FIRST TIME Watching **MALEFICENT** (its really good?!!)

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if you're watching this I can't stand you and I hope your business Burns you are so disrespectful and so misogynistic I hate you hi Legends welcome back today we're going to be watching Maleficent never seen this girly before I've wanted to see this for the longest time and I feel so bad that I haven't watched this like what's wrong with me I loved the Tim Burt and Addison Wonderland even though that wasn't like a fan favorite and I feel like I might also love this movie the way I love the Alison Wonderland movie so we'll find out today but for now if you want to see the full length reaction that will be available Down Below on my patreon feel free to subscribe yeah I really want to hit 70k this year and also more than half of you who watch my videos aren't subscribed so don't be musty Dusty crusty go subscribe finally if you want to check me out my socials I would highly appreciate that I'm somewhat interesting and Ross Lynch keeps meeting me so there's that anyway let's jump into it all I know about this movie is the Lana Del re version of once upon a dream that slaps let us tell an old story a new and we will see how well you know it this is some pretty imagery you might take her for a girl but she was not just any girl oh young Maleficent we're seeing young Maleficent this is a proper origin story she was a fairy I mean I guess it makes sense she got Wings well this movie kind of looks really cool like I'm already loving the way it looks it's vibrant and colorful so many movies are missing that these days like what is up with that and her name was Maleficent oh my God oh my God oh my God this sounds so Fantastical and [Music] majestical yes send in Bell flying always in a hurry with her big wings humans they're jealous they're jealous of her big wings they're sad that their little bee fly wings can only take them so far he's trouble just look at that haircut you have to give it back give what back see he's not even like taking accountability for his actions he to be guilted into it so do I trust him no unless though he maybe he dies maybe the like her villain origin story the love of her life died my parents are dead mine too or [Music] yeah what's wrong oh you're ion Burns fairies I'm [Music] sorry okay maybe he isn't trash Maleficent thought of how Stefan Cast Away his ring he who had so little in the world so that their hands might touch again and her heart was moved this is either ending in that Boise he dying or betral cuz I've never heard of Maleficent having a guy look who came back I thought it worth the risk what risk manzy you've got nowhere to be no parents you're not going to get grounded maybe he'll get stomped on by a troll and is that going to be for the better maybe yeah I said [ __ ] them kids and on her 16th birthday Stefan gave Maleficent a gift wait they've been they kind of saw each other for a long time 60th birthday true love's kiss that was really beautiful Stefan's ambition pulled him away from Maleficent and towards the Temptations of the human Kingdom he wanted that money and that castle oh my god oh she looks so good ooh ooh the most powerful fairy you hear that yeah go boss go slay okay I'm watching this and I'm very confused why this movie flopped and I'm part of the problem for not seeing it but like come on I was 13 at the time when it came out but what what do you mean this flop look how stunning this is look at that look at that stunning efficent often wandered alone Al and sometimes wondered where Stefan might be okay Stefan's kind of trash she had never understood the greed and envy of men he is greedy but on a fun boppy way like tape McCrae is that Stefan imagine that's Stefan now God he aged poorly that's what you get for being musty Dusty crusty but s I'm kidding I know that's not him right please tell me he didn't age that poorly nor offense to the man Z but Stefan supposed to be like in his 20s o oh that's power move oh I'm feeling things bring me ahead musty Dusty crusty m p sty he's just mad because he aged so poorly yes Stan again joking I know that's not him oh I love this for her yeah crush them obliterate them is it wrong me to say those little things that kind of cute those Pumba looking things they're kind of cute they got a tree Dragon yeah turn around run away there's such dumb asses for even attempting this if I saw a tree Sprout out of the ground you best bet I'm running the other way wow I just love seeing powerful women I just love wom yep yeah yeah I love seeing nature fight back but this is so epic imagine this is the opening they set it off with this kind of vibe you will not have the wars not now nor ever you oh Stefan that sneaky bastard he told them that iron must hurt them for him to know right is that what we're concluding here betral told you he was dodgy told you he was trash stepan oh is it stepan there he is there he is I already know he [Music] sucks defeated in battle is this to be my legacy yes I say die die the rest of them can too kill the winged creature avenge me and upon my death not him take the crown getting into this idea nasty I hope he dies yeah I'm wishing death I hope he falls into a ditch never gets out Maleficent I've come to warn you oh they mean to kill you H okay do I trust those eyes though do I I don't know what I do is that alterior motives here sir they spoke of many things and the years faded away and she forgave Stefan his father he seen her in years and all was as it had been years girly get up you're a Powerful fairy you