FIRST TIME Animal - Group Reaction

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welcome back we nor is here to watch a Bollywood movie called animal that we have been recommended many many times kind of a lot kind of a lot only a whole lot only a whole lot so we're going to test it out we're going to do intermission in between um you're probably not going to see it but we will need the intermission to go through this three and a half long movie by manyong are there I don't know God but everybody that I know my whole family everybody was like animal you need to watch this movie right all right we'll see the CORE family this is your test we'll see we'll see R Kapur is in it I love R Kapur so there's nothing wrong with it he's the main guy who went to IU and all those stuff that I keep talking about no he's the dude from the video that we all keep posting that has all those Pat extras in it yeah him and Anil Kapoor so I'm excited to see them I don't know anything about this movie all that we need to watch it so we probably going to jump into this guys this not marus substitute we are watching this on Netflix go support Netflix because they C need your money um if you want to watch other movies ahead we do a lot of other cult classics or horror movies the studio jile Tarantino up on patreon that you can go check it out right now and like comment subscribe we love you all are we doing sub or du uh we are doing subth birthday 50th birthday 60th birthday I can't understand Hindi guys Happy birthday papa Happy birthday papa you understand that Pap [Music] [Laughter] why should have an opposite now children behave yourselves is that the monkey man movie we're going to be watching watch having Soul where are you going how dare you disturb my class ma'am my sister's are come show me your hand today's my oh no show me your Oh no just go and KN down there till the CL gets over you dumb [ __ ] don't slam my door why is your house so big right you had to rush to the factory so wait why did we run out of the school so fast it's his birthday birthday and he's at the factory kid this is illegal as [ __ ] this little [ __ ] going die don't run around the factory something's going to happen you left you a note every time they switch to English I feel like I can suddenly understand another language and I think that's not how it works like they didn't switch my brain just caught it yeah look at Michael Jackson posters well you better be careful he bad oh damn damn well they get candy for your dad's birthday this is baller oh [ __ ] it's Michael Jackson Bad is this uh David from sh [Applause] [Music] Creek look at a moon walking in here his hair is not it yeah I don't you better go tell that to search all right it's been a long while so I'm going to say it again smoking is bad but it looks very cool o sudden slow motion bad boy he sees a girl my God it's gorgeous ah don't steal the wife okay stop Shing what's happening does everybody see him or is it just me like she [Music] looked I know that feel I have what is happening what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I am so confused they're not related right they're not related and he's at her wedding like yo do you still have feelings for me like you do for your husband cuz I don't think and he was like faking and it just said brother so she was faking and just said brother he was like oh I we not brother and sister yeah I don't have those feelings for I don't think he has a that was weird is he a [ __ ] boy I can't pick you up for dinner tomorrow he's a [ __ ] boy what let's go back oh my God oh my God I want to punch him this is incredible he wased Andrew tap what are we getting here she drank the KO you guys hear the guitar no about to go in and as we knowe touching oh damn me neither he's emulated himself at the biggest Alpha of all time Michael Jackson right you have a big pis what says you have a big pelvis you can accommodate Healthy Babies okay what is happening is he flirting I don't understand bro James Dean with the cigarette get the [ __ ] out of here what I pts to from God damn I can't read that fast she said yes to his I mean I'm keeping up okay she wants to [ __ ] confirmed GNA break the [ __ ] up in two days no which brother hey oh my God is there one dude riding on the back of another dude's moped cuz that's so hard yeah oh my God this doesn't work in real life stop I'm so confused he's going to drag his penis across this lady hold on what the [ __ ] yeah bro yeah bro it's that kind of wedding I I hate this Behavior I do too I don't I'm not guess you guys aren't in Alpha yeah need someone let you know how your pelvis looks I detested if anybody talks to me in an anatomical way you have big pelvis already it's a compliment why come on guys the phot is waiting Tero and the family so much drama he's apart from everyone to know who the big players are I'll take oh okay oh my God [ __ ] like I want like just the factory is it drugs oh my God where' the cigarette come from who's he texting I don't know something is there big news [Music] happening what's going on what's going on 50,000 CR and not even one single part I don't like the way you said track I didn't like the way you spoke to him listen I don't want you to defend me okay please hey Mr Golden Spoon my eyes open since I was listen what he saying to me [Applause] please stop it right now dramatic I am so nervous right now we e popcorn hit him with a cake that was some weird translation there but I'm really confused by this family Dynamic what the hell you will regret it dude okay is he the bad guy it seems like I don't I don't I don't know I'm confused you you call him a monkey businessman sees us like an enemy now Papa what I'm trying to say is now going to teach me how to run my own business just go and apologize to him so calling someone a monkey is a real bad thing I mean I think what he's trying to say say it makes sense the way he's going about it is too intense but I'm understanding he's essentially mad that his their businesses destroying the environment yeah M [Music] yep okay I'm I'm here for this now so in this case please excuse me the teachers like happen well guys about to get [ __ ] up oh damn excuse me oh [ __ ] okay American school baby they keep the uh after mention AK behind the break glass bro oh [ __ ] bro he's Michael Jackson bat okay loc sanjie snitch that snitch well easy they're on a motorbike yeah [ __ ] idiots what did they think was going to happen and there's two of them in a one where you guys come [Applause] from the car that was an option oh flip this [ __ ] over me concentrate concentrate on what running just hard enough godamn what is the use of all this I'm so conflicted with everything I'm a rich kid I should be a to go and shoot up a school my sister like how bad was she getting bullied I mean the amount of guys on this one girl is enough for me to be pissed yeah that's why I'm like I I mean I don't think it was bully she they were actually they were assaulting assaulting her yeah okay [ __ ] okay yeah you went and snit man and his dad has a normal non-criminal job well you don't know what they do at the factory he's the richest man in the country is he oh Dam W the [ __ ] up for that been smacking you for years man right he like threw his back out with that slap at least slipped the disc telegraphed that [ __ ] from [ __ ] 10 blocks away motorcycle Bros no the sist is here a wait wasn't that the dude she was supposed to be marrying no it was somebody else that was the oh c her brother Goa I'm so sorry I could make it oh [ __ ] y'all holding hands okay A lot's happened in the past 24 hours mhm Papa I want you to meet some special oh my God didn't he just get kicked out right why why are you in my home get he knows they had engagement party just now that was a that was the engagement party was a little before this was the birthday party you're getting mad at Bubba is a good point to stop probably no no no I we need to see this damn DN no acknowledgement yeah no you [ __ ] dirt ball I mean he just got kicked out of course Noto Oh no you're not ready oh no the gr has changed oh oh what [ __ ] y I've never seen a kiss on a on a Bollywood movie I embarrassed bro what come on my private jets why gu said out oh no oh okay there are no Pilots control but going to see a sex scene on here if the airplanes are rocking right yeah yeah no she's like I'm not ready for this oh no she is she's perbly ready you guys are there's mountains my man trapped her on a plane they're going to shake the plane oh my God okay it's happened you need some water girl the plane is off course bro is he snowballing her water he's giving her water she is this is too much how did this happen so quickly I don't know maybe love since shout Hood he's a real Alpha he said just keep lying you got it I'm going to go brush my teeth and [ __ ] I want to God I want to read this in a script I want someone to say okay and then he's naked in the plane flying it and it's so hot it looks like they're still on the plane but it somehow turned into a car it's the same they all have the same interior too maybe they're oh they're getting married they had sex outside a wedding but it was on an airplane so it didn't count guy doesn't see things in the sky how