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hey what's up guys today I'm going to be watching Mad Max furiosa for the first time and uh when it comes to the Mad Max movies I've only seen Mad Max Fury Road I know there's an older one I think right um like the original one but when it comes to Mad Max like the first or Mad Max Fury Road that movie was really good like it was insanely good the only problem I had with that movie was that you go from point they go from point A to point B and then back to from point B back to point a and I thought that was was just like the stupid part about the movie everything else was great but that was the only part I was annoyed about so I'm excited to see and hoping they don't do that in this movie and I know it's a prequel I think let me know if I'm wrong in the comments but I think it's a prequel and I hope they don't do that in this I want to see like more of the like kind of the world like I want to see more towns cities or whatever the hell I don't even know if that's like a thing but um yeah I don't know I'm excited to get into it and uh so yeah let's do it I was going to go see this in theaters with my friends but I was like or with one of my friends he ended up watching it without me so I was like all right I'll just wait and then react to it for you guys usually these kinds of movies I watch in the theater always no one knows what's truey is yeah that's right on tell Joy and Chris Hemsworth are in this Chris Hemsworth I'm excited to see what he does cuz I always just see him as Thor so I wonder what he's going to bring to this whoa cool intro HOSA a Mad Max Saga are there other movies being made as well or have they not announced anything George Miller I know George Miller is pretty I think he made Happy Feet too which is interesting that Australia there tell me Mad Max takes place in Australia whoa not expecting a green lush jungle furi invisible already confused I'm already liking this movie more because we're seeing some Greenery which is very rare in a Mad Max film I feel like got gas on her damn she's getting close oh my God that kind of scared me okay oh he didn't feel any of that what was that a little [Applause] whistle how is how is anyone going to hear that how do they hear that down the alarms has anyone played the Mad Max game I've heard the Mad Max game is really good um but I never played it oh look at that they got wind turbines this is already also new off the Jump nothing even a little familiar look they got like muskets fuos oh yeah so this is where furiosa came from that's right I got to remember this is a prequel oh good shot oh I know that actress she was in uh she's in Fast Five and in some of the other fast uh Fast and Furious movies but yeah taking the bike yep I'll come with you no we need to find Dominic doretto yo where's we need a fast and furious Mad Max collab and a f and in my dream fast furious clabs uh Transformers by the way but I don't think that's ever going to happen oh wa that was a cool shot well like camera shot and gunshot damn they won't even keep driving they're actually they're that scared of the sniper oh no they're taking his gas you're you're dude you're going to get a shot buddy oh she's going to bite oh she's got that dog in her she's she's biting the gas line oh she's going to keep biting it so the the bike can't get more gas going to block it what's with the tire that they're driving again oh no okay she actually was able to chew through it I didn't think she would be able to this is so cool to see like taking different parts look at the night is Just Blue f Dam so they've been riding for a long time that's the Thunder the Thunder Bike has a name I did you did a hot swap is Father no that ain't her father you don't mess with the mama bear we got hemat come from and we're going to be the ones that tell him oh she's good that P F yep damn he's slow oh what an idiot yo she's mobbing look at her they just keep putting all the things in like a convenient spot for her why even put the knife back in the same spot if you know she's going to be able to get it again feel like there a lot about the Mad Max Universe I still don't know about cuz mad is such it's so like weird you know like in a good way I feel like madmax also does this thing where instead of like slow motion they do like a this like Fast Forward thing where they'll like people will be doing things super quick like unnaturally because you know they're just fast forwarding the the scenes make oh oh that was risky she could have they could have wiped out D she is a good shot who what the heck is that thing in the air looks like the thing from The Matrix hands off I'm tired hands off oh that dude doesn't have an eye she's from a place of abundance kind of looks like a pirate abundance a place of abundance oh oh I I didn't even think about that the place they live at it's all green and beautiful and nice and they're going to want this where did you find her dementus is here oh that's cool the two bullet casings what is she going to do in this situation how's she going to save her ooh oh what nice oh Sandstorm he's got the nice bike D that guy's got a cool helmet oh it's Chris is that Thor I can't tell I think it yeah he just looks a little different no it is Thor she's from a place of abundance so I wonder if it's is it just Australia that's just like this or is the rest of the world also like this the well nourished full life tell your friend she that girl looks like a very like she does look