First time building in the Phanteks NV5 case.

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all righty let's get started on the build first thing we got to do is get all this other stuff out of the way that we're not going to need for a bit Al righty hope everybody's excited today I think everything's working uh make sure my okay that's working as well okay okay let's get started first we've got the MSI mag z790 Tomahawk Wii yo Johnny what's up man your PC is going to get picked up by UPS on Monday Monday Monday all right it's all done ready to go um trap did all of his magic on it I just need to I want to do a couple of last minute tests just to you know double check everything and then um yeah we'll have it ready to ship out the glass looks great we found a pretty awesome like action sort of picture of a of a um swordfish so I think you're going to think you're going to really like it all right let's start out Intel i7 14700 K yes yeah yeah and we'll have a full slew of uh we'll have a full slew of pictures on it too once uh once it's done done heck okay fine like my I have my wife take pictures of all the all the computers once they're like done done and like ready to ship so we'll have to get those today as well all right Intel 14700 K installed this is a a build for oh come on come out this is a build for Gary uh who I probably should have sent an email to now that you mention it see if I can great call Great call cool all right yo what's up RK how we doing all right 14700 K installed next crucial P5 plus one tab this is going to be the boot Drive um it's a great Gen 4 SSD again these things are just they're just they're cheap now they're so cheap one tab Gen 4 SSD for $54 you know before taxes it's incredible all right let's take off first this don't need that we don't need no sticky stuff on here then this is another one of those real nice toolless removal Richard what's up my guy how we doing jitana hey how are you I appreciate you coming over thank you I you know I appreciate all of the shares and stuff that you do on you've been doing on Facebook um but we're kind of getting away from streaming over there so I appreciate you showing up on the red come on why does there we go say MSI does that sometimes where it just doesn't seem to quite fit yeah we're going to build the nv5 case uh I filmed like a a general video at the beginning of like my initial thoughts of just like seeing the case and then we're going to build in it and I'll cut the live stream or well we'll build in it and then later on I will uh I'll I'll finish the the review on what I think of the the case overall after having built in it all right is that all the way down okay we'll keep this tiny screw even though we never use them you're more intrigued oh it end it ended up in the box where it needed to be so it's fine for now that didn't though that ended up uh on the flo oh well hey Kelly how are you I saw you just sent me an email I haven't read it but I I'm sure sure I know what was in it how's everything going today okay let's get our second SSD this is a 2 terab crucial P3 another great great deal I think these run about $70 for a gen 3 2 terb SSD again storage is just it's just cheap nowadays so whenever we've got whenever we've got room in the budget I I or depending on how people plan to use them I try to throw extra storage in there when I can cuz it's just it's just not that expensive thankfully like it's also easy to install so if you don't get it you know don't fret you can always add it later okay crucial P3 installed um it's not that much different than the nv7 I think it's better so far so far from what I've saw saw just kind of spinning it around thinking about a little bit noodle in on it I think it's going to be better than the nv7 was I built in the nv7 for spartacus's build and I I'm kind of liking this one better okay oh hey babe okay got our crucial P3 2 tab installed let's got our heat sink back on we'll hopefully not throw this screw everywhere okay we got it um Richard also my height y70 has not shipped so if it makes you feel better despite having ordered it directly from height it still hasn't shipped and they don't even give me a date on when it's going to be shipped so we're in the same boat sir by the time I can review it it's going to be 3 months old okay both of our storage options are in there now we've got our xpg Lancer with um anime theme on the the Box hopefully not on the ram itself nope we're good okay is uh xpg makes really good stuff they're not like a huge name that you see all the time um they make really good RAM and ssds so if you see their stuff for reasonable price don't don't overlook them they they really do make solid stuff okay xpg Ram cl32 6400 perfect for your Intel kits or Intel builds Intel builds um yeah nice solid heat sink design slick looking RGB hopefully the RGB quality like the quality of the LEDs is pretty good and uh if so I think these will round themselves out to be a very solid kit of ram they said when you purchase it that it would be around the 20th of November mine didn't say that I didn't buy it through you bought yours through New Egg I bought mine um directly from height and I it didn't say when it was going to be shipped unfortunately unfortunately okay that's all on there now get to go to the exciting part of getting the case back out and see how it feels Building inside the F another thing that I'm noticing another thing that I'm noticing um using the mv7 or the mv5 right now one I really didn't like the back panel and cover thing that they had on the mv7 that thankfully is gone for the mv5 and it's also fairly light like it's it feels like good quality um like material in manufacturing but it's not like some of the Lee and Lee and other cases that are you know 30 plus pounds before you ever put anything inside of them um which makes it really expensive for shipping but also just makes it kind of a pain to move around so I'm happy to say this is not that heavy sorry y'all if you haven't noticed I am um I am currently recording this whole thing and I'll take Snippets of it for for Tia but we're we're going to do a full review of this case if you if you didn't hear so if you see me like reiterating stuff for all of a sudden like acting all professional for a for a clip well that's why I do like that fantex designed some RGB strips in yes they did yeah these nice little RGB strips here um are really good and then yeah yeah they they designed some extra ones right that you can fit into like the channels and stuff for this case all right let's lay this on down scoot these cables out of the way get out of there get out of there and then we'll put our motherboard in going bring it down a little bit because we're short one thing that's really cool on here too and I mentioned it in the beginning uh of the actual like review is this uh GPU cable know or sorry yeah this GPU support uh comes built in like it was already installed in the case when it when it showed up so that's really cool um no need to no need to buy one and you can you can adjust like this piece here on how far it is in and out so it kind of clamps down on the ca on the uh GPU and then you've got a couple of thumb screws down here so that you can shift it up and down depending on how thick how thick your GPU is you know if it's a thick boy might have to move it down a little bit okay got our screws in there thank you fantex for another another positive here fantex put all their screws in one of these nice little boxes there's plenty of extra dividers for other screws that you might have but it's not super difficult while you're building but later on having those all nice and separated big Big W for fantex it's it's the small things that count when you're building in a it's the small things that count with cases you know okay installation guide we shouldn't