FIRST TIME in VIETNAM | BEAUTIFUL Hoi An is a hidden gem

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I think if we're going to get something like this just commit to something crazy [Music] this PL I don't really wear [Music] suits suck your stomach in there [Music] you as time goes by I'm a r on the maybe button down maybe like a um anything you like like dark button Downs for the club so we're at the most famous Taylor shop in Hoon you can see all the fabric around us but basically look at the designs on the mannequins or the books and then you can pick out what fabric you want from the walls I will all of the uh all the fabrics and all the mannequins all the different patterns and then this is a whole book of Suits I'm not going to lie all these suits kind of look the same to me who maybe I should get something like this party Blazer I might have to look at a book that's not suits Kim's picking out fabric she wants to get matching set of something so many different Fabrics think if we're going to get something like this just commit to something crazy oh this one it's not bad this I like this one this one right here you you this one more blue oh yeah you like blue you like this one or is that too bright um it's not bad I don't mind it I don't mind any of these colors all these sols look nice they're nice [Music] tones one here you pick this whatever makes you happy two set BL okay two set okay you want like a pink one you want a pink one pink you want pink like a very lightest lightest pink salmon like the lightest lightest salmon like this one light pink it's like super subtle nice color yeah this one this one three three matching sets three matching oh my goodness it Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday can you make the stomach a suck your stomach in there you go here you do a little more a little extra [Music] yeah David's worried that's not going to fit cuz he's going to start working out I haven't worked out in a while so it's a loose fit so it'll be okay okay especially these um these like stiffer Fabrics when I do when I do this and like rip I don't know what's going on Kim just picked out a style and picked out three different Fabrics I didn't really have too much input but I guess I'm wearing what Kim picks out for me that was really hectic but this is what I picked out actually Kim mostly picked it out for me but we got three sets of these I don't know where I would wear this but we got three sets of this two in lenen two in linen and one in satin and then I got don't get the K on camera got these lazy pants I got these uh linen lazy uh drawring pants got one in white and one in cream I'm like a Florida retiree and then I also got two linen black shirts uh normal like dress shirts and linen just so I can wear it casually I mostly wanted some casual stuff but this place is mostly suits to and for at least for men for for women they have all kinds of dresses and shirts and you can get pretty much anything done anything that's like single Fabric or like a suit you can get done but for men it's usually just suits and I'm not really one to wear Formal Wear I have like one suit and I haven't worn it in over a year so I think there's no point of me buying a suit did you have fun yeah you ready let's go eat yeah okay thank you thank you come on it's a pretty Starbucks let's go eat we'll come back tomorrow there's a Starbucks cross street we're going to go eat but this a really pretty Starbucks t t tayor t accent going down Tong Taylor T Taylor we're going to come back tomorrow we picked out 10 pieces each and then the adults picked out some pieces too this is a street in hoan this is where we're getting lunch as usual I don't know what it's called and I can't read that but you can look it up if you want to this's the spot got our first meal in hoyan Kim ordered a bunch of stuff we got it's kind of like high and chicken right kind like high and chicken we got a chicken salad some greens some broths everything tastes really delicious really fresh and clean we're kind of tired from the the tailor we're going to eat this and then we're going to be able to check into our hotel it feels like a jail but the food's good it feel like a jail there like bars and all the windows all Kim's cousins give me us a ride Kim what you got there what does that look like it's a chicken butt it's exactly what you think it is it's a chicken butthole bu I'm eating eat itoo good meal Kim's cousins brought us here apparently this is a this is the number one chicken and rice place in hoan the most famous how do I pronounce it gum gab gum gab boy boab boy quick stop at Cafe suck Cafe suck oh it's it's a store too we got egg salt Coffee Cafe something Mo Cafe Cafe Jung Moy Jung is egg and Moy is salt cafe is coffee oh it's good it's very sweet as all Vietnamese coffee is Cafe Jung checking into the hotel I think this place is called Memories let me double check is there a sign to on memories land let's go check in these are all our bags all good yeah they're standing our then we're good okay so our our our Villa doesn't come with the show so tomorrow we can come back here to buy a ticket for the show what kind of show is it like a dances and dances and performances the daughter at the Taylor shop she said she's seen it five times it's worth it's worth seeing yeah so we can do it for tomorrow night Eco is right in front hi so I would do 750 per person this seat okay $28 yeah for three per person yeah okay they us his welcome drink it's like ginger and maybe raspberry up top maybe passion fruit maybe passion fruit we're on the sit low they're taking us to our room our Villa our Villa this is like a um the Universal Studios tram ride yeah wow it's pretty the grounds are really pretty this is it oh it's not too far I feel bad making a right ah here we go this is it the grand reveal W there upstairs upstairs let's check downstairs first whoa it's a big space [Music] W this is a big room we get a little back backyard space