do not need this Mortal man wait he's got a knife gly wake up wake up that's right I hope you fall on your own knife fall and die I was right to say I did not like him from the GetGo wait what is he doing that for isn't that iron oh her wings o oh he cut off her wings okay we ride at dawn yeah yeah let's go we're going oh that that [ __ ] that is one real scream though oh I felt that in my bones Angelina Jolie the actress you are told you though Stefan deserves nothing he can die for all I care you know who you are yeah you can die go on with it fall onto that knife of yours couldn't care L I shall do my best to be a worthy successor you're my Majesty I hope he dies this has been such an amazing movie so far and now I'm so mad on the movie's behalf for not doing as well as I think it should have why did we all sleep on it what was wrong with us this is the only Castle I want to see Stefan in this broken ass castle where he will be buried 6 feet under and I told you we ride at dawn just to clarify I do not know what time Dawn actually is you're W into a man Slay Slay I love her so much what do I call you the of what and in return for saving my life I am your servant okay I mean yeah actually know what with her big beautiful eyes and those cheekbones same ew disgusting e ew ew he did this to me so he would be yeah girlly I'd be pissed too yeah your days are nothing he best be counting down his days he best be fearing his life o o everything she does so epic literally just walking and look at her power just exuding out of her oh Stefan Stefan messed with the wrong woman she built herself her own Throne gy has DIY Queen what what are we on now we we had Maleficent's whole origin now I get it very cool though I absolutely love that if that was just a short film would have been so happy I mean I'm happy that this is longer than just a short film it's just that was so good King Stefan and the Queen have had a child oh he got booked and busy Grand celebration for a baby okay I can't remember how wonderful she could get her revenge but I can't remember now what princess is tied to Maleficent is it Sleeping Beauty so Aurora correct if I'm mistaken baby they were her friends although they were kind of jealous of her wings sweet Aurora aora I wish for you the gift of beauty oh h no one gave me that let's see what Maleficent wishes for Aurora isn't it that isn't the wish that on her 18th birthday or something she will fall asleep that's Aurora's whole thing she will find herself pricking her finger and fall asleep [Music] I'm rarely wrong so I'd be surprised if I am [Music] here I know Stefan is just shaking right now and she brought the Revenge dress out well well I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation you're not welcome here bold of him to say like shut up I too shall bestow a gift on the child no we don't want your GI no it's not going to stop anyone you have no [Music] power oh it is it's the whole needle on her 18th birthday before the sun sets on her 16th bir the days are numbers she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep like death do Begg I'm sorry I support women's wrongs I Like You Begging do it again the princess can be woken from her death sleep by true love's kiss only by true love's kiss kind of slapped with that one she just looks so cool and him on his flop Throne pathetic King's Stefan ordered his men to seize every Spinning Wheel in the Kingdom secretly he entrusted the safety of the child to the magic of the Pixies who would take her to a remote Hideway for 16 years and a day what confuses me is how would hiding her away do anything Maleficent already put the curse on her it's like Stephan's doing nothing he's just staying in his Palace he's doing nothing is what I'm hearing doesn't want to raise his own child not going to do anything just going to sit there in his castle okay might never again suffer the touch of any human go bestie go imagine if he was the one that fell in love with Aurora would be kind of wild but I can also see it although he is it's a bit difficult he's a crow so age difference I don't know I don't know would be a bit disgusting though wouldn't it I guess but I don't know how Crow's age and I also don't know how old he is anyway as a crow he could be a 2-year-old crow in an adult body I don't know I don't know this movie is so good though I'm I said it before and I'm saying it again I'm so baffled by how it was received it's so ugly you could almost feel sorry for it she just keeps saying [ __ ] them kids this entire movie in this movie though didn't they use Angelina Jody's own child like own baby so that it was the only one that wouldn't cry when seeing Maleficent's face it's going to starve with those three looking after it so is Maleficent going to end up raising her ex's boyfriend wait what her ex's baby okay hopefully the Raven doesn't get feelings for Aurora just for the fact that wouldn't you feel more like a father figure with what he's doing as the days went on Stefan darkened further consumed by paranoia and venance that's what I want to do to him bit mix signals of that but you all know not a fan of him they are so lame for this like do you really think thing you can best her also just I don't know if find something else to do I'd be so mad if I lived in that Village and I found out that the King was spending all of his time and resources on terrorizing his ex in the woods instead of like making the kingdom flourish is that a controversial opinion maybe bring me the iron workers nasty that's her child I know I keep saying they all are but this one