need that but we're definitely not throwing it away seems like fantex thought of everything it really does it really seems like fantex thought of everything when they put this together okay so I'm guessing they use the standard screws for uh the motherboard we'll find out let's get our correct one of these back on correct bit that's the word I was looking for the bit that appears to be right the one thing on the back that has me just a little bit concerned is there is some decent um chn like cable channels in the back did I just throw a bolt on the ground maybe there is a decent like cable channel on the back but I'm not 100% convinced that it's big enough it kind of depends on how deep this little two chamber like the rear chamber is but we'll find out how's everybody doing happy Saturday it's the weekend hopefully everybody's having fun we went out to a fancy lunch today with a bunch of my wife's family her grandmother's 91st birthday like holy cow 91 I don't know if I want to live that long seems like a burden at that point you know granted she probably took care of herself better than I have thus far so maybe there's just not a chance for me to live that long I don't know she's still spry sharp as attack doing puzzles like crazy I don't know that I will be that way when I if I get to that age she going to be a decrepit crotchety old man angry at all the kids near my lawn not even on my lawn she like hey you on my lawn get out of here does Grandma seem like she's alive and thriving she does she's doing great all right motherboard is installed it looks great I think they I think one thing that I'm seeing here they could have maybe left a little bit more room down at the bottom like we've got lots of good space up top which you love to see when you're going to put in an AIO up top but this the bottom of the motherboard is maybe a quarter of an inch from the bottom of this or from the top of this shroud and I I just don't like that I don't I don't have a rational reason for it I just don't like it okay insert personal opinion across the entire across the entire page as this goes up on the video happy Saturday what's up Mark how you doing yeah happy birthday to her happy birthday to Grandma I was goingon to say her real name but maybe I shouldn't I mean not that she has enough of a digital presence for anyone to try and like steal her identity and who would steal the identity of of someone who's 92 I don't know or 91 or whatever but still we'll avoid it not going to even give you guys any hints okay we're going to get rid of this uh get rid of the working mat and we're going to get out our favorite celebrity Lazy Susan okay we really need to make a Susan Susan the Lazy Susan uh hello Susan badge or em remote for for kick all right here we go boom again the case still feels so light it's just great let's get all of our front IO installed starting with HD audio you knew it I knew it hello Susan did that work for you did the the text to speech work for you I don't know I don't remember if I set it up on uh botrick okay cool C cool cool I couldn't remember if I had set it up on botrick or if it was on Lumia stream but I've officially kind of stopped using Lumia stream because uh I don't need to anymore cuz I figured out the stuff on Kick for uh um sound commands the only problem is you have to have a few Channel you have to have like five channel points and be a follower to to use the sound commands so if you want to use sound commands and you're you're in the kick chat right now then you you need to be following and I think you just need to comment a couple times to get points I don't remember the exact method for for how to like start really gaining points other than other than chatting you heard her great there's a weird looking yellow liquid on the table mine tell me what that is Blaze this is uh moo I don't know if you guys have ever heard of it here I'll show you it's it's probably it's a trick of the camera that it looks yellow it's it's it's really orange but um here hold on let me scooch that to the side a little bit this is what I'm drinking oh there we go Mio vitamins it's just like you you just squirt like you like do like one squeeze of it and then you fill the glass with water and it's kind of it's a little bit sweet it keeps me from like drinking stuff that's full of sugar all the time and it's delicious I know Blaze either everyone either thinks that it's um everyone either jokes that it's uh moonshine when I just put water in my glass or that it's like pee or something so you're not alone don't worry Okay so we've got basically everything plugged in except for we've got an RGB header which is going to control these um built-in RGB strips and stuff on the case that's going to go right down here um this motherboard and seems like motherboards are being better and better about this this motherboard actually has three put my fingers together three of these 5vt uh RGB headers and then at least one if not two of the 12vt ones pretty nice what's up JN what's on the PC did you mean what's in the PC um the uh description has it all but it's a Intel I74 700k a uh 32 gigs of ddr5 RAM from um from xpg which is like the same brand as a data and then we've got a RTX 480 that I'll be going in there 3 terabytes of storage got this MSI mag z790 motherboard which is a refreshed motherboard so we're going to be able to crank the crap out of this ddr5 Ram hello how are you dude okay we've got that in there we've got all of the front IO uh connected in I think what would we normally do next let's put in some uh let's put in all of the case fans because there's going to be a lot we're going to have one down here on the bottom intake one here on the back exhaust four I believe I think we can fit four along this back panel here and then we'll have three here with the aiio so let's just let's just get after it oh that's closed one thing that they did not skimp on is fan support granted there aren't a lot of there isn't much support for 140 millim fans if like that's your thing for whatever reason but there is a good amount of support for 120 mm fans in fact I'm not aware this might be purely 120 mm support I like I don't see any spots where there would be a wider where you could put a wider fan even on the top interesting interesting that's I would that might be the first negative of this case there does not appear to be any 140 mm fan support none that I can see hi Mom how are you is this for me no this is for a customer his name is Gary um yeah so I convinced him I mean I didn't have to work that hard I showed him this case and I was like hey do you want this case because I wanted to build one in it and he was like yeah it looks great so that's how we were able to to kind of duel get two for one out of that deal okay so we got this fan that's right here this cable might be long enough that we can hook it up to the fans that are going to be over there so let's plan for that and then yeah no uh I don't need I don't need a new computer I do I build computers for people like this is that's my my business so very very very rarely will you ever find me building a computer that's for myself okay so one thing to think about here how do we pull this out so we want to mount we want to mount this okay so it appears there's one bolt here we're doing this without instructions cuz let's be honest we don't really like to read instructions if we don't have to so pull that one bolt out and now now this tray here comes right out sweet super easy again fantex really is kind of thinking of everything who needs instructions right well Richard after building your computer I kind of needed instructions there I think okay we're going to point it that way you of all people should probably be like red maybe maybe sometimes you do need instructions the thing goes in the thing right Mom you got it yeah see mom's