First Time Hearing "FONTAINE" (Live Symphony) | Genshin Impact OST Reaction

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[Music] this is great this is really really great hello and welcome back to another video and in today's video we're going to be looking at some more genin impact and we're going to be watching the Fontaine live Symphony performance from genin Impact which was only performed a few months ago uh and I believe this contains the songs well Fontaine from what I can see and Rondo their fls the or something like that but that probably but anyway we usually don't on the channels we react to the song all the way through without stopping and then we write notes and then we talk about it again and watch it again afterwards we're not going to do that today cuz that will take 700 years um so what we're going to do is we're just going to Dr go straight into uh an initial reaction and we'll talk about it straight away I've not listened to any of it watched any of it so it's going to be a complete blind reaction but if you do enjoy the video please do like it and subscribe to the channel as well and let us know what we should be doing next on this channel more genin impact or other games please put those in the comment section below but having said that let's not waste any more time let's jump straight in and listen to Fontaine live Symphony performance from genin Impact in 3 2 1 go [Music] that's is is that actually that sound coming from there cuz it sounds like a flute or something um I've always been fascinated with with the water glass um how do I even R rubbing rubbing is that what you say um kind of instruments and how you know with the levels of water and how that affects the sound is very very cool but this is starting out very kind of magical and Disney in a sense so I mean yes this is very [Music] intriguing and yeah we'll contining with that with a if you want a dream like song you you had a harp and you had um you know Angelic kind of female vocalists um or higher higher registered uh higher voiced sorry vocalists into it is sounding very Heavenly in a sense very Heavenly very ni ooh okay that's that's interesting so um to kind of go from these long kind of sung LaToy notes and quite playful and light to having those kind of that stata we kind of noticed on the bow um and to just have that chromatic kind of just going as he you saw he just kind of just went down the the notes you know just like that's kind of you know falling Rising but again it's it's it's kind of jial it's kind of child childlike in a sense um it's older older Disney older [Music] Disney oh yeah [Music] every song I've listened to this week has given me a very similar Vibe um but it's yeah it sounds kind of it's it's definitely got that fantasy vibe to it it's definitely got that magical sound to it and how you know the way that the instrument is all voiced it's all very kind of in a in a word kind of glassy it's all very bright it's all it's all very pristine it's it's really really nice I have to say as well I love the inclusion of not necessarily typical instruments you would see in an orchestration you know um well you know the glass rubbing um and I'm not sure I'm not even sure what that guitar it's not it's not a loot it's too small to be a loot I'm not sure what it is but obviously the accordion as well it's was really cool to see actually that was a nice ending to that phrase um yeah and that's very much kind of like a a medieval kind of fair kind of sound you know that kind of Bard kind of Melody um yeah that was nice really nice really nice [Music] yeah that was very Grand wasn't it um especially when all the streams came in and you had those kind of like pattering notes on the on the piano it kind of feels like we're we're listening to something from a ballet or something like that and that kind of very Grand spectacle of classical music you [Music] know that was very nice I wonder what happened there there must have been a reason for that to have that grand bam D and and then it just Blends in really nicely but you still got those hits but it just kind of pulls away kind of like it's fading out but they used you know live instruments to be able to have that effect which was really interesting um and the voices all at the top they sounded really nice Blended really well [Music] together M I haven't seen those clappy instrument things since I was in like school like when I was a kid yeah um but of course it gives it that that's a really cool sound it's not something that I think to to use and obviously there's lotss of elements to percussion um that can add quite a lot but it does add like it's it's just gives it a little it just it's just more interesting to listen to and it really works [Music] nicely [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this is great this is really really great like um obviously it's really pushed up now and it looks like we're getting towards the end of of this particular number um which obviously we're getting to that Crescendo that big finish um but it's really Grand and the spectacle is huge and this is just you know this is it's crazy sometimes when I'm on this what I look at stuff on this channel it's like this is why this is just part of the game you know it's part of the game it's game soundtrack but it's just so good on its own like this is really really cool um it's yeah it's just sounds so Grand it sounds