like a younger version of furiosa from the first movie they did a good job with her Casting he said he saw it with his own eyes let's see bring him in I actually can't tell if that's Thor I'm confused it was amazing right right food Everything E look at his neck tell me he can't say [ __ ] his neck is slit up wait why I turn him upside down a map draw an arrow oh what's up with the with the teddy bear my man he must be exhausted they did a good job with his they did they gave him like the big nose the teeth tomorrow I'll follow the tracks that brought you so interesting to see Chris Hemsworth in a roll like this use our best drinking water oh you get the good drinking water e come on oh she got the disguise it's crazy that the start of this movie has just been continuous I thought it would be like it'd be like Quick Cuts but we're just in it what the hell oh she's here what the hell was he eating from her hands oh no I'm a mother too nothing not a word that's an interesting slingshot uh she's a good actor oh no oh she's T she took that oh no she's got to just take the fit off yeah go go go go go how far away how how far did she even drive or ride to get here oh nice and the tracks are disappearing smart smart smart smart I wonder how they shot this I need to look at a behind the scenes thing hear that quick oh damn I didn't even realize her back looked like that get on the bike dogs no way no way dogs can smell the tire tracks oh she's bleeding though that's why okay seed protect the green place oh promise I the seed wait isn't that did she have that seed in the first movie too crap I should have rewatched the first one it's been a it's been like a year or two I think since I've seen the first one be with you whatever let me know you'll you guys will let me know in the comments I know and I apologize I'm not like a Mad Max Super Fan you know at least not yet the way Chris hamsworth character looks and this is so funny oh damn oh she didn't have ammo or anything left oh no oh no for real why' she come back no what is she doing she's your mother perfect what the hell are they doing to her oh my God you're so stupid furiosa it's Point what is she doing like gutting her history m a word please what the hell who is this dude zest he's like the walking Google he's crying too what are they doing her I'm so confused it is gutner Mo like what well that was a cool shot in the eye and the I wonder how they did that two lessons from the Wasteland damn so what are these like chapters see they do this like see it's like like fast forward it almost like the look of this fight who gets to kill you we a problem damn so she's just long for the ride now going have to show me who you are because wece mad Max's like style and design it's so unique it's a world it's the world you don't ever want to be in [Applause] e oh I don't like the way she E I don't like that I don't like the way she be looking you could hold this if you want little ones you just keep him safe what happened to his little ones they die oh man this dude's about to get ripped oh oh my god oh dude he got split in four human blood human blood sausage is everyone in this world a uh what's the word the thing where you eat humans like that's just normal around here right cuz there's no other animals at least I don't think don't be surprised if they're just uh eating humans I forgot what the word was I can teach you but like you self invaluable what's with the mouthpiece thing that she has I know this is one of those movies where you're not really supposed to ask questions but I'm going ask k a question look at that look at that Squad look at all them that's a lot I got to I got to figure out that word it's bothering me the stars and other celest cannibalism they're cannibal are they cannibals whoa look at that he's got a chariot of mo motorcycle Chariot that is so cool so unnecessary but cool like look at that thing that's so cool madmax always has I say always like I haven't only seen the first movie but the they have cool vehicles oh it's these dudes is this dude the guy that like spray paints his mouth yeah it is oh Valla yeah we're looking for a place of abundance abundance plentifulness quantity of something a lot of stuff oh my God I'm spitting right now what's up yo your head bro you got something in your head where would one find this Citadel that way maybe called you to me why would he shoot it down there that's cool though that is a cool shot all right P lizard dude there are so many of them holy crap look these guys are living in holes I'm I don't know if furiosa has told him where her place is or if she's just holding out if she if she hasn't told him oh no she did or maybe she didn't I don't know and they just found it oh this is a different oh this is the place from the OG movie or the last movie I'm assuming that dude's got a fan on the back of his bike oh the different factions oh they calling wait yeah this is look this is the place Yu this guy's like their Jesus or something oh he got the red in his beard now Citadel Chris eper is doing a great job I'll give credit where it's do good job Chris what is this guy doing oh sign languaging since this is a prequel I could watch this and then watch Mad Max on here and react to it if you guys want or Fury Road has been a couple years since I've seen it oh yeah this is that guy this is the guy look at these dudes dude and I wonder what happened here now we're going to find out they're going to oh they're going to do the water on them huh