even even mom's got it although mom builds her own computers or maybe dad builds computers for Mom I don't know but even mom knows hey what's up Hatfield how you doing also before anyone yells at me okay I'll put my knife away relax why do you pick the 14th and not the 13th um because they're basically the same price and it's got slightly better specs it's got a little bit higher boost clock out of the box uh I believe it even has more cores have to double check me on that I can't remember if it has more cores I know it has the same performance cores but I think it might have a few more or at least a couple more efficiency cores than the 13700 K all right let's just get this kind of centered I actually want to kind of bias this towards the back so that in hopes that this cable will reach where it needs to go so we're going to bias this a little bit more towards the back of the case dad's always getting milk unfortunately dad's always a way getting milk nice gotcha yeah there are very few times where the older generation is better than the newer generation and the only case I can think of for this round would be that uh like the 13900 K is still better than the 14900 K but it's way more expensive ensive and it's really hard to find still so to be fair before you build my PC I read up on my case and what was best for placing things and such so when you built in I was like uh well yeah you did to be fair I didn't do that okay so let's see let's put our we're gonna put our top rear fan so that that fan in went in went in fine um I wish I kind of wish that there was space underneath this bracket to be able to build or to be able to put this fan underneath there especially if you don't have like the greatest looking fan um speaking of which the greatest looking fan I don't like that that fan it doesn't look great in that spot like as far as like being shifted towards the back so even if this cable ends up being a little too short uh I think for aesthetic purposes we're going to shift it we're going to shift it to the back a little bit you were laughing I bet bro that the AIO install in that especially I was like this is so dumb okay we're going to shift this to the front now because you're not going to see you're not going to really see this Gap in the back too much I mean we can shift it maybe not all the way to the front but you're not going to see the Gap in the back very much you're really only going to see the Gap in the front um unless you're looking like from over here in front but I think it'll look better if we do it this way okay okay got that reinstalled let's bolt it back down that does not quite line back up does it here we go sits a little high but I guess that kind of provides a little extra structure Once you pull it down okay that's going to be tight but I think we can make it work all right let's put our rear fan on this one's definitely going to need an extension of some sort um I think we can do here is we we will use this here for the top fan this top rear fan but we're going to want to go to the bottom for the RGB and stuff so we will use this guy the angled floor panel is freaking you out it is kind of weird that was one of the first things I said I was like this uh um the yeah the Shroud and stuff for the and the yeah the the angled floor for the power supply is kind of funky I was like if you have OCD you're not going to like it and sure enough I guess I don't know that Richard has OCD but he at least likes things to be in order and uh he doesn't like that surprise surprise surprise [Music] surprise uh you're building the PC we can't decide which case to pick the y70 or the nv7 or y60 or the [Music] mv7 that's a great question y 60 or the nv7 I personally would probably go with the mv7 I think it looks a little bit better I like it a little bit more honestly I would almost get this over the nv7 though it's cheaper it's got tons of it can support like pretty big components and it's only like 110 bucks and it looks great doesn't seem to have any of the the flaws that the nv7 had too so cute that you're dressed up to match the computer and the wall behind me I know oops probably should have thought about that yo what's up Clark how you doing all right let's shift that kind of into the middle there welcome into the stream I don't but it throws in the face of tradition and Convention yeah it seem it also just kind of seems unnecessary like it's now I mean I guess it just means there's more air more air flow down there but but I don't yeah I like I get why they did it but I don't necessarily love it um if I had to choose between those two personally I would choose the nv7 but personally I would probably take this nv5 over the mv7 or if you have the money the h70 touch with the touchcreen built into it is pretty sick I have one on order we'll see how long it takes to get here okay more fans your face needs more air flow wow spicy Mom it is a little toasty in here I could use some more air flow uh I had a question for you which fans do you think look better the d30s or the Leon Lee Infinity fans ooh it's hard to say cuz now both of them have reverse fans I would say the d30s are a little bit more classy and classic um and would work with kind of everything that you might want to put in there the SL Infinities I would say you need to like you need to go Lee and Lee for like everything like you need the Infinities on the aiio you need them on all the case fans um and kind of like match that aesthetic throughout whereas the d30s I feel like are a lot more flexible so I think they both really like look really good but that would be kind of like my take on it okay let me double check I'm pretty sure that this thing can hold four fans tall on the side nope it's three the mv7 can hold four cool good to know okay okay flip those around um I think what we'll do is this actually is going to end up being our one that goes and controls everything and this guy is going to get plugged into that bottom one and that'll keep everything looking real nice ow my hand is too fat it's too wide there we go there we personally you're going for the D30 it is much cheaper I think he asked specifically about looks but the D30 is much cheaper for sure so if I were to get a full one type fan which would look better and say the nv7 I I think Richard might have it I think the NV the mv7 you should go you should keep it with fantex man keep it in the family go with the go with the d30s they're cheaper I think they look amazing make sure you you know spend the time to get the right number of each the reverse fans and the standard fan so that um you just only see the interior uh like good-looking portion of the fan and then you know call it a day warranty void if removed oh no they also do the 140 mometer d30s as well it's true uh uh Le Lee does a 140 version too all right let's get some fans installed we got one extra fan I don't know what we're going to do with it but it's not going in the case oh Mom you're over here too your face is void if removed I love you [Applause] mom mom mom really leans into the the like Mom style jokes it's great it's great your face is much cheaper my face is free Ain't nobody got a pay to see this uh cool now a question about cases which case would you recommend the mv7 or the Evo XL the Evo XL I guess they're both huge um I have not personally built in the Evo XL like I know it's a brand new it's a you know it's a brand new case that just came out um but if it's anything like this the typical you know1 Dynamic stuff uh it's a pretty great it's going to be a pretty great case you know um between those two I would probably choose the Evo there was there was a a few too many cons for the mv7 for me like it looks amazing but it just overall in terms of like livability with it I would probably take the Evo over it shift that up just a little bit one thing I am