yeah so yeah and it it really just does as a piece of music just stand on its own like really really does [Applause] [Music] that's his fingers that's interesting um but yeah I kind of had that little kind of fade out again d and then it kind of and it's now gone into this really nice little piano bit here God that is the sound from there that is so cool that's insane that that in that sound is insane like I it sounds yeah like a wind instrument or something how do you how do you decide to learn to play the the wine glasses you know how how do you come about doing that that's that's fascinating but anyway anyway let's keep going what is that what the hell is [Music] that what is that instrument I've never seen that before in my life [Music] right I there's so much going on it's it's hard to stop but um yeah I'm loving these inclusions I don't know what that instrument was where the the lady was rubbing something um there's a lot of rubbing going on in this song um and yeah I love the kind of older instruments as well um the more medieval instruments it kind of really gives it a very unique unique sound and really kind of pushes that this is a this is a fantasy song It's that kind of older those instruments some of these instruments well I well I suppose guitars and drums are also old but some of those instruments are hundreds and hundreds of years old um and still being used and it really does give it that kind of magical sound that we don't really get a lot in in modern music at all and it just sounds great it sounds really really [Music] good and this kind of really really frantic sound and kind of there's a lot descending down scale and um and with the strings and everything's moving so quickly it's kind of like raindrops but there's lots of movement there lots of activities there there a lot lot of little little things going [Music] on [Music] the way those sing those sing those strings just sword above all the instruments that's like genuinely beautiful um this is masterfully composed this like I'm no composer but this is really really beautiful and it's just kind of as I said earlier it's crazy to think that there's these just gems of Music hidden in games they need to be brought out because stuff like this and other stuff we listen to as well it's just unbelievable [Music] unbelievable [Music] again more of that it's kind of yeah kind it's that franticness and it's kind of reminds me of the that kind of Melody that kind of you know really kind of gives you energy you [Music] know [Music] [Applause] [Music] what I like also about this and particularly about the filming of it actually is that we're seeing that every single like there is no musician in this Orchestra that's getting an easy ride like everyone's got some very very complex parts to play and everybody's got to play them at the same time and they're all smashing it like they're all doing they're just playing it perfectly um and it's this is like I'd love to see this live myself this is kind of like feels like a special sort of performance of this really cuz it still just clicks so so well between [Music] everyone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right before we get we get towards the end but those hits as well during that Crescendo just really nice really accented made it sound just huge huge huge huge um this is such an epic and epic epic [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] performance wow I hope there was an audience that saw that and they didn't just do it to film it because it deserves one uh um but that was oh that was so good that was so so good what what an incredible piece of music what incredible performance by these musicians but that comp composition is fantastic in every in every sense of the world it's fantastic [Music] um yeah and where do these pieces of music kind of fit into the game they sound like so it's but it's just so Grand it's so large it's so is it's such a huge both songs were such huge spectacles of music and I love the creativity as I said with the maybe not so typical instruments that you would have um and very intricate parts of Music in there that was played very very difficult um Parts um very very difficult sections of music to play um but all just done so so well so so well but but anyway let me know what you thought of this in the comment section below and also let me know is there anything else we should do next uh What uh other songs from genin should we do or any other game or any other performance let me know in the comment section below um if you enjoyed this give it a like And subscribe to the channel as well uh but having said all of that thank you all so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you in the next one thank you very much [Music] goodbye [Music] oh
Channel: Rob Mak
Views: 16,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact reaction, genshin impact soundtrack, genshin impact ost reaction, genshin impact music, genshin impact ost reactions, genshin impact boss theme reaction, genshin impact music reaction, genshin impact ost, music reaction videos, music reaction videos first time, music reactions first time hearing, fontaine live symphony reaction, fontaine live symphony, fontaine live symphony performance reaction, genshin impact reacts, genshin impact fontaine
Id: B12iirNeELY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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