this is nice oh there we go this is nice yeah wow should brought Nala here you see the river let me go out there W there's a river out here too don't want to let the good air out closing the doors got this bathroom got that West Elm it's our front door oh the water's right here wait what is this is a view I don't think I think that's a pool yeah yeah yeah it's a pool there's a pool you go in yeah oh you go in here oh wow Moonshine bar oh it's a swimming pool and a spa is a spa here too wow look at this infinity edge pool right next to the room sorry not the room to Villa come on oh now come on Jo mix it up my Vietnamese the two phrases I know them up this is going to be my spot right here wow how beautiful is this the shampoo your hair hair treatment blow dry it's about six bucks shoulder and neck massage about $8 uh forgot which unit we're in I think it's this one it's going to be really awkward if it's not oh is this Bell oh that's interesting Bell is this not our unit where's your key it's inside wow look at this it's a this is a nice shower that's a big shower throw a party in there this is kind of funny you got the uh clear glass here but there's glass here you can put this curtain down put you're shy but we got the whole bathtub situation got a view of the river oh do we have a balcony oh I don't think that's our balcony that's somebody else's balcony we got this little balcony but can't complain this is beautiful shout out to Kim for booking this place and all the other places we've been to so far we're only here for two nights we're here for two nights 3 days we're going to explore hoan and have some fun where are we heading to hoan ancient Village Village area of D where you'll see all the tourists that are not Korean non Korean tourist that's where they're at Kore all the Koreans are playing golf in bana Hills yeah all right we got our sit [Music] llo sit L we sitting low we sitting okay yeah yeah so this is so we crossed two Bridges here we cross one Bridge that's where our hotel is cross that bridge and then we cross historic village this is ancient Town it goes into wear which we go later look like a sow has like a beeping sound so that he doesn't have to keep honking every time he's at an inter section mopeds when they get close to an intersection they'll just like real quick to let people know that they're there t walking around ancient Village this is the famous uh beny shop right here oh this is the famous one yeah we can get dinner here if you guys want dinner here or if you want like a real dinner this might be fun famous bom spor photo a me B all the SOS are trying to get us to ride we rode a sit low here but we're enjy to walk now you're free no cars we're not on the island no part of ancient Village h no bikes allowed no bike's allowed oh is this silk is made with it's silk P you can see they making it right now all of them it's a handmade silk paintings I guess you can't really call it a painting but silk artwork look at all this so pretty they're all working so hard but check out all the ones wow that looks really cool this one's 17 17 million got a little bit of glare million what is that like it's about like um 70 bucks or something like that no no 17 million those were really beautiful um they range from like 300 bucks to like $33,000 which sounds expensive at first but it's actually a really good value they said that the um the biggest pieces that are like 7,000 or $3,000 $4,000 it's 7 months of work so one person was sewing that for 7 months to create something that large and for $3,000 or something like that bargain oh yeah you film me I film you you film me I film you oh yeah I got my camera I got a camera too you oh yeah I'mma put it on the internet I'm going to put you on the internet I'mma put you on Facebook I love all these buildings too they're all different the yeah they're making these all by hand there's a fish here what's this one there's grasshoppers crickets more fish very pretty and then roses come on you come on Kim is the always professional photographer once again if anybody from Fuji film is watching Kim with love the new X100 it's ancient Town Hoon there's a lot a lot of people out look at these Shops look at these buildings Kim wants to get a drink here there's a line oh they also have BME and they have F they havea the chicken rice that we ate but Kim just wants a drink we're going to stand in line what are you getting drink drink what kind of drink it's like a refreshing herbal drink refreshing herbal drink okay what is this called or the uh the drink I don't know what the drink is you know what the drink is called but this is good all right we're here at I like how they're using tongs for everything wow cheers we got we don't know what it's called M ho it's like a refreshing herbal drink is a drink called M I think it's a restaurant called Mo m good huh yeah there's um some lime in there really refreshing I like this bamboo straw Kim's got her Instagram picture how much was this 36,000 18 6,000 oh 18,000 each so like 75 cents yeah 80 cents each this is the only normal shirt here we got hoan no money no honey to get together forever kju Kim Jun you are the bun for me I guess Patagonia is normal do you see the Starbucks one it just says Vietnamese coffee and there's a hat this is the bridge it's really crowded uh a lot of people are standing on the bridge I guess it's not just crossing the bridge they're all taking pictures uh maybe later maybe later the uh maybe later so we can take a boat ride I don't want to buy from cuz I can't tell if she's like trying to scam me or know if she's like part of it or she's uh or she just get me money she's like you buy for me now you come back later I was like no I'd rather just buy from the boat yeah yeah yeah super aggressive wow very pretty I mean this is a whole vibe obviously it's overrun by tourists but the same time there's like locals hanging out here too there's a lot of people trying to sell you stuff I have no idea what