First Time Hearing | Disturbed - The Sound of Silence | Better than the original? |

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hey everyone welcome to my channel here today we're going to be doing a song by Disturbed called The Sound of Silence um believe this is a cover of Simon and Garfunkel's The Sound of Silence a song I love very very much known about it my whole life pretty much um my dad introduced me to Simon and Garfunkel so it actually means a lot to me but um I've had a lot of people asking me to go down the Disturbed Rabbit Hole too since I've started doing some metal here on the channel um I've heard of the name but I don't know too much about them very interested and intrigued to see what a metal band is going to do with this folk song which is [Music] um yeah pretty exciting to me so uh without further Ado let's get into it here just a quick reminder to go subscribe to the original artist Disturbed give them some love and if you like what you're seeing here um potentially hit subscribe leave me a comment I'm uh I'm just so amazed by the amount of support and I love hearing from all of y'all so here we go [Music] hello darkness my old friend I've come to talk with you again because the vision softly creepy [Music] lifted scenes while I was sleeping [Music] in my brain still remain Within Myself in Restless dreams I walked alone halos [Music] um I won't pause it too much here but okay I'm in chips are all in right here I've listened to this song so many times the the original it's nothing like this I've never had visuals like this the words have been much more sort of positive connotations to me this is taking it a different route the tenor of this man's voice is just almost indescribable deep yet soothing and there's like some Solace there in his voice and then the just the light acoustic guitar in the back here coupled with the visuals I mesmerized let's go right back to it holy [ __ ] is all I have to say [Music] [Music] split my mind touch the sun of Silence [Music] everything people hearing without listening [Music] fools and are you tonight the silence like a cancer Rose I'm gonna go back there sorry I apologize for stopping again I've never thought about that line or it's like a silence like a cancer grows that's such an innocuous line to me in the original but in this rendition with the visuals of these you know a large plethora of people that are literally working in some dystopia landscape side by side not speaking a word that that has some gravity to it and I think the translation is that you know we walk around the world here and we don't interact with each other in a lot of ways anymore right I mean in some ways we do but there's you know so much pain and suffering that's unspoken that we don't talk about that's just what I'm um understanding from this his voice man I am I am enthralled by it like this fits this song these lyrics so damn well let's go right back I'm so sorry to interrupt [Music] are you doing [Applause] the silence like a cancer [Music] [Music] Island raindrop ER [Music] and the dream s [Music] [Music] [Music] of Silence [Music] oh that's interesting there at the end the the boat is coming across the shore with all the instruments bringing music to these people who have never heard anything that's that uh the gravel in his voice the screaming the grit I wasn't expecting that that was maybe the best build up I've ever seen in a song I mean it starts out so soft so tender um the landscape reminds me of Cormac McCarthy's the road for any of you have read that book or seen the movie um just again this dystopian landscape with almost no life um I'm honestly a little shell-shocked right here that was a completely different song to me than I than I familiar with Simon and Garfunkel's to me are Simon and garfunkels Simon and Garfunkel are true poets in my mind um really made up a uh an important part of the folk music movement but this took in a direction in which not only do I agree with I I'm just like stunned I'm stunned um his voice is out of this world 10 out of 10. and it just fit this this moment so [ __ ] well um Disturbed wow Disturbed is one of those bands that I had known by name for a long time for those of you new to the channel I'm just starting to get into metal here and exploring it and I'm finding that I'm liking it so I knew the name but like I was not expecting them to do justice to this song like this um so hats off to you disturbed please go subscribe to them and watch the video I'm assuming if you're watching this you probably have already done that but uh yeah I'm um very impressed so thank you so much for tuning in here um if you liked what you saw hit subscribe please leave me a comment like this video it helps me out a ton and I do have a patreon in which I keep this um this channel going on so um check that out if you like what I'm doing and um yeah I'll see in the next one thank you so much to those of you who suggested this video foreign
Channel: Nick Forell
Views: 351,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: upYejDucSIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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