noticing here with the back is these channels don't appear to be perfectly aligned for these fans so whether that's on the fans or the channels either way it seems like it's probably the fault of the case because I've never had this before these don't appear to be perfectly the right width and thickness for mounting a a fan into it another another small another small complaint about the case mom is coming in hot with the comments your wife pays for it every day I mean she pays for it emotionally but like my wife's a stay-at-home mom so like as in terms of paying money for it she doesn't have to pay money for it she definitely pays for it with her time though that's that's without a doubt you took long for me to took too long for me to roast you on the other platform so I make sure to cover your basis also to support your favorite YouTube Builder yeah how's your day going Mom what are you up to today I like the roasty MC roast mom's a mom's a spicy devil you know it's why she loves the hoger so much it's just such a spicy gun sorry for all the question no dude you're welcome to ask questions anytime it's your first build if I were to go Evo XL do you think I should go for the Infinities over the d30s not necessarily I still think the d30s will look great cuz the the Evo XL doesn't have any of that infinity mirror type stuff if you want like to go full infinity mirror um for your build look up the um metallic Gear Neo Cube I think I think that's their or they or they rebranded to main gear maybe the Neo Cube Infinity has the entire front panel like this entire front panel is an infinity mirror so if you really want to go with like the infinity mirror look I would look at that case it's incredible looking ask more questions he likes it I'm not even roasting this time no it's true I I really do not mind questions I'm I'm not someone who's like great at just sitting here and talking to myself on stream so having people asking questions um keeps it from me just sitting here building in silence so ask away bugging you watching Travelers for the third time loading up the PC stuff Travelers what is Travelers loading up the PC stuff oh you putting up you throwing up a stream tonight mom throwing up a stream tonight he prefers to talk to himself off stream boom roasted wow it's like mom knows me I do talk to myself just not on stream okay so got this cable then we've got these cables all plugged in over here um technically you could probably connect this bad boy in over there but instead of doing that we're going to we're not going to daisy chain that we'll daisy chain RGB connection so we don't waste two ports with these fans but other than that I think we're good excuse me I burped question is will this reach up to the top close enough I hear his wife is always asking who he's talking to shut it you shut your mouth when you're talking to me okay let's find some cable spots Okay so we've got a system fan header here I like that we're going to use that one up right now so that goes through there and then for this guy we can leave that one on we'll maintain that portion maintain that portion of the warranty I suppose um then we're going to cook this guy into [Music] the and since that didn't feel super super tight like it's going to stay together we're going to do the old school throw a little throw a little electrical tape around it make sure that stays together it's a Netflix show time travel type thing but it's pretty cool oh interesting I don't have Netflix anymore I only have Amazon Prime but I really want to get I really want to get um peacock again just because I miss watching the office and I think parks and wreck might be on peacock too but I don't remember all right let's get this guy installed here like a show oh missed oh missed done boom I almost wonder what if we came from like up through here would this look better or worse I mean it's going to be completely hidden behind the behind the aiio I kind of like it let's give it a try okay now we need to plug in this F fan well these four fans I should say into here so do that real quick okay fans connected then we're just going to have so far we have three SATA power cables that we're going to need to connect in and we'll probably need one more for the AIL Brett how we doing question shoot it going to buy a refurbished AO do you think I should uh yeah it should be fine there's not a whole lot of things to go wrong in an AO like it's not something like a motherboard that's super super complicated it's really like a pump making sure the you know the whole Loop is nice and clean that it has enough fluid and like when they refurbish it they're going to be able to do all that um depends on what you're looking at it might not be worth like the price difference like it might it might not be a big price difference to the point where it's like uh I don't know if it's worth it but that's for for for you to decide I guess whiskey warlock how we doing I'm doing good yeah you're welcome I think you'll be okay as long as it has a warranty yeah exactly it's like I would prefer to buy new um if like you're trying to you know if you're you're penny pinching on everything like not in a bad way like if you're trying to Penny pinch on everything and you're trying to save yourself some money like going that's that's a decent component to choose to go used but um yeah if if it's not much cheaper like if it's not significantly cheaper I would probably go with the new one personally what flavor is shine you sporting tonight uh it's it's a tangerine moo okay we're just doing a little just a wee bit o Cable Management back here real quick another thing I'm noticing that I like about the way they set up this cable management is you don't have to feed these cable ties through like a thin slot it just isn't open like bottom like it's just open down there and it has like a hook to keep it from just kind of easily sliding out great feature deep cool ls720 is like $140 yep um there's some even cheaper ones out there right now like some of the thermal take stuff uh is pretty cheap um you can get I think you can even find like an Arctic 360 mm or 240 mm AIO U for like around a 100 bucks those are definitely good options okay I think it's time to to speaking of CPU coolers I think it's time let's get our CPU coolers out here get all this other stuff out of the way you just receiv received your AO build 4090 13900 KS 64 gigabyt of DDR something I assume five Windows 11 Pro it's all good for some reason the three front fans are running high and when I lower the values in the Bios it stays the same what kind of fans are they what kind of fans sir you're installing an Arctic 360 right now hey there you go that's what I have in my old gaming PC it has proved to be quite powerful uh Arctic also uses like a thick boy Radiator in those things like they're thicker than your standard um AO radiator so they they tend to have a little bit better cooling performance than um than your uh average a tpine Troy how we doing welcome in dance It Up dance it up uh it's an NZXT uh you have to control the you have to control the NZXT fans and stuff through uh NZXT cam is the name of the the software program so check it in there and see if you can you can get it to respond I'm doing good Troy how are you I'm sorry when I see tpine my brain immediately went to turpentine I was like that's a weird name but clearly that's not actually your name it's tarpine tpine Troy tried that to no avail H that is weird you really like the Arctic fans Arctic makes good fans like they're they're like all about performance like they make high performing components not not all not a lot of flash just just good quality stuff so that's what you're into it's a good it's a good one to have doing good yeah people ask how to say my name you got to write the first try that's right your boy can read undercooling