request I just realized that dude has a mask on his dick SM his what what' he say his smag I mean they have The High Ground I have The High Ground and oh yeah right pain time I hope we see at least one more faction in this movie what is he doing what's he about to do some crazy [ __ ] Savage oh yo that is so cool yo that was cool bro yeah they they they are loyal as hell scotus scrotus we are the sons scotus and rectus that sounds kind of sus oh yeah I told you they had The High Ground and I did I completely forgot about the bomb Spears oh wow look at that they're taking their vehicles oh and that's how they get furiosa I'm surprised he just now noticed what are they taking her for what the oh they're going to eat that to eater or something oh who is that take her away that is probably the most ridiculous thing I have seen is that Chariot is that motorcycle Chariot you same as me it's from the citadela oh whoa Gast town the second Fortress of the Westland of the Wasteland yes dude I want to see more fortresses let's goit scaven this this movie is already solving the issue I had with the first one and I'm all for it is that all oil around the city it's got to be right I don't think unless it's just water but I feel like not not in this movie it's definitely oil it's crazy that we're that we're seeing her at this um seeing her young for this long of the movie I thought it was just going to be like the first like 10 minutes of the movie but we're almost an hour in so that's interesting that's not something I was expecting I wonder when they're going to do the time jump this is cool I got to play the video game man I might just do it I have nothing to play anyways right now so enough damn they got gas for days I take orders from the octopus yeah do what he says I'm surprised he's able to control all these people oh oh waa why is this so s like that like pudding oh he's going to he's going to paint him to like infiltrate I'm surprised it's like white Under the yellow sand or orange sand or whatever color you want to call it brownish a who is that actor I feel like I know him I feel like I've seen him was that hold on I got to look this up I thought that was Austin Butler or whatever for some reason but it's not him I don't know why who is this dude they they're already killing the like the set designs or I don't even know this is obviously I don't even know if it's a set or whatever but the clothing designs everything just it's all on point still from the from Fury Road so I'm happy the quality hasn't really been dropped down from that cuz you never know if these seel are going to be better or not so far it's good though I'm enjoying it look at that look dude that guy's got like AKs like four or five AKs on the front of his bike oh he's got a bow oh make it real oh he's killing his own oh that sucks over thees over thees have we seen gas did we see Gast town in the last movie cuz I I remember hearing about Gast town but I don't know oh they snuck in they're in this [ __ ] they're good yeah dude look at that look how much a that's so cool I feel like he's going to like betray well he did Chris hems withth character did kill his man dementus I got to remember that name dementus oh he got the thing now he controls the gas right body search no weapons what would you rather control the the water or the gas I think water right I mean you have to live you you need water to live you don't need gas me you don't need gas as much to live you don't need to move around these guys can just you can just still chill in this mountain area you have water e dude what is his design is so gross looking tra if we're not back safe by sunset this is how you save gas I could be in a movie like this I could be super weird I I can get weird oh dude oh my God I just noticed that got a harpoon right to his head the Wast won't sustain it oh oh oh he's holding his nips too bro holy moly bro are your nipples okay I don't like how his nipples are looking like that my daughter little she even got that red hair yes well she has her mother's Perfections and not like the genetic absurdities you have for sons blood pudding I'm the organic mechanic All Things by man or disease God bro this dude's a certified PDF no she's my daughter her whole life I've protected her from the you'll be bonded by Blood no she she's not for sale She's mine is he your father he slaughtered my mother enough to survive all Sorrows that may come her way I did that for you I will increase your shipment of water your delivery once every 10 days but I will take this girl who is not no don't let him take her who's trusting this man oh oh no okay part of the package I'll protect Gas Town from all treachery henceforth I will be addressed as the great Lord guardian of Gast town the Gast Town's got new management beautifully play now she's stuck with this dude so that's kind of why she ends up going to rescue all those girls in uh the previous movie cuz she kind of goes through this [ __ ] I I'm guessing and then she just ends up hating that dude all right that little beauty out into the oh so yeah yeah cuz I remember his character too he delivers yeah y y it's coming back what the hell is he doing [Music] H oh it's twins sorry boss is it Twins or no he's just dism morphed oh yeah okay three strikes you're out oh man you'll make an excellent milker milker damn this life sucks this whole world sucks what she doing cutting her hair oh oh it's the sea dang she's still has it in her hair interesting so I'm assuming she still