Building the Most Stable Linux Distribution

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today we're gonna be installing the most stable environment known to man and and I'm doing this because one I'm tired of reloading my studio PC specifically my Linux side even though it's fun to see on stream I would much rather do that like a VM or a secondary environment somewhere then tear down my entire production environment rebuild it as good of a practice that is I'm kind of over it so I really really want to move to a really stable Linux environment that I never really have to reload does that exist in the desktop realm of Linux well many would argue no but today we're going to try and do it more in the desktop realm specifically I'll be using Rocky Linux and if you're not familiar with Rocky Linux Rocky Linux is basically Cintas reincarnate and if you're not familiar Centos it's just like a fork of Rel so what Rocky Linux really is is a one to one replication of red hat Enterprise Linux which you have to pay for so we don't want to pay any money because I'm kind of cheap so hey that's what we're doing so that's what's going on today so we'll get into it here in a second uh we yeah we're a change of plans on the whole hyper land there since uh the last stream so yeah we're uh we're we're switching things around I thought about doing Arch and I was like oh man I've done Arch so many times on my production machine and always always ends the same way heartbreak so that's why I'm like I want something that is just meant to run DaVinci Resolve and work a hundred percent of the time every time and and I know I can set that up in a server realm and I know I'd probably base it on Rel so that's why I'm like ah let's do that now a lot of people are like well you just came from Fedora or actually we have Fedora installed here yeah this is gonna be a little different it's gonna be a lot different so yeah we'll see how it goes like Rocky's really meant for a server environment it's not really meant for desktop usage I mean it I'm sure you can use it but at the core of Linux it's really meant for desktop usage so it's like going back in time a couple years so we might have some hiccups but I you know with everything that we have now with flat packs NYX package manager and other things we can use Rocky Linux to really push the boundaries of what stability can be on Linux I think yeah no I mean maybe the Vash it's it's very DaVinci Resolve is very particular about where it likes to work and what environment and it's not just the distro that matters it is also the equipment that matters so yeah yeah that's that's where I struggle so I should probably just move to an Nvidia card and then be done with it but I don't want to and if I'm not moving to a Nvidia card then well I don't know and we're just gonna have to make the AMD one work but Centos has some really cool stuff opinions on ge's no bar project you know I really love glorious egg rolls Novara project uh I I ran it for a little bit and I gotta tell you that it's well put together if you're a gamer and really want to give Linux a try I I highly recommend novara's project he does a lot of great optimizations and I can't speak more highly of uh glorious egg roll he's just done a great job so that is why I am looking at um DaVinci Resolve and Nvidia is kind of off the table for me just because I'm cheap and I already have a 5700 XT that I kind of prefer but we're also going to be using proprietary a of D drivers in this video so this is going to be a weird one this is going to be a weird one but at the end of the day it should give us the most stability possible and uh you know let's let's first pull up uh our web alternative images Rocky does post these images now when they first came out and I was outraged for most CIS admins out there you don't really uh just give a little origin story of Rocky Linux real fast uh Rocky Linux was made by the guy that made Centos and Centos was sold off to Red Hat before Red Hat turned it bastardized it and turned it into something that's not really ever meant to be Centos was supposed to be a one-to-one bug uh with Rel and that's why everyone in production environment used it and it had 10 years of support look at this planned end of life 2032 I mean yeah that's what I'm talking about we don't have to do anything to our system for 10 years that's kind of insane and they also have upgrade pass so after 10 years you can do it uh here's the spins you have light workstation workstation and KDE xfc mate and you even can put this on a Raspberry Pi which nice right that's pretty cool and then you also have the old Rocky Linux 8 based on rel8 so I think we'll go with uh Rocky 9 and that's a 5.14 Linux kernel so if you remember when that came out that's kind of the packages and stuff we're working with but we're gonna kind of pip it out a little bit we're gonna see how good of a desktop we can make a stable server environment because I think we can I think we can do it but every time I try this I usually it's been a minute it's been a minute since I've gone for this and I know most people wanted to see Arch today but man I just really want this to work and I want something stable and I want to work in Linux instead of this this operating system the operating system we do not speak its name so let's uh let's get going I've already pre-downloaded everything so we're not going to sit here and wait around uh as that's just no fun seeing that let's just go date modify we got rocky in an AMD GPU we'll just toss that in our Vin toy right here and once that's over we will reboot and start our install I don't know how this install is gonna go I'd be lying if I was saying I wasn't worried I have a feeling this might be just four hours of pain and suffering but we don't know we don't know I really want to just take the shot I petitioned to rename Windows OS to Voldemort OS I I agree I accept that petition what's up goat yeah this is this is gonna be a wild one this is gonna be a wild one for sure but the potential reward for this setup could be big and I kind of want to see what I can do with some of the like basic tiling like once we get KDE and Rocky going we might get bored okay everyone knows I will get bored and I I want to see what I can do with older packages and older dependencies building stuff is kind of out of the realm of possibility but because a lot of the the packages have moved on but there's probably some really basic window managers for Waylon that we might try uh if if this goes well we'll see but that might be later in the Stream here doesn't Navarro tweak to work with DaVinci Resolve out of the box possibly but the problem is it's a one-man shop and it does move quite quickly so that that can be a big issue and I don't want to just update my system and then all of a sudden have everything break and that's kind of kind of the state of a rolling release in DaVinci Resolve because you're working with a lot of proprietary drivers and DaVinci Resolve does just a really terrible job of packaging resolve for Linux it works but well we're just we're just gonna have to go let's just see how it goes you know it's enough talk let's get the install underway right now let's see ah fingers crossed I'm well caffeinated well fed so we're in a good spot oh boy oh and sorry for having to push back the stream of day I actually had to go to my day job so yeah that's what's up with that uh why I didn't stream yesterday because and usually I'm not here on Wednesdays but it can flip around sometimes all right Rocky Linux here we go Rocky 9 KDE we're just gonna start it we don't need uh we don't need to test the media oh where's the avatars oh geez good point good point gotta get those going ah all right that hmm oh okay the connect Damon has crashed all right well fantastic start to the day uh let's see did that not work second one second y'all connect there we go what's up tari okay so this is a fedora wallpaper probably from a little bit ago we will install to the hard drive oh boy oh boy we're gonna try a different install on this one now this is based off a rail so I'm going to try something a little bit uh a little bit different a little bit different Let's uh let's just we could try a custom one again I just really hate how red hat usually sets up their stuff whether it's Fedora whether it's Rel whether it's Rocky it's all kinda not my fave but you know um let's go ply and a p and Y and then we probably need to grab an nvme over here too we're gonna go custom on this one because it's not gonna know what to do with all this um what we're gonna do here is we will put our home a dash home okay that's that's right we got this for the root oh well it actually kind of mapped it all out I wonder do we even need this Dash boot let's see what happens if we just say how well actually no I'm thinking about it nah it's fine I think what we'll do is just wipe this out okay great I think we can reformat reformat reformat and I feel like that would just get us what we need so this is kind of what we're we're rocking as we are doing right now this is Fedora root which kind of feels wrong let's go reformat and hmm I actually kind of feel like just wiping this one out and let's wipe this one out and then we're gonna just take this one put it on boot EFI I really want to just try and get this EFI partition this scheme down it's just a bit better um we're gonna add a new Mount point we'll call this one root we already have booty if I in this one add mount point so this is the Live host that's fine and then we'll take our existing one right here we're gonna put this on home so we got home root boot EFI and I think that's all we really need foreign this looks exactly like a fedora clone Rocky Linux is a Rel based one Fedora is a rolling release so the kernel changes Rocky Linux is based on red hat Enterprise Linux which you have to pay about 180 dollars for for a Community Edition which no no support if you pay 300 you can actually call into red hat and get support for it that's what Rocky Linux is it's basically Red Hat Enterprise Linux a lot of people confuse Fedora with being Red Hat Enterprise Linux no that's just a playground for Red Hat to mess around in Fedora is not as stable as red hat Enterprise Linux so big difference between the two and red hat Enterprise Linux is designed for workstations as well they have a spin the licensing behind that spin is a little bit different from servers but it's it's way more stable than a fedora environment hands down so that's why we're trying to instead of going with a rolling release we're going to be going with a very very stable release we'll see how uh see if I regret it let's see if it takes this scheme yeah no it's not gonna find that is so weird that it just forces me to do it this way but that's okay this is not reformatting this is gonna reformat and then we will also grab a new scheme we'll just call this one boot I'll do one 1G can I can I do that 600 Megs I don't think that needs to be 600 let's just change that to 200 let's change this one all right fine fine and then we'll just add another boot so that should be exactly what Fedora wants see if it overwrites my stuff I don't think it will should be fine all right let's do it done uh once a swap partition no we're gonna we're fine on that accept changes I don't know on that ck2 I've never tried to use a copr on Rocky I'm gonna say probably not I I just don't see that being a thing all right we have that uh kdump we're gonna disable that don't really care about it and we're good let's begin yeah so that that's a thing this is the KDE spin of Rocky so if it works the the beauty of doing it this way guys I know a lot of people are like wait wait you're using such an old package as an old distribution but the beauty of doing it this way is if it works it will just always work you don't have to worry about updates you don't have to worry about oh God is the next kernel going to give me a security flaw or you know is it going to be stable is it going to mess up DaVinci Resolve there's so many different moving pieces with your rolling releases that it just inevitably causes more headaches and doing it this way means once I get it set up and if I can set it up no fashion I really want it will just always be perfect and you all know how much I like to change stuff but I feel like with this kind of thing Rocky Linux I feel like it would put guard rails in so I don't break my system as much maybe maybe we'll see I might just break it more but it's worth a shot I mean not very many people ever go with a really long LTS like this you know a 10-year distribution that's how long the support is so we got all the way to 2032. uh oh why did I do manual instead of Auto the reason I did Manual instead of Auto is because I have a whole bunch of Home files and in my home folder I wanted to make sure that I I pulled that in and in my home folder itself is like a separate lvm that is set up a little weird this may just die it may not like this configuration I know Fedora didn't like when I configured it this way and I had to just install it all in one drive and then go back through FS Tab and manually change it so if this dies um I don't fault Rocky for this because I have a really funky partition scheme with like eight different drives in my system but and Fedora this did not work because of my weird scheme but most people would just click and drive hit Auto and then move on with their lives so this was just me being me yeah Debian or Debian testing for my production machine bash you know Debbie and testing's pretty stable however I got burned I think in a Debian 10 testing where there was a bug in the testing branch and it kind of it went into feature lock because it was about to release Debian 10 and I think that was uh bullseye anyways uh I don't know if I'd recommend it because I had that experience because it was that bug kind of hung around for like three months until uh it finally released and then I could update to the the full release or no I think I just said screw it and move to Sid but yeah so I did find that because testing does just get locked sometimes I know Ashlyn and Harry and Chad are like what the hell oh where's Souza we might we might switch to Souza later in the Stream as that would a lot of people don't realize Souza is an Enterprise uh distribution so open Sue's is just a Community Driven Fork of uh the Susan Foundation I think it is but Souza has its own Enterprise Linux kind of spin of it and uh I've never used it really not I've never seen it in business to be honest with you I've seen Red Hat all over the place and oh man I you know I've seen more Centos than red hat to be honest probably just from licensing no I I really like hyperland it's just I want something stable hyperland is not yet it will be it will be though they're they're really pushing forward and I think it's gonna really turn into something kind of amazing but uh yeah did this just lock up oh son of a h problems already I knew I knew I should have just put it on that drive and then done my swap uh uh how do I want to approach this you know what maybe we maybe we don't take my home partition maybe we just wipe everything out nuke and paved to an extreme I mean I'm tempted someone on Nick so hasn't gonna debate you on the title um you guys really want to I you guys are gonna eventually wear me down and we're gonna do that you're gonna you just gotta keep at it it's like when you guys go to me into doing Gen 2 like two years ago you're like dude Gen 2 and then I I did and I was like okay well this was fun and then uh yeah the rest is history I know we could just remap home later yeah we'll probably just do that shows that Rocky Linux is actually there no way did that install should we try to boot to it let's try and boot to it really no do you think it worked I think it just got to the bootloader let's see I bet you it crashes be hilarious if it kind of halfway installed I shouldn't try this I shouldn't do this this is not smart so it crashed Midway through but it kept the progress nah it's it's not going to be over right because I'm naming the user the same thing that's what's up oh that fingered my password all right yeah accept is this gonna work really shouldn't work huh okay let's go it felt like it oh oh no did I forget my password already no no no oh no I forgot uh uh no no oh man what it's literally four four digits no ah uh I think we got some Shenanigans going on here I'm just gonna nuke and pave that was that was silly okay I I know that's why I made it four digits so I wouldn't forget [Laughter] oh no try DT Maybe let's all distro tube up to man I hadn't seen he hadn't popped them in my feed in a minute my feed's been jacked though on YouTube yeah I think I do want to I think we're just gonna nuke and pave guys it's been I've been taking this thing over and over to all these different things I I'd move my home folder probably six times now that's a lot like moving moving it six times is just that's excessive like I mean I have I have uh I've made distro Hoppers