I put silent on fan pump um oh and it's still like spinning fast jeez I don't know man I don't know all right let's get our fans installed on [Music] here I don't know why that song or at least like that 5-second section of that song just lives rentree in my mind all the time okay got some cables out there we definitely need those we definitely need some of that and we definitely need that this box not so much at least not right now um which 47d do you recommend me to buy uh Asus makes really good stuff the Asus duel um is a really good option there I mean MSI makes really good stuff I would tend I know they're cheaper but I tend to stick stay clear of Zotac I've had I've had Zotac stuff show up Dead on Arrival like a 4090 Zotac show up Dead on Arrival um so I've kind of lost faith in them but um yeah MSI Asus you know gigabytes pretty solid too um personally if you yeah if you have the the money and stuff like either the Asus duel or like an Asus tough those are those are great choices also want to give you a year update on a PC you built me wait I built your PC Troy I probably don't know your full a year ago would I have built it under like a different name that I just I'm not recognizing your name or am I just losing it um I put these the wrong way I want the tails the other way because of having this fan back here I'm going to have these tubes come out on the right hand side even though it doesn't look as good because you don't get to see the Deep cool logo it's just better so we got to flip these around like like that oh all World tied okay yes I remember now all right update away let's he it how's it doing is it surviving are you cleaning it that's one of those things is like do as I say as I do because like I'm not very good about cleaning my computers either it's solid yes love to hear that um 54 Debs of noise too loud could be just you're not used to it um yeah it could just be that you're not used to it 54 54 DB is like that's pretty reasonably loud though but again like if you're gaming and stuff probably doesn't really matter that much because realistically you usually have headphones on I don't know I never really have I never really like bother with um caring too much about the noise because I always you know I'm always have headphones in if I'm gaming and I'd much rather have the the performance yep are you just looking at like fan specs or something excuse me there we go that one fit why won't you fit that actually in there okay now it's in there okay the key to tighten these down into your AO is to not overtighten it cuz you're tightening down into aluminum if you overtighten it it's pretty easy to strip those threads and then that screw is basically just an ornament at that point big Flex I've seeing more and more creators having PCS built by you yeah buddy that's the plan trying to grow I need to clean it cuz it's now got a tiny layer of dust in it that's fair my stram PC is like always like that so don't sweat it jables how we doing good evening all right let's get that plugged in we'll get our cable in here we're going to plug in the one that's going to go to the CPU Cooler block uh playing Microsoft flight simulator 2020 GPU and CPU temps never go oh dude that's perfect if you're not going over 60 then you are golden still recommend you to others when people look or hear you hear people looking for a PC to be built appreciate that that's what I appreciate it's about you all right what do I want I want this extension I need to clean mine but I'll do what I'll do that when I change cases Richard has upgraded his like updated and upgraded his computer more in like 8 months than I have on my gaming PC that I had for like two years okay so this is going to get installed like a this we just need to run run this cable out through there okay just like that um I should have brought this down lower cuz I'm short oh I didn't even take the the top of the case off all right can we do this can we take the top of the case off with one hand you so you take it the fans may be connected to something else uh I'm not sure I'm please don't do that please don't do that okay stay there okay got to get a couple of these bolts in so this radiator will stay in place okay let's go opposite corner here all right there we go now the radiator will still stay in place that's what your face appreciates about about you got to go skidadle hey Mom thank you so much for hanging out I appreciate you stopping in on the red side as well we are working towards monetizing that channel so every watch hour every watch hour counts okay have a good night Mom if you're playing some games I might be playing some games after this so you know hit me up I guess we could have actually put this over here with how wide this thing is it's too late now it's okay you can't even see you wouldn't have even seen the Deep cool logo anyways it's hidden so not going to sweat it to be fair I had to change the AO because it went bad that's true you you did have to do that but you made some other upgrades besides that too didn't you like change out some fans you added some RGB all right so this guy we're going to mount like this I think think we'll put it right about I think we'll put it I think we can bring it all the way over I think we'll be okay there or actually before we tighten this down let's put our CPU power cables in and then uh we can tighten it down keep it awkwardly at this height for a minute oh you're going to be on fortnite never mind Mom never mind I totes do not have fortnite installed you still in contact with trap yeah yeah I work with him all the time he uh he just um optimized uh Johnny not Bravo's PC like yesterday so my bill will be will most probably feature a 14700 K which cooler do you think is better h150i Elite LCD uh I would go with the NZXT um just because of some of the issues I've heard with that Corsair one um like basically if that screen messes up and fails and like you get a failure in that like your entire um CPU Cooler stops working so yeah both of those are very expensive coolers but you know if that's what you're looking for then that's what you're looking for I mean anything that has a screen on is going to be a very expensive cooler to be to be fair they're not overly expensive for the the features they offer but for being a CPU Cooler they are expensive I haven't been a fan of Corsair products uh I'm kind of the same like they make good quality stuff I just don't I don't love it and their software is solid I really the one thing that that really bugs me is like just their their Cable Management stuff like it's like archaic it feels at this point okay pcie pcie um uh CPU we want that CPU we want that we going to need the motherboard going to need this uh we don't need those pcie ones we don't need Molex we are going to need SATA thankfully this has a lot of Seda cables on it cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool let's put in our two CPU power cables real quick oh These are nice flexible cables so I don't think we're going to have any problems here sometimes with the more stiff cables in a smaller case you have to worry about this cable coming in contact with this fan that's right above it but we should not have any of that problem with these these cables are nice and flexible well done be quiet the brand not be quiet to you guys uh what were the cons of the mv7 for me um I didn't love just kind of like the utility of it like it's got this weird like back panel and channel stuff that's over here um if you have like an eatx motherboard some of the like like changes you have to make are a little bit counterintuitive and hard um and in general is kind of expensive those are just those are the only like issues I had with it like nothing like functionally wrong with it just things that I was like don't love it as far as like fan support and all that sort