was it for you the sex or the marriage or the traveling I was on top balance you were on the bottom nothing much for you to do this thing is wild but the peak was what the what are we talking about no but you don't understand what if someone SE there is no one else girl I'll shot okay expence girl you better I love hate this dude I know I had your priorities I want to be a father you won't be like your father day my father is the best father in the world he told you don't ever go there sh oh God I'm sorry honey sorry I you will God I think the music throws me off with this movie a little bit this [ __ ] is aat of acid cuz it's toxic it's toxic toxic who's fly oh [ __ ] yall deserve to die yeah seriously at this point come on guys oh my God I mean isn't there like rule number one of flying an airplane is don't sleep yeah F who and who is this is that him no no better not be that's brother it looks like him is it him back when he had short hair did he grow long again is it a time Jump I think there's a time Jump that does look like him what is happening actually like I like the beard on him actually I prefer the beard I feel like I'm watching a fever Dr I know there's a lot happen my [ __ ] what's going on I expect you guys to do when you come to my wedding trust me they will bring it this is how I want you to roll I don't know what's happening but that plane right Chang a co ah ah I know it I know it [ __ ] know it we're here to do something it's a two-minute job and it won't take much time yep if you just it will take two minutes close your eyes I mean you already shot people what are we closing your eyes now they sh people with guns yeah no innocence bro we're just going to choke him out or are we people are listening to this is he moving on bat damn near so we just going to quietly kill him so nobody can hear him what are we going to do with the body leave him there take it with us I mean no one's witnessing it so if everyone tells you to close your eyes and then a dude disappears after you heard gunshots he's dead for all you know while you were closing your eyes though he choked on a crouton his arm even under he's essentially killing his brother-in-law yeah and making his sister with wi yeah so he can run the family business damn holy okay this is unnecessary brother he's dead close casket did he do something terrible to his sister while we while while we were gone like I mean he did seem like he did act a little bit abusive but I don't know that doesn't mean anything what is happening who is this Uncle he's talking about his dad at him we just eating food now don't even tell me what I miss cuz I don't know how you would tell me what is happening with the effects I don't know that's a lot what are we watching like what now now now the movie is beginning I guess there's a true intermission please what do you mean oh my God so what lingre she wore lingerie for him and now he's belittling here he keeps belittling I feel like I've been replaced by your cousins I mean Miss Lady you married the guy after he stole you a half ass full plane doing in the bathroom lady no she was trying you didn't not how that works but should I call for the plane again she said yeah yeah right oh you don't spend time with your is like your daddy know spend time with you cuz you're bad doing gang [ __ ] oh oh yeah his face has been blown off shut up well got to break one of these THS right I mean yeah yeah well what the [ __ ] right yeah you kind of stay quiet still haven't accepted he's like three kids okay still working a look at him he missed his son neither of them had too much ego to call each other when I was young I had a huge crush onil kapor really when he was younger he looks so hot when he was younger we're going to have to see phot will right now he might have a grandpa he looks like really good old too I think they did a weird makeup on him I don't know why they DED his hair I was asked to wait it's okay Papa oh at least he's not throwing Veron under the table under the bus until he throws him under a gun later half my wife damn he missed so much mhm Max him it's how they communicate did you want call your mom I haven't talked to her once yet [ __ ] her not even watch out I realized I was alone workers work for a child [Music] [ __ ] oh coming to work oh damn he got the siren he don't know how to work the factory does [Music] he I would be surprised if we started dancing here I about say Dan bring the [ __ ] alarm there's too many people in one room for a dance never not to [Music] happen oh my God oh my God is he [Laughter] how do you guys smoke your cigarettes and [Music] your okay wait a minute I can't tell if they're doing the imagry for the imagry or if it's just coincidence it does feel very much like Hitler what imagery so I know like the swka is a part of Indian culture but man yelling angrily in front of swaso with a bunch of people rounding him up yeah but you're going down yeah I think he is there is some kind of abuse there or verbal at least stop [Music] stop it prated okay also the [ __ ] that is swastic and the other one swastika so they two different and it's turned differently so like just the way it is but I don't know if Indian people realize that imagery though you know he could have left the last part out it wasn't pled let go to the Village he would have been fine now his dad's going to slap him again old man slapped too I was almost proud of you what's he protecting up there oh oh nothing he's just hanging out with the gun on the roof this is a fit though yeah it is I love this I honestly I love the beard and this hairstyle not whatever he was doing in the beginning then his grandpa was like hey come visit the village where he's at yeah like his his brothers don't come these God I feel like every Punjabi family has like these conflicts you told us to spend more money yeah exactly goes both ways oh my God [Music] oh my God that sounds better in Punjabi than what's actually written I hope so I I guess I get it yeah we're just taking all who's going to tend all the field that you guys have over there that's not important anymore taking all the workers Alpha I doubt they work they had servants double got the body double what's happening here uhoh hanging out oh no uhoh they got white [ __ ] they doing drugs ah [ __ ] they came from the village to do what what repeated right why would you know that come on guys notice all this how would they know I would [ __ ] quit you are a little obsessed why don't you guys know which hand my dad holds his dick with when he pees yeah exactly Pap you're looking well oh my God how do we he doesn't know yeah how do we find out that he does damn he looks just like him see he's not real family he can't tell fake you from real you so dramatic oh my God we got it he doesn't know yeah he better be getting paid a lot because they're putting his life cuz he's about to get shot at all times my [ __ ] not ninas God not nas is it bulletproof yeah [ __ ] yeah who stopped he got out why are you getting out you ATT whoever was attacking because it is inside that's the guy who wasn't looking down yeah yeah but they're shooting like 360° bro fake old man you better get in a driver seat if you trying to live oh my god well this is insane bulletproof got to break eventually can you duck down you have a phone can you call not a bazooka oh my God is this a bomb no trying to pull the glass how much time do we have where is he going to go he could have called someone okay sure okay messed up how much you think he they paid this man come on better now how many bullets what did he do to like for this this is ha right did he [ __ ] your dog Jesus yeah like what happened is that real d no that he said sir I'm not plus he's doing goofy body double [ __ ] I don't know how you can tell the difference but when he's being goofy he's the body double yeah but I mean it could have been his dad like yeah if we hadn't taken all these extra steps it would have been oh okay and so he's the only person who knew his dad maybe was going to take that route when he took it or something he's the one that gave him the [Music] paperwork so that's what I look like look at him he's shocked phones are all tapped everyone's phones are tapped look he's getting it right now y'all snitching on yourselves and then you come in the room oh you got K the [ __ ] out of you dude oh I mean hey in that sense that kill was justified the way he like emptied the magazine on him yeah wel love you sis I got to do some [ __ ] though the editing of this movie is interesting I like I like the time Hop was confusing and then yeah it Mak it up all questions have just been answered I'm confused by the music I mean would I've enjoyed this movie I kind of like it the music definitely hits hey play that murder track again feeling it pra pra what did he do again did something handcrafted under oh my God okay okay oh my God not here girl what what what oh my God leave people alone that's not what Al was do you sh that's a natural process Let It Grow listen who cares by tomorrow you will have 365 new pair of not one for each day what was the point of the scene I have no idea what was point of that flexing his power you go put my underwear on I guess so but you shave stupid or maybe is like