look like like nothing it was like ah it's a new day you know it's it's a Tuesday let's just go ahead and uh switch distros so let's let's move it well that was uh yeah that was my doing so I I take full ownership of the bomb on this one although it kind of makes me want to do like a special partition scheme now that we're gonna just wipe everything out I feel like uh let's do something special I don't know if I'm Gonna Keep it I kind of want more of a minimal setup you know I do like KDE though I think like for for a truly a Windows user coming to Linux you just can't get anything better than KDE uh for a lot of it although some people like if for more power user Advanced user I'd say KDE for like a basic user like a someone that just needs a couple things I'd say mint is really good but I don't know man I don't know all right uh let's go there let's grab these pin y drives again where is the PNY Drive these are some terrible ssds I have but I wonder let's cool that's a bad idea Chris oh no you don't even want to think what I'm doing right now what kind of automatic does it give me reclaim space just delete it all what did it choose let's see what it shows all right that's pretty much what we did yeah that's almost exactly the configuration we had what why is it doing that I wonder huh now let's we need to delete these I feel like we just let we're gonna do it manually I don't I just don't trust it I feel like we need to we need to get it going the proper way uh and where's my so we just have these standard saddle ones I do want to grab my mvme though right and throw my boot on it yeah sure whatever so this is what we have but let's go custom again hmm yeah xfc is good it's just minimal uh let's go let's just go lvm it's been provisioning I don't think I've used lvm trim provisioning all right and then let's create a new Drive this is just um I wanted to bundle them together I think Ubuntu is really one of the only distros where you can actually combine drives but through rescan disks real fast okay I selected disks and bootloader boom that's good okay I guess it's just gonna set it this way but then it's not going to reformat it I can't whatever we're just gonna say reformat everything just format it all I don't care we're gonna label this one EFI though let's let's actually label our partitions make it easy we'll label this one boot reformat boot why is it not taking my oh we're not in play until you okay that's so strange it's like just discarding all my changes huh oh well I'm not gonna mess with it we'll just uh yeah we'll just delete this whatever we'll just put it all in one drive and fix it and post like we did the other way for uh uh all right we'll just take those off we'll just do this one we'll just say do it how you want to do it um done reclaim delete all reclaim and then we'll just fix it after that's how we did it in Fedora I just wanted to see if uh I could do it differently here again Ubuntu is like the only one I've seen do it properly as much as I crap on Ubuntu I do uh let's just disable K dump we have all that um and then just to make sure can we view full disk summary okay that's fine I don't know why it keeps doing that but whatever okay this should work great everything looks good us blah blah blah let's just let's just get through the install oh my gosh eight terabyte M2 my goodness oh so I'm so cheap I'm using like these PNY one terabyte drives I got on sale for like 20 bucks just and then I created like an lvm so I could create a two terabyte like traditional SSD from like which PNY is not a great company when it comes to SSD drives uh I just was like yeah it's fine yeah so Rocky Linux is interesting it's uh basically Red Hat Enterprise clone bug for bug amazing created by the original creator of Centos and Centos is not and we already talked about how much it sucks now uh where Rocky Linux will be this so it'll be the most stable if I can get everything working the way I want it to work I think I can I really do I think with a lot of the tools and how much Linux has come in the desktop era in the past couple years like you have NYX and the Nyx OS package manager that we could probably put in here we will have to set SE Linux to permissive mode but man I mean there's so many cool things you can do with an old stable release to really make it kind of Awesome hey what's up Don stable nothing is stable around you Chris truer words have never been spoken man or have been spoken yeah yeah more caffeine more caffeine oh man this is gonna be wild this is gonna be a wild one [Laughter] uh yeah this is this is gonna be interesting I think I'm gonna drop to TTY fix our Drive issues right out of the gate do I want to go with an lvm Drive I don't know I don't know guess we'll find out we'll find out here shortly oh that's weird huh thought it was Windows there for a minute and put it in the center yeah it's gonna be fun oh I wore my art shirt today I know I like to change my mind a lot where growth happens though change never be never be afraid to change things all right kdub disabled we'll accept our license agreement and we'll finish the config this should churn away for a couple seconds spit me to the desktop and then we're gonna do that start pimping it out someone mentioned this earlier why is the keyboard layout oh sorry guys sorry one second we got some um stable most stable ever uh sorry I think we need to get to us one second just changing my keyboard layout I don't want to get stuck stable 100 stable yep okay oh windows can be stable it depends on on the user much like Linux uh uh KD connect Damon all right what do we have for our app all right let's let's just okay we got we gotta fix a few things here just to make this a little bit more my speed um pseudo dnf update let's just see if there's any I feel like there's gonna be some bug fixes and updates sitting there yeah yeah it's about to say this feels a little bit a little bit on the Jank side so so far but again Rocky links is meant for a server distribution of Linux it's not really designed for the workstation so I do anticipate a little bit of bugs here and there but we're going to strip out a whole bunch of stuff to make it to make it stable so we'll be fine we'll be fine hey it already has the epel packages that's nice yeah it should make stable Linux I don't know if I'd be the guy to do a stable Linux wow that's awesome trying nixos how you liking it ml I really want to go to Nyx OS at some point but for the studio PC the reason why I'm choosing this one today is one for stability two for DaVinci Resolve that's really the big reason here is I really want to use DaVinci Resolve in Linux don't really care about anything else I just want DaVinci Resolve in Linux so I don't have to use Windows and DaVinci Resolve is kind of problematic especially on AMD Hardware on a lot of different systems it's just buggy to say the least all right that's good um let's fix a couple things real fast um let's just per is dnf Purge a command no I think it's just remove uh uh let's get rid of discover ever become okay I don't remember I really always hated discover I always felt like it bombed out on me yeah let's just remove it um also KDE connect uh that didn't actually do anything but let's do a list install oh yeah you don't have to do the dash dash installed uh let's crap connect all right so for this one let's do a pseudo dnf Purge KDE connect so we were having my God bless come on got my head in the Debian space today let's just remove KD connect it was already having problems a lot on Rocky so let's uh switch that out and then the next up let's just look at Discover plasma discover flat packs Notifier package kit I think we leave it actually I think that's a mistake probably removing it what else do we have in here what is up with our start menu what in the all right that is just Bonkers why is this in the middle oh what is happening what let's go dark I guess it does feel Snappy at least um I also like to change this start with empty so weird I've never seen that okay discover's okay-ish now uh-huh yeah yeah so the 5.23 this is pretty old that and that's to be expected that's why we're not really doing much with it I kind of wanted a again a stable environment stable environment equals older packages you don't get a stable environment on new packages you just don't this looks so weird what in the hell is going on with my start menu let's reboot just to see if that's like a bug yeah kubuntu is pretty stable I think but what I want to try to do here is I what I really want to do is try and make this stable environment have all the packages and have all the new hotness that I want but still using the stable base is that possible I don't know I might be asking too much but I don't know what the hell is up with the keyboard layout down there what why am I authenticating the mount that should just Mount automatically what is going on man this is not feeling stable at all why is this in the middle what is up with these settings wacky what a wacky config out of the box I mean again Rocky links is really meant to be a search stable I couldn't emphasize that enough it's meant to be a stable server Linux spin um what do we have is there a window rule can we just set this to defaults why is the default so Jank oh this is like 5.23 so this is old this is a very old version but even still I never saw KD act like this it's just it's just acting strange window Behavior bar actions foreign that it's window placement Maybe yeah it could be Waylon too this is an earlier version at KDE one of the first iterations of Wayland oh what if we uh take this oh what happened whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what nope no no oh ah just want to drag that what was it can we push that on the top there we go all right perfect yeah all right there we go get that at the top kind of go that Direction with it um oh I think what we'll do is we'll just start ripping stuff out right chat that always that always fixes stuff in Linux when you have a problem just start removing everything all right and then let's just ah no what's the command there it is aha all right so stable [Laughter] better than stable um so [Music] let's do a dnf list installed and let's start looking through some of these packages so we do already have a whole bunch xorg installed zenity yum Yelp let's just let's just start with the pseudo dnf remove D and then we're just gonna find stuff in here as we flip through and go okay we don't need that don't need that and then just toss it on the fire so to speak I feel like this is the way to get it done um [Music] I also kind of want to just see what packages they tossed into this distro spin I feel like we probably should just remove sddm I think this version of sdndm is like not the best we can just bypass it too once we hit plasma I imagine we'll start seeing a bunch of garbage that we need to remove plasma Breeze and it's actually not that bad what do we have for KDE up here there's just gonna be a lot of libraries contact ugh yeah here's all our KDE stuff and you all know how much I love that uh let's just remove like kmail and then contact that should remove I don't know they're they're independent we do have them we do have them [Laughter] uh although you know I really have been digging neovim and I just did uh lazy them started moving to Lazy them and I've really enjoyed its configuration as well um just scroll back what is it just trying to think where we want to start cutting the fat so to speak I guess when we look at this let's let's just take a peek Kate what is up with this it's just the how it's designed right here is just kind of driving me bonkers and I don't think we can even use a Weyland do they have even have I bet they have sway right let's just let's just ah let's just do a dnf search sway that's probably in here I remember I didn't particularly care for sway but I just want to see if they have a tiling Window Manager in Rel rel9 I don't know if they do they probably no I don't think they probably would include it oh yes enable push-ups I'll take a look yeah no Fountain so there's no sway here hmm so if it's not set up correctly what if we do this this is gonna break things but that's okay I feel like it's already kind of broken and when it's kind of broken you know it's like a bone you don't want to fracture a bone it's just best to break the entire thing so let's look at let's just grep KDE let's see what we have so you know what I don't see a package here so unlike most distributions Katie gets bundled into like a plasma package like plasma workspace Maybe or plasma desktop is probably the package so that makes me wonder we could probably just uninstall plasma desktop I just don't feel like it's let's do it let's nuke nuket well not totally nukin but come on give me a TTY it's not give me ah there we go so um let me let me just set font real fast uh sudo dnf install uh what what are you doing to me console I guess we're just gonna have to work with gibberish foreign so stable so stable um we got pseudo dnf install terminus fonts probably font Terminus uh dnf search terminus no dnf search term font okay grew up terminus turn no no font okay well all right let's go user let's LS user L I'm trying to get our fonts to a decent size um lib and then I want to say keyboard kernel no that's kernel oh geez set font help where are we getting this from set font needs user lib kbd star so if we look at that KVD console fonts why do they not have anything worth a damn and is a default font it drives me crazy I wish every single Linux server installed or any Linux distribution for that matter why don't you just have like Terminus fonts by default it drives me bonkers set font lat 9W we're just going to get something that doesn't suck Maybe 9w16 that did not work did not like that one let's go lat two Dash terminus 16. a little bit better sorry do we not have anything higher than the 16 point come on oh here we go there's an ISO 22 that would give us something bigger set font and then you guys can read oh I bet this looks like hot garbage but let's go 12x22 should give us I mean it's not the prettiest thing but at least you guys can kind of read it good night what about Sun I really hate this font this is turning into just a complete train wreck s oh my yes uh Sun 22 no [Music] oh gosh is there not a Terminus font [Laughter] just all yeah yeah all for stability here guys okay you guys can see it we're moving on dnf remove I don't know what's up with that USB 3 Port disabled by Hub whatever um we're just not gonna have the screen's just not gonna make sense we're just gonna have to do it for memory um let's just get rid of plasma desktop oh geez all right we got rid of plasma desktop um let's just get rid of sddm [Music] goodbye uh let's just do a dnf remove can you do like a global hotkey like plasma star hey look at that all that works let's just get rid of all that goodbye it does accept wild cards I don't know if we need any of that but probably not what about KDE star that doesn't look like it's very important either goodbye um I choose death on this made me mad I was just like all these settings are wrong we're just gonna flush everything ah so much better ah see it's nice and stable now let's just do they even have Neo fetch in the official package oh they do nice ah there we go perfectly stable as it should be um hmm oh try using dnf group list Ah that's a good good one all right let's try that let's go dnf group list so we have oh plasma workspaces can you do that like uh something like that I don't think oh yes you can look at that ah yeah yeah yeah I like it okay what else we got oh sweet all right available environment groups environment okay so we don't have really anything installed anymore we have oh no I still have a thousand packages although don't know if it's counting let's reboot I wonder if it'll even a boot to TTY that's a pretty cool command well I think we removed quite a bit of packages so I think it should just spit us to a TTY and then we can just set our font although I do want to get like a Terminus font of some sort oh you know we should have done a system D set environment but oh well um let's just do a Neo fetch how many packages we got now still a thousand okay so there's still a good bit of stuff installed here um so here's our group list so we could actually install stuff from here uh does it even have a task SEL I don't think it does that's a Debian thing but it would be cool now there's no task seal I didn't think so but I would be I was kind of just interested to see now server with gui's gonna install gnome and I'd rather walk over hot colds than use gnome as my daily driver hmm just trying to think probably xfce let's try xfce for a second uh I know you all were like I don't know about that but let's do a group install and then just grab xfce and it might be a good springboard for us although xfc's only xorg right that's not Wayland at all if I if memory serves me correct yeah I think I think we're moving to xorg now Wayland is kind of hot garbage on Rocky Linux