she still hasn't given up oh and her hair her classic haircut she hasn't given up the location yet huh and where she came from okay is where she took those girls in the LA in the previous move or were trying to take the girls to the previous movie too okay okay okay it's all coming together oh no what is this man trying to do he either trying to do something really bad or he's trying to be a good guy I don't know what is that is that the oh it's the map right here's got Jingle Bells Oh Oh wa she end up escaping here you lose something yeah he [ __ ] up what are you doing here an annoying that dude's got a insane forehead all right so the wigs Hanging On The Twig oh this is oh we're going to see how all the times passed wa that's cool the the tree is growing or the branch not tree or whatever interesting so this is the time jump they actually did it 1 hour in I was not expecting that oh man that that's not uh I was oh [ __ ] I I forgot what I was going to say God damn it I was oh no I was about to say this whole place isn't up to code so many liabilities look at these shots how are they doing these camera shots this are crazy like look at that little zoom in swoop shot like it's awesome so she's just working pretending to be a boy now interesting shout out to this younger actress by the way she's killing it the stow away is this are we oh yeah we're oh no no this is uh this is her this is Ana or what what's her name again yeah Ana Taylor Joy beautiful and doing this black imortal how do I be an extra I'm down to be an extra speak he's mute oh scrawny close stronger F oh wow bro's got a walker now oh no that was a different guy I was thinking of someone else but he's got a walker this is the thing that's in the Fury Road right look at that look at the Dome on that guy potato why so shy it's just piss they were right she is a mighty thing it's crazy that she's just just been here the whole time just posing as a guy got ourselves a road guys I need a new chair man I need a new chair whoa I kind of like that how he's like super far forward but yeah if you guys got any chair recommendations let me know I need like an like an ergonomic chair or something this one man it's just like I like it but I don't know feel like I can get a better one and for these reactions I need something more comfy oh yeah look at that that's cool oh whoa look at that how' they shoot this whoa that's so cool what they're basically parir uh what is it called par sailing but with bikes dude look at these shots these shots are crazy how did they shoot this I'm going to need to watch like a breakdown video behind the scenes for this oh [ __ ] that's losing engines oh wa he's actually going down there that's crazy what look at that that is so cool dude yeah I I need to know how they film this they're killing it I just want to be at on a movie set one day for like these big like for these kinds of movies like this or Dune like oh man I just I would honestly just like to be a fly on the wall just so I could see how everything's done look at that dude there there he's got a fan on his back flying around with a parachute oh oh he said take it I don't get how the dude's flying in the other like the the the truck's going this way and the dude's flying like super slow while the truck's going really fast that just doesn't make sense to me but oh [ __ ] Chuck the bomb Oh nice look at that smart clip it I can just this this movie is just making me smell all the gas and oil look at all those vegetables oh they're getting On's oh no no no I'm surprised they don't just go for the tires like are the tire like you can't pop those things oh he's got the Harpoon I just realized I remember these BMX biker dudes from the previous movie as well it's a lot of the same things from the previous movie movie just in this one I don't know if I've seen anything too new yet but I don't know you guys let me know in the comments I feel like I've just we're seeing a lot of the same stuff which isn't a bad thing it's just actually the parachute things are new I think oh boy oh I feel like this is just like a casual like Tuesday for all them oh [ __ ] isar with the hair nice oh no oh sh this whole sequence is insane that dude just chilling oh they got another flying thing oh that's new whoa that's [Music] cool he's about to bomb y'all oh boy what the hell oh she got him with the claw nice good job uhoh another one oh they got a gun damn they just keep coming huh oh it's this dude oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that's what we were seeing in the beginning of the movie that thing he's flying it's got the tentacles I wonder if she realizes that or recognizes him look at that thing what the hell a lot of this story in is just it's mostly I feel like visual so I wonder how they oh wow I didn't even realize that's what that thing does holy [ __ ] what the hell that is crazy but yeah like a lot of the like there was no talk like not that much talk oh he got shot but yeah during this whole sequence there wasn't that much talking going on it was just mostly action which is uh really cool that was like the first time I think we heard talki said for for like it's like the beginning of the movie I feel like oh she's a good actress get out oh no no don't leave her damn her plan failed so hard now what going to happen where to now I'm surprised there's a road oh I know I was saying how I wish in the last movie they had more locations they went to but it is like a wasteland so there can't there's not