First Test Drive Of The Wide Body Mid Engine 67 Mustang Fastback!

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I'm glad they're taking the time to dial in the new cars and maybe the old. They just drop them and move on far too often.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr_NexusXHD πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wear your seatbelt!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fergusoid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey what's up everybody welcome back to another episode of views for build we're back with the mid-engine Mustang Fastback it's made it back from SEMA in today's episode we're going to do a little bit more fine tuning get it Road ready and then rain or shine taking this thing out for a test drive if you're just joining us and don't know the history on this car it started as a Bugatti movie car it was used in the movie Need for Speed it was a replica Bugatti used for the movies we bought it peeled it apart put a Mustang body on it and from there we started in on custom wide body modifications following the design of Quran a devia really talented designer who came up with this image and we tried to build it out in real life pushing every hour out of every day leading up to SEMA where it was debuted to thousands of people who absolutely loved it we technically got this thing running correctly about one day before the end of SEMA which is a four day long event so in today's episode we're going to fix up any little odds and ends anything that we didn't get to do right before SEMA and then we're gonna go take it for its inaugural test drive and see how it does oh also make sure you stick around at the end of this video we have got huge news for a big black Friday giveaway don't miss it end of the video [Music] before we get down to it I want to take a second out to thank our sponsor today's episode is sponsored by SimpliSafe boy is today the day to do this sponsorship an exciting morning but before I jump into story time I just want to tell you that right now SimpliSafe is offering a huge discount deal up to 50 off a new security system orders check out the link in the description if you're just ready to go story time starts right now this morning 6 21 a.m alert goes off on my phone motion's detected in my parking lot where I don't want it to be and I start looking I see these guys look a little suspicious notify the police at least must not have been too busy because nine minutes later boom 6 30 a.m there on the scene bad guys get arrested I will add parts of this footage are blurred that's just for our own shops privacy upside is we caught the guys and we stopped them from doing more damage because they were under the hood digging into more stuff so if I wouldn't have my Simply Safe system to alert me that bad stuff was going on wouldn't have stopped him as early as we did so I have on my systems and I highly recommend simply saves 24 7 home monitoring protection that gives you 24 7 protection by live simply safe agents who are ready to dispatch police EMT firefighters whatever you need in the case of your emergency and that comes in at a cost of less than a dollar a day which is less than half the cost of traditional Brands and they're no long-term contracts so you can start and stop whenever you want with no hidden fees let me show you what it's like to own SimpliSafe so say it's the end of the night and I'm getting ready to lock up my house so I'm just going to hit this and I'm going to hear and that plus the glowing light on my base station lets me know that my system is activated things like my indoor cameras outdoor cameras glass brake sensors and door sensors are all active when they get opened the alarm starts to go off I just can't say enough great stuff about SimpliSafe it's an awesome company that supported us for years and years and years but also their technology is just awesome it's super easy to install you don't have to make any appointments it gets delivered straight to your door their app is amazing it's what saved me this morning it's just great I love it I have it installed literally everywhere I go that's why they say there's no safe like simply safe so guys hit the link in the description it's on the screen right here it's the biggest sale of the year you can save up to 50 off on your home security system go to B is for build to customize your system now huge thanks to Simply say for saving my butt this morning and for sponsoring this episode let's get down to work before we jump into working on the Mustang a little bit of a SEMA recap just quick see my recap where we last left you guys with the Mustang was Tuesday Morning the beginning of the SEMA show so fast forward now it's Thursday night late about 10 p.m and tomorrow night Friday we do the drive out when SEMA is over and we wanted to get the Mustang ready to do the drive out on its own which meant we had to get the alternator fixed now funny story we're not actually supposed to be allowed into the show at this point it was too late but the security guard said and why not we'll let you in just don't do anything crazy which you'll see in soon why that was kind of funny anyways when it comes to the alternator we just needed a simple reference wire they need to have a 12 volt reference so they know when to kick on and when to kick off to not overcharge your battery so