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hello and welcome back I know it's been such a long time honestly I've missed you guys more than you will ever know it's been over 3 months now and I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting but I had a ton of life changes so many personal things and as you can tell we have a brand new studio I got it all set up so I so ready to get back into listening to music as this channel has honestly brought me so much joy and you guys have really connected and even though we might not all speak the same language we have connected through music and I think that's such a beautiful thing um but thank you so much for being here I am going to be doing a Billy Joel Piano Man a ton of requests for this one I thought it'd be an extra special one since so many of you all have been wanting me to do this one so kind of special for the return back but I'm not going anywhere you can't get rid of me that easy so I'm just so happy to be here but if you do enjoy my videos be sure to leave a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell so you never miss my videos ever again so with that being said let's get started with today's video [Music] [Music] it's 9:00 on a Saturday regular crowd shuffles in there's an old man sitting [Music] next okay I was worried where that was [Music] going oh okay I I'm already pausing and I'm so sorry I'm actually not sorry I know I apologize way too much but honestly I was concerned where that was going the old man making love to hisonic and Jen and then it pans out to the old man kind of you know just reflecting it looks like he's very somber maybe he lost his you know life partner or you know maybe he's just going through some you know life just crazy life things that you know pop into our head when you're just alone and you're drinking sometimes everything kind of simmers and boils over and obviously being alone at the bar kind of shows a person who's kind of going through some you know abouts of depression or uh some life stresses or changes and it's you know the way that he looked over almost to see what kind of like understanding what that person was going through I know it's just so subtle the simple you know glance that even the glance that he's doing right here uh such a simple thing but it's already evoking so much like I'm with you I understand your pain and maybe that's what he's going to you know be talking about in the song as well um very interesting I love keys I do play piano um and it's one of the things that just evokes so much emotion anytime I hear a piano it could be something incredibly happy or you know something epic like from Han Zimmer and you just you want to cry it's it's just such a weird thing it just really p uh you know tugs on those heartstrings and the intro to this was already just so beautifully done and it's probably we're only 47 seconds and I'm over here babbling already I'm yeah I'm just going to I went back a little I'm so sorry but that right there already just kind of hooked me in and and you love that about a song when it can just get you in the first you know 30 seconds um but yeah let's [Music] continue [Music] can you see all the happy people you play me a memory I'm not really sure how it goes but it's sad it's sweet and I knew it complete when I wore a younger man's [Music] clothes [Music] sing us a song Piano Man sing us a song tonight well we're all in the mood for a melody and you got us feeling all right now at the okay here I I I want to speak on this um you obviously see two different sides of the story here you see a man who's kind of longing for maybe his youth he's you know very uh in his thoughts and then you see everyone around them is you know cheersing a bunch of friends people on dates people celebrating people this just there to get pissed drunk probably uh uh but it's just such a different thing you know I'm a people Watcher I observe this whenever I'm out at a bar or a brewery whatever I see so many different types of people uh people who are trying to drink to you know forget their problems or forget what they're going through uh people who are there to celebrate and then there's the people that you know are just there just to have a good time um but it's crazy how altoe it's like that saying like the bartender always asks you know what you're drinking not why you're drinking kind of that thing here and he's you know has such a happy Melody you know with the harmonica and the keys they sound so nice but then the lyrics they make you feel so sad it's like a a happy sad like a little happy sad sandwich that we're kind of just forced to eat right now um but I love it and it's it's so beautiful to see you know all the different sides of the spectrum here um I'm loving this thank you so much I see why y'all really want me to listen to this one and I I'm so sorry it's been so long and I feel like I've been you know in my own head this entire time so I'm sorry if I'm speaking I'm just so damn excited to be back so um I'm going to stop rambling let's continue that slow drag I felt all that emotion right there too is a friend of mine he gets me my drinks for free and he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke but there's some place that he'd rather be yeah it says bill I believe this is killing me as a smile ran away from his face but I'm sure that I could be a movie star if I could get out of this [Music] place now Paul is a real estate novelist who never had time for a wife and he's talking with DAV who's still in the Navy and probably will [Music] be oh the and the waitress is practicing Politics as a businessmen slowly get stoned yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness but it's better than drinking alone I would have done the same Sing Us song a piano man sing us a song tonight well we're in the mood for a melody and you got us feeling all right okay I feel like actually really kind of stupid now that I'm realizing I was so focused on all the different stories he's telling you know the bartender the waitress the real estate you know man it's true I was a bartender for 10 years and you know it almost you feel like you clock in you put on a facade you put on your little mask and you're trying to be a person for you know 8 to 12 hours straight and then you get off and you're just you know in your car just driving home you find yourself driving home to no music and you're just miserable and you do it again and again and again you know these are the things that you got to do do you know pay the bills do you know make money you know uh shelter yourself survive and oftentimes you know we let all the years go by and we look back and realize like wow I never did anything that I wanted to when I was younger and now I'm you know getting older and like wow I'm living with all of these regrets or I'm feeling kind of sad or you're feeling like ah it's too late to you know do my dreams I've already wasted did it people who are younger than me already way better than I will ever be so what's the point you know I feel like I was immersed in those different stories that he was telling and I didn't realize the entire purpose of the song was that you know Billy Joel is the piano man he you know you go to a bar you go to a jazz bar whatever there's a piano man there's you know a jazz band there's a acoustic guitar player and nobody ever notices or gives to you know shits about them they're just like I'm here to have drinks with my friends I'm here to Cheers you know get messed up and forget about my problem s before I have to go to work in the morning and you just want you know them to do make you feel better sing us Melody you know while we're in a good mood while you know the Piano Man is just like these other people's stories that he's telling he's