of stuff and looks it's beautiful it's great mom's playing the OG map oh that makes sense uh what do you think is the best piece case on the market right now NZXT H9 flow as you'll know from the October the October news video I did if you haven't seen that go check it out on YouTube we're going to put out the November news here pretty soon so maybe go catch up on the news for October before you go watch the November news but the NZXT H9 flow is my current top like overall case for 2023 this one this one might be kind of fighting for it though besides the fact that the nxxt comes with um comes with like four three or four case fans like with it um this case is starting to look like maybe it beats out the nzx th9 flow it's only $110 I think don't quote me on that I need to check Richard can you look up the price of this I think it's I think it's $110 but I was looking at something else recently and it might be a little bit more than that thank you whoops Okay so we've got this guy goes here see here's another point where like these the way that they design their Cable Management channels is just so smart because this isn't like a like a little spot that it to try and shoot through I don't have to fight with trying to keep it keep this cable um tie from going back behind this this plate here I just hook it over the top and tighten it down it's awesome great job fantex do you ever use the d30s I've used the d30s in the mv7 case um uh the effects are limited by the motherboard since since they use like we use the um like it it was just directly connected ected and and controlled by the motherboard um software not by a special fantech software so it's just whatever effects your motherboard can kind of Do For Better or For Worse okay all right got that through there let's pull that off to the side um we're going to get our CPU Cooler mount did Newegg has the black case for $100 okay so for a hundred for $100 you can get this exact case it doesn't come with any fans however it has this GPU support built-in preassembled it's got you know some RGB stuff preassembled it's got support for lots of fans it looks amazing this might be better than the than the nzx th9 flow just saying sorry I had to do that for the for the video that I'm literally recording right meow I mean there's going to be extra stuff that I'm throwing in on top of of what we're doing here but I wanted to get some live like as we're going thoughts on the on the case you know yeah that was one downside of the the d30s is it does use the um the motherboard control which I didn't love like I I like that you can do a ton of custom stuff on the the Le and Lee fans but that's also part of it it's like do you want to spend the money to have those extra things or does just like the looks of the fans like a lot of people don't really do anything super fancy with their RGB anyways so just just being able to like select a color do rainbow whatever you know unicorn vomit um is fine but if you want to do really fancy stuff the leam Lee fans they kind of have it beat what CPU is in this build this is a 14700 K Blaze all right I'm sorry if I'm just muddying the waters for you uh Brett but there's just so many things out there and like a lot of them it's not like it's not like what's better or what's worse it just comes down to like preference price point whatever you know uh was hard originally the mb7 was hard to get stock for for at the time that's true that is true yeah so sorry if it feels like I'm not like really answering any of your questions but some of it just comes down to you as a person what you like all right time for does redneck have three hands got to hold the back plate on and people always as oh why don't you do that why don't you do that with it laying down well because the back plate doesn't get held down from the back side either so the moment you try and moment you try and do this if you laid it down the back plate would just fall oh we did it redneck doesn't need three hands boom this is the Deep cool LS 720 what's funny is they made their older versions their their older version of um their aios had basically the same sort of mounting structure but before they came out of the box with the LGA 1700 support you could buy um like a kit to do the LGA 1700 mounting and that kit you had some plastic or some um some adhesive for the back plate and so you could like theoretically easily do this with just two hands but since they integrated the LGA 1700 fully into their uh design they got rid of the adhesive fun times Fun Times at Ridgemont High okay all right let's get this baby tightened all the way down okay that's nice and tight that deep cool thing is looking good sky is upside down so we'll flip that around looks a little bit better that way can take these pieces off um yours is the course Corsair IQ 5000t RGB mid Tower a bigan that is a bigan my dog is passed out on the floor it's a long who a long one mile walk here granted he did run into a couple of dogs on the way and barked at them so you know well he put a little more effort into it than I did okay we're going to sneak this guy out the back here like he doesn't belong at the party and that'll get hooked up to the one coming out of this top fan here and this is our AO pump control and power for the AO pump so we'll get that plugged in it should be this one right here okay that is in yep pump fan not a whole lot of extra length there but we'll get it sorted okay then we got to [Music] run okay got to connect this in so this connects the RGB for the CPU Cooler block to all of the fans that come with the CPU Cooler so we got to get that done okay so this is what I'm starting to worry about is I don't have the motherboard power in here don't have the GPU power cable in here and this is already starting to feel a little bit like there's you know maybe too much in there and we don't even have have any of the big stuff in there yet you know okay let's get our CPU Cooler or CPU fan connector in there 145 kilogram wait what 14 and a half kilograms what is kg kilograms what are we talking about here I missed something Brett I missed something are you talking about the size and weight of your um of your uh case um I can't get this through there can I I mean I can I just can't see it and I can't quite get my fingers on it it's unfortunate oh there we go should push it a bit from the back side there okay okay RGB connected it's getting a little hot in here oh 400 Aussie dollars oh that's a lot I mean I guess I don't I don't know the conversion between Aussie dollars and USD if I'm being honest all right we need a zip Tire too this stuff here pull that tight which 2K monitor should I try to get on Black Friday oh God there's so many there's so many good monitors um depending on your price point I would say at the like typical thing I would go for is something that's like IPS panel you know nice like sub like one like one millisecond or less um response time uh 165 or more Hertz and then you know beyond that is you is like up to you like LG is going to make something that's good um you know there's going to be plenty of like good ones out there I use I have MSI you know Asus makes good ones but typically if you get those key specs you'll be okay if you have the money like you could go for like an OLED monitor but those are pretty expensive still 260 us that's pretty expensive for a case all right let's get our power supply in here so first we've got this UHA connector we can get our motherboard connector in [Music] here be quiet use like vastly different connectors on the power supply side than like anyone else you will not miss take what's on here for anyone else okay CPU check CPU check uh GPU shouldn't matter it should be the same on either side get that in there check all right now [Music] okay okay it's like 30 lb yeah 30 lb case is a lot I mean that's like on par