I'm thinking judging by all the errors and problems we were having I'm like ah I'm gonna move [Laughter] let's just move now since we got xfce installed do you think that actually let's do a group list it does say xfce did it install like light DM I imagine let's let's take a peek this is totally not the way to install any of this by the way um did it go sddm no gdm Maybe yeah it's installed gdm weird um not that's fine I don't mind gdm it's like gnomes display manager what a weird blend all right let's reboot and see what we get yeah we could do start ax I just want to see if the display manager actually was enabled and how the group install works with dnf this one might be an interesting and interesting tidbit here whether or not that works or not I have magical kick us to TTY oh okay all right what's this look like well it looks like gnome to me okay what the hell all right let's see there's that's not xfce is there where [Music] um where are you it's been so long since I used gnome I can't even find the darn down here oh there it is okay xfce session let's try xfce session okay ah good night I hate this but not All Is Lost let's convert my oh man we're just ah this is not at all how I wanted any of this to go that's okay we're gonna go a completely different way s Rock Steady uh it will be it will be once we're finished I know you all don't see it now but I see it in my mind's eye we're getting it um ah okay okay okay what if let's move to bspwm and xorg and then I kind of want to change a few things about that old I had a project that I was using for like a year or so and I really love it and it's a great interface it's xorg but you know it worked and it was stable I just don't know how DaVinci resolves gonna like it but you know what it's fine [Laughter] we're compiling new versions of iraqi's outdated software probably the idea is to stay at a server level which Rocky is great at a server level and then we're just going to tack on just what we need on top of it I think that'll work good I think that'll be great so Let's uh probably Ubuntu Titus was the closest I got to that um we first need to fix our FS tab uh is there a gdm as well let's just switch to super user for a second let's go to ATC we need to change some stuff gdm custom enable false um one second here we're gonna change this setting but we also is there an internet browser in this text browser wow okay yep uh one one more second uh let's go new tab I don't think I've ever used XF uh CES console they do have a new tab right yeah all right let's just install Firefox for a second uh ESR fire over Fox okay maybe just Firefox version 102 Firefox so that's a relatively new right yeah I don't know what got into me last night where I was like you know what let's just let's just make life hard and not use Arch on this one why I am so regretting that decision right now that's not gonna be like my last regret on this yeah I don't know on that there's some weird weird packages here yeah we're gonna go ahead and throw RPM Fusion on here we'll also grab um I think it's epel extended release or something and expand dnf's packages as as best as we can um and then from there we should be good uh let's just install RPM Fusion let's see graphical setup who uses a graphical setup oh my Shoop that should be what we need rail or compatible like Centos OS let's just uh paste this guy in here yep yep yep we're just gonna grab those guys uh I want to say install rel9 let's just see if we have epel on here as well I want to say this would get us there just do epel latest release 9 RPM and what I'm doing here is just expanding what the package manager can grab okay it's already installed so we're good so now if we do a dnf update we should be able to grab a lot more packages great Ness and now let's just do auto login for gdm uh well actually we're not going to do the auto login just yet now that I'm looking at it because we still got a little bit to fix so let's just grab our Vim Etc FS tab bam now we are I did create that lvm mapper right there hmm okay Damon Auto login equals true Auto login username usually you need a session to go with that Omar yeah we'll have to specify a session because we're going to have xfce on top of it so we need to specify which session it grabs if you only have one session would it is like xfce or gnome or KDE like most installs that'll work just fine but obviously I'm going to have multiple sessions because we will be moving to a window manager in Rocky Linux of all things right now just debating on how I want to do my lvm um lvm setup I want to say we could do PV list I think it was or PV display all right we got three physical volumes right here but none of those are really being utilized I don't even see those physical displays over here right let's go LV display uh super user yeah we have the root partition currently slated at 70 gigs oh my gosh whole partitions [Music] killing me Smalls killing me um okay well we're gonna have to get rid of this home partition right here and we will change this up a bit too um thinking one second does it even show okay here's this one that's gonna end in tragedy I know it that's okay so this one we're just gonna put it home um I want to say it was an xfs partition scheme defaults zero zero ah that seems wrong to me but Maybe let's save that out uh sudo be okay ID I'm just checking real fast I'm making sure that that what was that how's the ext4 good thing I checked it huh okay ext4 there we go now this is definitely not going to be good what if I do a mount a okay that did work technically let's just reboot we'll see if it boots yeah this is this is gonna be uh an interesting interesting ride I got I have like a something like sketched out in my mind of how I'm gonna make this look and recover from basically just starting from a server install and making it stable and then tossing DaVinci Resolve on there with proprietary AMD drivers I think it'll work still I think it'll work even better than than I had first envisioned so yeah you know what I'm I'm okay with this it's gonna be fine gonna be fine all right I imagine this is just not even allow me to log in okay yeah that worked actually really huh oh that's right I had all those MS-DOS configurations in my home folder cool all right yeah we're in business we got everything that worked a lot better than I thought it would um I gotta fix these fonts though um this is like the old windows fonts oh my gosh just terrible oh gosh hmm let's install Kitty let's get that going that's in there okay and yes I have our fonts we have all that I think at this point we come into our build directory do we have uh Ubuntu Titus I know this is not Ubuntu but oh you know what yeah let's just get clone Ubuntu Titus uh-huh we're gonna just use this as a sort of a base it was like my last xorg style project and we're just going to change this on the Fly um let's grab some neovim hey it is a 8.0 I didn't realize epel had 8.0 a neovim that's nice I think is that wow okay I gotta fix this it's darn font oh my gosh what do we got oh sorry I was like oh my gosh I gotta fix this uh usually I do like a mess low LGs yeah that's beautiful thank you a little bit better right uh Cascadia Cove oh code yeah Cascadia is pretty good I still like Maslow just a hair better but Cascadia is pretty awesome that's what I use on uh my windows Powershell actually I kind of jump all over the place okay so we're gonna do here is just grab this file and what we're gonna do is we're gonna just start clearing stuff out foreign I don't even think we need any of this or sddm we will need X resources and if I'm looking at it uh what was it [Music] was there x-ray X Nord and X resources for LL um X resources Exmore it's all there already so all my configs technically should be there so the big thing is grabbing these modules um which I don't know how much of this is actually going to be there so we're gonna yank that I think most of it will be there though this is a little bit older project of mine let's see how much is missing yeah [Laughter] oh no that's a lot of missing um yeah that's okay that's a fine fine fine fine we will uh one more we're gonna make do uh Let's uh let's see how much NYX can help us oh man oh man all right let's go Knicks I don't know on this one starting to have some doubts I forgot how limiting the packages are or this um NYX isn't gonna work with SC Linux yeah it's enforcing right now we need to set that permissive Essie Linux permissive actually let's just go disabled I just am not even caring about that disable Rel 9 which is what Rocky uses SC Linux is Now supported on a Rel 8 and 9. thinking I think you have to use grubby so install grubby set SC Linux video reboot okay there's grubby already installed yeah it's already installed all right cool so we'll do that we'll install NYX and then see what next can oh man running this much in Nix from a system standpoint I mean technically it should work just use NYX OS at this point I mean you could I think you definitely could but the big thing here is I do want that stability and the base system itself like a good example of a project that uses like a Rel based system as its core base would be xcp and G which is a virtualization you see a lot in business uh you have some other projects too that have a really solid base based on this so I mean yeah it feels a little tacked on here but you got to realize you're isolating out those packages into its own little environment and then at this core the system itself is almost you can't break it in theory no I have never tried Nix OS directly I've just used their package manager a ton we do need to install Starship too remind me to do that but in the meantime let's go this is disabled so I bet you NYX will install beautifully or not can we just do a super user I don't think you can can you no huh oh well that's fine we can just do single user Knicks this is not turning into the most stable release ever ah oh did that yeah I don't think that's what we want though let's just install Nick's packages package manager so this is multi-user here's single user mode okay then we grab this paste that in now it's still run into problems with Nyx let's just do a maybe maybe uh I think we can just curl that actually no no such file or directory hmm says it's just not seeing a log file um okay let's just do it we'll just make the path I suppose I don't know why that would bomb out I don't think that'll fix it though okay uh [Music] I forgot I did trash CLI just in case I removed so much from the CLI that I always make sure I force myself to use trash CLI uh let's go remove pseudo all right now that should give me a different error probably all right permission tonight need to CH own the file 777 nobody uses 777 all right let's take a look at the directory I want to say so we have this everything looks to be owned by me except for Titus all right Chone let's just do a recursive Chone of Titus and run it again okay yeah that was it yeah she'd never use the CH uh CH mod77 that's not not good all righty so this installs finished uh ensure the environment is set you can either log in again or just type this let's just type that and then next yeah great greatness so what we're going to do here now is slowly work through our B has PW that I'll do this it's just gonna be such a wacky install but it will be stable after I finish mark my words it will be stable uh to the point where people are gonna be like the underlying how we got there is going to be looking man I feel bad for anybody watching this stream this is just entertainment value at this point but I think it'll be good it's gonna be very stable very stable super stable and will be stable one day one day all right all right uh let's go back to our build directory uh and go into Ubuntu Titus and what I'm gonna do with this one is let's Vim install sh and I think we already have nordsy cursor yeah we'll just install that too install Brave browser we're gonna probably have to do Brave through NYX OS as well we're gonna get rid of the graphical polybar let's take a look at that scripts see if there's anything weird debianish in there uh uh this just is fixing the interfaces that's actually that's actually a pretty good script I don't think I even wrote that I think that was somebody else all right so now if we look at install this is what we have and I think we're gonna grab a new tab let's just install Starship Starship where are you at uh Linux Boop all right uh Auto jump let's fix that too perfect okay it's coming together it's coming together most stable environment in the world is getting built right here before your eyes we're gonna be leaning heavily on Knicks like very very heavily I think we might have more packages installed through NYX than we will dnf all right let's first get Brave I'm gonna grab uh NYX EnV Boop hmm Nick's environment not fun what was it about that right I wonder why the Knicks oh maybe I need a reboot before it shows I don't know let's just grab Brave this is totally gonna bomb out my storage we gotta fix the storage too before we get too much further installing packages we're gonna fill up that whole route um before we get crazy so right here we have the boot partition we have this one oh that is not mounted right RL live it's the lvm and okay shows that the size of this one is 230 so yeah this should be just a simple LV extend all right great great we are looking so good now I I'm feeling a lot better this is really coming together it may not look like it just yet but it's really coming together so we need to get rid of this guy right here and I want to say it was LV a remove I think we can just do that right are you sure you want to remove active yeah home removed great and just to make sure I probably should have done that before I looked at it but gone now all right great um so we've removed that logical volume so now we can just do an LV extend and before we get too far let's just install tldr I can never remember the Syntax for this one so we'll do an LV tldr LV extend and what we're doing right here is just extending our root partition um and this is not quite what I wanted to do so I well I think that'll work let's do LV extend pseudo LV extend dash dash size add whatever's free 100 free and then also resize the underlying file system and this is going to be Dev map or root or whatever the hell that was what was it that mapper root where you at that's the swap there it is so that right there we should be able to just bloop oh dude we ranted this last time didn't we when we did an lvm extend I can't remember what I mixed how did I fix that LV extend how should I show oh that's right instead of using dash dash size it's actually Dash L plus percent so it's an incorrect tldr get got this wrong so it should actually be Dash l like that to extend it all so then if we do an LSB okay we have all that disk pre huge perfect so now our root partition has 209 gigs free so we just added 150 gigs to our root and we are looking good Perfection so now we can go while installing stuff I was just afraid we're going to run out of stuff on a root drive and I wanted to fix that before I forgot about it so now we need to start grabbing other packages but I think if we just go like Brave does that pull up now just go Brave Brave hmm and my NYX is not showing up do I need to add something to Nyx when I did the install I think I hadn't rebooted this yet though yep yep yep all right cool uh let's give this a little bit of a reboot we have all this now we're just trying to get these packages on our system and then we can kind of pimp out the this so it doesn't look so archaic and then we'll Auto boot into that and kind of set up our environment and then we'll do DaVinci Resolve the proprietary AMD drivers and will be very stable yeah we're about to switch over to Kitty I hate xfce's terminal uh but it's mainly just getting this uh all set back up exactly how I like it and it just is a little odd right now it's in a weird spot right now but trust me here in like 30 minutes to an hour we should be really really in a great spot okay yeah I don't mind xfc starting point it's not that bad so okay cool Nixon I just need a reboot um I think it was just Qi wasn't it or was it just Q a Qi I think is actually pulling everything from the internet I can't remember the list installed yeah that's what Qi did oops my bad thank you oh Q okay list installed so if we just do NYX environment Dash queue you can see we have Brave and if we hit our start menu just tape Brave nice okay Brave does work nice so now let's go into our get our get our good stuff that we do need from Ubuntu Titus oh boy We're not gonna need any of this and I think we can do like a substitute of Nala with dnf let's just see what that does foreign looking at this I don't think we'll need this either it's gonna have a lot of errors but should get us most of the way there okay we have a lot to track down though so let's get um Faye and bspwm first tldr NYX environment and we're just gonna go Nyx EMV Q a bspw there all right oh man will this work I mean it might