we grabbed a wire ran it to a local power source so it could catch voltage of the car and we fired it up and this happened all right here we go that was a huge backfire didn't sound like it on camera but that lit up the entire Convention Center sounded like gunshot which is one of the things that the security guard was really adamant that we didn't bring in there I don't think we can pop too many of those off in this Hall before we're gonna get security over here so we got the Mustang button back up and show ready and then we jumped on the wheel with Chris fix and his team to take a little Scenic tour around the Vegas Skyline the next day I was out hunting for cool cars I found the Batmobile which oddly enough did not get a lot of attention this year and my hot take on that Batmobile is it was a cool design on paper but execution wise it just doesn't look that cool I think Batmobiles need to be a little bit more insane it's all about three quarters of a million bucks of Lamborghinis all wide bodied out which was interesting and this Factory Five race car just hit me and I really liked it because there's a very very well used race car I love looking at the interior of cars that you can tell have been used a ton that's what I really loved about this car is just how much use you can see on it and luckily our cars outside had a good crowd and just as the sun's about to set I found the other single seater at the event no idea what this thing is about then we headed over to konig's Booth to do a meet and greet and film some content with Scott and the team and just like that that's how you fill in entire Friday it Seema it's already four o'clock and time to drive out so with the Mustang's alternator working it drove out first and then I remembered we have no tail lights on the Huracan so I jumped into the software for the type S Auto stuff and changed those Rock lights to be back blinkers you know how I told you we were stealing everything from Harbor Freight they have a booth here these I don't know what they call them are there flood lights or what they call them but they have a magnet and they are insanely insanely powerful like more powerful than a headlight so I'm gonna put uh they're magnetic so I just put two on the front we don't need strobe I'm just gonna do that right down there to light up the back of my car my brake light works I'm feeling safer and safer about all this stuff let's get my headlights on let's get out of here getting the birth of con warmed up that thing on E85 cold Vegas Knight is not happy I'm excited right now we are going to do a full remodel on this thing make it a lot more streetable it's such a good car we need to go smaller injectors I want to get off of E85 so we can have a little bit more fun with this make it a little bit more reliable because that ends up a pain in the ass to get going yeah uh but we are going so now let's see how reliable this guy is oh this is one of the cooler rides in SEMA now my front splitter was designed to be removed for moments like this so this won't sound oh I high centered because we have a lot more High centering to go I'm gonna try and go in reverse and then I can hit it at speed this can't go terribly we are cruising look at that active Arrow it's so active this is intense full speed driving that's a hell of a first test drive huh [Music] all right guys can confirm Oscar is behind me we freaking made it inaudible test drive of the single seater this looks like transport you can't see anything I apologize all right now that we're back from SEMA and the car's back from SEMA let's jump into some work let's get some work done relatively short list of improvements that I want to do on this thing before we're ready to roll jumping into the Mustang work we just wanted to fine-tune a few different things that we saw as we were taking the car from point A to point B that we thought we could improve on we just want to make this the best car that we can make it be one of the things was the shifter the plate that we had welded in there for the shifter was actually not really rigid and stiff enough we wanted to throw really hard crisp shifts in this car and that plate wasn't doing it so I told Oscar just go build the strongest plate that you can imagine let's just over build the hell out of this thing and bolt it and weld it into the car so that the shifter has no kind of Bend Flex feel to it [Music] foreign [Music] there we had to do one more task which was re-lubricate our shifter cables they become really stiff because they had gotten overheated by the exhaust which was another thing that we wanted to fix down the line so we lubed them back up and they worked great shifts throw really nice and smooth but we don't want to have the exhaust in the same place moving forward before we jump into that we wanted to jump into the steering field the steering wheel had a little bit of flex up and down if you put a lot of pressure on the wheel it wasn't feeling really sturdy and that gives you a really good confident feel in the build this is something that I really emphasized on the single seater and I really really liked it so we wanted to fix it and it's already fixed long story short we added a pillow block joint right over that steering shaft and bolted it into the dashboard support and it worked great so now we're on to the exhaust car already came with some stainless steel