with a lot of the Le and Lee cases though man some of those things are just heavy heavy heavy 32in Samsung Odyssey 144 Hertz is what you use the LG GP 850 R RK probably knows more about monitors than I do I would listen to the man okay got that installed um we can connect in all of our SATA cables next I think think that might be a great uh great idea so let's do this that one connected in got this one to connect [Music] in did this really only come with one Sata cable for the for the power supply I don't feel like I saw another one I the other only other one I thought I saw was Molex okay so we got those all connected at least um let's get our motherboard in here motherboard power I should say stick that through this this is going to be a test of their grommets and stuff so I don't have it you know perfectly through here it's going to kind of draag drag on it a little bit oh my gosh okay okay this is kind of getting stuck in here not sure what it's getting stuck on there we go the heck is this thing stuck on oh that plastic bit there don't understand this thing is stuck oh there's a wire wrapped around it what the heck jeez okay well despite a lot of yanking and pulling that grommet stayed in place uh that's more than can be said for a lot of the cheaper cases these grommets tend to just like come loose so however they have these kind of mounted onto the case it's good okay now we can try this these these power cables [Music] from so I don't know if you can really call this against the case or if it's really against the power supply manufacturer but some of these cables are almost not long enough to reach like their end goal like you can see these CPU cables we might not even be able to use the last um the last like cable management spot there this motherboard power cable might need to go in from a lower spot to get it to reach so I don't know I don't know if you blame the I don't know if you blame the case or if you blame the power supply company on that but that could be that could be a con in terms of just like the overall the overall buildability of this this uh case like maybe you have to buy custom cables for it custom cable links for it you know I think I'm going to push this back through and come in from a little bit lower PSU is to blame I mean that that's like I would say so as well but still it's like the average the average PSU should be able to fit and I think part of it is just like the way that they um like where they mounted their power supply shroud and stuff it just doesn't quite doesn't quite work for everything you know sorry you guys don't get to see this directly because it's a little too tight and I'm G to have to kind of refund it a little bit I think I might actually disconnect these USB cables just for the moment so I don't destroy them when I try and plug this power cable in Susan this is not the best time for you to be trying to rotate in fact it's the worst time for you to try to rotate on me okay all right that's installed it's not looking too bad I think we'll run these guys underneath there like this this there we go okay still looks pretty clean so I mean power supply is probably to blame but still that is it it could just be an unfortunate result of whatever you know power supply you happen to use is that well it might not fit quite right okay um that thing's going to be pretty tight but we might be able to get it into the cable management slot spot okay got that into that one now let's see if we can get it into the bottom one go pull that down nice and tight otherwise it's G to stick out I do wish I do wish there was another one of these horizontal ones in here somewhere just to having the two feels a little bit insufficient but it's not terrible we could throw one of our own on there just to kind of supplement it so we'll do that just throw one of our own cable ties here speaking of like I don't I don't know why I just thought of this but like we're talk you know we're I've been trying to think of like fun like cool merch ideas would like branded cable ties be something that people are interested in I don't really know okay got that um I think now we can put our GPU in and then we'll run this guy out to it I have a feeling that this is going to be too tall and then we're going to need to bring it down a little bit for our GPU we've got this Galax 480 um galx makes some really really cool stuff and I'm excited to be able to to use one in here GX coming with its own GPU support bracket unfortunately or fortunately we don't need that because the case came with one it also comes with this really weird like extra fan that you can install on it um yeah I don't think we're going to do that because it doesn't look the best it kind of just looks like a big wart on the GPU and since this case already has really good air flow I don't think think we're going to bother with it we'll send it along but I don't I don't think it makes sense to to put it in there cuz it really doesn't look doesn't look great oh since we're here I can put this on top shouldn't need the top of this thing off for anything else did install pretty easily I one thing to kind of keep in mind on this when you install the top is you have to kind of like lift it up and set it down where it fits over the top of your top IO before you can start sliding it in not necessarily anything wrong with it just you know not always ideal you could end up scratching it up a little bit be back got to put the baby to bed cool oh yeah that's a chunky boy that is a chunky chunky boy all right we got to take out three unlike a bunch of these other other manufactures Galax doesn't pretend that this is a two slot card and only give you two slots to go through they actually gave you three good on you GX curious how we're supposed to get this on here I don't think there's anything anyway we can leave it as is certainly can't loosen or tighten this guy by hand because it's so tight oh maybe I can okay all right so we'll leave that kind of just all the way down and out and then we'll we'll adjust it once we get the GPU in there okay couple of pieces of plastic on here to protect it Jesus Lord of cases it is it is a chunky case it's a big one hey is that the only plastic on there Kudos Kudos Galax for not using like tons and tons of protective plastic when it just really didn't need to okay let's open up that slot get that right there oh yeah lots of space for this RTX 4080 and this is you know this is no it's no small feet this is this is a very large GPU and it it's nice I've got a pretty solid I would say you know inch and a half maybe two in of space between where this port is and where the front panel is going to be that's going to be super important for these new Nvidia connectors to ensure that this cable is not up against the glass or if it is at least it's not causing a bunch of stress on the connector which we know has know has been known to cause fires so key key point there if you have a big GPU gunzo how we doing what up Troy using the sus button over there okay so I think what we're going to do here just going to put that up there that that oops okay that was clearly not tight enough for the vertical part cool so super easy adjustment on this GPU support bracket we just made it all loose before installing our GPU so it wasn't in the way and you know hand tighten this one that kind of clamps on the outside and then use our screwdriver for the two on the base that hold the whole support piece up um looks nice and Sleek maybe not the most aesthetically pleasing bit here that clamps on but in terms of performance like longevity of your GPU I think looking at that is probably worth it here I'll help you doing good you're at the Mom's for a birthday hey happy birthday to Mom you brother sister someone we were at uh we went to lunch today for my wife's grandmother's 91st birthday pretty wild man