we might be able to grab all the packages we need and then just host them all in in Nyx qml module do we need that let's I don't know if we're going to be able to grab all of it that'd be kind of insane right but kind of amazing as well oh yeah yeah it's not gonna need that I don't think because it should be able to grab any dependencies so really we just got to focus on the main packages because Nick's I think the next package manager can just figure out what dependencies it needs and just create the store for it that's going to be wild absolutely Bonkers this setup is so then we get Faye and the next one this is gonna be what sets the background and I believe this should be there it is so then we just go Faye I think honestly we can just go right through these I think NYX is going to have all the big packages so we're not gonna have to flip through and do a bunch of shenanigans uh let's just cat install and we'll just go through line by line so we'll get s d h this is for hotkeys can we build that'd be kind of wild if we could just build everything just grab the packages we need that this is why people use arches for all these packages but if you can use these packages on an older distribution and they're quarantined often like a little Nick store I mean I mean that would be the best of both worlds would it not rophie polybar oh yeah rophie thanks so much for the prime there Medici so we're gonna go rophie then polybar oh God I think this is going to be amazing pycon we're gonna need dude okay we already have funar nitrogen we don't even need uh Alex pool kit oh I don't know you can't use a policy kit through NYX I don't believe we could probably swap out Alex pull kit to a different pull kit so we will need to modify the theme because of the pull kit change we already have that unzip which dnf install we should have unzip W get pulse audio pavu control those all should be in the the base repos if I can do my password oh okay yeah so pulse audio we're using pipe wire pulse audio so that's even better that's how old this project is okay great so then let's go to the next one which is mainly flame shot and that so if we go sudo so we have all these dependencies already we just need to fix our pull kit remember that and then we just need to grab these which I can tell you right now a couple of them like JQ I don't think is needed that's more of a dependency Vim mango Hud's not going to be their PS miscellaneous I'm not sure flame shot neofetch what do we have so JQ PS Miss and neo-fetch are all there so J key is not needed sddm is not going to be needed either uh Papyrus was that was that there let's see papyrus yeah but I think the big thing is we are on 5.14 let's check our Linux kernel now that you mentioned in chat because that's going to be needed LX appearance we already have apparently PA Miss we've got and the neofetch we got so all this should fail unable to find a match flame shot mango Hut yeah perfect so these are our five ones we need to track down and I think all that should just be in Nix so we can just sub out that flame shot lamb shot grab flame shot then mango HUD I mean we don't really need mango HUD it would just be kind of a nice to have I don't know how this is I don't know how the gaming is going to be on here this is going to be it's gonna be interesting I just yeah I don't know what to expect uh Papyrus icon theme let's take a look at our Alex appearance real fast just do a run LX appearance wait did I spell appearance wrong what's going on here let's just go into settings and see oh did I not um crap okay there it is Nordic darker icons it doesn't have our Papyrus icon theme let's see if it can install I mean that's we're starting to get kind of wild with why am I on helvetica weird okay it's like what that's crazy uh so this is just the appearance tab uh let's see if we can't get that I don't think you can because this icon theme is going to be system-wide I believe yeah yeah we sh yeah I think you can do this space I'm just doing it one at a time lab so we have that so we got flame shot mango HUD I'm gonna grab this Papyrus icon theme I want to look up and see what we have for papyrus I think we probably need to manually install that though so let's do a NYX EMV and then we're gonna do a QA papyrus but once we're done with it it should just be there oh it's there dank dude I am so impressed with nyx's package manager so impressed Papyrus icon theme how's it going to read that from the next store magic Maybe let's see yeah I was like I don't know how that's gonna work exactly I mean it's in their package manager but yeah you're gonna have to we'll manually grab that it's not it's not the end of the world it's just an icon theme but we'll have to grab that manually all right and then fonts nodo color emoji this is something I would imagine let's just grab variety and Dunst real fast we'll do it uh the method you mentioned in chat Knicks NV i a NYX packages and then Dunst and then the other one NYX packages what was the other one variety variety is not really needed but we can grab it all right so those are done we just have the Emojis and and that should be pretty good we do need to grab now I'm thinking about it we do need to grab a couple special fonts fonts color Emoji yeah think that they'd have something let's just look at the fonts and then let's grab emoji and see what they have oh so it's there it's just name different look at that you just want the color fonts it's Google Dash Noto Dash Emoji color fonts nice um and that's in app stream and then I want to just check let's do icon drop papyrus and that's there too Papyrus icon theme so I guess I didn't type it oh maybe it was like themes or something it's there it's an epel repo yeah I mean so I remember trying to do this type of install a couple years back without Nyx and the problem is you run into a lot of packages that you're like crap I need that package and you can't grab it but with NYX we can grab you can almost mix and match from the regular system stuff to some some stuff obviously doesn't work in Nick's like system stuff that needs to be read on boot or something like that but most of the but I mean hell the window manager that's that's a pretty integral part of what you're doing on the system so we'll see how that works exactly how am I going to launch into that and is it going to even read it from gdm things I do not know but we have almost all of them now in so we should have almost all of my base fonts and it should look somewhat okay maybe let's see close window uh so let's just do a log out let's log out yeah we could also Sim link that too yeah you're right but little right hand corner we have xfce session standard X11 display server what does that give me when I do standard X 11. oh that's uh let's just know yeah it's an interesting this is was a flavor of gnome I was looking at oh man that does look nice though I will say what do you guys think of that yeah that looks alright I mean I don't I don't know if I mean I kind of like it um it doesn't launch into Brave Brave browser Maybe okay no that did not work so it doesn't really pull in my stuff that well but I mean it's not not awful yeah I guess that works can I push that yeah we can push it I mean um let's just see let's see um let's uh what if we do bspwm another window manager is already running so maybe we switch gdm to just push into bspwm if we do a locate is locate even locate bspwm uh locate can't remember locate syntax uh tldr Let's do an update I guess and then tldr locate and I want to say sudo update DB that's it this should be able to grab all those certain create an index database for us yeah this is this is going to be kind of interesting so we're going to do locate Brave okay well that's not exactly what I was looking for uh locate bspwm so it's in this next door right here it's in the bin file over here okay what if we do kind of like a Sim link but there's a way to specify the sessions that the Linux sees so we could just I think it's user sessions so if we go to USR and maybe it's share sessions accessions yeah let's go to x sessions uh let's copy or let's just switch to super user and what we're going to do is let's just copy xfce we're gonna just oh uh to bspwm desktop okay then bspwm desktop um just grab just guess you're just going to minimize this a little bit okay so we'll go call this one bspwm session something like that right kind of like this uh I forgot I even did this this is this is how long I've had it I was actually on gnome at some point in time and it just had some configuration sitting in my thing and this is what I ended up landing on anyways log out so we'll grab this switch this we now have bspwm session and if we log in do we get a bsbm window manager all right all right go a little bit different here there's some things I want to switch around here but all in all we should have okay okay it's almost set up right couple problems I have zero start menu does rophie just not work failed to set locale what could cause that hmm interesting so we need kind of need to start menu I suppose uh uh we're not able to launch Brave except through that method okay let's fix our hotkeys I suppose I mean I'm I as much as this stream started out as just a complete hot mess where it's ending up is kind of where I want to be I'm kind of digging it okay so we just got a rophie set Locale so let's say I push this to just stop two launching the brave browser but I couldn't launch into Brave browser because let's reload then launch into Brave no no still not liking it um did I forget my hotkey to reload it is super alt Q okay so super alt reload okay launch brave for me work in progress work in progress uh go launch into the start Sono okay and nothing oh shoot okay all right we still have a lot to fix nothing's working up on the start menu or the poly bar but it's there and the workspaces do work hmm yeah so it's Rocky Linux polybar BS pwm using NYX package manager solid solid I think I am just for stability purposes if I can make this work because then I don't have to worry about updates or anything because these packages are going to be ancient and I don't have to worry about like the underlying system ever getting messed up because we're using Rocky Linux 9.1 I really like it I really like it okay so we just got to keep pushing I've got to keep pushing forward on it yeah this is definitely this is definitely up there in the custom distro territory this is a unique unique bird we got going very unique so we're reloading this what is that reload doing it's just doing a quit of the window manager and relaunching uh um super cues close and quit that's fine how's uh are okay that's working really well okay theming works really well very smooth though I will say uh almost zero lag I mean we don't really have anything running except for these NYX packages that's giving us the interface yeah the Kernel's ancient what are we rocking again I think it's 5.14 let's see yeah 5.14 again this is supposed to be the most stable so can we do a tkg kernel install yeah yeah you know we're starting yeah tkg does make some of the best kernels all right all right let's just see um do I have oh God bless I need a fixed rophie all right one second I'll be right back had to step away for a second all right all right all right Eddie got some protein powder and yogurt Mmm delicious well kinda probably should have mixed that in there dang it epic fail all right what'd I miss ah Rocky does not sound stable yeah it's about as stable as you can get for a distribution there's not much else out there that's more stable but we're talking servers but although I don't know I think this this whole creation we've done so far today has been um really wild like I I didn't I didn't really quite Envision it to go this this direction but I'm not not upset at all I think this might actually work really well sorry if uh I was trying to mix this in this is getting a little messy but an Adrian package manager laughs why are you so reluctant to try NYX OS more so that this is just my main system that I'm on I don't know Nick's OS and it'd be require a lot of well I mean I don't know I don't think I'm reluctant to try it it's just I don't want things not to work for me and the big thing is uh DaVinci Resolve was the whole reason for doing this today I just want to I just want to freaking be on DaVinci Resolve so once we get rophie set up so we have a start menu we have Brave so we have a web browser and all that set up properly I feel like we're we're golden hyperland is a little bit Out Of Reach as of yet on something this old hell hyperlens like pretty much out of reach on Ubuntu and Ubuntu is much newer than this does it have its own DaVinci Resolve is that in the Nyx OS oh damn if I knew that I would have done NYX OS is that a thing no really ah for now we're just gonna have to cheese this cheese it up all right let's go NYX OS get out of here what oh I should have done NYX I didn't even see this guys oh man I did not even see this you can just mix install oh well that I thought you were kidding I thought you were just messing with me what I'm not reinstalling we're so close um not yet at least next week's a new week that's the one thing you can always count on me things never get too boring as much as I change um okay okay let me just push you over let's push you back to here all right let's fix rophie so when we try to do rophie failed to set locale so rophie failed to set locale what is that oh there was a Locale generation problem oh I made a gist back in the day that's just awful but it works and if you ever have low cal problems just run this little gist where's my gist one second uh gist.github.comtac what were you did I scroll past it what older how long how old was this oh here it was fix locale bam so what we're gonna do is just force it through using this so what we're doing is pushing this to Etc environment this one to ecc.jin this one to Etc conf and then you load local uh generate it so if we do W get bam and then just do pseudo fix locale oh what fix crap picks I probably probably just need a CH mod that suso local gin huh Locale CTL Maybe it all looks right though so if you do rophie that's just a warning though it should actually should actually launch it right hmm [Laughter] distros don't matter distro hopping is bad hey this dropping can teach you stuff but it just depends Let's uh let's Auto log in now that we got our now that we got our base environment set up let's do this um we have that we have that we have that oh what is it um I'm having problem thinking of the locale oh yeah yeah that's right Auto login gdm give me Arch Linux Arch Linux Wiki any day of the week you just can't go wrong with it it's always like here's what you need this will get you by e ah let's see so this is the auto login under Damon you can set the session used for auto login replace gnome Dash xor with x session equals perfect okay the desired session and that's interesting let's see if this exists on Rocky I think it I think it should so sudo Vim okay yeah okay that that does look good so yeah I guess no gdm it's been a while since I've done gdm so yeah never mind it just sets it like that then we just gotta put this in the Damon section of so pseudovin Etc gdm under Damon you just toss this guy in come to the end Titus save that out reboot and we'll see what happens nope nope we are we are going to what yeah yeah we're going to Rocky Linux that's that's it essentially it's red hat Enterprise Linux workstation Titus titusified oh man I remember Rocco he interviewed me once whatever happened to Rocco I know he stopped doing um Big Daddy Linux he was awesome I loved him he was such just a good dude all around all right that is working our hotkeys are working do we have rophie rophie is still no good so what is happening with rophie rophie fails to launch and the polybar is not responsive why is that so the reason why I think this is the most stable is because Red Hat Enterprise Linux is used in a lot of environments and typically if I'm going to stand up a server that's going to run for 10 years I'm going to choose a red hat Enterprise Linux server not Fedora not you know some other spin not a Debian not a arch or any of that I would choose a red hat Enterprise spin usually it was Centos back in the day Centos 6 and Centos 7. and then when Red Hat essentially killed Centos uh and the creator of Centos when he got bought out by Red Hat he created this Rocky Linux and it's basically the same thing Centos was so that's why Rocky Linux is a thing even though it's why I'd call it probably the most stable distribution in existence because it has support its end of life is in 2032 it's literally 10 years from now so we have our browser hotkeys fixed now it's just rophie that we got to get going rophie fails to launch I also think there's some issues with polybar up here like we have some responsiveness but like the start menu is not working we do have some some issues let's look at polybar what is happening here so let's do a launch whenever I'm troubleshooting