definitely is her child cuz I've seen the thing on Twitter about how this was her child because everyone else too scared of her like all the other kids go away I don't like children she is such a lovely tone to her voice I could listen to her n rate an audio book girly I think that should be your next job I really do I would love please don't audio book my one [Music] request Ellie Fanning or L Fanning regardless yeah icon Legend that's so again let's do a counter epic it just looks so cool this movie stunning why have I been just hitting out the park for all the movies I've watched so far this year all of them have been Bops I've not here and wish death upon myself I'm having a grand time I love how she's just playing with all of them deserved didn't even break a SWAT I know that's right it's going to be Iron girly this must be one of Disney's most beautiful movies in my opinion just every scene so far has been so captivating to look at I don't know whether you'd call it just imagery C cinematography or color grading I don't know what it is but it's just so lovely to look at and see because I feel like Cinema is really lacking it these days so bring back the fantasy movies please I love my fantasy half my books are fantasy books I need more fantasy in my life Stefan is still still so dumb so dumb though I really strugg that sentence stroke but he's really dumb because he just sent his child to be raised by other people so she's not really going to care who you are even if you somehow get her to survive and not get pricked by an needle but like I don't get his game plan because I just don't see how he wins sure his daughter gets to stay alive but she couldn't care less about him I Know Who You Are Mommy you're my very godmother close enough hello Aurora I've known you since you were a little one so you better see her as just a child cuz I swear it still be more of like a fatherly thing I'm confused why everyone's scared of Maleficent though cuz like what has she done to them to make them so scared is it just her Aura she's got that powerful woman Vibe and many people are afraid of that but is that all it is cuz all she's done is defend their land good night beasty beasty IM that being your nickname beasty I'd cry ew makes me sick to my stomach can you not see we're having a conversation he I'd run for my life if someone said that cuz he's only in there on his own when the curse fails Maleficent Will Comfort me you did this to yourself you could have been a good person and not cut off her wings crazy I know sadly no Maleficent kind of done herself dirty she's made herself raise her ex's baby and now she's starting to like her ex's baby only for the ex's baby to now reach 16 and then fall asleep but I also still support her I still support Maleficent like yes terrorize your ex cuz he was nasty he cut off your wings he deserves death It's just sad though that the curse has to be on Aurora and not Stefan revoke the curse I don't think it works that way she literally said no power can be powerful enough to revoke the curse or get rid of the curse let it be no more oh that's so sad though do all the fair people have wings most do then why don't you um your dad cut them off like they're just hanging there that's so useless he's so irritating death die be gone yeah he better hear us screams every night oh I love that he's haunted that's that's Justice mhm yeah there is an evil in this world and I cannot keep you from it I'm almost 16 godmother that's the problem the evil is 16 oh that was not a good year oh we have a random man on a [Music] horse good it's not the Raven it's not the Raven thank God it's this SMY from P to the Caribbean okay I'm on board cuz he was Will Turner's son right and Elizabeth's son I'm sorry that was my fault I rushed into Vibes Vibes for a full head of hair like that yes what's your name it's Phillip oh yeah Prince Phillip no friend philli is such a boring name Phillip true love's kiss remember it can break the spell true love's kiss have you not worked out is she because it doesn't exist cuz there is no such thing Stefan you will pay for your crimes I can not spend 16 years in this miserable H with these two imbeciles so shush so that you could ruin it on the last day we are taking you back to your father you told me my parents were dead yeah but your father's must crossy Dusty he made will be dead to you let's not lie I think it'd be best to believe he is dead imagine knowing that your father is this musty crusty man who C This Woman's wings he's looked after you your whole life all in pursuit of a castle and money when are you going to tell me that I'm cursed my aunt said it was an evil fairy I I can't remember her name I wouldn't call malef an evil Maleficent I'm Maleficent is that [Music] you you're the evil that's in the world that's not true you are yet to meet your father mother I support women's wrongs and in my eyes it's not even a wrong but yes cursing Aurora is a wrong but still support women's wrongs it's me Aurora he doesn't even know that's his own child father of the year goes too you look just like your mother okay he knows it okay she's like I want to prick this finger that would really soothe this aom feeling also no one thought to warn her like hey you should maybe steer clear of spinning wheels just an why I or no one thought to make her scared of them so she'd run the other way I get it it's a curse but still no one thought hm give her a little heads up that's on all of them oh her fingers looking crusty ooh I love Cinema such a dumbass let's put all of the spinning wheels into one