it's a long long time to be your around all right and because uh I'm drinking moo it's it's just like you squirt a little bit of like Tangerine like moo flavor in there and then just fill it with water it's delicious it doesn't have any calories or anything no time for drinking time for building sorry body count as I drink a little bit more tony baloney's birthday three-year-old uh your mama adopted oh nice okay I don't know I mean this might actually fit there there might be there might be enough cable length for this to go over the top there we go okay don't know if okay that does seem to have fit okay appears to be fully seated okay we do have room power supply company be quiet did not fail us on that one does seem to fit I really I'm really really liking these Cable Management um things that they did having Cable Management uh pieces right here on like where the where cables are going to come through those grommets top tier man it really keeps everything nice and tight helps you keep it nice and tidy there's you know multiple channels so that you can kind of separate things out if you need it it's good it's great say no to drinking say yes to is that weed is that what that's supposed to be um yeah I'm not gonna be smoking weed sorry ain't happening I don't partake in the devil's lettuce I just like saying that it's a fun it's a fun word for for the Mary janas okay all right there we go I mean that's pretty darn well cable managed I'd say some of those guys were feeling just a little bit tight up there I think we could use maybe one more cable tie up along the top just to kind of clean it up it's not really necessary but just to kind of make it look a little bit better up here think we run one more of these guys through here here the devil's L it's an actual weed nug yeah that's that's what that's what we called it growing up was the devil's lettuce yeah no I don't need that I'd rather have a whiskey I'd rather have a nice little glass of whiskey okay oh actually I did need that last piece so one interesting thing about these um Galax gpus is they actually um connect in the RGB to your motherboard it's really weird um probably should have plugged it in before I did this but that's okay two three [Music] four three four on this guy so if you want to be able to control the RGB on the GPU you do have to install this little cable over there it doesn't look the best but mama says foosball is of the devil that's right she did she sure did oh hey and we have one extra Daisy for the RGB be full so that's going to get tied in with um some of the fans and stuff so it's all good there we'll uh we'll electrical tape that one as well just in case recable manage those cables in and then we're done this thing is thing's finished I have finished it I say hit that's good okay loosen that up real quick put that back like that going to run this alongside of that GPU cable maybe even kind of use the GPU cable to to hold it down a little bit so it doesn't come loose and then stuff that down here like that we'll include it in this cable tie as well and we're done done done done I doing here okay so got that then all you got to do is put this guy back on I know on the CPU cables I really would love to try and utilize that but it's already it's already pretty tight so just going to have to ignore that but we're not even going to have to see those because we've got this if I can put it on please please come on there we go got this stick that in there like that now that whole bit is covered you just see the cable sticking out of the bottom then you would put the back panel on it's all done what do we think of that how does that look I think it's a pretty darn good looking computer right there someone's messaging me on my ah my Discord bro who's going to town on Discord right now it's probably trapped hold on I gotta mute that oh no it's Tia mama says foosball is of the devil she's the devil Bobby okay just kind of looking at the front making sure everything looks neat not needing to mess with anything I'm GNA say Ready Steady good to go okay you guys know what time it is I want to see some fire emojis in the chat before we're able to fire this bad boy up for the very first time okay G to get a little mood lighting in here for us gunzo coming in with that Jatana coming in with those fire emotes who else we got who else we got two ain't enough for me I always want more come on I know there's more people in here everybody find that find that fire button Mark Wagner coming in there we go let's get at least let's get at least one more let's get at least one more while I get some more water come on one more person one more person throw down some fire emojis in the chat and then we'll we'll fire it up for the first time I know you can do it I believe I believe not firing it up until somebody does it come on Kelly thank you so much who's ready to see this bad boy turn on for the very first time don't worry that's just memory training supposed to happen don't freak out all right what do we think see look it says it posted right there told you not to freak out it might do another um restart ddr5 memory training is a little little slow in the first first couple times but I mean I think she looks pretty good think it looks pretty good Kelly it's amazing thank you body count what's up tatana says looks great love to hear that smash that that like button over on uh over on YouTube helps out the helps out the algo unlike kick streaming YouTube does have an algorithm so any sort of algo push we can get we love it appreciate it okay any any questions while we're while we're here looking at this thing um we're we're going to get ready to to close it up here on the on the PC build might have to use the little boy room and then it'll be time to maybe play some VI games some VI games you all got for me questions questions favorite sports team nothing just moving my other camera over then I'll be able to read any questions that you might have act now for okay let me get back over here see if there's any questions for me what is the exact cost of this build uh that's a great question I don't remember the exact cost I can get you a rough idea though [Music] um uh this is around $3,600 built shipped uh full system tuned by trap tuning all that good stuff is that right man that's a good price it's a good price for this build we did this one we did this one on the cheap okay we're gonna we're going to end the YouTube stream here and then we'll continue on Kick for some some VI games for a bit uh as soon as your boy has a minute to run to the bathroom because been drinking a lot of water does that sound good to everybody I know that I know that people on YouTube probably want to be able to like stick around and be able to watch me playing playing games from time to time but I'm trying to be really really focused with the algorithm and stuff on YouTube and have it be purely related to um PC Building and PC related content so I apologize if that's you if you do want to you know stick around and watch some some video games and you're on on kick or on YouTube make sure you go over to redneck engineer and that's where we will be moving forward with the stream for the remainder of this evening okay I appreciate y'all for hanging out Kelly I'm excited to to get your build going here pretty soon we'll get we'll get parts ordered tonight and uh yeah I hope you all have a great night over on YouTube if you don't come over and and watch us on Kick we will see those of y'all next time okay head over to kick for red enger okay bye
Channel: Rednek Engineer
Views: 8,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc, pc builder, rednek builds, pcmr
Id: zz9ZijXKmKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 57sec (6537 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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