uh polybar I like to relaunch it and just kind of see hey what what are errors do I have because then when you're clicking on stuff it can kind of give you a little bit real-time feedback but it's not actually doing that we are running into loading module pulse audio probably pulse wire or pipe wire I should say we could also switch out from polybar what if we took ooh oh man I really want to choose pain today if I choose ooh oh man but that was pretty cool with the hyperland interface with ooh we could redesign that same deal because I'm not sold them I've never been a huge polybar fan it is really easy to configure but ooh does make some really cool ones um [Music] we do rophie it doesn't give me any feedback on rophie why that's not launching foreign do we have anything I don't think yeah there's not going to be anything the official repos oh this is just profiling Library um what other launchers could we use ooh um I think ooh does X work oh that's not gonna give me what I need ooh Linux please so you get this I mean that's kind of neat you got so much different things you can do with ooh it's just kind of a pain to work with is why most people don't don't go with it but I mean you get some of the most beautiful Aesthetics oh man I think we gotta go for it all right all right let's go let's do it um we're gonna mix it Nix it we're moving we're moving forward again we're gonna create the best most stable most awesomest distribution in the whole wide world ew yeah so there's ooh Wayland And then just regular ooh oh boy I'm already regretting this and I haven't even installed it yet [Laughter] oh boy this is gonna be cool though so I like this let's just grab uh the widgets let's just grab the zip I'm just gonna grab a little bit of this uh file roller should be in here I don't know why I don't have file roller all right just extract that we have it should we install DaVinci Resolve too actually uh let's let's get our why we're here oh we also need to grab all of our NFS shares too oh geez all right no yeah yeah the result let's let's get resolve going and then we'll get ooh we'll fix that we'll fix that we still don't have a start menu but star menus are overrated but I would like a start menu they are they are a bit official to some extent um do I have FS tab um let's just go pseudo them Etc fstab all right let's just retrieve cat foam Titus backups FS tab all right we got that just to get that we'll put this as network drives images main pool Drive FCP let's go to Media let's go sudo make directory images Drive main pool FCP and then what we're going to do is a pseudo CH own Titus colon star do a listing Titus owns everything pseudo mint a bad file system because we do not have NFS tools are utils probably grab our NFS tools try it again and after a short time this should show The Prompt and we should have all of our Network shares you working back to a computer come on all right thank you and when we pull this up we now have all of our good stuff uh oh can I try yeah we can try that I agree uh Yusuf let's go uh pseudo locale CTL set locale uh what is the Locale I think let's just try locator and then we can set the locale to Ian underscore us Dot utf-8 bam pseudo Locale everything looks gravy rophie failed to set locale yeah something else use your guide yeah I already I already ran that a little bit earlier Omar yeah yeah that's my L cars themed Lynx desktop really that practical because there's a ton of wasted space on the screen but damn is it fun L cars is fun I even made an image for people or if you're on like as a member you can get it uh go to I think the image is five bucks but you can build this yourself I should have a walk through video on all of this I think I redid it as OVA as well so you can put it on pretty much anything um I should have a guide though so you can just do it yourself yeah this is the the guide so you want to do a base Debian 10 Buster distribution install these dependencies and then I created a script so it'll just do it all for you and then you might set up and change and tweak some of the initial configuration and then you end up with that kind of desktop so if you're interested in L cars man love it this is a that was a fun little project to do and I it's not like I created it it's just I found it on the net and I was like oh dude this looks amazing and then I just kind of made it easier for folks okay so why is not that not working rophie there's rophie unwrapped and then there's also just regular rophie let's do a query of our NYX real fast okay we can try the C we can do a little quick export uh okay yeah that that worked oh so the C for is that collide Okay so ah okay now I gotta redo my script here um that fixed it genius uh I don't know let's just go Bim big slow Cal gin Lang okay that's fine so really it's just switching that and the ETC environment so instead of doing this we will just do a c write that out okay that's good so that does fix our rophie so then if we go rophie all right well let's reboot and then it should fix it oh geez I gotta fix that too and then we got to figure out what's going on with our powers oh wait no rophies driven driving the power menu too so this will fix two birds with one stone oh thanks Yusuf that seemed to work so this Auto log Us in drop us on the desktop and we should have a functional start menu all the bases are there and then we can start working on pimping it out a little bit yes oh got it beautiful so anybody can rise an arch thing but the true Chads do it in Rocky Linux [Laughter] yeah all right cool we're we are cooking with gas I better start menu works too does that work our power menu is still broken that's okay we'll fix that um oh that's so awesome and I think we might switch that top bar to something a little bit cleaner like this right here but for now we have we have this going next steps rice KD Plasma on lfs well it's just KDE though ah I I give you I give you five points I have points for Gryffindor yeah let's see what we can do here I feel like we're on the precipice of a new desktop a new era okay so what's happening with power menu I think we switched to ooh and see what we get yes I think that's what we do so we already have you know what from the hyperlink config we do already have a bunch of stuff in ooh do we like that we could start making like some kind of weird Frankenstein Contraption here I mean you already have it this is this guy's dot files use an st Kitty shell is going to be mksh or Dash editor neovim interesting hmm I think we go for it but this guy's profile not all those he have what is he doing with his eatc cop oh that's just the backlight what's he doing with his monitors he's got 1080P and then oh God bless an external display at 768. this is poor poor man ouch that's painful and then you got your touchpad so he's doing this on a laptop with an external display I killed myself each that's rough all right dot local what fonts were you using feather fire code nerd font material all right nothing bad what kind of bins he doing music music term screenshot what I bet that's script of some sort notify sin he's using Dunst and then he is using something called maim I don't know what maim is I do understand he's doing x-clip so if we look at this do we have X clip I think we have X clip already but just double check no we don't have X clip gonna need x-clip for sure um oh xdo tool as well I miss xdo tool when I moved to Weyland I missed the hell out of it love me some oh no xdo tool oh oopsies forgot the whole dnf install set up a custom sound and be like Adrian [Laughter] oh yeah that would be beautiful that would be beautiful yeah we're not going to use these scripts either set BG he's using Faye that's solid um workspace he's bspw nice not really needed there but so be it um yeah yeah what's up bud oh yeah I got it right here can you take my bowl in yeah thanks chief is that it yeah okay yeah thanks man you're welcome come on I think Mom is not feeling well oh no she laying down yeah okay rot row yeah she shared the joy yeah she got us all sick except you turned a little bit but I think that's because I'm warm oh okay yeah my daughter just got sick got us all sick man all right okay so the dot comf is really the only thing we need out of here and out of all these I think it's just really his ooh that I'm want I don't even know where I found this at Mirage 998 I just randomly popped up in my feed and I was like oh I like it it's very clean looking so that's so we're probably gonna need to grab his rophie too I would imagine does it show that uh I don't know I think the rophie already have kind of matches that theming a bit I think we can mix and match let's just grab some dot files foreign we're in a bit Uncharted Territory here but it I gotta tell you it is feeling really nice um and then let's let's install our I think I got him over here actually let's just grab I forgot we're doing DaVinci Resolve that was the whole purpose of this uh download DaVinci resolve oh and I already got the Venture resolve I need uh AMD drivers we're gonna get and download the AMD driver specifically for this so we're going to see the drivers we're going to go Rel uh we're in 9.1 right here there's that let's launch into our downloads and then sudo RPM install AMD GPU there we go uh looks like we have a mismatched signature or did that install okay just gonna grab all the rock M AMD gpus all that stuff and the dkms nice if you want DaVinci Resolve to work on AMD GPU you need to install Rock M opencl and it will work does this I think this grabbed a rock m Open seal let's take a peek we'll do a listing of what's installed we'll type Rock M and make sure we have opencl I'm pretty sure it would grab it with these proprietary ones but we'll find out I just see the rock M llvm right now yeah man I thought NVIDIA drivers were bloated yeah this is only a four gig download yeah I know we'll have all the options with this this type of setup so we can we can switch off of them I haven't used the AMD closed Source drivers in years pretty much ever since they became open source I never really uh went anywhere Sparky how you doing man foreign we're on Rocky Linux today where I've decided to decided to go completely off off the rails and go just Bonkers with my setup here I have no idea what I'm doing on this but I do feel like it's gonna land us in a spot where even I can't break it it did grab Rock him opencl by the way it's up here 2.0 yeah I think uh Waylon's getting close to taking over uh but X11 still the got the Lion Share is the end product gonna be reproducible I maybe I mean I think Ashlyn it's kind of like uh I learned a little bit each time I do these kind of redesigns I know it feels like I'm just kind of like all over the place but uh they're really really kind of amazing like I always think of something or figure out like a new way of doing something so we have that and now I think we'll do a reboot and then oh wait I still got to fix my start menu that's right we're gonna switch to ooh anyways so we're just gonna do it through CLI for now okay so new drivers are in so now let's go into our downloads do some DaVinci Resolve right do I need to do this as sudo oh wait do we even have a pole kit running one second uh PS aux grep hole does say there's a pull kick going um we'll get D but I don't think that's quite what we I think we need to run an actual pull kit if we do a LS user lib and then go pull kit don't we need to run the agent helper along with it or uh what pull kids we do need to grab a pull kit that's right we're gonna have a heck of a Time elevating graphic because if you don't have a polkit installed your graphic applications can't Elevate to root or super user real secure but kind of a bummer uh for a lot of stuff so okay let's just type pulkit Arch all right what do we have USR fin feel like I want to switch over there's xfce pull kit now or we could just do pull pull kit gnome I feel like pulkit gnome will get us the best result here uh let's see what that does pull kit num does that exist it does just because it's a rocky is it usually has Pole Kit gnome so then if we look at that we should have our authentication agent sitting in user lib pulkit no so if we go LS user lib pull kit gnome pull kit pull kit known I just see Poke it huh uh Pole Kit gnome authentication agent one let's see if we can't do a locate on this let's update our database and see that so let's just do update DB sudo and then once this updates we're going to do a locate of pulkit gnome agent okay I didn't see that so this is where it is on Rocky a little bit different area from Debian or Arch Linux but there it is ah so let's go into r dot config CD into ESP WM so we have pull kit right here and what we need it to be I'll poop come on we need it to be this alrighty that looks like uh exactly what we need what's happening oh let's just yank this let's paste it in ampersand foreign so now if we just do like G parted we should get a prompt or not oh ah my bad so when I launched this before you don't do it as sudo ah okay I'm such a goob so it should be that then when you launched g-parted all right great now we can install DaVinci Resolve and it should self-elevate DaVinci Resolve run ah okay okay that is odd let's see if it actually grabs these dependencies I remember when we ran into this on Fedora it was just a nightmare but DaVinci Resolve says it's tested for this all right like why is there an install script suck so bad from DaVinci it's like amazing how badly this runs luckily they do have amazing amazing software all right there's our elevation prompt but does it run dude if this didn't run I would literally just punch my computer right now the whole reason for doing it this way was for DaVinci Resolve to work flawlessly okay that looks good all right DaVinci Resolve all right that looks pretty good I dig it let's grab something from oh let's go preferences let's add some storage locations we're gonna need something from oh I don't even have anything there a little bit a little bit wacky navigating this but not not awful so date modify what what's the latest cut start okay choose save okay now this is NFS and I think that might if we look at direct i o let's pull in a little project and see how it scrubs I think I might need to change a couple things here but let's just grab like uh this stream here okay we got some it's not able to scrub it hmm oh if it's not one thing it's the next man yeah yeah a whole Discord thing yeah it blew up and I I published the Discord on YouTube and had a whole bunch of people join and we got up to like a couple thousand members or something and it was just unwieldy and it got to be like a bunch of drama and stuff and I was like no so this time around I'm just kind of like twitch chat and just a few people that uh can find the Discord make it more of a tight-knit group and not not so not so wild Westy um so this sucks why doesn't this work let's look at those project managers actually let's go DaVinci preferences again let's try direct IO does that give me anything I mean NFS should be pretty much direct i o it's not really but should at least I got 10 gig connection hmm we might need a reboot we'll see let's uh let's reboot it's close it's close to working drama on Discord uh goodness what's your opinion of the new re FS when you're thinking like Riser file system didn't that guy go to prison for like murdering his wife oh yeah I need to fix the power menu all right DaVinci all right no Clips in the media pool let's just say uh let's just import our media we got these create a new timeline oh it's not gonna scrub it oh come on let's see we're probably missing missing a library or something I'm it's it's fine let's just grab Celluloid and let's see what it can let's make sure we can play these files natively uh sell you a little so so you Lloyd wait no sell you Lloyd so you Lloyd why can't I spell Celluloid all of a sudden oh my gosh that's just what Celluloid right happy birthday it's not my birthday okay yeah CDs dnf surge sell you celluloids not in here oh man I have to put flat pack it we could probably just do it through Nicks like Nick's environment q a celluloid Nix would have it it's not my birthday damn it jalopy stop trolling people [Laughter] oh man all right let's try celluloid like this hmm oh we need Nick's Nick's packages oh terrible just terrible all right all right come on what do we got did these not mount let's go to the date modified let's go to here see these aren't even showing up hmm what's the what's your guys favorite media viewer y'all y'all you're just too much too much no I'm not doing VLC mbv MPV yeah MPV is best yeah thank you oh my I bet you were just missing libraries and that's why it's not reading that file yeah yeah yeah yeah so now we should be able to just go into like media FCP 2020 three let's just come down into here and then let's just do MPV 2023 manager man all right sweet so that's that we got our MPV in there that now we can play it I bet you DaVinci Resolve will work dude if it doesn't no it's gonna work it's gonna work