exhaust and that x-pipe helps add horsepower so we really wanted to keep that and the goal here is to add more muffling because it was a very very loud car the last time I test drove it so we wanted to add more muffling and get the exhaust away from our shifter cables they just really really don't do well with heat so DNA motoring was one of our sponsors at SEMA this year and they sent us out this exhaust kit and said we could do whatever we wanted with it so we cut it up to use the nice stainless steel mufflers and bends we just added two more Mufflers kind of in a stat configuration and shot the bends down out to the back of the car as far as we could hoping that that sound is going to do a little bit more of an echo off the ground and out of the car rather than banging around in that engine bay compartment Echo I could do some straight back exhaust or straight through the back middle part exhaust different things like that but I really like the look of the Hidden exhaust on this one [Music] thank you [Music] how did the exhaust is done it looks beautiful after we heat cycle it a few times it's all going to be the same color it's pretty damn cool good utilization of the space that we had back there the last thing to wrap up was just that front grille after it had been on transport going back and forth about 2 000 miles we saw some of the wear and tear from the vibrations on there and thought we need to reinforce this a little bit more so we got that done and with that work done let's do a quick walk around and talk about all the overall changes headlights now work coming back around a lot of the work was done kind of in the interior we've added sound deadening we're going to continue to add more sound deadening and leather stuff in the interior shifters reinforce shifter cables re-lubed up and the steering wheel steering shaft has been reinforced not too much craziness and then the rest of it is in the back here that you're not even going to see because it's divided off but exhaust has been greatly greatly improved by adding two Mufflers right back here since we're super focused on getting ready for the show obviously the exterior didn't change much because it was the way we wanted it to we also did a little bit more cable management and wire cleaning up and stuff like that so none of that stuff was shown basically before SEMA we just hit it right under the dash but now it's all gone and clean now this time of year for us oregonians is the most challenging for test drive time it gets dark at four o'clock it's half dark all day long and it's going to rain every day for the next week we've built this car to be a real car there's no reason it can't drive in the rain uh so it's gonna we're gonna drive it in the rain um right now I'm really excited to drive this car with its previous body on it I drove it once and it was absolutely terrible and I only went one block before I wanted to turn around I hope it performs a lot better this time and I'm not going to be gentle on this thing because for some reason it gives me those vibes that it just doesn't want to go gentle it's going to be a race car so I'm not super surprised all right I'm starting to get used to the car a little bit more it's uh it's idling a little high with you the car we go we have no camera car anymore um well let's just talk about how the car is doing it's not scraping so we got that incredibly low look I'm scraping we worked on the incredibly this car to be a race car so you know we the fact that granted I am driving around at 20 2500 rpm what's expected USB Auto Crossing and drag racing this car so the loudness wasn't so much of a factor it's really bright um I'm trying daily this thing that would be a part of taking the casino I'm gonna have to do a little bit of work when it comes along the loudness stuff like that is actually not that bad probably because it's rainy season now and they're staying on the ground not too bad I'm talking to my normal talk talking voice and we're chilling it's the it's the higher RPM range that seems to be an issue we made it over a bump we made it over a bump with no scraping it's pretty epic um I gotta turn around and find the camera crew now once I found the crew we reunited I was more focused on driving than talking I figured I'd just do a voiceover like this and tell you guys how the car is doing visibility I can't see anything out of my right side so you can see me using hand signals in the window to the camera car uh we're working on putting a window in the back there and we'll get that other side mirror more dialed in but as it was today we just couldn't see how the right side so that was a note taken the other thing that you're going to see is this car seems to be kind of darting around the road a little bit we didn't do an alignment and remember this is a car that had been crashed on a movie scene taken apart about a dozen different times and put back together and widened out by almost 20 extra inches so I think not only is the front towed out which kind of makes the car want to jerk one way or the other but I also think that the two back wheels while being parallel are pointed slightly to the right tough to know though [Music] [Music] all in all it was a really fun drive and I was having a great time chasing around the camera car started getting comfortable and doing some polls and then this happened [Music] included fuel pressure down pull over pull over pull over [Music] well this is probably why people install fuel level gauges dang all right that's the last drop let's go for a drive all right added gas really helps let's go [Music] there we go only I'd be a little upset after like being straight on the side we'll add a fuel gauge we will do that shine it all right that was a fun little test drive car's looking pretty good after the weather and everything for driving pure rain we got no water in the interior which is awesome everything's still looking pretty clean I'm pretty happy about that a good amount of spray back here but hell yeah we survived driveways parking lots UPS Downs Highway entrances nice so as I mentioned earlier we got some big news for Black Friday and and it's it's this thing right here so we've switched merch companies we've made all new lines of merch we're partnered with power JDM they're actually some of my friends and they started doing a merch company where it allows us to give away cards which is something that I've always wanted to do let's be quite Frank we got a lot of them so I wanted to get this giveaway up right before Black Friday so we can drop everything put it on a huge sale and then everything you buy gets you entered in to win this baby so what this is is our 370Z drift car build this is just basically a beginner 370Z drift car or you could just use it for an everyday car works perfectly fine for both it's got an angle kit on it so your turning radius will be a little bit less than normal it's got a great exhaust system stainless steel Cat-Back exhaust the wing on it Konig ampliforms and we're going to keep working on this car and improving it over the next 60 days and 60 days from today we are going to give away this car to one of you guys all the exact details and the rules and the dates and most importantly the merch are all at B is for that's going to redirect you to um when you open up and start doing stuff like this it opens you up to a lot of scammers and I've been getting a lot of messages about scammers already and let me just say this straight out we will never ask you for money for anything never the winner of this car if they want to fly out and come get it I will fly them out meaning I'll buy them stuff buy them more stuff or if they want to shipped to their house I will pay to ship it to their house I'll never ask you for anything on the internet other than to subscribe no I'll never ask you guys for money though seriously that's what scammers do if you get contacted saying that you won this thing say hey I want to FaceTime Chris from bees for build or I want to picture with Chris and a piece of paper with something custom written on it don't trust anybody on the internet I really hate how doing this stuff although it's a really cool thing kind of opens up for people of vulnerability of scammers so don't let this be that Gateway when the winner is randomly selected I will attempt to FaceTime that person if they would like to FaceTime and they'll be FaceTiming with me and the team to congratulate them on the win if they don't want to we will show them other proofs of of winage and then they'll just get a car we will never ask you for money except right when you go to that checkout button on the website to buy the merch there's money involved there but other than that that's it so I just wanted to get that out there and say that and we got new merch like this r69 hoodie with the r69 on it we've got a full new line of teas with a lot of the new car designs on there the new Supra r69 Mustang stuff bunch more are coming too and we've got air fresheners and Koozies and stickers and we're going to keep adding to the site but it's all going on sale for Black Friday as well so that's it guys if you buy stuff on our website for Black Friday you get entered to win a free 370Z stuff's going on sale which is a deal and you might just get a race car Double Deal hi guys thanks for sticking around now that the weather's just absolutely frigid and rainy and stuff I figure it's time to fix my yacht and then after that we have a new unique type of build that is something we've never done before and it's going to push the limits of not only like our creativity but it's another one of those things where it's like we've never done this and we're excited to jump into it you could tell by my voice like I've been I've been working on the computer 3D modeling this thing out I'm planning it and everything and it's Super Rad and I'm so excited to get started on it we gotta get the bow done first then we're gonna get started on it and it's going to challenge us in a brand new way which is something I always get super excited about so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out on that thank you guys for sticking with us and we'll see you on the next one peace come on [Music]
Channel: B is for Build
Views: 715,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acura, aston martin, audi, bentley, bmw, Buick, cadillac, chevrolet, dodge, ferrari, fiat, ford, gm, gmc, honda, hyundai, infinity, jaguar, jeep, kia, lamborghini, land rover, lexus, maserati, mazda, mclaren, mercedes, mini, mitsubishi, nissan, porsche, ram, rolls royce, subaru, tesla, toyota, volkswagen, volvo
Id: y5LkyUGyQvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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