losing his mind I don't know Freddy Supreme Indian name okay all [Applause] right what what are we fighting about [Music] manners they're speaking another language that nobody understands ready please continue call machine gun Jesus what is happening these mat are cool as [ __ ] yeah whatever you squid gam like why you take the mask off what was the point of wearing what the point of the Mask damn random hotel guest right oh that's my favorite the John W hey the headphones thing is it's a good point yeah you don't want to go deaf it's going to make doing your job hard go huh am I just reading things wrong [Music] [Laughter] does he need an underwear he would have been fine I don't he told him that you got to wear tight underwear to keep your dick from jungling around while you're in a gunfight you could have gone without it where do I find these tiger draws how did he know bro he's [ __ ] happy BR this fcking how is that cold still on his shoulders this too cool this and you tell me oh God yeah yeah why not you tell me this isn't the the end of the movie no it's not it with close oh we're doing joh Wick they go through the doors those probably hard to see out of [Applause] yep for what just shot his dick off my headon BR grab his dick bro where did he learn this bro he's been cold oh what shoes is he wearing those shoes are nice what are you focus oh no no his friend whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa he just slipped oh God you got shot oh H yeah oh [ __ ] God [Music] damn oh about to say you got to reload eventually okay oh oh who he let him look at his junk first you said look at my dick that all little scene went hard once again the music is confusing yeah it's very confusing oh no grenades y'all got all the grenades it was like five of them oh my god oh [ __ ] my God so you dead now but all right yeah that was it or at least you should have been running as soon as a first great grenade hit it was the underwear it saved him all right fix me that'll do it that that did it go through is it still in there like I'm an alpha like we're watching a completely different movie I know it's like every 10 minutes like we in a different movie now what is is literally a different movie no these are our guys this the a gang are we are we doing uh nope we're doing it are we doing old boy we're doing an old boy we're doing an old boy with X like he's going to do the thing he's going to flex and everybody's going to jump back a little bit he is damn why hasn't everybody jumped him at the same time because they were not ready oh here we go this what I want I wanted a dance number it's going to be a fight number it's going to be a dance choreography though this is a really popular song too bro if it's 30 dudes versus one dude with an axe and you guys lose you all suck man why you all came in the hallway I don't understand he has the power of the choir behind him if I see that I'm leaving right yeah if I'm the dude in the back I'm like bro come on let's just yeah today's my first day and I didn't know this what we were doing it this feels like a reception where everybody starts sinking I love this trap mix oh oh my god oh BL Force tra oh these metal [Music] helmets yall just going to wait leave thank you guys yeah I'm getting the [ __ ] out of here should have went to college should have took a guns maybe I don't know y'all are what did he hold oh your arm's coming off what would you do what are you doing what he think was going to happen his arm's coming with me he looks like Jesus I I feel like does it advertisement for Yeezys whatever these shoes are telling you I'm calling the machine gun Jesus see oh my God yeah we could have helped but [ __ ] it oh [ __ ] it that's the thinging oh we got hit oh no that only makes them matter though right right as the numbers get smaller your chances of dying get higher all right got him oh what like you're instantly paralyzed what how are we getting this many men in IND feel like the highest populated I don't know so the number of goons is correlated to the population directly yep that makes total sense my God what is in here oh my God is that a Gatlin gun it's a [ __ ] mummy it's an Iron Man suit Gatlin gun attract also is that a motorcycle gun I think so it is he said like yep man this is it what we needed see we took a gun and put it on a tractor how yall going to drive that [ __ ] through the hallway I know yall some farming ass [ __ ] I thought it was attractive but it just looks like an old person scooter bro it's a Traer with a Gatling gun on it it's a scooter that you get at a meire grocery store yep hey they got a minigun it's line up y'all you guys are going to all got killed Ser that boy came up in an Autobot and y'all stayed yeah okay run to the side oh my Lord there enough sides there's going to be no house when this is done made it India like someone was going to be looking why okay so we can go down the stairs right got come out the elevator holy [ __ ] I was joking lay down it's all you got this a human lawnmower yeah an actual Chopper this [ __ ] you came back into the house you're watching from the iPad brother what are you doing he's like I can take him off what the [ __ ] is that this thing had to see it in person [ __ ] $3,000 a minute to shoot he going to fake lie he did tell his dad he would burn the entire country down if he had to yeah and I ask one more time the music this isn't the finale of the movie cuz it feels like a finale dude [Music] it's a red hot oh [ __ ] all right good he got him [ __ ] you bro he's taking a lot of hits today have you not been watching the movie dude there's like 30 other guys here did you have two bullets in there it doesn't matter of course of course okay you came in with this like you didn't came with a full oh God so this is after he kills ver yeah yeah who is it his [Music] brother also this is the first time you actually hear his name right yeah yeah Sal the champion he needs some milk my boy yeah this was wild I thought he had a cigarette I did too I about to say yo I can't watch this out here the most important thing right now is that he has to come out of the coma oh God only then smack him away and so they just do steel work right yeah yeah I I mean guner steel something must have happened for them to go escalated really hard for yeah can we get to that flashback like that's piece I really need on how we got here I want your Dad's job H I think I'll come for it like succession and then it switched to no it's The Sopranos yeah like he could not have been like okay take them out so I can own the whole because he was already going to get the whole business but didn't need to do a lot oh they're faking him faking his coma oh my God unable stand but I can still smoke even in the hospital like a spine yeah he can't hear [ __ ] because of the Gatling bazooka I mean what you thought was going to happen was UN like ah and we removed one bullet from your lower abdomen which has impacted your bladder your urinary function has failed damn well it's going to suck that's your a lot of things have to go right for this to work unforunately the success rate is only 1% brother-in-law's law uh heart I saying dad confidence is medicine but confidence who F he'll be walking in a no minutes right he's an alpha male she knows damn bandaid ripped off damn belittle oh damn her father Professor simple clean background happening you know the saddest part is no stop talking shared Your Love with a Criminal you're a criminal oh you've killed 100 people the last hour legit maybe 300 we saw him gunning people down but he's not criminal oh yeah two came after yeah I think you know he's going to shrug it all off he's about to walk this [ __ ] off they said you had heart failure and he says an alpha dies when an alpha wants to when they're ready oh damn you to church church Jesus a light Okay Christian so you going to get it from everybody yeah stop oh yeah that is also bad for your heart she said what like dude you murdered more than hundreds thank you I will slap you so hard like I slap so if that's a murder think I'll keep going I'll also slap so hard yeah but I'll slap you first oh my God y like py you guys seem super happy he ain't built for this [ __ ] he's like there's nothing you can do to repent this there is no Redemption for what he has done this guy sucks at being a [ __ ] priest it's the whole thing he's a destructive force so he going to hell do not Crush my cigar she doing her just let him die don't ever take my secrets away from me you got issues bro he's just going to walk it off I'm telling you I mean he does that's he didn't do psych psychological evaluation like just [ __ ] going on with himy folks Happ birday you didn't come my mother-in-law didn't come how do you think I delivered two babies he help me with the child births [Music] where did the dad B come from yeah wasn't he RI the bito he was the he has a cat he has a thing in his oh yeah cath Papa Papa he do got on Yeezys again yeah he yeah no been wearing Yeezy the whole time right when I saw the red ones I was like maybe I'm tripping and Y all said I was like I'm fully on your heart can anytime now the trick is patience my nth standard made me a I don't think that's a okay so he's a psychopath this movie is