First Time Raspberry Pi User Unboxes A Pi 400

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greetings guys and hello and welcome to a brand new video where today i'm doing an unboxing uh so i'm doing an unboxing of a raspberry pi no not that kind of raspberry so this is my very first raspberry pi actually uh for those who don't know raspberry pi's are little kind of micro computer systems that are very popular with hobbyists for building their own little projects they can be used in a very popular for using in things like robotics and stuff like that and they're they're really kind of fun little thing to play around with and as somebody who has a little bit of um experience with programming because i don't know if i've mentioned this on my videos before but i work as a quality assurance tester for a software company so whilst i don't do a whole lot of programming i do i have done little bits of programming and i certainly do a lot of uh scripting in python to automate testing so this is kind of a little hobby thing for me to kind of practice more coding in and also hopefully do a retro gaming system so with that said let's get a better look at what's in the box so this was ordered via piper so so first off we have a little little uh travel case thing here it's a bonus extra um i just thought you know if i'm traveling around with this it might be quite nice to have that but we don't actually need it for this this this is what we're all interested in and probably the reason why i bought this which is the raspberry pi 400. um is that a lot of raspberry pi's are just literally the board they're a very bare bones thing um so you don't get a case you don't get any extras you just get the the board and the little micro sd card that it runs its operating system from whereas this this is a little self-contained computer little um keyboard obviously this is uk layout i believe they do uh english us french spanish uh german i believe um i don't know there's a whole range of different languages you can have a look on their website and see what regional languages they do i'll put a link in the description below but what's also nice is because the hard drive and the well not the hard drives though the motherboard and everything is mounted in the case it means that we have this nice little computer that's in the keyboard and you can see it'll have lots and lots of adapters on the back but enough it's staring the box let's actually see what's in the box because that's what we're tuned in for isn't it i'm now being defeated by a box this is ridiculous this is very nice it's very nicely presented so box opens up like this and right away we are greeted with our pi 400. nice compact little keyboard um computer and so it has all of our standard keys we'd expect obviously we have a function key and a raspberry pi key for doing all of its system calls and on the back we can see we have this little sd card there we have two micro hdmis uh its power supply is done through usbc so that's really cool um and then we have two usb 3s and a usb 2. and most importantly we have a ethernet so as foreign this does have a built-in wi-fi capability but if like me you prefer and the more consistent performance of a wide internet connection then this is going to give you that functionality here is our ribbon or rum our um our port for putting it all of our different um items in one plug-in like um you could plug in little pin uh using the pin connectors here you can plug in fans you could plug in um little programmable robots whatever your project that you're working on that all gets connected through here and there are various plot um various kind of projects that you can do but you might be wondering what are those projects we can do well we will we will cover that in just a moment because there's a book in here that covers that now obviously in our box we also get our power supply um as this is the uk one this will be a usb c to usbc and because i'm in the uk it goes to a standard uk three pin plug obviously if you buy an american one it will go to an american two pin so on and so forth or it might go to a usb adapter or not it also comes with a with a raspberry pi mouse you know you don't need an extra mouse but uh because if you buy the because you can buy just the pi 400 on its own and it just comes with the power supply and the sd card but this this starter box is really nice again we got the mouse is in this lovely contrasting white and raspberry colored and it's it's cabled because you know that's that's always preferable to wi-fi or wi-fi mice and keyboards in my opinion because wireless mice and keyboard are the devil's work we have an sd card adapter that converts a micro sd to a full side full size sd so that you can plug in the sd card to your pc to format it or whatever quite useful and we also have oh there is our hdmi so micro hdmi to full size hdmi so that we can plug this into a monitor i will be doing that in a moment and here is a beginner's guide to raspberry pi so this goes from everything from how to do little projects breast different projects that you can try and also gives you an overview in the python coding language that the raspberry pi uses um very useful if you've never used python before i mean i imagine this will go all the way from the basics and things like syntax how to yes call back loops and it's all very nicely laid out um color code because that's the big thing with the raspberry pi is it's designed not just as a hobbyist and an enthusiastic but as an educational tool so that is the primary market of the pie fortunately for me i have a bit of experience with python as i said before so um i will not be at a total loose end but it certainly feels just from what i've read online and from brief flicking through there that that's going to cover all of this now the real deal of course is that you want to see what this looks like when i boot it up so we're going to do a quick transition and then i'm going to park myself in front of my computer monitor and we'll see what we can do many hours later so here we have my pi 400 all connected up and ready to use it's obviously plugged in via hdmi to my monitor and i have done the initial setup i should forewarn you that when you do um set this up the first time if you can it's worth connecting it via ethernet because it will uh once it signs in the first time and starts up it will run updates and if you're doing that over wifi that could take a little while anyway so as well as running the updates i've put my own custom wallpaper on and made a few little tweaks here and there which i'll uh i'll zoom into the screen a bit so you can see exactly what is going on here there we go okay so by default um we have our start menu or taskbar now the default on python sorry on the raspberry pi is to have it at the bottom so at the top i've moved to the bottom because i use windows a lot it's just more convenient obviously we have a raspberry pi key on our keyboard much like the windows key it will bring up our start menu here and we've got various things broken down into categories so we've got um various programming tools educational stuff remember this is primarily marketed as an educational tool a lot of projects in your raspberry pi are designed to be very basic we have our microsoft office equivalent here we've got a bunch of games now we can actually um add and remove more software packages and there's a lovely utility here for doing that and we can go in and this is a list of all the different game packages that i can auto install so all i'd need to do to click on them would be to add a package and then press apply um i'm