room and let's keep them in the castle where Aurora will come back to mhm Stefan could do nothing right he had 16 years to get this right ooh and the curse is remaking one for her ooh ah that is quite intense I just hate seeing people prick themselves or get injections stunning that was one whack to the face she's only sleeping she's only sleeping you're say I'm so sick and tired of this man though you've done nothing to raise this girl this entire time and you dare come after the three that did raise her she's only sleeping forever I wish he would sleep forever it's her only chance your majesty die please die and for YouTube who might demonetize me I'm talking about dying t-shirts I love to die t-shirts like please die yes die that's what I've meant this whole time thank you this like a Fortress [Music] [Applause] Yeah pardon me wait are they going to do 180 on us and I hate to do this this always happens with me when I watch movies people don't like it when I predict things and people don't like it when I get it right but I just have to put it out there I'm wondering if they're going to do a twist on us where the true love's kiss is not going to be him and instead it will be Maleficent cuz I mean she's raised a girly that's true love Aurora only knew this manzy for like 5 minutes so realistically it would be really cool if they turn it out to be that it's Maleficent that gives her the true love's kiss and not this manzy but we'll see anyway also stay pressed if I get it right whatever [Music] what did I say wait is it going to work wait is it going to work or not I don't think it's working so it's going to be Maleficent it's Maleficent is true love's kiss funny thing is as well Maleficent might be the one to bring her back and Stefan is still going to try and eliminate Maleficent even after everything he's put her through and not a day shall pass that I don't miss your smile is it going to do it gires is it going to do it gires is he going to do it girlies come on come on please come [Music] on what God my God oh that's so adorable that's so cute oh my god oh I mean it kind of takes away from the moment calling obes but oh that's so cute I love this movie so much five out of five for me straight on letter box I go that's something Stefan could have never done waking his daughter with true love's kiss doesn't even know her this room's too quiet it's like when you go into a boss fight oh that is evil step what was with that Zoom they love the zoom in this movie these mes are evil they deserve death die die die all of them and I know they just all smell bad there's not a pack of deodoran anywhere in this Castle a [Music] dragon yeah yeah it's her wings oh wait is aora going to bring her her wings see they want to go to my girly wait they can like Infuse thems back into her well they better hurry up cuz I don't want Mr dragon raven man dying and I don't want Maleficent dying although there's second one so she's not dying but still I want to see her ghost like go boss them all gooss I love [Music] women this whole movie has literally just been a bunch of men terrorizing one woman to put it in perspective oh yes mother is returning but mother was always here oh this going look so epic they did didn't Infuse themselves back I love Cinema oh oh that's a power move oh oh best movie I've seen this year I keep saying that of every movie I watched this year yeah that's my Raven yeah drag him she should just throw him over the tower yeah fool fool I've been calling for this the entire movie for him to die die t-shirt we present this Crown to our little Aurora for whom we have sacrificed the best years of our she said shut up yeah they didn't really do they were there I won't take that away from them they were there but Maleficent stopped Aurora from dying so many times you have your queen that Crown suits her so oh well for I was the one they called Sleeping Beauty oh she was the one narrating this entire thing once again I love Cinema but by one who was both hero and villain and her name was Maleficent she's the girl boss of all girl bosses oh back up to the heavens we go oh I love that that shot is just the first time I saw it and seeing it again M want this school and instrumental adding it to my [Music] Spotify executive producer Angelina Jolie yes yes this song always reminds me of that one Ballad of song birds and snakes edit if you know you know anyway that's the end of this amazing movie I'm so glad I finally sat down and watched it that's like one of my favorite Disney movies now I've just really just knocked out the park this year with all of my movies that I've been watching and I'm so excited for what else I might watch and also music by James newon Howard of course it was good yeah let me know is it worth watching the next MF cuz I know this's the second one and it came out like 2017 I I'm just so impressed I love women watch me just go listen to this whole soundtrack now whilst I make myself some brownies something okay I'm going to go bye guys I got to stop staying here if you like this movie you'll probably like one of these next choose your fighter either or let me know I'll see you over there I hope you enjoyed this movie just as much as I did I absolutely loved it and I'm sad it ended anyway I will hopefully see you soon
Channel: oh its just rebecca
Views: 35,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney, react, film, movie, reaction, commentary, first time watching, first time, maleficent
Id: e_D8OqgRQQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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