most of them are selling [Music] oh live [Music] music I don't really have much to say it's just really beautiful so peaceful we're going to go on these boats at 5:30 and um they L they light the lanterns at 6 p.m. so all these boats light their lanterns at 6 p.m. and we'll see the whole River lit [Music] up seems like Kim and the uh adults got roped into a foot massage very peaceful aside from everybody yelling yelling at me to get a foot massage aside from all that I don't mind it that much but it's just kind of funny it's nonstop they're yelling at me in Vietnamese and Korean and English they're trying trying to get a reaction out of me so they're trying every language to see which one I understand the weather is perfect the breeze is really nice water is very peaceful there live music at some of these [Music] bars oh yeah you can hang out here all day of course it's Vietnam so all the restaurants and cafes are Outdoors right the walls are completely open so when you're hanging out sitting there drinking coffee you're eating drinking a beer just enjoy the breeze ancient Town 10 out of 10 too many tourists 10 out of 10 I know we're tourists too so we're adding to the tourism we're getting quick massage it's about 90,000 each get massage about $3.80 for 30 minute to be honest I really just had to use the bathroom here I thought if I got it for massage they let me use their bathroom that was right cheaper than going to Starbucks and getting a drink just finished a foot massage that was pretty good foot massage for less than $4 30 minute foot massage I think we went longer than 30 minutes but that was pretty good anytime you get a foot massage they always throw in a little bit of uh neck and shoulders and the neck and shoulders even though the neck and shoulders was like 5 minutes I think that was better than the actual massage that and shoulders itself was probably worth the $3 it's a completely different vibe now the sun went down it's getting pretty dark and you can see uh the boats with the lanterns here let's get closer completely different vibe someone's flying a drone they uh turn off all the street lights so all the street lights are not interfering with the lanterns but the bridge is lit up lanterns are going wow it's a lot of boats I'd be kind of scared to get on a boat it's more traffic than the uh mopeds we're going to hop onto one of these boats as well really beautiful Ambiance this guy's setting the vibe for the entire [Music] area it's kind of nice that you know sometimes you have places where there's like every bar has a different singer here he's the only one and he's pretty [Music] good it's fully nighttime now and it transforms again we're in line right now to you take the boats it's $8 per boat so for four of us $8 for about 200,000 dong oh the bridge is so [Music] pretty later on in the night when the crowds have gone we could talk on the Moonlight till on M we could stay to watch the sunrise cancel all our [Music] plans we don't need a reason why we just [Music] can't M I wish I could stop time and stay in this moment never think about going on just stay with me for a little while stay in [Music] this just stay with me for a little [Music] while [Music] it was fun I think it's worth it it was really it's definitely worth it you definitely get like the price is worth it and you get nice photos and experience and it's it's pretty chill and very pretty very pretty we're going to get dinner in this area too we don't have plans for where we're just going to walk up and down the street and see if uh anything looks good oh it's so peaceful we walk like 10 ft away from the bridge and it's so peaceful and quiet now we thought the uh entire place was packed but it's just a bridge area a lot of American food does like burgers and pizza and steak and fries not vegan no events to vegans we picked this place they were kind of pulling us in it worked though because we're coming [Music] in oh there food there the food here is tsty but doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad we got four dishes and a pizza yeah four Vietnamese dishes at a pizza four Vietnamese dishes at a pizza you know it's thirsty cuz the menus don't have any Vietnamese on it it's just an English and Korean yeah but we're tired so we're going to grab something close to where we're at we just want food in our belly yeah and then we'll go home this is everything we got a f some egg rolls Bing rolls whatever that is whatever that is so far this is really stale we also got a margarita pizza which is so Random so Random we were in the mood for it yeah super random but we were just in the mood I just realized this Margarita Pizza has no basil or or um mozzarella I think it's just a cheese pizza that dinner was pretty whatever then we fell into the tourist trap ironically the best thing about that restaurant was the Margarita Pizza that was not Margarita Pizza it was like cheese pizza the sauces the sauce was off the cheese was off the bread was off but that was probably the best thing at that restaurant we fell into the tourist trap we should have known when they were trying to get us to come in from the street that should have been like red flags but it was still a meal stomach's full we're happy this was a great day in hoyan day one in hoan from Kim and David peace [Music] peace
Channel: David & Kim
Views: 4,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: da nang, vietnam travel, vietnam food, travel vietnam, vietnam vlog, vietnam travel vlog, travel vlog, da nang vietnam, hoi an, vietnam 2024, da nang guide, da nang vlog, da nang travel guide, da nang travel, enter vietnam, vietnam tips, vietnamese food, vietnam guide, da nang food, travel vietnam 2024, da nang massage, da nang vietnam vlog, da nang vietnam food, travel vietnam 4k, lady buddha, asian architecture, tourist attraction, son tra night market
Id: 2pTyqRS30Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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