First time actually listening to Taylor Swift

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel I'm kind of dreading this one but whatever scared of what scared to like something yeah that's exactly what it is um cool so this is where it's also beneficial to one okay uh this this video is sponsored by Jamie Jamie O'Brien thank you so much hey Jamie she's gonna comment down below everybody say hello to her to her um she has given a lot of uh fire recommendations for this channel so I I like trust her that is she's having a hard time with this one Jamie yeah it's just that okay so I learned this when we we're doing these voice uh like uh Backstreet Boys NSYNC uh battle videos if you will and um I learned there in the comment sections there how much these bands will be defended yeah right so wonderful care a lot and I know that Taylor Swift has similar and oh they're like other next level like instinct Backstreet Boys Taylor Swift fans are like next level don't put some to shame okay so so with that I just I just want you to know where I'm coming from I have no reason to disliker actually so that's what we're gonna watch this and I am not going to be I'm not gonna have any sort of prejudice we're gonna enjoy this I will give her this like um I heard that she writes most of her music and whatnot like I that I actually respect a lot um but yeah that's pretty much it yeah what is it I'm trying to figure out I really don't know either what is it I just countability I think that's what it is but when it hears like because you know like it's just but it's from things I've heard though so I actually have not had these things confirmed in her personality but like but a lot of her songs are like about boys fault so I think that's where it is I think that's what it is but again I could be wrong here so she does have a song that at least one or two where she's like it was my fault sorry you're lying no I'm not which one what are they called one's called back to December okay I know she has another song called I'm sorry but I can't remember if that one what that one is but I know this at least the one okay so again for hundreds yeah yeah yeah yeah um and apparently like so she started off as country though yeah I was in high school is there country stuff good yeah like I'm scared ever since day not day one but like because she's like my same age she's like a year younger than me okay so she's your scene I really hates the fact that I'm like slightly younger so yeah so I was like a senior in high school she was super young when she started cool um and yeah like that first album was like my senior year of high school and it just blew it out like she just yeah instant hit I guess yeah I don't know I like listen I didn't like follow the sure stats you know yeah anyway let's just roll it so we're we're doing these back to back performances the intro so this is from the the reputation tour is that the one that she's on that was the album that came out when we were dating okay and I loved that album yeah and you listen to it a lot and yeah okay a few of the songs were like fine yeah like yeah I was like that's fine um but yeah I still had that guard up so here like maybe we'll see what happens so intro ready for it live from the reputation tour as well as right followed up by iditch something bad that's what we're gonna check out both good ones ends oh wow didn't know she plays a guitar too so again oh she does so she's like you really didn't know that no so she said like again she's talented clearly telling her Taylor Swift was a bug sorry I freaking got it get out of your mosquito because I'm I've been like stung I know same thing okay and also respect this like she's like kind of well her reputation one was like I have a bad reputation like like the snake was kind of the symbol because someone would call her a snake so she's just like like I'm gonna make that my whole thing this is a pretty awesome intro [Music] like for the tour right now what are people paying like five thousand dollars every letter copyright pause um okay that was pretty cool I dropped yeah that was that was cool yeah the production value it was great and she does not lip sync at her shows he sings [Applause] it sounds good and it's a real drum set too [Applause] I'm very self-conscious and I'm nodding my head [Music] that drugs that just sounds freaking good yeah oh really sorry this song I recognize yeah I love this song because in our household whenever we say are you ready for it we yeah we do the Beat Drops [Music] the next better to be able to dance like that by the way [Music] [Music] no one has to know [Music] the voice sounds good yeah [Music] [Music] that's pretty good though yeah that's pretty dope yeah it's a great beat it is yeah yeah she's like what's okay there is some joke that I heard she said somewhere um saying her age because she's probably she's like in her 30s and she's like and in pop star years that's like a thousand but so it's actually like incredibly impressive that she's had that many albums and they're like all like she's like iconic you know good for you t Swift no yeah that is someone else who's had 10 albums that have all been like huge how many uh artists wait what would be a good question to ask the Google I don't know we'll Google it later let's watch the thing that's a good question though you are yeah like and that doesn't just happen right [Music] [Music] [Music] you could tell that she's not lip syncing because yeah I got quieter as she went away yeah okay you can even just tell like by the sound you know sure yeah foreign [Music] just like the fans like yeah [Music] baby [Music] [Music] okay that's awesome yeah that was pretty good that was so good that makes me sad I didn't go to her show um I do not have the money to send it maybe one day but I know um yeah um who produces Taylor Swift's music because the product like the the beats are pretty great and like the layers yeah I really I I really enjoyed it look her middle name is Allison and it smells like me she spells it the right way and look at that okay so she alive yeah but she seems to like write them and she's got people who just yeah she's got great people that's great trust me [Music] he really commits to the performance performance yeah [Music] costume change maybe it's a different from a different concert how the world it's actually cool that they're showing from all of these concerts though like [Music] there's like how on point they have the performance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after before the next verse friends okay how about this one pretty good pretty good yeah it's good um you like that if he talks yeah so I actually wanted to look up what the lines well I can tell you the line okay what was the context of that yeah foreign I do but what by context so first that's saying like writers Taylor Swift Max Martin and Johan Carl Schuster okay I never trust a narcissist but they love me nice so I play him like a violin and I make it look oh so easy because for every lie I tell them they tell me three this is how the world works now all he thinks about is me so it's basically about like uh with What's the phrase there's a phrase I'm trying to think of but like what goes around comes around sure kind of thing yeah that first line is pretty clever I never TR I