that many places I'm May I'll te you everything you need to know about Road War oh Road war no questions asked he has insanely like shiny eyes I don't know if they're blue or they're really cool eyes need it God they their their outfits are so good and the makeup they have like the dirt on their face it looks amazing the costume designers killed it man home word Stars be with you oh yeah I wonder what Chris H is doing right now you and me oh she she's got the the black stuff on her head to the bullet Farm the third Fortress of the Wasteland so there's the bullet Farm I forgot what the water one was called and then gas town so those are the only three oh wow look at that they just dropped the bullets in this tanker cool it's crazy it's always such a dangerous trip to any town that piece of an pous you tell him [ __ ] J we need a Mee him here's the boomstick you asked for the boomstick I want to know who this actor is Tom Burke this character doesn't have a name listed on here at least for you boom stick for your travels you're done here at least this dude's chill food water oils give me a coup nice oh [ __ ] almost stab we're finally see we finally going to see Chris Hemsworth cuz he is at uh gas town he's the new ruler is she like trying to kill him or what what's I mean I yeah he did kill her mom so makes sense oh the dog's got a pag leg dang this old dude's still alive holy [ __ ] how old are you bro thought you'd be dead by now holy crap f p the bullets for a tank there he is we're got to do something about it oh the boom stick we can't keep up Supply the that idiot to get ourselves a meeting not leing without our tank full of gas man what are you doing to the cabbages or is that lettuce that's sick oh these guys are getting screwed bro eat y'all lettuce man they acting out they didn't eat their lettuce oh [ __ ] yo those are that is a such a cool shot oh she was stabed bro that's like right that's like bone bro that's straight bone not a drop a dling and I will blow him from the face of the Earth leave forarm with your tankers and he's got a plan infantry ready to pick upu he's I like it's weird how he's got his guns on his shoulder does he like go like that damn look at that that's like trap at the end of your map ofs I don't know if we can trust him like that yet he seems chill but I don't know my mother and father Were Soldiers if you find this place wherever it may be I don't know if we can trust him or not feel like he's being all nice get the info oh she still has it in her hair interesting how does that thing not fall out of her hair I want her to get back so bad can someone in the comments explain to me what's with the black foreheads like what that means CU they both have it are they going to become lovers I don't know if I don't know if we can trust him though all right what's the plan here you're promoted re defense I drive the war rig not to die dang look at that thing it's all tilted in the front the second engine what's his plan what's he up to oh damn oh no oh [ __ ] oh the gate right on the car oh is our boy [ __ ] D that thing has got the range and he's a good shot watch out behind you man oh he's going to die here huh o dang so this place is compromised oh is he going to actually be able to get through it no way oh [ __ ] more people coming oh Green Smoke what's that what's that mean yeah a lot of visual storytelling in this hey what's the green mean I don't even know am I missing something you going to leave his ass you like him too much that thing in the back of the truck is so funny oh the sniper here we go oh oh no oh nice oh okay good that was a Miss what the hell so his his he's just screwing everything up uhoh be careful oh that's a cool the blood got on the camera me that no way oh no he's going to shoot a rocket at her no way he's able to he's going to be able to aim that bro oh he used him as a shield good smart oh he okay good shot I guess oh what the hell dang he took down the pillar oh look at all those bullets uhoh what's he going to do oh he's about to do some stupid [ __ ] I feel like oh getting it's getting caught yeah I got caught oh that's so stupid on the back too get out dude you got to get out oh no dude he should have got out so much earlier what is he doing okay okay okay yes we're not still out of it yet oh she's getting dragged down with him now nice go go go damn that whole tanker got screwed man this Chris hems withth character sucks in this he's just ruining the the balance of everything SC everyone over he's being such an idiot on get out of there we're good ah oh no they're coming got the lava well that whole place is [ __ ] we'll head east for 3 days all the way oh that's good the bikes they have for extra gas which is nice something's going to happen to that guy he's got the monster truck no way he's catching up or like in seeeing viewing distance she had such a head start I wonder if they know if they're being chased right now damn look at yeah they're close as hell it's so funny how the car is just leaning forward like that oh he's going to do hit the jump oh [ __ ] I'm ready I'm ready to see this that is such a steep hill those bike those guys aren't even making it oh never mind he he's I don't think he's jumping oh I was hoping for him to just go behind you I like how he doesn't even say anything he just goes out the window he's like ready to snipe oh that was a good move oh there a Gap oh he made it oh he's actually catching up holy [ __ ] oh nice nice nice oh he got shot oh oh yeah