it's gonna work um 100 100 percent okay foreign [Music] oh this sucks okay yeah the problem with no borrows is based on Fedora in like Fedora 38 nobody's gotten uh DaVinci Resolve working in Fedora 38 I think is Novara still on 37 because as soon as they update it to 38 it'll break it because all the dependencies changed and it just screws everything up there's a whole reason we're doing this stable environment is because it just won't change so it's just getting over the hump it's just getting over the hump man I just here's here's the issue here's the issue chat is when you're on the latest and greatest it will update and it will break I don't want that I want an environment that updates like once a month if that if I don't want to update it that month I just don't it's fine that's why I'm on this I don't want to be chasing the dragon anymore I just want a freaking stable environment it's just setting it up setting it up is much bigger pain on these older this older uh package packages we choose from but this is working it's just let me let me just reboot let me just reboot real fast and then let me think what yeah yeah Rocky will work probably fine no no Rocky's KDE is kind of blue that's right we started the stream in Rocky's Rocky Linux KDE 9.1 and it was hot garbage so never mind I can't recommend it yeah we were just like uh yeah this isn't working so let's just throw everything away and then we ended up basically uninstalling like a thousand something packages and then starting over on xfce and then moving to bspwm and like a NYX environment but it's still it's still at its core very stable yeah xfc is very stable and there's not very many moving parts so yeah I think Rocky Linux with xfce is really great for someone that really wants a great stable environment but yeah let's go DaVinci Resolve I think it just might might not play my mov file I don't know so let's let's just see oh no it's not playing anything man C Matrix hmm it needs mov file that is either prores or yeah so movs are great because I I like movs instead of like MP4 because uh when I do the import here uh specifically like a lot of the newer Clips I have separate audio tracks from these streams so I'm recording right now as I'm streaming and then let's say I need to make a bunch of like J and L Cuts well if I have a backing track like you're hearing right now well that's gonna mess up as soon as I do a cut it'll be like over here and then all of a sudden I'll be over here and it's gonna just look awful so I need to be able to strip out those tracks and separate all my audio into different layers and then when I go to the recording it's fine if I was just exporting this whole stream afterwards then that's cool I don't have to do anything but I can inevitably need to chop it up for YouTube because it just doesn't work on YouTube as a full full video hmm oh no yeah so that's that's the whole reason for doing it doing it like that uh let's see let's see I can get this let's just see what the because this is an mp4 file it should at least be able to pull in like this little baby timeline here let's just create a timeline with this this is a 60 second short so there should be zero rendering and it's just a little tiny file but we're not getting anything why is that and the answer to that is I don't know black screen Linux oh free and Studio versions don't support AAC audio on Linux dude oh DaVinci Resolve works like it is literally just hit install and play in Windows and then you just drag and drop the files like what the hell the resolve needs to get their together just say you don't support Linux I think that's the best and best thing they could just do I would just drop it if I were them because it's just maddening oh well that's that's just it the whole reason for choosing Rocky is this is a supported distribution it's it's Rel it should be the most supported Linux distribution for DaVinci out of the box and even even now I'm running into problems and I'm like what the hell come on I don't understand why this is so problematic no I'm ditching Mac so if I'm reading this right chat here's here's what I'm seeing from DaVinci Resolve it can't do any h.264 decoding on Centos or Rel like we're using but it can on Windows in the free version but if you do the studio version it does work I mean I'll buy the studio version if that's the case foreign let's see what this is um God bless Ed okay Kodak yes uh mov format is there uh h264 yes for the D code yes on Windows 10. let's go to this one and you got prores Apple yes h.264 Studio only GPU accelerated on Nvidia cards studio and Nvidia cards well that doesn't make any sense I guess I mean that's totally so it's Studio only like look at this yeah so hmm for editing I strongly advise against using h.264 and h.265 it gives more advanced editors nothing but headaches so I could switch over the recording so to do that I probably would go to prores so like an apple prores mov ing probably like probably do something like that would be the best option I would imagine because I know I think that options in obs if I'm if I'm not uh mistaken yeah Omer stop spanning chat man I got it you can transcode it the transcoding is just a waste of my time yeah so like when you transcode stuff it uh it's just an extra step and it's extra time out of the day it's just no okay that's not a solution it it it's it's fine for you know something like a one or two off but if I'm gonna do this seven times a week dude that's just not a solution you just you're adding extra steps just boot into windows at that point that's a hell of a lot even easier as a step than uh do any of this other stuff oh if you record prores straight from OBS the size would be extreme I would recommend normal MP4 and then transcode it with stutter encoder to keep the quality having a decent file size yeah I mean you can do prores at a decent bit rate Kaiser I want to say you might even be able to get around like 8 000 you know probably about 12 000 on the bit rate on a prores 422 probably and I think you could get it done and only be I would say a stream let's say we did a three or four hour stream I think we could get that under a couple hundred gigs so probably like uh I mean I don't know what's your idea of extreme is but I think a couple hundred gigs is pretty doable I have 120 terabytes so I would be okay with that raw size or we could just buy Studio and switch to an Nvidia card so that's an option if we want to go that route we could do it I mean at this point we're using we're using the proprietary drivers on AMD anyways so I think that's possible I think it is but as I think Kaiser was saying using most Pro editors don't like h.264 or h.265 they would much rather have like an MP um an mp4 and then transcode it over to prores I mean I guess to just to see if it works you know what we should do well first off let's dnf search chatterino I think there's a chatterino too and now that was Fedora all right man that was just such a bummer man all that just to find out all my file file formats are incompatible I'll do some I'll do some tests and uh figure that out though hmm one second I'm just gonna add my account again [Music] all right close I don't know how this is working but it just like auto logged in for me so we're gonna go with that uh Omar this is just the stream beats I always use take it easy Sparky thanks for popping in yeah magically auto logged in ah saved a token in there somewhere so we got that going for us um we could use Omar let's try it I guess we could try and do the whole transcoded stuff just to see just to see it work I think long term we just change from that though so we take our transcoding like this and then switch it over and ffmpeg do we have F of impact um synthwave is uh the one I use yeah let's try Omar's little trans code just to make sure this works let's just go into here we're gonna do we're gonna actually come into [Music] like a little short here I need to get rid of xfce terminal so that's not the default um so what we're going to do is just transcode this quick little uh short which doesn't matter like it's only only a little bit and then I want to try and grab this footage impeg and see if it reads it again in resolve just to make sure that this is the problem so I hate to go do something drastic like buy an Nvidia card and purchase studio and all this other stuff just to have it not work that would be just a giant sad face you know I will say say this much about twitch but I gotta say the twitch ads are at least better than the YouTube ads I forget what stream it was we were pulling up the YouTube ad and my goodness it was like a mobile game and this guy was doing something that looked like uh not appropriate for anybody and uh yeah it was wild it was just wild I was just like what how are they taking money on this this is just downright wrong it was like on a I think we're watching like a Microsoft video too and it that popped up and I was like oh yikes okay Let's see we got [Music] um so we have that uh you know let's try to open it directly from resolve actually now that I'm looking at it what would happen on that let's just go here tldr open with resolve let's see if it can yeah I don't think it's gonna do it all right worth a shot Ashland I'm not sure man I I kind of losing faith in Old resolve here it is just oh geez it is just full of bugs very very buggy is what I would say are we still having problems here it's really close I yeah I think once we get it working though it'll be fine it'll be worth it once we're done with all this that's the thing it'll be fine once we get get all the way through um I don't know why that's causing me problems but let's just uh like resolve just ran off on me so I don't know what's going on here let's just term it Sig term all right all right now let's try resolve launch for me resolve D oh goodness all right so this one doesn't work because of that but having said that I think we can just go to our media pool and we can grab I think it was uh this one tldr yeah okay yeah that's it guys so that does work it's a little laggy ah super laggy okay I don't know man I don't know I think you have to go with an Nvidia card if you really even want to bother with it eventually resolve on Linux yeah audio is way out of sync oh gosh and this is just a 60 second clip too let's do proxies I guess let's just uh timeline proxy uh let's go smart on the user cash oh gosh oh I'm having I'm having I'm having difficulties coping I really am I really am having difficulty scoping with this this just sucks really bad and it has like everything that's said to do we even transcoded a little short clip into exactly the formats they want and this is what we get does that direct I hope have anything to do with it we can try it off it's on in Windows though by comparison let's go ahead and make proxy Clips too let's just do that so he took direct i o off we have this proxy clip should automatically be generated no matter what let's just give it every chance to possibly succeed here let's just go render cache I usually I do smart though I mean we could knock it down to a quarter resolution that is so laggy all right let's just go quarter resolution on the playback resolution quarter Let's Go full damn this just sucks nope it is stable though oh oh so Nvidia only on Linux whale let's start looking at Nvidia cards and then I'll just buy the studio too that's definitely it though it's just there's so much render lag uh yeah Nvidia is definitely better and this was this this case because resolve just did not do anything to optimize for AMD all right uh try clicking lmb and generate proxy uh wait what what the hell is lmb let's Mount and left Mouse button and say generate generate proxy let's just yeah generate optimized media Maybe yeah so the main issue I have doing this I this probably will help fix some of this but uh no it's just like a second or two two lag there so weird I've removed like the resolution I've dropped it down we have playback uh we have proper render smart render crash we went ahead generated optimized media there's just a like a two second delay on the audio ah yeah maybe it didn't transcode correctly Maybe I mean well there's one way to check that let's just uh let's just go should be an open file location sometimes problematic but yeah no no um and you're like oh I need that well then you have the help command but it usually gives you a lot all right Chris oh man yeah it looks totally okay totally okay man I just wanna I do have a 2060 in the room I could go rip that out of that PC and toss it in this one oh good night yeah how much how much is an Nvidia card have they come down in price what do we got like maybe like a Nvidia 4070 600 or a 47. that's not that bad I don't know where that is uh what What's the 3070 oh if you're gonna go 37 you might as well go with the 40 70 at these prices if you're going to go off Amazon did the 40 70 prices fall because I remember them being much more expensive or am I just misremembering oh 30 60s 425-ish dang what about uh used let's check old eBay 30 70. you get a lot better price on used about 300 bucks a reference card that's garbage PNY that's not too awful not my favorite not my first or second or third or fourth or fifth pick but it's in there um ooh EVGA 3070 that would be a nice one at 350. okay let's see what the card looks like looking for oil spots these are stock aren't they except for these two these are the only he didn't show the back of the card looks almost too clean though huh Portland Oregon shipping it's not too bad oh gosh I don't know y'all what do you guys think I got a 260. it's a 260 or 2060 I should say man I guess I could just open it up oh Grissom Grissom has something fix uh audio latency in resolve yes I am totally using pipe or post audio uh uh what you want to do is basically install pulse audio or pulse audio also along with pipe wire since the audio playable back is known a noon problem of pipe wire you don't need to reboot your system nor terminate your session just restart DaVinci Resolve and you'll be good once you resolve detects pulls audio is installed it will use that instead of pipe wire okay let's quit that really it can't be that simple let's go pulse audio also it's probably going to need an allow racing yeah so it's gonna have to swap pipe wire pulse audio with pulse audio gosh Da Vinci resolved oh you guys suck oh read the edit part okay edit after months I notice this is a bad solution overall for having to yeah you're gonna have to uninstall them pick pulse if you want to go that way good solution is to install pipe wire pulse oh pipe wire poles I think it's already there right let's do a search um pulse audio [Music] already installed gosh okay yeah so screw it we're switching we're just gonna switch we're gonna ditch pipe wire because even if I do it this way I already have like pulse audio let's try also I think that's already installed so we already have pipe wire pulse audio and pipe wire also installed it's just an incompatibility with resolve and pipeware or you could just use Windows but then what's the fun in that and then I think the version of pipe wire pulse is a little too old too five wires required for Wayland all right yep yep uh pipelar Jack uh we're not really using Jack though so that should not matter ah [Music] so we could just do this and then just go dash dash allow erasing all right here we go screw it let's get it we're gonna just Purge a pipe wire switch it over to Pipe uh pulse audio um AVU control let's see what our configuration looks like all that looks good output good good all right DaVinci Resolve it when you do allow erasing it actually purges pipe wire I think we got rid of pipelar didn't we let's make sure just to make sure oh never mind my bad remove pipe wire star oh yes allow remove everything no shoot all right let's not pull a Linus um [Laughter] oh no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine uh let's see what we got for also let's go also utils yes um Rel nine switch from pipe wire dude pulse ugh all right [Music] so we're gonna go dnf swap pipe wire Pulsar all right nope that's gonna try and delete my whole distro again son of a biscuit eater all right wait wait it's getting better it's getting better one second let's just uh let's just copy this failed to [Music] I think we need to reboot and we should be fine um failed to connect a bus no medium found we need to get rid of pipe Wire One Way or Another though I just don't want to have to reinstall all this stuff ah well maybe this one's not removing the whole distro anymore uh nothing I can't get back we'll just get ffmpeg and MP4 MPV back and we'll be fine MPV ah it's getting that darn pipe wire right there darn it let's just reboot oh no pseudo oh oh well we'll be fine it'll be fine I'm not worried about it let's see if we get our desktop yeah okay here we go oh yeah oh user oh okay I see what you're saying yeah my bad uh uh let's go ahead and go start all right we got that let's go pavu control how we looking looking better looking better configuration