Building An Insane Race Car For $500

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hello everybody and welcome to another episode of bs for build today's episode begins a series of episodes where we will not be taking anything seriously because we are about to race lemons what is racing lemons well racing lemons is making fun of yourself taking a 500 car and trying to do a 24 hour endurance race that is actually i think only 18 hours and why is it only 18 when you're supposed to do 24 because of lemons that's the answer we just have fun we're gonna build a race car for fun as cheap as you possibly can for fun while being very safe that is the only not fun part about it is it costs a lot of money to be safe and then we're gonna race it around against team chris fix and i believe against team rich rebuilds the team rich rebuilds has a bad history of being team late so will they bring a car will they not i don't know am i starting drama here did i start drama yes ah youtube hey we get a million extra views automatically sorry team rich rebuilds uh if you are there i will buy you a soda pop anyways uh let me show you around our build that we bought for this year's race de lemons [Music] this is a 2004 mercedes-benz clk 320c marking the c marking coupe instead of convertible i think the c could stand for anything actually to be honest with you we bought this at auction for the low low price how much should we say we bought it for 28. that's way more than we bought it for that's more than we bought it for oscar still more than we bought it for kyle you want to say how much we bought it for 200. that's who i am we are 300 below budget bring on the mods how much do we buy too high too high too low all right uh we bought this car for eighteen hundred dollars at auction um and it is a five hundred dollar car race meaning we're gonna have to bring our price down by um well that's a lot thirteen hundred dollars we gotta sell a bunch of stuff off this car thirteen hundred dollars uh to bring it down to be a a price of five hundred dollars or we can take penalty laps penalty laps our thing if your car is worth more i believe for every one hundred dollars you go over you get 100 000 penalty laps i'm not really sure it doesn't really matter because we're all racing for fun we will be fair we will not cheat kyle disagrees i will agree that our opponents probably already have but that's part of lemons see it's not how you cheat it's what you get away with cheating on that's car racing that is racing that's all the racing is formula one every year there's new technology that is invented whoever cheats the sneakiest way gets to race that way for a year wins all the titles and then they go on so that's car racing welcome to car racing and we will show you how to uh cheat the bet on the budget i mean rare racing mercedes the pinnacle of car racing pinnacle of pinnacle of cheating and car racing mercedes-benz all right oscar hop in we'll give him the look around so this is a 320 c clk so interior flooded everything on the interior seems to look pretty good i think the flooding actually well this has a little bit of wear and tear on it but it's not too bad a lot of that's just like that'll wash off from the auction i honestly think that this car actually flooded from the roof down or from the windows down which is really really weird but this is not a flood line car where the water hit a level but we did buy it at auction as a flooded car so that's what we're dealing with is a flooded car uh do you have the keys i do right here jump on in fire her up please all right oh it's doing that not starting thing again try and just let it go just let it go okay so that's it yeah it does that okay hang on let me talk let me explain to the viewers what's going on here and you know because we're trying to be really honest about what's going on okay guys so we're hoping this isn't going to be the downfall of the entire thing but we bought this thing at auction we put a battery in it it fired right up oscar then then we drove it back to shop a and then oscar today drove it to shot b being here where we are now on that drive to shot b he got gasoline and that was kind of it and both times it had a really really really tough time starting from cold did what you guys just saw there he told me about it we thought maybe it's bad gasoline it still could be bad gasoline we're not 100 sure this is our number one thing that we are worried about about this car we've looked over everything else uh rudimentarily i haven't really looked into anything too deeply but i mean hey it's not leaking oil it's not leaking fluid doesn't have a blown head gasket it seems like it's a car that works and uh this this could be i don't want this to be our downfall and this is weird engine is cranking strong temperature sensor we got to scan everything make sure everything's reading not throwing a check engine light but we're going to walk you guys through everything that we would do and that way if you're building a 500 race car at home you can hopefully play along at home or if you're just trying to learn what maybe like you know buying a car from auction at home how bad it would be uh go ahead and try and fire it up again okay got a little pop two little