like yeah it was a really good shot it's like really good but it's also feel like it's R like they didn't know this guy was damn near evil right oh God what what the [ __ ] Tak she Sheila's death is she adding Sal she is is she trying to get him to die yep eat he doesn't have a sense of smell or taste the drama passive aggressiveness the [ __ ] drama next time so Sal just poison you don't you so he can't taste anything though right no don't you excited to get married to a terrible Boop a petty don't yep so long ago the level of toxicness in this it's extreme it's like he wrote the movie himself that's yeah exactly children need love love and attention don't start it again women have so much patience I I don't believe in regret imagine trying that with you and seeing how much patience you have I don't I know so don't try it I don't think it's a patience I don't think they have any other choice but to do it show up to work with two broken fingers y'all going to know why no I don't like this I don't want to this guy again who good for you the guy in the backo that be me [Laughter] [Music] bro he's just chain smoking he's going to get a new heart and get shot it's going to be wild you know she came in and she said very important thing and all he heard was mom dad sister cin like a man what they like you have biceps like me about those Alphas but they haven't done any attacks right you need to get your heart girl but you heard everything he heard you know it's not quite a drug movie but it's got all the makings of a drug movie he's addicted to something being a ass this the villain no it's him no it's Bobby D oh my Lord I love this actor did we just get introduced to a new character a new character I was wondering when Bobby do was going to come in this one I I was obsessed with him as a kid as well damn why are you telling this to before she gets married since then I his later so I'm going to put the bridge between you and my brother orra weird that's gross you're going to taught her side language a little bit is that a sigh of confusion cuz I kind of I assum they're set up the bad guy right yeah I'm assuming we're going to find out why his dad was a Target it's about time every dad killed that guy's Grandpa who knows oh burned him yeah oh yeah maybe he's the guy who burned him he's like because of that it's a it's a revenge and it makes us all blind so he's getting married [Music] great he's so old for her this feels like Kill Bill but written by Bill the guy who put a gun in his mouth oh that was the guy who was on the phone I bet so he can hear yeah he can talk what he chooses not to it seems like oh damn bro that's why I told you not to tell him my other guy has a human I've never seen him act as a villain before this is interesting my boy about to start speaking women please leave all men please maintain silence for 2 minutes in the honor of My Dead Brother asra no the brother Asar ramb Kap killed him the gun in the mouth the guy who thought came in with empty magazine you know the guy who didn't want to live after he killed hundreds of people like I'm going to lay down here as dead good plan poor execution poor I thought Asar was the guy that was calling that guy cuz on his phone it IID was calling Asar okay oh okay dude wipe your face at least are all of these wipes bro guess we're just going to leave and let this happen bye yeah I mean so like what the actual [ __ ] find out am oh they don't live in India yeah about say England no yeah looks like it [ __ ] what got a AK just in Liverpool excuse me it's a very quiet AK he's very selective with his bullets killing B would have destroyed the man who been swastic company from where a grandfather was thrown out like a dog that's Itor and so like law enforcement just doesn't exist these guys are big bads right probably paid off the whole force was like don't come in today she's like ooh does that mean the catheter's gone dick out in the garden baby sometimes you got to let her swing so they are mad at swastic because his they kic they fired his grandfather and kicked him out of the business one or the other one or the other seems like a reasonable response probably what was the thing about burning so his grandfather was burned alive we don't know by who he lost weight yeah yeah how long has it been give me this gun budy you as soon as you get a new heart it's it's gone the gun is gone they like might as well do life otion while we having open yeah this is a typical response yeah we're going to celebrate is that some Punjabi [ __ ] it's a such a Punjabi [ __ ] seriously such a Punjabi [ __ ] is about to be straight up naked on the no screen no no they're going to do that they they going to blur you out oh my God oh my God please don't smoke in front of her her just ruining his heart second by second thank you for leading me in you didn't even listen a [ __ ] oh he's going to [ __ ] her oh for sure come right now he's a lot like the villain right mean I don't think there's heroes in this yeah I don't think there's any hero like who's the hero like we watching Deadpool maybe okay in that case yeah let's let's get it yeah legit play it back of my head we are I feel like Deadpool has more redeeming qualities than this guy so far he hasn't actually hit a woman he's only threatened to do it in a playful way the bad guy SLA the [ __ ] out that lady he's done [ __ ] that's close to that like she's very pretty M she is she is very beautiful I mean I thought uh what's her face was pretty too I forgot her name Gangi yeah Gangi yeah she's very pretty too maybe his heart is beating because it's fiance's heart I don't know maybe so you tell tell me I go get a heart transplant and be like but now I'm in love with his wife baby exactly the heart on was the heart once yeah they're going to 100% yep it's going to let uh I mean he's killed 300 people he don't give a he also stole her from a marriage she was already into and now he's just leaving he's a cheater and she's a home wer right she just wants to feel that throbbing heart of her fiance again well it was a hard donation not a [ __ ] dick donation it's an organ plant implant he's implanting his organ I'm glad she's sleeping with her boob covered I said bro you said two minutes [Music] back to the sex music so your wife is at home with them two kids you just got a new heart you've been shot six times she's call bro we going to hang out girl leave you need to go oh my God he's [ __ ] boy 5,000 W he's Unstoppable damn she made him stop smoking oh he's not Alpha anymore oh damn no man Alpha makes his own decisions and he's chosing now choosing to not smoke cigarettes I don't like those I'm [ __ ] speechless yeah this is insane who is this movie written for I don't Fu guys I don't understand him he wrote it he wrote it well these all alpha males are out here for all the alphas around the world we never going to look at the like father and the wife the kids they're not even in the picture anymore she sucks too cuz she knows oh yeah I mean seriously yeah like why did he yell them for like having other girls hey bro you remember that one time we had ladies over and you Tripper look at their faces shitty and you didn't even try right you ain't even dial you didn't this [ __ ] crazy my cin the goods are good not step sister to also why do you even have her number like right y'all are wild it's a whole new movie now it's a whole new movie I have a specialest I want this I'm just in a that hickey is insane I exactly thisor you want a Royals Roy of that color I don't like this no he's awful oh I don't understand why people liking this movie I it's it's like Wolf of Wall Street but without the like and he's the bad guy I feel like Wolf of Wall Street has more like redeeming some qualities well cuz Wolf of Wall Street supposed to get to the end and be like oh this dude sucks don't be like this dude this movie is like my guy's got a song every 10 minutes he was abusing he was just like oh yeah like that's hickey that I left on this girl I want the world Ro of this color right the highest [ __ ] boy that can ever be oh look at it he got the Hickey mobile she got the hickey Shir to match she got a hickey mobile shit's over the top bro how like you are this extra was not needed can we get to me no you know what you know what it's probably the wife ohu the bar who knows the car was here for are you okay the the plot and it exploded on the screen not okay yeah girl leave look what's happening around you the cars are blowing up you could have been dead in this Hickey mobile the [ __ ] Hickey mobile is over the top look at this is a hickey color sori guys I am dressed in Colors Let's Not Call it's whatever going to be hiy color now no get married getting married girl dude you're not I looked away for 10 seconds it's the same yeah no sh exactly no [ __ ] get out of [Music] here oh [ __ ] she's a [ __ ] PL uh the enemy dog Scotland oh they were in [Music] Scotland damn you got got bro so old dud made look like him no they had a different guy but yeah he did the face off now we're watching face off say face off what he did it he did it oh my God but you can't be fooled he's the light it's all going by the planet [ __ ] professor over here bro oh my God who the he got that psycho [Music] R oh no it