let's turn that off turn that off got this we got our playback things are looking better and then when I go to install MPV all right let's go ahead and remove pipe or let's do a list installed grab pipe wire what's that giving me see anytime are you trying to remove pipe wire completely it's trying to remove the entire OS that sucks okay yeah yeah pipe wire is better nowadays it's just uh we're getting lag in resolve like two second lag on all of our audio clips so I'm like oh lordy so I mean it technically I think we're switched over now so let's go resolve and see what happens ah perfect absolutely wonderful yep no latency anymore there's just no audio oh oh yeah did you install also plugins pulse audio oh okay let's see if that works plug-ins pulse audio um yeah it's already installed yeah we were using trying to use a codec that's not supported in Linux supported in Windows but not supported in Linux because [Applause] I bet you let's switch back um so this wants to swap pipe wire pulse audio with pulse audio let's just go the other way now uh let's come back to here um let's just disable this service real fast all right and then we're just gonna allow erasing so now it's going to remove that switch it with pipe wire for Pete's sake is there anything else I needed to grab while I was here I can't remember no okay um oh well this is gonna automatically need to be closed but let's just grab MPV as well see if there's any libraries in there probably need to grab some ffmpeg get that one as well all right let's just go into FCP 2023 all right mpb footage thought give me audio probably not okay sweet so that that brings everything back go back into the resolve oh you know what I think I'm forcefully quitting resolve and it's really not liking that because of my hotkeys uh mental note do not do that Chris no yeah I used Caden live for like 500 uh 500 videos there Don it's okay for a beginning editing it's fine but as you start color correcting and doing a little more advanced edits and you actually care about your time it makes a big difference switching to a a legit editor maybe Switch to Windows Movie Maker yeah that's also an option um let's go resolve again I don't think that would fix it but yeah you never know uh uh oh that's right let's reboot oh yeah I could only imagine any kind of adobe product going through wine is just going to be awful awful awful mess hey what's up D user how you doing all right let's see what we got with the resolve I don't think this is going to change anything I think that latency is still going to be there but it's worth a shot oh I guess it fixed itself okay so that does work gotta remember to control q and getting out of resolve though because it does not like uh forceful quits uh in Linux okay so bug bug resolved yes I've noticed that too on Windows uh geyser but I did this this last bit was an actual bug in Linux it was something with the packaging maybe it was like a dependency that was missing and then us just switching between pipe wire and also and then back to pipe wire or yeah that seemed to fix it so I don't know what happened so it is fine now so we're good so we got resolve working we have our AMD card going now it's just taking video properly from OBS and then making sure we can ingest that now oh yeah yeah we got ooh too we might save ooh for tomorrow because that's going to be that ain't gonna be a quick one yeah ooh configuration is long okay usually also plugins pulse audio fixes it maybe when I installed pulse audio it grabbed that one plug-in and then that was fine I bet you that's what it is yeah it's always a mess it's always a mess I guess it's just a personal preference what's blur ooh is a title bar and this is what we're looking at for ooh now you see our title bar up here but I was like I'm not really that satisfied with it I like this title bar a bit I think this looks uh this looks pretty good you know from a desktop perspective it's pretty clean I was like I can do that and he's done most of the title bars and ooh I feel like that would be a little bit more of a clean aesthetic and then we clean this out get that going a little bit better I feel like that would be good doing good fluffy we've already disabled SC Linux oh blur is a band well that's from the 90s I remember them song two right that was their claim to fame um gnome top bar get out of here [Laughter] Omar's just trolling now um is blur a top bar oh that's yeah that's that's an extension gnome extension um hmm all right take it easy character thanks for dropping in man appreciate all the suggestions while I mess around banging my head against the wall for Da Vinci but we got it we got Da Vinci up I think we got a good plan of attack going forward with probably going switching over to an Nvidia card and then once we get the Nvidia card in I think switching from AMD to Nvidia or we could switch I could see how the AMD card does in Windows on the inside box too and swap those out I'm tempted to do that maybe I'm thinking about it hmm oh in picom yeah we can take a leak what does our picom file look like uh we got Shadow background blurring we just do blur size and background something like this I feel like that would work so this is what we have right now and then if we do a Reload flip over to here that's not really blurred is it let's see let's give it a reboot yeah I might just swap the inside Nvidia card with uh my Linux one out here see how it goes foreign so this is our regular background they Boot It Up maybe the blur effect is just not it's not really that pronounced is it let's do PS Ox I mean obviously we have picom going right uh the pycon files actually in bspwm I'm editing the wrong file it's like yeah that's weird all right let's just dump that picom file let's go bspwm we have the pi com here let's go blur background blurring a 12. let's see what you guys think do you like a blurred background or not oh lordy that just removed all transparency effects hmm oh did I mess up I would say I have a wrong chat Arena let's see what we got I'm gonna just pull in uh what chat said uh Indie twitch says dual quasi blur size 8 deviation true it looks like it's emptied blur background true uh background blurring deviation was the deviation blurred deviation X was true okay and let's come up here and put eight for that one wow I don't really want to blur the frame blur background fixed hmm blur background exclude dock window type desktop okay 3x3 box blur background exclude doc desktop yep that looks good so technically this should be fine uh was there anything when it comes to blur background fixture frame let's take a peek blur background true frame false fixed false so that's fine fine fine all right yeah yeah but there was one other setting here blur method right here let's just grab that oh and then we also have the problem with the lines that's probably why it's really messed up we're not oh I always do this when I'm doing C sharp I always forget this silly uh semicolons yeah yeah Perfection now I guess I don't I can't tell the difference can you guys it's very slight you guys can tell the difference it is better I like it I wonder if you could make like a thunar transparent a little bit how does DaVinci run Da Vinci runs good the big thing now is we've got no latency we can do it but it requires me transcoding projects so so it works it's just foreign so I could I have a couple options here I think what I'll do is look at I'll just change the way I I film you know instead of trying to make the other way work if we look at the Kodak list let's just uh come on over here let's go video codex all right so this is what we have doesn't give me warm fluffy feelings seeing Cuda in front of Cintas but hey so I know prores has options inside of inside of OBS and we could probably do a four two two regular export with an mov at probably could get around 12 000. let me look let me look over here one second yeah we could switch out the card but I'm gonna see if I can't get away with not because right now for recording I am streaming I'm recording as an encoder at x264 and the bit rate is 8 000. so I could re bring it into a prores 422 8 000 bit rate Maybe let's see if I can get around an 8 000 bit rate on a prores I don't know if prores goes that low this prores really wants you know 30 000 or more uh on their bit rates so but I would love to hit the prores 422 8000 bitrate let's see if that's possible yeah let's take a peek prores OBS 422 okay so you have mov lead blank oh boy yeah this guy's dude he's filling up a hard drive with like a five minute clip with this kind of bit rate so here's your your common bit res for prores [Music] yikes that is that is costly so just a standard 1080p prores once 38 000 bit rate that's gonna be brutal we're we're four and a half hours into this stream that would be that'd be over a terabyte dude it's going good man we've got it done I think it's really uh we really turned a corner it was really frustrating there for a bit I'm sorry if I was getting angry uh but we've really turned the corner uh Old Rocky Linux is feeling good things are flying we're zipping through we got a lot of a lot of performance ah we got all this stuff and uh DaVinci Resolve is kind of working we we figured out some Linux limitations of DaVinci Resolve it does run and we can transcode into a format that it's likes but I wonder if we could do a prores 1080p at 8 000. oh that's really low though let's see if that works I don't think anybody's that crazy to try that I'll I wonder what happens when you do prores with such a low bit rate what does it do if you don't you don't drive it with as much bitrate as prores once is it still better than encoding at 264 Pro res versus h.264 bitrate foreign the graphic environment oh this one's bspwm is what I ended up choosing I I'm familiar with bspwm and I kind of love it so this is kind of obviously we still got to work on the bar up here I'm gonna probably switch this out with ooh something a little more a little more artistic and that'll be nice but everything else is like really really Snappy I really dig it and we have pretty much everything going oh we know we didn't try a game though uh they probably don't even have Steam on here let's see yeah we're not gonna get Steam through the standard store I don't think Steam yeah yeah there's nothing there for steam but what we could do I choose Rocky just because the founder of Rocky Linux was who created Centos in the beginning really I think it's Greg something rather really smart guy and I've never had a problem with Rocky yeah on the server realm of things could flat pack it yeah we already have RPM Fusion don't we yeah we have RPM Fusion it's just not on uh Enterprise Linux 9. so rvm Fusion does not have Steam on this version let's see what uh let's see what they say oh no no don't do it this way oh no grabbing and installing a 32-bit library from an open Souza repo yikes don't do that that is just silliness okay well like everything else let's just see how Steam runs on Nick's Nick's packages dude we've installed more in oh let's see what what are we at [Laughter] NYX is catching up to catching up to our base repo I mean that's kind of impressive look at that 749 packages now from the Knicks that's what we're using for the the OS manager too I mean that's that's pretty hilarious how much can we load Ste I mean this is like it's almost like having Rocky as your foundation for like the system D and all your your core functionality and then everything else from a graphic point of view is like sitting on Nick's packages right here with Rocky being below it and I kind of love it I know this is like so not the way most people think to do it but I kind of really really dig this method yeah at this rate you could just install base Gen 2 and use nothing but Nick's package for packages 100 percent yeah we could totally cheese a gin to install that's how good NYX is like wow I just never run Steam through uh through here yeah I even I on my steam deck I even used Nyx it was a little tricky getting that installed I made a little how-to article on how to do Knicks through the steam deck because I got tired of using flat pack all right that was an insane amount of libraries we gotta look at the Neo fetch again it has to be catching up [Laughter] pretty soon Rocky Linux is gonna be less there's gonna be less Rocky Linux packages in here than there will be NYX packages that's that's how close we are we are at 1158 next packages and 1 379 RPM packages or or rocky packages send oh geez that's that's too awesome all right steam Steam I wonder if it's gonna grab any of uh my I don't think the cash and everything would be up to date with this uh no desktop environment we're not using one yeah if you gotta if you get a steam deck for sure check that out because having having Knicks on the steam deck is clutch okay GLX choose visual failed hmm what do we got any peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates hmm GLX choose visual failed let's see if we can't find a solution for this hmm okay this is missing oh it's missing Nvidia G no not Nvidia Geo we were using oh we're using AMD that might be problematic we'll see these dude look like NVIDIA drivers but it's probably the GL from our proprietary AMD drivers that are causing issues ooh might might need to think outside the box on this one oh uwu fetch okay we can grab UW vet probably a 32-bit driver package that's what I'm thinking as well Ashlyn hmm I don't really like how steam was installed through NYX so I think what I'm gonna do here though uh NYX stash e and VQ let's go Knicks Dash Envy um uh let's just get rid of steam okay ah so we don't have steam installed here you know what it probably is this is such a silly such a rookie mistake You Gotta Laugh uh enable 32-bit Rel I don't think multi libraries even enabled I think we got to get multi-lib going uh how do you enable 32-bit on Rel I don't I can't say I've ever done that this says you just force that through but I don't think that's right probably group install we could probably do that oh why not use chat GPT I just for keep forgetting man you gotta update my tool set all right let's see what we can get there's no compatibility libraries later so probably dnf list group install list group s dnf groups list okay that's it so all right let's try Jet GPT oh man I gotta sign into my Google oh please oh dang foreign portal portal open one second I'm still trying to sign in my Google can be a little bit problematic sometimes okay oh that's right I do not make it easy to sign into my Google like at all probably for the best though right we're good yes all right uh install 32-bit libraries on Rel nine how to okay so it says just enable power toys all right great power tools uh that doesn't exist all right fine Velo groups games and entertainment fonts graphical internet hmm yeah I don't know why my Brave titles are so weird I did something to uh I'll have to track that down let's take a look at your link all right multi-lib RPM config Rel Rocky Linux oh okay this looks like what we need multi-lib tricks all right that looks like it worked dnf update pseudo DNS search Steam PNF search Steam dnf update hmm well we definitely got the 32-bit libraries in there um maybe there's an RPM for Steam let's go chat gpt4 give us Max Max IAI greatness install Steam on Rel not all right let's just say rocky Linux Rocky Linux 9.1 mm-hmm pretty sure we've done all that installed required dependencies then download the RPM package extract the package uh-huh not bad chat GPT not bad all right let's do it all right let's get us the latest old steam spam ah oh no is there stuff in there oh no no it's just steam launcher okay I was like I don't know oh there it is nice uh that's a little wrong though should be steam release oh that's all kinds of wrong yeah I know I don't want to do a flat pack oh yeah I bought chat GPT I was using a bunch especially when I'm programming uh this changed chat gpt's wrong actually here I want to say I think this might actually install it though launcher script ooh Don said there's a third party support for some like h.260 or h.265 and AAC oh that's pretty cool I'm gonna have to try that uh flat pack steam works better on Fedora really okay what's the point of streaming if you're basically not reading chat yeah can't just read chat you got to get done man that's the whole point of streaming if you think you want to be all right yeah all right check this out is this oh I Gotta Have It main concept Kodak plug-in for DaVinci Resolve Studio does it work in regular or do I have to have Studio Studios is the 300 one I mean I'll buy it I'm already using DaVinci Resolve like a madman so but I would really enjoy to have a decent Kodak in Linux okay one-time license 99 bucks that makes sense so you pay a hundred bucks you get the license and but if you just buy if you have DaVinci Resolve Studio it should automatically get the Kodak though yeah so the studio actually gives you the Kodak for 264. but it's 300 so you do you do pay but that's cool though I think I'll I'll leave