that's how she loses her arm I forgot that she doesn't have an arm I forgot oh my God that is such a [ __ ] way to lose your arm I forgot about that holy crap now we know how it happened and they got screwed oh damn her arm just got just like went through the rinse cycle bro what is he doing or was it just her hand I don't remember wait she still does have her I got to where I going so full of hope not for them not for you certainly not for yeah her arm is messed up oh yeah yeah she does have the robot arm in the previous movie I just had to look that up and confirm that it's like her forearm a place for all of us no you two break my my heart surprise i p To Be Your Leader Justice and retribution I don't know what are they going to do they're going to pull his arms they're going to do that thing pull his limbs apart oh yeah I I think it they are yep oh no they're going to drag him string her up oh he's got to run damn that sucks oh was that the arm that also had the map oh oh on the arm oh my god dude how is she not screaming in pain right now this is so messed up oh what and the dogs on him too what the hell man screw this guy this dude is just drunk with power shout out Chris hem though he's killing it and Ona Joy Taylor there's wasting gas bro oh [ __ ] so she how they not see her holy [ __ ] how did she get out of there she really tore her own arm off oh and she screw how' she end up doing all that without anyone seeing dude what what a Savage so what happened to the guy I'm assuming he's dead now or is he being dragged by one of the bikes riding a bike with one arm it's so hard or would be so hard I feel like look at that shot that was also another cool shot yo who's that is that is that our boy Mad Max no way uh M why are there e is that like sanitary to put e what is that bro bro get those maggots off for arm bro oh this is the old lady this is the old lady from the pit you find peace here ew dude get out of here this is this is what this is the darkest place of the Mad Max Universe you get out of there how the hell she she got back she ended up back here dude what the hell oh so she ends up just going back of who was that guy we saw was that M Max I feel like it wasil to up to a meeting where's pretorian Jack how do you know that they're coming with gra we make him think we're going to Gas Town it kind of sucks that there's only three towns I guess those are the main things water food gas bullets I feel like there could be another town for like I don't know I guess it really isn't another one I can think of yes yes I hold them profoundly in contempt H they're they're tricking them are they tricking them or what oh yeah they are they [Applause] are oh smokes okay yeah this is cool I like seeing this is and will be there were the wars of the Roses North against South first second third oh that's where she gets her arm wow the origins of the arm cool I want to see more of that type cyborg type [ __ ] the 40-day w Wait the 40 year wait wait what holy [ __ ] oh it's the guitar dude that guy's goated teeth she still got that thing in her hair man rage fued by grief why she putting it in her mouth back to the bald hair look there's nothing here whoa she even sounds like the original actor I forgot what the actor was in the The Fury Road but she even sounded like her for a sec what the hell is that thing that thing looks like ass it doesn't even have wheels yo what what it doesn't have a wheel oh just like her arm bro it's missing a wheel like how she's missing an arm symbolism so it's just all out War what the hell oh yeah this a guitar dude oh what the hell wait I'm confused why is that old guy there with these dudes the Gandalf looking [ __ ] a it's going to oh is it because they kind of won the war and now he's just running they got to find him I'm coming with you no you're not you he's really running the fifth Rider of the Apocalypse Beyond Vengeance I am Vengeance oh here we go we have to OS who are they to things together goodbye we're coming for you so I mean they didn't really show but the guy that she was with the guy that also has the black for it he's just dead like we didn't even see it or am I tripping I I don't know I thought that was weird like I know he's being dragged by the bike and being chased by the dogs but I don't know if I'm ass I guess they we're just supposed to assume he's dead I don't know I don't know if I I didn't see it on screen I I know he ain't I've learned my lessons if you don't see the death on screen he's they ain't actually dead but who knows oh oh These shots look so good dude with the sand like it looks so good I can't tell if that's CGI if it's CGI it looks really good I'm sure it's like like obviously these shots like not all of it's CGI but like when she's going down that Dune like was that real oh dumbass oh no and she's in it too back up please get his ass oh that's where these BMX [ __ ] are the Nitro was is it called Nitro Circus those guys that go around on BMX is I'm pretty sure it's Nitro Circus that's what these guys basically are oh H he's dead yeah they're going to take care of him no but she's going to want the kill for sure oh it was a wig this whole time or they scalp him oh no it's not him I was about to say I was like he didn't have an eye so okay that tricked me that [ __ ] look empty bro oh there's a hole in it bummer what the heck that bike has such has like a head on it it's like a mannequin in the front you found me yes we have you are a freak are you that thing oh no ammo you're