was all a ruse I feel like there's a gas leak y someone will be here to kill you in a few minutes bye yeah any of that [ __ ] also someone's going to wear my face at some point in time let's set up some code words yeah babe I had to cheat on you to find out the plot oh [ __ ] is it the real name oh it's a ritual that wives don't eat all day for the long life for their husbands it's so stupid I don't like it been sleeping with zo since the last few weeks physically involved with each other involved physically you're wrestling champions this is funny she's like say it we [ __ ] a loud [ __ ] slap the dog [ __ ] out of you boy like the folio on that [ __ ] was CHR she was a mo I made her fall in love with me so I had to do you didn't had to sleep with herem on without kiss whatever I did I did it for my father okay no [ __ ] oh go there oh my God she pretty good you know I actually suspect this is scary sure as hell your father's T is not stopping any time boys don't just the kids are pretending to be asleep they're wide awake the kids you yeah seriously the kids already know parents think the kids can hear things that's fake news they're in the same room as the kids I think aren't they yeah they just went to the balcony never this is just heartbreaking she is killing it though M like the kids are not asleep right there for her I break your toy you break my toy it's not a breaking a toe Mur you cannot forgive one no he was sitting on this point he was waiting for that he got a point and he she didn't forgive him for murders like he doesn't let her say that I can't do this for the kids [ __ ] you you don't even know their [ __ ] names they're living with a Criminal they might as well just have two mothers I wish he died that day now you got to slap her across the room by your own words God I kind of wish Pat would have watched this he'd Lov this guy he definitely would have yeah no that would have skyrocketed my blood [Music] pressure the kids are asleep still the kids are still sleep right she's dead D what is happening okay they're up they have they can't hear now anymore yeah everyone in that room is deaf what you going to act like that was a criminal like you shut [ __ ] you don't even acknowledge your mom I forgot she was in the the movie they've never acknowledged her yes of course everything you give up husband wife stupid fights I'm Sor there's a gun involved there's a shotgun in there excuse me I'm I'm going to go onto the internet and figure out like who rides with this movie like super hard oh yeah cuz like as a roller coaster I'm here for but not as a like no this is like yeah if they think that rir Kapur here is a good guy I'm sorry no someone's watching it's like this is the Pinnacle of masculinity this is Alpha bill you guys remember when he was going to die a little bit ago and he needed a heart surgery in the other movie we watched earlier today when man was peeing into a bag yeah yeah remember the fourth one where that guy got married like kind of alph can't slide a door it's because he's leaving to go to her [ __ ] you okay we stop [Applause] it yes there isn't a bingo card around that could have planned what has happened in this [ __ ] movie so far the balls the [ __ ] balls there's still 30 mes left and oh God oh God I just again damn it was like sweet like [Music] no oh God this is kind of a Kill Bill Vibe the whistling waiting for them you think they're like never mind [ __ ] you Scotland damn bro the gates that's not how the gate he can't hear you my dude right people are shooting everywhere no actually he can't hear he can't talk oh yeah right SAS sure none of you guys were hiding properly I feel like a song was about to start Dam oh no God damn he got it the worst he did should have just killed him you will live with this sh forever oh no oh she's pregnant course she's having contractions too Mr [ __ ] psycho we don't know where yes you a [ __ ] question what who was supposed to answer oh my God I'm sure wow you you just because you have a kid you don't know what to do he does he delivered them damn oh God and so that's so fast what are we going to do we're going to run and chase the plane yep you already know let's go oh my God he's going to jump off is he's going to jump on that blus he's going to grab it and stop it with his bare hands it's for the family we have to save lny there you go pit maneuver the plane kaga Okay now what's the move you had a fighting chance with your bazooka back at the house dude you guys look so similar cousin is that you what's up with this song are we going to hug with bullets I think they going a kiss oh my God you know how we got to do this oh stop Jack she a punch mhm sir quit put your hands up man he's trying to button his sleeves still like didn't let him let him swag up right now you better get your ass beat I got my sleeves rolled up saw that [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] I am very disoriented by this song [Music] no no also he's so much older than you like he should be he's the old Alpha right he got old man Alpha string God damn oh my God knock his hair aad out oh the no he can't hear he he can't speak See No Evil Hear No Evil this this this what what's the the monkey from the beginning okay now we need an eye for an eye so we can move on ah you can't dance my beat anymore well you can still see the knee coming the hell is happening I don't know why his terrible shirt I don't know terrible is it like able to care quit telegraphing bro maybe they should say their mom's name maybe it's the same he doesn't know his mom's name though he hasn't said it watch the whole movie nobody cares about Mom's in this oh this truck's goinging to tip over in Dumb Mill tell me it's the police please okay oh it's his guys oh he looked away he's dead he's [ __ ] dead it's over [ __ ] oh the song stopped he's going to lose oh it's back o knee punch that's that's another level yeah they both have like get your ass off me e okay damn you ain't going to sit here and smoke on top of it though what the [ __ ] oh you thought he was done y'all are trying to kill each other I know you feel him breathing bro stop doing this to yourself right with the like 10 Telegraph punch do winding back is this your K oh who the [ __ ] oh there still people oh oh my God they going kill Bob no no no this is what happened to him this is a flashback oh gotta realized I was alone I was alone okay oh is he realizing he's alone no he's got all of his goons here this he doesn't want his leave his dad alone oh it's is his bracelet did y'all get in the car fun fact about brass knuckles the reason why illegal is because you can accidentally kill someone with them pretty easily a sexy ass knife [ __ ] I know he understand me so why you love him so much oh damn well I don't know Sil language but I think that means suck my [ __ ] dick yep [Music] really why oh my God why am we cutting it like [Applause] that oh my God [Applause] what the [ __ ] is this movie tell them twins they orphans down [Music] [ __ ] bro you're dying at their hands those the the part two is the twins right they come back oh definitely someone kills him yeah because they're going to continue the cycle here we are I mean this guy said he wasn't going to stop though yeah you guys would never be family again guess okay is his goons really going to just let them be like yeah that's what they asked for okay you're going to walk not wash yourself he flew from Scotland to India without a shower your dad's not going to like you unbelievable I love my dad he need to go to jail right come on you look insane you killed hundreds of people don't put the evidence are you proud of me now will you spend one day with me right yes just give that boy a hug we actually having a celebration oh yeah we did this [ __ ] it's over we won nothing bad is going to come up us all of us Papa I've always wanted to spend time with you his mom she doesn't exist she's Furniture be sing 68 acute lymo are you GNA dad's dying he has know what oh my god seriously dude Papa oh man very much not okay he's not okay he needs help no call this [ __ ] that that's just the end of it I guess that's it whose shoulder is he crying out on Uncle no it's the M uncle uncle come on say it I'm leaving you I can't sh believe she left him at his lowest like that yeah remember you had kids doesn't he have more than one kid yeah he's had yes but the other one's a girl so doesn't count doesn't count yeah I really like this song I to I don't know what they're saying but it hits they showed you the lyrics Papa my wife they love you yeah you are my heartbeat so she's not leaving I well now he's thinking of his child as his father and love him accordingly oh my god well there's also the the intro that was in black and white that we need to go oh yeah yeah yeah she had twins right who's this machete boy what oh it's the double it's the double oh yeah oh out all right I'm watching a second one not going to lie right I'm not I'm watching it I forgot this was a [Music] thing what he's like yeah it looks like him yep it does bro why because he a butcher apparently yeah that makes sense I'm shock VJ real return in animal part two oh my God she has his baby she didn't they didn't use a condom B I want to you I'll take full