not going to do that because i don't really want any solitude i'm not a big fan of solitaire anyway i don't need those um some of the pre-bundled games that come with this won't appear on this list um so there are some of the softwares that you might want to adjust and you can also do that by going into the preferences and going into recommended software and this will show you once it finishes populating the list and so this shows um more pre-installed software so there's a whole lot of different educational softwares there's a whole bunch of extra games i'm actually going to uninstall minecraft because i already have that installed on my pc so i don't really need that one here as well it's just taking up room [Music] and there that's removed another thing i removed was the email client because i can do that all via web-based email but there's there's a variety of different options here including various different programming packages um uh since hat is quite good if you want to be using the third the external um components for things like um any kind of like robotics project stuff that's all to do with the pins i showed you earlier on the back of the um back of the actual keyboard and uh computer itself i've installed visual studio that's not on by default uh just because i'm used to using that as a good environment but there are a variety of different things available here and that's before we start going and downloading other packages i quite like this i think i think it's going to be very straightforward it will give us a lot of um scope to play around with python um your default web browser is chromium which is a stripped back version of chrome you can see i've already added a couple of shortcuts to the or bookmarked pages one of which is of course the raspberry pi org website where we can order more raspberry pies we can look at various um starter courses so if if you've got uh kids you can enroll them on online course to do basic coding projects um and so i think this one is like yes we've got coding club here for people aged 9 to 13 and another one that's ages 7 to 17 as well as various different uh magazines and literature that you can download and various different little projects that they give you guys on another one that i've bookmarked here which i think is definitely worth a look is the beginner projects for python and so again we're given a lot of different low-level projects that we can do like um hidden text within images a little platform games audio editors that there's all sorts of little things uh the one that i'm looking forward to playing around with this is building a discord bot so i can use that with the discord surface that i'm on i really do feel like um for ease of use that this machine is a nice simple little um get about and the great thing with this is you know it boots up nice and quickly because it's all being run off that ssd card now um i think that i'm not too sure what the default size micro sd card is but obviously you can install larger micro sd cards in there also using usb you can actually use external sata hard drives to expand the file storage capacity um i don't need to do that at the moment because i'm not planning on using a whole lot of file storage on here it's really just for these little projects but we'll see how i get on there are a variety of different projects the um obviously the focus with um this all in one unit is because it's a keyboard you're not going to use it for or you're less likely to use little server projects and stuff like that that i've seen other people use the basic raspberry pi it's also worth noticing uh noting that the the pi 400 has a greater um the pi 400 has a greater um performance because this is a it's effectively a four gig version of the the normal uh pipe four but it's overclocked so the or it has a higher clock speed than the stock one the stock pipe pi 4 will have a uh i think it's a 1.8 this is 1.8 yeah i think this is 1.8 and the standard one is 1.5 gig so it's a little bit more of a beefy performance and you don't have to worry about like trying to put it in a case and assemble it this is a nicer ready-to-go unit so it represents a very cool um and easy to use set up now the default operating system for the raspberry pi it uses a um there should be a help tell us a bit about the software installation installing all rings can we get some information that's what we want but i love the fact that all of this sort of documentation on rapsberrypi's website gives you like how to set up sd cards so the default um size is the 16 gig it's also worth noting that they give you limit uh what the limitations are there's all sorts of useful information on here but uh this raspberry this raspberry pi interface um and the the operating system that used here can be replaced you can run a straight up version of linux i believe this will support the ubuntu operating system from linux it will also um support um there is development now for a a basic version of windows 10 which can be run on this but i think i think if if you wanted to run windows 10 on a machine um you're more likely to have bought a windows 10 tablet or a windows 10 pc or laptop the the flexibility of of this machine is that we have those range of options open to us that we wouldn't normally have with other um hardware it's all about experimentation it's all about uh learning so i would strongly recommend if you're thinking of of um learning a bit of programming language in particular learning python or you want to start playing around with arduino little um servos so sort of um fans and little kind of desktop toys as it were that it is a really good um bit of kit to learn that with and it it still has a lot of familiarity you know we still have our our documents using a windows based um file navigation that is very similar to what we have in in microsoft windows and in other operating systems and even powering on and off is nice and simple we have just have this simple logo and i can reboot log out or shut down if i shut down completely closes and to turn it back on again all i've got to do is press the f10 key which is the power key and that will bring it i might need to press the function key as well and yep there's a little flash like that not quite as quick as beating up a windows machine but hey it's running a smaller machine also i'm used to that because my windows machine is like well significantly more powerful than this but that's fine that's fine like i said the main reason i bought this is to play around with all of the all of the stuff that i want to do in python and all the coding so i'm going to be going through various notes that i've previously written about python and look at various projects and just play around and expand my knowledge um i don't believe that the the the default python installation on here includes all of the modules so you may feel may find you need to go and download additional um python modules and you can do that through things like pip um but yeah i i may make another video later on when i've got a greater depth of experience for this but already i feel confident that this is going to give me a variety of options to play around that i don't have to worry about interrupting what i'm doing on my on my main pc so yeah i would encourage you to if you're thinking about giving this a go to look into the pi 400 and until next time stay nerdy
Channel: evafan84
Views: 918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Pi 400, Personal Computer, Python, unboxing, Eva_Fan
Id: eabws7KvoME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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