was him you know and it was the same ballroom that we saw when he was with the bartender and stuff so that was probably him originally when he was first there or something you know like we were watching and reminiscing about his past during the present event even though the present event wasn't really the present because i think it's his soul being going through this cycle or something but this movie is very confusing i need to go like watch explanation videos for this [ __ ] thing because like there's so many things that are unanswered and very confusing and my main one is the like mythical aspect of this hotel that's my main gripe not gripe but confusion is how he got out of the food locker you know the things he was seeing he made out with the woman like the decomposed body where did that come from the guys at the end that were blowing each other where did that come from like there was just so many things that made no sense and i'd like to know more maybe in the book he explains it more in the movie they just didn't have time to delve into everything because stephen king is a very wordy author and his books are usually [ __ ] tremendously long so i imagine the book probably explains it better and they didn't have time to go through that in the movie or you couldn't give someone's inner monologue obviously so i maybe in the book they do it better i don't know and one part i was saying before when i was talking about the sense of scale with how the shots were and stuff and usually when there is a gigantic sense of scale the main reason you show like a small individual on a gigantic shot whether it be them in a field in a huge field or in a building in a huge building a huge room the main point is to feel like the person is small and feel like they're isolated which they were in this movie but that's the whole point of that specific shot is to make you feel isolated and i said it i was like this movie is so not claustrophobic and that's the whole point is to show you how much space there is everywhere and just how insignificant and small they truly are in comparison and considering they were in a place where there was nobody nearby no one close they couldn't reach anybody phone lines were down like isolation and solitary confinement is a huge part of this movie and to how i guess this guy went further insane but i guess you could take it on the respects that because this was like his soul thing you know i don't have to question about how he got out of the food locker because it doesn't need to make sense because it didn't actually happen this way or something but also because like because of the isolation his brain is fuzzy so like things aren't gonna make sense or for all of them per se nothing's gonna make sense because the isolation has done them in so much they can't think clearly anymore and that happens for a lot of people right like a lot of people even in prison who say when they've been to solitary confinement it is the worst possible thing because you're just alone left with your thoughts and nothing to do just a dark cell with nothing but your own thoughts and it's terrifying for most people so i understand how that played a big role in this movie i guess with how he views everything and how just everything kind of fell together i guess but yeah those are those are my thoughts i thought it was pretty good on a technical level i thought it was amazing as a movie and like re-watchability factor it was kind of slow i don't know if i love the story enough to really be enthralled with it but as someone who loves the technical aspect of filmmaking i think it was [ __ ] awesome in that respect much like american psycho for me where the movie itself and the plot itself i don't know how much i feel about that but how the movie is made how the actors portrayed their roles how the how the writing goes like that i think it's really cool and i think it was dope and i understand why it's like a horror classic i would even call it a [ __ ] it's more of a psychological thriller with like horror drizzled on top you know but i thought it was really well done i think it's perfect for someone who wants to see horror done right or how to implement horror correctly this is the movie for you you know if you want to see the best possible way to showcase something this is this is the one in terms of acting cinematography direction music everything this is the one two show so that's about it for me i enjoyed it let me know what you guys thought i'll catch you guys next time peace hey guys thank you all for watching that recent video and i just want to give a special shout out to boco canutilla i hope i'm pronouncing that right i'm really sorry if i'm not but just want to give a special shout out to you you've been subscribed to my tier one on patreon for a while now and i appreciate you so so much thank you so much for the support love you guys
Channel: Alex Films
Views: 2,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the shining, jack nickelson, jack torrence, movie reactions
Id: IyUFYA9ly9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 18sec (3078 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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