responsibility I I hope you're okay with it I mean can she say no I will say I do like runid Kapur and shorter hair did they not know they were missing two people I mean a lot of [ __ ] happened right A lot of people died Animal Park what when is Animal Park coming visit soon what oh we could have reworked that one oh there's more the movie is is there more yeah we needed to this [ __ ] this how the movie started oh yeah about the monkey man VJ really okay great thank you for that conclusion um I am elated I am oh you have no idea you know the last one we watched with v uh what R rastra was a rough one but this one like it this was such a mess of like family drama so much happened I will say um every time I've seen Dr kapur's movies I know he's done a lot I've always seen him in that role kind of brahmastra where he's like naive innocent good goody tushu guy this the first time I've seen him like as a villain I guess right he's antagonist um I mean by the movie's own standards he is the good guy and what is doing his right by normal life standards that was strange but I will say so Bobby deal the guy that he killed yeah I was obsessed with him when he was a kid like when I was a kid because he did a lot of movies oh yeah oh this is much younger but like this is very young but there was in between where he did like a really really popular Bollywood movies that g Gard I think it's g i mean look d looks good bro he's out here 55 ripped yeah that's why he's 55 that was like when he was fighting was like God damn he's like 55 like just doing that fighting scene uh it's crazy he also has um no his brother did got there that's Sunny Dale Sunny Dale so uh all right so I guess we're going to we're going to talk about the movie like we're do on the podcast oh my God so off the rip I want to say I think if I was going to describe this movie to anybody else I would tell him that it's like a power fantasy cuzz I really think that's what it is right like you want to self-insert yourself in to the main character you want to be VJ you want to be like I've got this love and like even for my father and it's unrequited and like I'll do anything for this family and like he's the black sheep of the family that keep pushing him to the outside but he keeps doing everything he needs like he is by the movie's own standards he's the one who gets [ __ ] done he's the one who's supplying like the like making sure the company's still going he's the one doing all of the stuff right and like he gets [ __ ] done he says it he does it that's cool that's the character you want to see and I think if you ju suppose that to like American action films like even in like let's go fast and furious like everyone in Fast and Furious would be considered an alpha male but none of them say that right and none of them like operate on that they have their family they work together and all this and this and that and they're never like I don't know there's just a different level of [ __ ] talking where I think that in Fast and INF Furious it is like you you get it as a fantasy and for this movie it took me like about like I don't know probably halfway through like oh it's a fantasy like this is like this is they're not being you know what I mean it's like it is Fast and Furious it is as unbelievable as that I think that if you it that way then yeah it's a fun ride and about halfway through when I clicked my brain for that I was here for it so I get it we're just [ __ ] around like I'm not supposed to like any of these people I don't think finding the tone yeah once that's kind of set in my mind I was like okay yeah the none of these are superheroes hero I'm stuck on the do not remarry refrain from remarrying that was the best part like wow oh my God that was I I think he was also kind of like trolling her cuz their relationship was always kind of like you know he was like he kept pushing her buttons and I think he had fun with it mhm and I mean I don't know it's like towards the end I think she got like really tired of it but I think like at the at first that's what she was into yeah yeah she it seemed like she was in that you know one of those relationship where once [ __ ] hits the fan he will shower all the love like okay no he can do better or forgive and then like that verbal abuse kind continue happen until you say something and then suddenly like oh yeah no no I love you like we can do this all again and then that toxic relationship starts again because like she knew as a kid he came in school with a gun like her brother told her that like there were red flags that she decided to like I'm going to overlook it because this guy just swooped off my feet took me on a plane it's rich and like can give me all the abundance but eventually that you can only do so much of that and I mean didn't they they own the school right is that what we I do think they said that once I'm assuming what it is they're giving a huge funding to the school so once you are the big donor you technically own the school not out right but your name is on there I think they did show the name of the school I don't know if it said b or something I think it said swastic on it oh yeah so then real quick um we should talk about our favorite characters but but before we get to all the guys your favorite Woman character but it it can't be uh what's her face can't be the mang lady um I was actually going say the mom the mom just because she is just a quiet like there there's no you're right we don't they don't mention her much like I did forget her name until they mention again yeah JY yeah kind of su JY Auntie um I mean I don't know really there's this was just like masculine powered movie all the women were fod like none I like the secondary bad girl she was Zoya Zoya no zo yeah but Zoya was also put up to do something and then she like every all females in this were used as a pawn like even him he continued to saying to his sisters was like I will find somebody for you like this is not the right person um like I will like you can it's a decision to love there was so many things that said I guess in in Indian culture I guess this is just like a thing it is a thing um I don't want to like judge it harshly it's it's not part of our culture but to me personally I didn't see any like strong female character in this movie besides kangi and even she was very much you know controlled by her mhm yeah her husband all right yeah so I don't know there's no no woman's favorite dude character nude character dude dude character no favorite nude who was your favorite name VJ was the only one who was nude also in that Shad I was waiting for the discussion to say this while he's walking all nude and blurred I really feel like see Long Dong I'm not I'm not [ __ ] peeping but I'm pretty sure they added some extra special effects like it felt like they were like extra blur that and like give it a little extra like he L like he was slapping his knee bro come on what are the [ __ ] odds I I would to say the main character had like really really good moments and really really bad moments high high lows yeah it I think it was a really well-written character all things considering like it was off the walls but I like I think my favorite part was towards the end when he had the confrontation with his dad CU there was so many things that they like boiled up to the surface like all these things that he wanted to tell him that they that he finally got him to understand yeah yeah and I mean it's it's sad that they only have like you know a few months left but both both of them I mean his dad is definitely much more to blame than than than VJ but they both made choices in their lives that made their coexistence impossible you know what I mean like they couldn't spend time together I don't know this is one of those movies where I don't like any character like there are characters who are good on the sideline but they are scared out their mind to say anything this movie is just I don't know is it called animal because everybody's just like he's acting like an animal in the beginning they tell you that that's a bad thing right they're talking about the the monkey and like how the monkey like like was able he didn't trick the king he was just being an [ __ ] but then I mean I guess the monkey in that story is kind of the cool one cuz like the king gives him a fake sword and the monkey's like no I'm on to you like so yeah but I also would say like I feel like I don't know he was acting way more than like an animal would because I don't know I can't I can't figure out maybe it's an attempt at a m or at a translation yeah I I don't know did animals do Revenge yeah like he went he went CRA oh animals are alphas though they're there's one thing movie that I will say a lot of Bollywood movies do that and I think they were trying to say the Father and Son relationship a father and son relationship at least as I know is kind of a typical with even a father and daughter in Indian culture like the fathers don't spend a lot of time with the kids period like that's just because they're busy or they really when I say they I'm generalizing the older generation newer generation I know we are much smarter we are millennials um she called the older generation d like looking at my parents