acting like the desert like a desert ghost bro scared man he's running The Sounds in this movie are cool he really still running like what what's the point of running might as well just face it nothing even there's nothing around you for Miles I am nothing man just murk his ass or drag him behind your car yeah okay she's got chains I'm assuming Maybe maybe maybe she's going to do what I'm thinking we got to torture him though because we killed your mom the robot arm is so cool fabulous thing only one thing's going to do that for you you oh that wasn't hope that was Instinct thank God that knife was broken 15 years ago there was a woman dang 15 years holy crap how are you even how how do any of you survive for 15 years out here I'd be dead um red Le that's exactly how I yeah she got screwed she was living in a paradise a big belly full of Revenge minor torture but every little bit counts just drag him behind your car I'll remember your face and your memory brilliant never balance the Skyes of their suffering oh getting pistol whip got suck if I could you that I in we got to come up with a good torure plan I think you having a seizure oh what the hell whoa what the heck there's a little mo motor in her shoulder what's she doing oh taking your teddy bear little th I've been waiting for you it leaves us for a moment but then it comes back ah the already dead I didn't realize that teddy bear had like small arm there are those who prefer that she did oh really so she just shot him I do I do wish she did more than just shoot him ented him in ways more fitting yeah like that that's what I was hoping for that's literally what I was saying and wity mtil yeah that's what I'm talking about but this oh what the hell oh she put the Sea and the trees growing out of them is human it's n maggots debriding his mcro yo that that's torture growing out of a living being wants to eat that this is our first fruit and then perhaps I wonder oh and this leads into beer Road gotcha interesting and then you can literally just watch for your road and you're watching that's awesome that leads right into it hey that was a good movie man that was a good movie uh I don't know if I like it more than Fury Road but it was a it's a good addition it's a good prequel uh um yeah I don't know I really enjoyed it Chris Hemsworth he killed it bro he did a good job his uh facial Prosthetics or whatever like the makeup he had was really good um ana Anya Joy Taylor she did a really good job as well she was a really good younger version of furiosa um the camera shot a lot of sh cool shots in this um in this movie um just like the just like Fury Road great shots um what else uh the uh the makeup Department did a great job the outfits were on point everything was like up to par with Fury Road um I think and yeah everything looked great it was cool I just wish the thing about Mad Max is I wish there was more to it sometimes like it sucks that there's only like three towns I feel like there should I just like I want more out of this world this universe and I don't know what it should be or what it is but I just want more I feel like we're just getting like the cake without the icing you know there have like there's some icing in the Mad Max world that needs to be I I need I just need more I don't know what it is but um this was a good movie uh yeah Fury Road I think was uh was better but this one's still good really good too um what else was there that guy with the black the when they did the black thing on their foreheads why I don't know why they did that can you guys explain to me in the comments if you guys know also did that guy I'm assuming he's just I'm assuming he he died right and then we saw that shot of this guy next to his car I'm assuming that was also Mad Max they were teasing that or they were just like showing that um that was really cool um what else am I missing here I don't know it it was a solid movie I I would recommend it to anyone um are there any other have there been any word of any other Mad Max movies coming out anytime soon or no not soon but at least one being worked on that'll come out like the next couple years hopefully let me know in the comments um yeah let me know in the comments what you guys thought like this video If you guys enjoyed it and subscribe if you guys want there buttons right here somewhere it's free um I'm going to be reacting way more movies if you guys want me to watch Mad Max Fury Road I'll react to it as well since this movie basically leads into that I've seen Fury Road but I don't mind watching it again I haven't seen it in a couple years so let me know in the comments if you guys want me watch it and and yeah I'll see yall and I hope you guys enjoyed this reaction man let me know and I'll see y'all on the next one peace
Channel: NeedumReacts
Views: 1,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NeedumReacts, Needum, mad max reaction, mad max movies, mad max, a mad max sage, furiosa, furiosa movie reaction, furiosa reaction, furiosa a mad max saga reaction, furiosa a mad max saga movie reaction, furiosa movie, mad max prequel, mad max fury road, mad max fury road reaction, fury road reaction, anya taylor joy, anya taylor joy furiosa, chris hemsworth, chris hemsworth furiosa, first time watching, furiosa trailer reaction, furiosa trailer, reaction
Id: J8foyIx6yec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 31sec (3931 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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