pops nothing try again one pop so when i step on the pedal it dies off okay why is it priming the fuel system then it should already be primed a few times because i'm also getting a fuel light i guess that's part that's normal okay okay [Music] there we go i was about to say one more try and we buy a new car that's good okay that is very disturbing so she sounds good when she runs she drives perfect when she runs not wanting to start car history is question mark slash flood damage well i'll be honest this is an early departure from what we planned on having shown about how to build a lemon's race car out we have to figure out what's going on with this car the biggest thing that i've learned from lemons from my friend chris fix is that you want to have the most reliable car as possible it's not about having a fast car it's about having a reliable car and a car that doesn't doesn't start an oscar i don't know if you agree with me or not here that is not a mechanical problem that sounds like an electrical problem that's a sensor a thing a sensor something that says oh i'm not happy and then the second it's happy it just fires on yeah and that's the problem is if a sensor is pissed off on a flood damaged car we could be hunting for it forever um electrical problem in the mercedes is bad problem that's a bad that's a nightmare that's a nightmare so um as you guys will hopefully see throughout the rest of the episode building a lemon's car costs a ton of money going to lemons costs a ton of money not to say that it's not worth it it's a very fun experience but we're talking about traveling to new jersey with a car if we can't make the car work reliably there's absolutely no reason in going so i would say we got to try and figure this out before we invest the time and money and putting thousands of dollars of roll cage material in it safety and equipment everything like that be a lot cheaper to buy a different car while we still have time yeah we can sell this right now as a running driving car and still make money off starting sometimes and then always running and driving and yeah of course we said running driving running and driving not starting i mean that's the stuff that's your own problem find a hill all right anyways we gotta we're gonna scan for some codes see if anything popped up on the ecu this is a lemon it is a lemon this is we proved it yeah this is only worth 500 at this point yikes all right guys in true lemons fashion we tried all of our engine scanners to make sure the sensors on the engines were working correctly and all of them are out of licensing and out of date so none of them work except our most rudimentary ones which tell us the engine has no problems so we're going to continue on saying our engine has no problems the thing that we that's making me feel comfortable about this is we're going to spray starter fluid in it if it doesn't want to start and then it will start and then it will start because if it starts when it's hot it will starter fluid start when it's cold that's just math for you that's facts on the books and this is lemons and that's what we do so let's move into the next stage of what lemons does which is trying to make some money to pay for your 1800 car and bring it down to being a 500 car we've got a little bit of work to do yeah this this fancy engine cover is the first thing to go yep i think we could sell that don't break it we have to sell it it popped right off pops right off and that's our electronic turbocharger if you don't notice that's shaped like a fan instant five extra horsepower how to lemons for dummies first step remove the interior [Music] so [Music] i [Music] i don't even know where to start all right okay in true lemons fashion we've disguised our engine as a mercury there's no way the bs inspectors will get past that and uh i heard kyle drilling out an airbag over here and then he said uh that's gone and i thought he meant the airbag was gone but uh i think i think it oh well we should take it out for weight reduction oh my gosh let's make sure that makes it in the dumpster hey all right one solid piece okay cool no um no window over here which should be nice nice ventilation all right next really key decision is uh more of a driver-oriented decision do we have music in the ride or do we not we have the problem of if you're listening to music and we're filming a video for youtube you obviously can music going in the car yeah we're gonna go no music we have comms in everybody's headsets thanks to rugged radios we do have comms i think we leave the speakers just in case we want to let the neighbors know what's up as we're driving around we most likely won't be able to play any music uh but and you wouldn't want to in a race because uh you want to hear if the engine blows up not like there's anything you can do about it when it does obviously if you're following this to build a track day car the idea light as you possibly can be um if you're following this to be a lemons car as fun as you possibly can be and the idea of even if you guys can't hear it maybe you know just blasting what's that it's not cannonball what's that song cannon do you think van gaal will make an exception for us i don't think that's my dad my dad sold weed to van halen's