like I know I never spent a lot of time with my dad like I don't know much about him like because he was essentially considered like the child raring is Mom's Duty like they will like it's just idea of like you need 10 minutes to spend with your kids is kind of a 10 minutes newer thing um like it's there are good parents like I know good parents when I see good Brown parents like Serge's parents I'm always amazed but I like wow you guys are very different like because like typically the brown families I've seen is like how my family is not that I'm saying that bad like that's just how the brown families I've grown up and seen um so that kind of relationship is just hopefully that it's was showing to India like hey it's okay to spend time with your kids like as a dad spend time with your kids the work is not everything making money is not everything um taking vacation with your kid like you making this much money for what like if you're not going to sucession problem yeah like if you're not going to spend time with with your kids like who they're not going to remember like and yeah with succession they're just trying to get respect from their dad who never gave them time in a day if you sat on a yacht or if you sat in your Mansion then you need to rethink life that's a you that's a your problem uh so is he he's now did we don't know if she stayed or not I'm going to assume we will find out an animal park you know he'll she'll be in America right and then this actually sets up really good cuz if she's in America yeah because then like big VJ shows up and she's like you're not really Pig VJ is going to be trying to he's going to kill everyone and everyone everything that he loves my favorite character is uh Bobby Dill uh we didn't know a lot about him I thought he was a good villain uh the way that he's uh being the first time he's being shown he's like kind of at this party it's fun um I don't know and someone jump on top of my head if I'm wrong here but we got a little bit of the old like one side of the family is Muslims and the other side ain't and one side's the bad side but like not really I mean they're all doing the same [ __ ] I don't know why that there were things added in this movie that was not really needed for them to like or like yeah he separated the brother separated and then he changed the religion I guess religion was changed to marry a bunch of wives but it's just was that needed right was it just to show he can be more villainous or is it to put another religion on him to make it even like that kind of villain I think that the idea was him trying to separate as much from his family and from his history as possible and just be completely the opposite and I mean I don't know why and Hindu are considered opposites but well because the uh the guys from the village what uh with the the turbin they're seeks yes so the seek dudes had ladies over and they got chastised for that [ __ ] remember dude was like yo y'all can't be out here with [ __ ] women cheating on your wives like how dare you but I mean we're also doing murder like God damn like murder and infidelity I mean come on so like I mean like the movie was saying that hey being with multiple ladies outside of your marriage is bad and then when he does it and everybody's like well what the hell and all the SE dudes like oh maybe he's in love like trying to give him a pass and then later on he was like no I did it because I was deep in on a plot I I had to right you don't understand I had to [ __ ] my way out of the situation so like it presented like all characters had multiple relationships outside of their regular one or their like main one and then they got either chastised for it or they were the villain and like they changed religion and that's okay for them or like Justified because like yeah I had to in this situation so like zo's definitely pregnant with his baby he don't miss he said you ovulating right now B yeah that was an interesting part that I think if you guys not knowing the language not picking up like he went like from Hindi to Punjabi multiple times and I'm biased toward Punjabi for obvious reasons but whenever he kind of did that when he was in the village he was speaking Punjabi and then he went he was very fluent he was doing really really good job going between to language and that gun dealer he was speaking telu because ganali was also speaking telu for a minute so they had three languages going cuz her family is T right which that was they said they had an intercast marriage like ear yeah intercast so they were really opposing the intercast marriage I didn't understand so bulb Singh Is Punjabi so I guess they were speaking Hindi because they live in Delhi so when you live in a city like Hindi is more prominent I'm assuming that's where because their marriage was intercast like ji wasn't Hindu um but yeah the was Tamil they didn't so I was wondering why he was speaking Hindi because it would have been Punjabi the whole time but it's a Bollywood movie I guess that's why it's Hindi I maybe just rambling um but it was just because I was reading comment I I was reading captions back and forth because they will switch that was really quick he was speaking they were speaking really fast that is my only actual complaint they were so I I can feel your pain because I was trying to read captions at some point I like oh my God they're reading so like they're talking so fast right um really kept me on my toes so I I'm glad n was here because I felt like there were Parts like especially okay like it the movie did it did a good job at explaining it like later around but like the brother sister comment in the beginning I was like this is moving too fast and the implications are too huge like I need to try my hardest to understand this but it's like that was a pretty common like when I was an kid U you know you're not supposed to date you're not supposed to like do anything but if you are like call with like talking to a guy and somebody ask oh who he is like oh no he's just my brother the was like an easy thing to just pass it on so like there's no suspicions because aunties will be on you because they can see you through all the windows my God so it's just I I can see where she was like oh you like when the mom find out they're like you going to call him brother this because we can't you can't be hanging out with the guy in public and be somebody that's not your brother kind of thing um so if you call him brother in public people like oh that's fine it's just brother and sister hanging out nothing like STS there but everyone knows what you're saying is is that like it's like a skap it's don't ask don't like don't yeah right like it's like an open secet it doesn't matter it's an open we don't know because they're saying brother and sister so if somebody says something they're like no no no that's not true but like you know but you can't say it because there's no evidence it's just it's weird it's just icky but it's it's it is what it is I remember I kind of like unconsciously transferred that here when I moved and um it yeah it took me a second like to be like no that's not okay before we wrap it up I want your favorite overthe toop scene and then like your favorite kill scene I'll go first favorite over the top sex in the airplane when it's about to hit a mountain that is a level of ridiculousness that my body is not prepared for and favorite kill scene is going to be the uh I'm going to call it the the scooter [ __ ] Chopper oh my god thaten did we leave that in that hotel is it a museum now a museum of death so yeah what's yours keny I I don't know you need a favorite kill I just I you know I was thinking about all the all the murders and how like how did they cover it up they didn't right they just they didn't they're just Rich yeah okay so like if you're rich you can just drop bodies in the streets sure and nothing will happen Tri what about said bodies are you the high you are the richest man in the country yep you can do you can get away with anything can you please click the picture with it this is ridiculous I I love that tractor Weapon It's a real problem it's so funny uh I don't I don't there's so there was so much violence and murder so much violence that I can't literally even remember anymore um I have a favorite I really like the choreography though of like all the fight scenes it was really well done and it was like filmed in a way that's very entertaining from an action standpoint this movie was great yeah the action was very enjoyable even for a person who does not enjoy the type of stuff that One X fight X fight in the hallway the X fight yeah the old boy old boy yeah the X fight was great yeah I like the we all agree it's an old boy homage whether it is or it isn't it is before I had seen old boy I was just calling those Daredevil references cuz if you watch because they're double yeah Beau done also but this [ __ ] went hard as [ __ ] I think I like the X scene better than the gun Gatling because there was like there's no you can't stand up to this honestly the slap I for the oh my God the and the last one like like like this guy the word three times and then fell and then didn't know what happened to him he's going to go home and his wife's going to be like