just there to kind of be like a puppet for all of these people to have fun around them when they themselves are going through you know so many things in the background inside of themselves um I can't believe I didn't realize that till right now and I feel so so dumb for that um but wow yeah amazing it's so crazy how he can make this you know song that's sounds so you know cheerful you think about it and it's almost like something that you'd have in the background in a a road trip and you lose the meaning completely if you're not actually paying attention or immersing yourselves in the lyrics and the stories that he's telling you it's so many emotions and it's crazy how it's like all wrapped up in one thing and I'm yeah I'm just I love this so much it's it's really cathartic listening to this and I'm just so happy that you know I'm able to experience this beautiful Journey um of Billy Joel for the first time with you guys um thank you again for this we're not even done and I'm already having my mind just completely exploding um let's [Music] continue and you got us feeling all [Music] right it's a pretty good crowd for a and the manager gives me a smile oh she's buttering him up cuz he knows that it's me they've been coming to see to forget about life for a while and the Pian sounds like a carnival and the microphone smells like a beer and they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar and say man what are you doing here [Music] sing us the song Piano Man sing us a song tonight well we're all in the mood for a melody and you got us feeling all right [Music] I got I got I got a little even a little Misty um there at the end just just the intensity of of you know what she was you know banging on his keys and just you know really getting into it I heard even that voice get a little gritty there it almost felt like he was trying to like kind of just like like wake up and look around you know and he had a little smile at the end it's just such a perfect blend a perfect mix of all kinds of things all kinds of different emotions and you know I I thought about this recently I was recently in Seattle and I went to a little bar it was a cute little bar and you know Seattle is you know great for music scene and there was an acoustic um guitar player he was actually playing uh Pink Floyd I wish you were here and I remember you know listening to that song with you all so many months ago here on this channel for the first time and I was you know drinking my little cocktail and I was like wow this person is incredible and I was just you know I was having a conversation with friends and for a while I kind of even stopped talking to my friends I was just you know listening to him play and he was you know making me want to cry I was feeling all these emotions and I looked around and nobody at the bar was even you know paying attention he would finish a song nobody was clapping nobody you know cared at all and this man was just you know pouring his how out for you know this audience and and nobody seemed to even you know you know blink an eye at him or give him the time of day or even appreciate his talent and I felt so sad about that and it's kind of what I'm feeling here you know Billy Joel The Piano Player and everyone he's saying putting bread on the jar you know they're filling up his tip jar and they're like what are you doing here I hear that all the time from my musician friends where they're like oh yeah you're going to get your break or what are you doing playing at these dirty old bars you should be you know have record deal all of these things it's like yeah but you know sometimes you got to do things to you know sustain yourself and put yourself out there and people aren't you know realizing the process because they're so immersed in their own life you know they go to the bar because they had a bad day at work they're going through a breakup they just need to unwind thank God it's Friday it's happy hour whatever it is you know you're there to kind of unwind de-stress have a good time and forget about work or your family or your relationships or whatever it it is that you know is ailing you at the time you're there to forget your problems so all of that the Piano Man is just kind of background noise and it's just kind of like you know music in the background while you're having fun like play us another song I'm here to have a good time meanwhile the pi man is probably going through a lot of them uh things themselves your bartender is going through a lot of things your server all of these things are so true I mentioned I've been in food service for 10 years I was a bartender for so long and I remember feeling like that guy as well like oh my gosh Hi how are you here's your drink and then turning around and me like oh my gosh I'm miserable I hate this job and I'm so tired I'm exhausted I want to go home and you know you're you're thinking about all of these things but you got to put on a smile you gotta put on a good tune to you know make sure that no one sees that mask kind of slip and see what's really going on on the inside and oftentimes that mask isn't something that we're trying to be fake or hide from it's almost kind of like a a form of survival because if you kind of let it fall apart then you're probably going to hit rock bottom so it's something that is almost necessary at times um but I felt so many things in the song such a beautifully well done song from the beginning to the end I loved you know the intensity of which you would you know Mash on those keys you could tell which bits were a little bit more hitting more home to him and I really feel like he made a song that was happy sad it was like which emotions are we feeling today and he said yes we're going to feel them all and it was just so incredible I loved it I loved it I L it I love the stories I love how they were related to himself towards the end and I loved the music video kind of like a perfect depiction of you know life even though it's a bar you know you can kind of put that into real life and and really take a step back and be like holy yeah this makes a lot of sense um I know I was rambling it's been forgive me it's been 3 months it's been a little too long so forgive me for rambling I feel like I've been you know that me and the voices in my head I've been going a little bit crazy here so I just wanted to really really listen to something and I'm glad it was this one cuz this just was the perfect way to come back and just made me so so happy um more Billy Joel please if you have another song you would like me to listen to please please please let me know in the comments below any other artist you'd like me to check out of course as always let me know in the comments below but yeah thank you so much for this one I'm so excited to be back um appreciate you all if you want to hang out with me when I'm not on YouTube I also stream on Twitch uh you can catch me in there I stream every Monday Tuesday uh Thursday and Friday at 1: p.m. Pacific sard time we do a little bit of everything we play music We Sing we play video games and we honestly just talk a lot we love to get to know each other so if you want to hang out with us in real time go follow me I have all my details in the description box below but other than that I'm going to be back to posting regularly here on this channel so stay tuned and I hope you all have a wonderful day thank you so much or the warm welcome back and as always make sure to check on yourselves check on each other and have a wonderful rest of your evening I love you so much and I'll see you tomorrow [Music] bye
Channel: AileenSenpai
Views: 80,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S9smbXWBbLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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