that up let me copy that put that in my old Brave here come back to it okay so I think we're we're almost to the point where we're just going to install it via flat pack but I was kind of curious to see the official method of installing it through Steam I kind of think that we could just install the RPM file directly from Steam steam powered we could just go Steam or steam install Steam install Steam oh it just gives you the dev package Steam RPM package yeah so this is how most people do it but again we don't we don't have Steam we have install flat pack install the flat pack repo and then we could do it that way yeah that's probably what we're gonna do I think that would be a little bit cleaner just makes more sense yeah let's see yeah when you look at this way though I think like there's Steam for seven and eight but there is no nine you could use something else but then you start to dive into kind of dangerous territory you kind of only want to pick it for your repo since we're using Enterprise Linux nine um it's not really we can't use one of these packages because it's going to call for a bunch of dependencies that are older than what we have but a good thought a good thought so we'll grab the flat pack and since someone already said the flat pack works better and Fedora then the standard install I'm curious to try it no no you don't want to you don't want to mismatch your your packages even if it works you're you're asking for problems and the title of the stream is the most stable install [Laughter] so stability over everything else is the thing so if we can compartmentalize it we will uh we tried to compartmentalize steam first with NYX I then try to manually install it we could probably try and build it directly in in Rel but at the end of the day it's like ah I probably don't want to do that either flat Pack's probably the method we want to do so flat pack list we should see our Steam and then we can just go flat pack run and toss old steam in here all right steam input UDF rule seem to be don't seem to be installed okay yeah usually flat pack does not is not the most performant for me now they said something about udev which if we look here I think we're pretty good pretty good A little all right one second one second here let me log in all right it's loading up one second okay hmm let's just change these settings I don't really want to be bothered with a bunch of uh notifications and stuff on this PC because I should be doing work oh let's just disable everything perfect alrighty and we'll just toss this into a new one and then on the second again I gotta change a few settings and we should be ready all right let's see what we got all right don't want VAR cash is the default are we going to be able to get outside of this folder easily is the question if not I did make a not a widely botched YouTube video a while back about flat pack permissions we might need to expand that I think we might be able to get away with it but alas no wait wait wait wait no so flat pack permissions are actually wrong in this one so I actually made a video not too long ago I think a flat Seal have you has anybody in chat use flat sale all right take it easy yeah flat seal yeah there it is Omar already mentioned it yeah oh look at that you guys are already you guys already knew about flat seal I can't remember how I installed it I just remember talking about it let's install it oh I've talked about AI a bunch on the on stream in the past but uh too long didn't watch of those is AI will just make those that are good at coding much more efficient so you'll just be able to do a lot more with less which is great but how will it impact it uh I think um it's I don't know if it'll impact coding and programming a ton I think it'll just make it to where uh I think like software companies that only build software for folks I think a lot of those we're gonna have probably struggle a little bit as more people are going to have capabilities of doing a lot more with less so a company could hire a programmer and that one programmer could do the job of 10 or 20 programmers I think that's uh in the future so a lot of software companies will probably end up having issues but like big business and those types of things but in higher programmers they may not have to hire less programmers but it's not going to impact it as much as you think just my two cents finally Adobe will fall one we can only pray that would be the best outcome in the whole AI uh Renaissance oh man that would be that would just be beautiful uh let's go flat pack run and just launch flat seal you know what let's just quit this let's go Steam yeah AI is definitely over hyped it reminds me like the crypto boom of a couple years back everybody putting their hat in the ring um let's see Steam GPU acceleration shared memory I don't think we need to allow virtualization pulse audio probably probably do need debus Maybe file system I think uh we'll create a new bit just put this in um probably do home steam Library is that a is that a is that an actual file yep steam Library there it is all right cool making sure I'm not making stuff up I don't think I if anything fresh programmers so where I see the world going this is kind of a pretty cynical take kind of a really hot one too but I think those that have skills especially those coming up if I was 20 years old I think I would have I or at least I hope this is what I would have done I would have just said screw all businesses I'm just going to do my own thing I have the capabilities with a lot of these tools that exist today that didn't exist 20 years ago to make my own program to make my own company to make a lot of this stuff and and you have so much knowledge at your fingertips um on the flip side of that you know so you so you have this world of possibilities for a 20 year old coming out to where they can just be a overnight millionaire with as much knowledge out there the flip side of that is you also have a lot of disadvantages I don't have uh when I was 20. I didn't there was no smartphones there was no social media there was no time wasting or endless scrolling or not nearly as much Social validation as you get that I see many 20 year olds just craved star starved in need uh so to speak or they think they need so that's the flip side of it you know the 20 years of 20 year olds of today have every advantage to make it huge way bigger than I probably ever could have with as much knowledge at the fingertips but also have a lot of social disadvantages out there with social media and those things that people and the the 20 to 30 year old crowd uh with with what we have just just my hot take it was pretty hot but kind of kind of how I see it oh let's see list of Home directories relative sandbox files Dot I think that's fine I think we can get around that okay there we go uh let's save that out um is there a save button I forget no I think it auto saves all right great so we have that now I don't think it automatically how it does okay oh this is steam over here okay well let's close that is that pump that over here all right one second just gonna change one thing I'm gonna see if I have access I'm actually trying not to dox myself we'll see if I succeed I'm sure I will dox Myself by the end of the Stream let's see if we have access to our folders now steam Library right there is that hey no there's no games in there dang it all right remove that let's go one more just toss that over here come on where is that at maybe right there there it is there's all our there's all our beautiful stuff so then we just make that default Perfect all right so the flat pack is all set up it should have all of our files in let's just see oh really steam beta all right let's see if it can sync that it looks like it's working download of all of cyberpunk okay well well let's see how high of my my download speed can get on stream this is megabytes so we're getting close to a gig connection gigabit sometimes if you really want to make it look cool what you can do show it in megabits where's that it always looks more impressive in megabits [Laughter] uh but I don't know if that setting even exists oh here we go display root bits and rates yeah look at that let's take a look we got some fading rounded corners oh you got the rounded Corners I'm not a big fan what Chad what do you let's ask I I always want I always want to know this what do you all think of uh of it I I'd be curious to see that one second here gotta sign into everything today oh cool at least I didn't have any two Factor all right let's let's take a poll and we're gonna say do you like rounded corners on your windows yes no I'm kind of curious to see what the results of this are as I look through this picon file I'm like oh maybe oh did I close that pycon file damn it I did didn't I oh wait no I did I had kind of a square Corner kind of guy yeah I kind of want to maximize my real estate but did I did I just crash my Pollock bar I think I did oh there we go all right cool um so this one's rounded corners rounded corn rounded just feels more natural couldn't have said it better myself [Laughter] so I would be doing some push-ups today jalopy but we got bench we got bench here in like an hour I'm doing I think 50 50 wraps on bench over an hour so it's gonna be my chest is going to be messed up after that rounded leaves gaps I hate gaps hjam I come with you I'm kind of with you uh we do need to get polybarred back don't we let's just do that probably easiest way let's just do a launch right we have we do need to fix that what's this oh man steam steam looks rough up here I gotta fix that all right I think we I think we're gonna get rid of Polly bar altogether though how we looking oh you know look at that it's pretty well split down the middle but I'd say yes edges it out I'm gonna give Noah a vote just because I'm more of a square square kind of guy [Laughter] oh man too great too great here we go final final vote comes in yes to rounded Corners in your windows well that's cool then we got our blurring generals all commented out GLX backend looks good uh Focus true debug I like this this is a solid picom file let's just grab the raw we're gonna just grab it from Indie Leo from earlier and we're gonna throw that into our our current config I just like making stuff I think so here's our current picom let's move to old and then we're just going to W get the new alrighty and I think we can just do a Reload all right uh I didn't like something did I miss something uh bspw huh what did it not like hmm I guess we could just run picom independently winner push-ups back uh we'll do them on Thursday now I'm going to be sore as hell but I'll do them on Thursday we'll get them back going all right um we did reload the script but it didn't quite take I think we have an error somewhere in this file let's look at our bsp RC and then what we're going to do let's just grab this go bam okay so we got GLX extensionless air fatal error root visual is not GL visual you guys got that well what do we do here what do we do GLX visual is not visual um alrighty um let's look at our old pycon GLX oh I was using X renderer instead of GLX with v-sync true so maybe we just switch over to X render or we could do it XR GLX hybrid ah I think X render will be fine I think if we had an Nvidia card GLX would work just fine but we did not X render alrighty ah look at that uh blur method dual kawasi it's not that's not at all you say that uh it's not compatible with the X renderer back end hmm blur method vicon's a compositor colon gives you opacity in Windows so usually have a capacitor or a compositor in every single system it's just different each one um new thanks for the prime change back end to GLX we ran into the GLX issue with the back end we could try the hybrid Let's uh go into our old picom come down to GLX we could do like an XR hybrid like this so let's yank that and then uh picom okay well not gonna populate anything for me I gotta so redo my Vim oh in vims what you're not even you're not even going to give me the same directory rude okay so we can change that to XR GLX hybrid let's see what that does ah okay so let's change that back to GLX all right let's see we got oh I need to do experimental back-ends picom okay so if we go experimental Atkins oh I don't know do I see the option for experimental back ends probably scrolled right past it let's just do a grip oops uh Legacy backends so we could do yeah Legacy back-ends kind of makes sense since we're using picom through NYX so it would actually be something like Legacy back-ends close but it's probably because it's a NYX package yeah yeah this is kind of a weird one because again this is a really not meant for compositing a rail based stuff doesn't even offer picom through its repositories uh at least I don't think let's search picom pretty sure it doesn't though hell I don't think it has Compton Compton was came before picom and it doesn't have that either so you'd have to do probably an X render and then let's change the blur method I think it'll be fine so we'll just go a different different direction X renderer and then we just got to change the blur method uh what blur methods are there picom blur methods X renderer and blur method okay oh there's a picom uh flat pack wow they would just do a gaussian blur or we could just do a box for the method okay these blur methods are not supported by Legacy back-ends hmm so I think we have to do kernel for a convolutional blur whatever the hell that means but since we're using Legacy backend that's what makes the most sense it's kind of wild so we'll do a viw paste so let's switch that to blur method kernel you think that'll work uh uh oh uh GLX all right seem to work but foreign compositor for X11 that's it uh Zen kernel not a big fan of Zen kernel I'd rather do like TDK or uh Zan mod probably would be my my my go-to a bad B flat or just be a b flag okay hmm I got this weird like fade effect going on now huh I don't like it ah uh um [Music] feels like it's like lagging almost yeah the fade needs to be faster oh that's what it is okay so the Fade's doing too much okay let's just modify our uh picom let's go Vim com bspwm picom so that should be relatively easy fading true step in step out so with the fade fade in Step 0.3 can we just like take a take a bit off that do like that we'll just reload yeah let's just uh speed that up a bit it's not bad right get the blur it kind of blurs that background a bit I like it yeah pretty good yeah I I switched it up and just kind of took that uh fade effect and made a little bit quicker seems to be good it does add some animation and other things to the windows which I didn't expect that's pretty neat all right well tomorrow I think what we'll do is break into doing like the title bar or something um wow man usually I do my programming on Thursdays though uh we'll see we'll see big we'll figure it out what we're doing tomorrow probably finishing I would like to finish that and I gotta look into probably some kind of encoder or some such a situation for they'll I'll do some probably offline uh rendering and recording through OBS and see if I can't get OBS doing like prores at like a low bit rate I don't think that exists but I'm gonna do some funky tests and we'll find out so all right y'all see y'all tomorrow I'm out of here we're good we'll get a good one going on I'll try to enable leader pull-ups push-ups something tomorrow uh as I know today we're kind of lazy or I was lazy I should say I just kind of wanted to focus more on getting the system up although you know at the end of all of this I really love our our system like this right here is nice I just want to redo the top title bar make that clean really have a nice aesthetic I actually kind of like the just the hint of rounded on these corners um and I think it's going to be great so really overall this is going to be a really good stable system and it's really kind of amazing how you can build pretty much anything on any kind of stable base in Linux now like it used to be oh well that dependency is not there you're just hosed and now man I mean you get it configured just right and you can just build anything on top of it so I'm curious to see we'll definitely have to dive into virtualization in this because I really need to get like qmu up with a bunch of different VMS we also need to dive into just this Statics what all can we we need to really make this look nice because it doesn't look very nice right now it's functional but not nice and then also resolve really ironing out the rest of the resolve Kinks to where I can actually edit videos in here without dumping to Windows desktop all those things are really important uh this is just really uh kind of a neat system setup that I've kind of digging and I I'm hoping I'll stay on it for longer than five days
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 18,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 315min 32sec (18932 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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