I'm leaving you I heard I heard what happened you [ __ ] beta cuck are you serious oh my God uh SL [ __ ] into you like yeah that put you like that makes you really baa immediately he hit him so hard he was wearing lipstick when he came up he was and I think over the top scene is the like him coming into school with a [ __ ] AK oh for sure no problems I I don't know do Indian people know right it this came out in 2023 yes they know they know they know we yeah we know everything that goes in America the implications are implicating I just I can understand that they would do that because he look he spent eight years in America and he said I learn one goddamn thing that was before that but it's funny because like they did couple of omage like they did that and also like him standing in the sastic steel and in front of it and just like going this like did you do this on purpose are you doing on purpose he he had a fist he did yeah he had a fist but he did make a Hitler comment later on he he did the swastika it's like tilted and the swastic is straight just the clarification yeah which I'm glad but like you know if you're making Hitler comment then you know what you were doing yeah I mean the movie uses I think a lot of other movie cuz like so uh [ __ ] but the fist is usually like associated with worker like I know but I was going to say this movie is using homages and like the imagery of other movies the the the the John Wick style as fighting um the the ACT fight in the hallway and I can't remember the name of the movie but it's like oh Birth of a Nation is it Birth of a Nation never seen it no no no I think bre of nation is the American shitty film that it's also based off of that one anyway whatever the movie there's a movie that the Third Reich made and like a lot of the imagery of that movie it's like dictator standing in front of their symbol talking like comes from that movie like it's a part of like film making language you see the same thing with um uh uh in in the Star Wars when uh when the uh the new the first order and force awakens is doing it it's dude in front of a big red and black thing talking to all the Stormtroopers you see same thing with da is doing it when she officially breaks bad so like the film anguage for that is telling me that this person is now becoming the villain or being the villain they're using the IM but not like pulling the rest of it through I think that's not how I interpreted that scene because he showed up wearing the uniform of the workers and he was addressing the workers as their equals and just kind of assuring them that he's on their side I don't I didn't really feel authoritarian from it I mean but he's talk like he's running the [ __ ] speech I think was very authoritarian it was like we will kill whoever com it was really good and then it was like wait a minute we were going like this and then we're like yeah like and then everybody kept cheering was like yeah yeah yeah calm down I don't think you guys heard what he just said you just you getting in the moment that's I'm just I wasn't saying that like he was being the I'm just saying they're using that film language they're using the imagery like the movie obvious knows about other movies and is showing us that you know how in anime like they will borrow from like Christianity or or like from like you know Viking religion and like it's it's completely always just like this random thing there you know what I mean but it may or may not really mean yeah that the original thing it can have a completely new meaning in this context I'm not saying that it means that I'm not saying that like he's I just feel like there's a lot of borrowing of symbols in this movie from other cultures that necessarily don't mean the same thing as as the original oh for sure I don't think it was just it was just interesting yeah um I think the only thing I have it's I don't know I really want to know hear from the comments um for people who understand the language is this fight scene when it's happening the song that they're playing I always Associated that song with like your far away love you see that coming and you running and hugging and like it was like the brotherly love but just like when they're fighting I was like I have I'm having a very conflicting opinions with like with the way the song is going and what they are doing um when he steps down from the plane was like are you guys going to hug I seem like it's a hugging moment right now like it's a very emotional I think they were trying to bring the emotion um but the emotion was like oh I haven't seen you for so long like this is a good family reunion it's like no we're going to kill each other yeah I am so conflicted well he didn't even know for a long time that this person existed right yeah like they have they found out about the uncle and all these other people after the father confessed that that days before and like also like his dad led him on like a wild goose chase trying to figure out who did that who did what but he knew this whole time that it was his like part of his family that they I don't think he knew removed from the company I didn't think he knew he was dead until like the father knew like Father knew about the family existing but not that the family was after him he found that out until Zoya Zoya told that to them oh also I mean I think I don't know if I have a family that never talked to and somebody's killing me I won't think it's my family coming after me yeah all because he pushed him out of the company yeah like I moral of the story is is why does VJ even love his dad he doesn't spend any time with him it's weird that he loves him so [ __ ] much it makes he just he don't like you bro I it was kind of really well done how like the toxic like the the cycle of like toxicity it's going to continue is is just going to like keep going cuz now you have the twins that were born and I mean obviously that's going to come to the next movie right the twins are father is the Viet double yeah the butcher so the hatred is going to continue when the V double dies the twins's going to come take the place like it would have been amazing if both of the brothers died like um Bob and them and then twins were born and were like oh they got reincarnated as a brothers and that finally the circle is going to be broken I would have loved that that was like Naruto yeah I was thinking Naro too but like it was It was kind of taken to the extreme violent um end of it but I think even if you look at just the relationship between the Father and Son without the violence and like then him the son not really being there for his kids yeah and his son obviously loving him as much as he loved his dad even not spending time with him that it perpetuates the same cycle didn't even get out of the car right uh and this the last thing I want to say I didn't mean to laugh at the cancer thing cancer is not funny but like the movie being like finally sits down with his D fin I thought he was going to shoot the leukemia I thought it was going to happen next it's fine I'll shrink myself down I'll shoot the leukemia it's cool I mean our overall thoughts before we end it it is a movie that I can say like it's good watch but I I don't think I can watch in one sitting um but it was a good roller coaster if I don't take the r Capo as a serious guy that somebody should look up to R Coast is a good word it was it was all over the place it was fun though it was fun yeah yeah and also yeah figuring out the tone once you figured out yeah how to how to watch the movie yeah I I would say I think the first 30 minutes to an hour were the most difficult until like the first credit rolled in with the animal and all the circles around him and I was just like why is this happening what's going on like that's when I think after that I started to understand what the movie is about but the first like until that inim mission I was just like is this a family drama yeah yeah I think you said it was a family drama so I was like oh okay and then I was like it feels like a cry movie a [ __ ] comedy like we going to do cry kept jumping too and I I understood the jumping but I feel like it wasn't as seamless as some other movies do so like it took me a minute he was like what is happening are we supposed to like this guy are we because I always like dur beu in all the movies shows up as Michael Ja your feet your oh my God that that um [ __ ] mop ass wig was so bad it was better in the later on the movies not the part well we will see you guys for the next Bollywood watch bye happy Saturday thank you so much for watching another movie reaction with us I want to give shout out to Todd conu Jo Max pubby Martin dogell and Anthony Hardy check out other reactions up on patreon now see you guys later bye
Channel: The Normies
Views: 371,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, react, reacting, watch, watching, review, reviewing, fandom, fan, series, show, tv, best, top, moment, scene, discussion, discussing, rttv, blindwave, anime, top 10, Rrr, 12th fail, Bollywood, tollywood, Indian, khan
Id: YT8vJm_BE44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 36sec (6456 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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