brother all right anyways uh so anyways this is one of those sorry we had to figure out what the song was because i thought it was called cannonball turns out it's called panama so let me tell you the story behind that if you want to be one of those teams that takes being lightweight and driving lemons as fast as you can as seriously as you can seriously then you would remove the speakers if you want to be the team that's blasting panama not cannonball down the straight at 110 miles an hour you're gonna do what we're gonna do and you're gonna leave the speakers in and then unfortunately because i we don't still know the van halen family it's going to be copyrighted and you guys get someone to parody the song is cannonball yeah we're going to get something i'm going to hire somebody to parry the cannonball panama cannonball and then we're going to air it and you guys will be able to hear it with us anyways we should probably get back to work um door panels are off speakers are on windows are probably panama's doing great let's move into the back seats [Music] [Music] it's so empty car has been gutted all of the interior has been removed i'm confident that we have thirteen hundred dollars worth of stuff here i still gotta call ty and we're gonna get an estimate on our pile here but uh the bottom carpets were not savable that this car was was pretty flooded there was a lot of water in here but it's all emptied out now functionality wise the car is still doing the not wanting to start thing but other than that it still works perfectly fine it's time to start moving on to the roll cage now there's many many different designs of roll cage that are acceptable for lemons racing there's about three different designs they only vary very slightly and we're going to do the one that includes a single piece rear main bar and a single piece halo bar that's the type that we always build here on the channel and then you have the a-pillar bars that come down there and there and then it just gets into bracing in the back and then our um seat belt bar this is something that we've done a lot on the channel here we have a lot of experience of doing it this will be the second time that we've done one that's going gonna have to pass a text inspection but kyle just pointed out that there is one big addition on this one which is door bars we got to do door bars on this so we can either do an x or we can do two parallel bars that protect us from uh from door impact so that'll be a fun new addition to something that we that we haven't done before on a build we're going to go ahead and get started we're not going to really walk through this in extreme detail since we're doing so much in one episode um but you guys have seen us build roll cages in many many different episodes we start with the rear main and then we do the halo bar and then we do the a-pillar bars and then we start filling in everything from there before we get down to building this cage i want to take a second out to thank our sponsor today's episode is sponsored by metal supermarkets so all of the steel that you see us using to build our roll cage we got from metal supermarkets all the steel that you're going to see us use later to build the body kit stuff all from metal supermarkets everything that we build the steel comes from metal supermarkets it's like a convenience store for metal you can get any metal at any size cut and ready fast and unlike some places metal supermarkets has no minimum order quantity so if you just need one piece just head on down there and grab your one piece the speed of service is really good the customer service and the employees that they have is top notch i can't say enough nice things about those people they're super knowledgeable and they're super friendly and it makes for a really good experience so if you're like us and you're out there working on your car and you need some metal look for metal supermarkets there's over 100 locations in north america or you can buy online so the link is at the top of the description right down there go click it check it out find a metal supermarkets near you they are your one stop shop for metal products and huge thanks to metal supermarkets for sponsoring this episode now let's use a bunch of their products to make a roll cage [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] here is our pallets of sellable stuff we have got price quotes from the guys over at mullins where this is all going to be going and we've got it all on the pallet on the screen right now is the prices for the different things that we got and yep that brings our price down to 500 bucks for this car we are within spec let's go ahead and wrap it up and get it ready to ship all right good to go all right guys our cage is almost done we're just about to put the finishing touches on there we got about four or five more tubes left and then i'm gonna show you all the way through that but we need to get started on the kill switch so the kill switch needs to interrupt all electrical uh charging discharging and ecu power so it makes sure it kills the car uh chris fix as we speak is doing a great episode about this he showed us how he did his and we are mimicking that uh first thing you need to do is interrupt the power