never trust a narcissist but they love me like that's that's clever yeah I can feel the flames on my skin crimson red pain on my lips if a man talks okay then I owe him nothing I don't regret it one bit because he had it kind of nice like uh as like a a rallying song yeah yeah it's pretty great like if you've been wronged you'd be like right yeah and if I have like because I'm a girl dad I want my I want my I was gonna I actually was gonna say like the line you were like that's good if our girls grew up and said that to someone I'd be like that's what I'm talking about it's like and now go punch him in the face and then let's go home but no I'm just kidding no no exactly it's a yeah it's pretty good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it doesn't feel so good [Applause] [Music] that's a good chorus yeah [Music] okay another pause we're halfway through before you get on the comments I'll annoyed about the the pauses as I have to all right so just those words they say I did something bad then why does it feel so good clever most fun I ever had and I do it over and over I I really like how she she's like a stick it to someone yeah exactly yeah and like owning that like you played me on playing and you're right like I'm doing it the same right and it and it feels like again with all with the rest of the context of the song it's pointing out like the the bad is like the in quotes like they say I did something bad like you're not supposed to talk back for example yeah except when you should yeah and then and so like yeah it's still bad but it's great yeah right and if and you feel good because you're prioritizing either telling the truth over making I don't know um here's my uh okay okay but so when I was dating we we got married when we were slightly older than like I was 29 he was 30. so we had a lot of dating experience and I remember 429 I was 28 but whatever okay anyways so I had a lot of dating experience and I remember I got to a point where I was like do you know what like I am just gonna have fun and I'm gonna go out with people I want to go out with and I'm gonna say no if I don't want to and just like really just it sounds terrible but like do what I want to do just because like I'd had my heart broken you know all that concerned and I remember there was boys who like suddenly when you have this attitude boys really like you yeah you know you would know you liked me that's why we're married but anyways I remember there was boys who'd be really mad like well why did you go out with me or why did this happen or why did this happen and I was like I wanted to it was fun but like and you know or like why you know if I ended up breaking it up like why are you breaking up like what did I do I'm like nothing I'm just not feeling it like just being honest but like when I kind of I don't know if this even apply I feel like it applies but I feel like it too yeah like I like saying I did something bad but I remember in my head I was like boys do this all the time sure boys like always kiss girls who they have no intention of committing to like they do not to play that card but they do and I was like do you know what I'm like I'm not they said he's not gonna he's not gonna apologize for what I want to do yeah like they say it's bad but I'm like but you please do it too right so that was my little story that's her long waiters way of saying she meant to hit it and quit it with me but she couldn't right I don't know great break like break yeah that's yeah [Music] oh piano in the back they expanded this a lot from like the album yeah this is freaking awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay if I could have that like breakdown in a longer song I really liked that yeah and that was that yeah it was beautiful you break it down but like much shorter than the song okay yeah that's a good one but I like the line like they're burning all the witches even if you're wearing so light here I missed that line that's great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] good good it's awesome I like that yeah because I always like that song but yeah it was fun to say I've never seen her perform or even on a video yeah she's pretty good yeah title of this video is watch a husband be converted no way like okay it's more like this if uh if you and the girls get like the DVD of that concert and put it on I'm like you would watch it yeah I'd be like that's pretty good sure I I got fun I think he's holding back if I was also Filthy Rich and I'm sure Taylor Swift will continue to have a career so our daughters are gonna like her yeah probably Millie already does she sings along to some of her songs really the lover album remember that came out oh yeah yeah a little and the uh I forgot that you existed song the very first one we would dance to it oh yeah I remember that I do remember that song and she sings the lover song in the car sometimes really yeah yeah so again like y'all were listening to it and like yeah cool she's really good like it this is like a complete like uh I can't it's like country music we'll get him there we'll get him there so let's let's just go from like the the very open she's an incredible performer yeah that was great she writes her own stuff she doesn't lip sync the layers in her music I love so again maybe that is definitely props to hurt but also her producers and whatnot I love layers and music is my favorite scene in music right just layers that's why it plays the guitar and I think the piano cool so I love that that breakdown of the uh I did something bad I love it that was beautiful yeah um if you were at the concert you'd be like this is fun yeah I would be like dude this is pretty sick dude yeah and I'd go over to like talk to my friends I'm like hey guys so I actually went to a Taylor Swift concert it was it was awesome and then I would yeah get eaten alive but okay okay easy okay so I have okay I'm actually scared to say this but I'm gonna say it I'm gonna do something bad here and I'm not gonna care okay I think Beyonce is kind of overrated I do too yeah I'm not better like she's like she I do find her super beautiful but I think she's overrated I think I think Taylor Swift's better than Beyonce oh boy let's see what happens bring it I don't care oh the Swifty's got your back I'm sure they do well let's see how this video does hopefully not many people watch it uh if you click here and you hung out thank you for so much for being here and stuck around have you stuck around yeah and uh Jamie thank you so much for that suggestion I I just I had fun watching that with you yeah that was fun so thank you yeah I love you love you too um
Channel: Sebs Duran
Views: 135,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sebs, sebs duran, walk to get shredded, walking, sebs reacts, sebs duran reaction, immigrant reacts, sebs reacts to country, latino reacts, hispanic reacts, music reaction, hip hop reaction, country reaction, rock reaction, metal reaction, taylor swift reaction, taylor swift, midnights reaction, caroline ross, taylor swift midnight reaction, taylor swift live reaction, taylor swift ready for it reaction, taylor swift bad reaction, taylor swift eras tour, taylor swift live
Id: 2osn5d0lSqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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