from the battery and the alternator because remember the alternator can uh if if working even if your battery's disconnected it can continue to charge to give you enough power to spark for the engine to keep your engine running so alternator is this one battery is this one actually switch post battery alternator that's uh those two things interrupted going into a very big gauge that's like a zero gauge uh wire that's running over here and we're running into the cabin where we're gonna run into our kill switch and then it runs back to go to the battery battery alternator and also ecu the ecu is right up here so we will find the wires that power run the power to the ecu and also run those to our switch and then we'll be disconnecting everything we're gonna go ahead and get this all installed the cool thing or one thing to remember about this is it needs to be able to be reached by the driver when he's strapped in so our driver with full uh harness on needs to be able to reach this thing so i'm thinking like over here and somebody from the outside needs to be able to reach it too so i'm thinking somewhere over here should be our kill switch location we'll get it all installed show you around that and our finished cage [Music] i was hopping in the kill switch is at a testable point that's what we would call this it's not finished but it is installed so we're going to go ahead and add power to the car now the car has sat cold for a little over a week so this will be another good test for starting and how worried we need to be at the event if it's going to start so kyle's got to put the kill switch in and then it's going to put power through the car i'm going to just just take this it's just resting right here yeah i'm going to take that off first try baby here we go whoa we might have problems coming race day i'm so glad we've installed thousands of dollars of safety equipment into something that doesn't turn off all right we've got starter fluid the last time we technically tried math cleaner which we have started cars on before but this is actual starter fluid uh if this doesn't work boy are we in trouble we just like bought a car and while it was slowly degrading into not working anymore we just installed a bunch of safety stuff solid life choices how to win lemons yeah this is definitely a lemon's car at this point all right go ahead and crank her up ready yep all right simple that was okay so map cleaner is a no starter fluid is a solid yes we'll go ahead and kill it right now not not with the kill switch with the key okay uh take you all the way out and then let's start again from scratch real quick because that fired up real fast yeah that was that was a nice quick fire up i don't know if that was the starter fluid or not i it did see it was timed very well for yeah starting with the starter fluid okay go ahead and just fire it up now we'll try again okay all right now we're gonna test the kill switch so kyle what you're gonna do is rev it up to 3000 rpms and then just yank that kill switch out of them and park is fine yeah that's good yeah all right it doesn't work just let off let out the gas the car should die i don't think how is the car still running what do we do here oh oh there's smoke i see smoke oh it's the that it's the breeze yeah that part works i think that's supposed to heat up yeah but the alternator was still spinning that's the idea the alternator spins pumps stuff into there and blah blah blah blah blah kyle did you wire it in backwards nope put the seat in here uh and we made some changes to the system i now think that this is going to work much better at least i hope we we identified a small issue and and fixed it so uh here we go go ahead and so let's power the system all right see if it should start up now that it's warm maybe grab the starter fluid team starter fluid it was just it was just about to start it's going to start without it watch yeah yeah go ahead monster grabs that yeah yeah all right to finish the cold start warm up go ahead and rev it up 3000 and kill it [Music] all right yay are turned off somewhat slowly but that'll be fun all right so now all we got to do is mark the off and on position on here get it finished being like riveted into the dash and insulate all of our connectors on the back here and we should be all good to go um then we're moving on to installing the seat [Music] all right guys the cage is finished i just wanted to show you one last thing that we added in before we paint it up this is our rear seat back support it doesn't have the pin in it so it's a little bit flexible but anyways when the seats all the way back for jared the back of seat goes there when oscar driving it's more like this and that moves us up forward so the seat back can go there it makes it so if you get rear ended your seat isn't flexing backwards a lot very cool little thing now we're going to paint the cage up white just basically give it a quick coat of paint so it doesn't rust on us oscar also finished the installation of the seat brackets and the sliders and everything into the car and i wanted to show off our new corbeau seat this thing is pretty awesome so it's a very unique situation having something the size of of jared in a race car and oscar and myself and kyle we needed a really really wide seat that could fit a monster i meant to say giant a giant a friendly giant jared we love you anyways this is a fixed back seat for racing and you can see it's just got amazing build quality it looks fantastic and the padding and everything makes it super super comfortable and this is the fx1 wide version and it's pretty much the widest racing seat i've ever seen so if you have trouble fitting in racing seats check this out but they also have more narrow versions around check out the fx1 for racing applications super super economical super good quality seat very very excited on this so thanks to corbo for uh sending this out for us and there's a link in the description go browse our site check it out [Music] we got the cage painted white now it won't rust on us that's actually a really cool look a lot of little spray paint goes a long way now the guys are going to continue working on some safety stuff we still have the fire suppression system is a really big one that has to go in the car and after that we're getting really close to being able to pass tech which is obviously the first priority we have a day and a half left to finish this build and get it onto a truck so it gets to new jersey in time for us to be racing but every good lemons car needs a theme and our theme the reason i bought a clk mercedes is i really wanted to kind of like emulate or build a fake clk gtr take a look at this thing it's absolutely freaking stunning and amazing and i wish you know i could have one but i'm sure they cost like 20 million dollars so we're gonna build a fake one and we're going to do it in pure lemons fashion having a lot of fun so i'm going to be in charge of the body work on this thing and we're in for a doozy so kyle's going to make a metal supermarkets run get the metal that we need i'm going to go get some of the other stuff gotta head to the shop we're going to look for some old used broken car parts and i'm over at the old shop and i'm basically just going to look around everything that we got here that basically didn't get used for its intended purpose and see if i can repurpose it i'm really trying to get things for like the front fenders maybe front bumper and i mean if i can find some side skirt stuff even better oh and a spoiler i'm gonna go scrounge some stuff up and i'll let you know what i find hi guys here's what i was able to find off of a mustang we've got some fenders these are a little dinged up a little bent up and i think we'll be able to maybe use these to help make the wide body in the front i've got an old knockoff ari yamamia fiberglass front bumper that was not used on the rx7 we may be able to use that as the front bumper extension if not mustang gt front end we could use as the front end extension we got side skirts also at the mustang gt we should be able to just rivet these on pretty quickly a little bit more aggressive look a little rear window lip all the all the fins all the vents all the everything just makes it more race car and then a giant ass wing that came off of my aston martin oscar wanted a big wing on this thing and i will not disappoint how's it all going to fit in my fj i doubt it kyle's got the raptor for the steel run so this will be difficult oh yeah easy fit i got the parts back to the shop uh i'm gonna go ahead and start in on the front end the front end has a very distinctive like very weird snout that goes to it and it really just needs to start extending at this point and coming out really drastically i'm going to leave the other bumper on there below it just in case if this stuff falls off or something at least we'll still have a front end there's no reason to take it off so i'm going to leave that there and build onto it with this oh yeah and i'm going to do that by cutting this in half horizontally and then smooshing it up there lots of rivets [Music] [Music] well we learned a few things one our white spray paint isn't quite the color match that i thought it was and two i'm i can make a mercedes look like a platypus very well today's our last day to finish the body i worked at like 1am last night on this and i was like i'm gonna get a coat of paint on it go to bed wake up in the morning see what i think i hate it i cannot have the car like this yes it's lemons yes it's all a joke but i'm not i'm not doing that so if you look at the clk gtr next to our platypus here really our sore spot is right here because it comes forward too much and doesn't go down enough so if we would have been able to just do a straight diagonal from the grill it would have looked a lot better so i'm going to try and figure out how i might be able to do that i may cut the oem mercedes bumper in half and bring it forward and out a little bit and i think i'm going to cut up what's left of this fiberglass bumper and just use that as essentially a splitter wide body extension [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes perfection just means cutting the bumper in half and flipping it upside down couldn't be more happy with how this looks we're going to slant it out a little bit more at the bottom rivet the hell out of it so it can't come off build supports for the bottom and we done with the front bumper think odin [Music] [Music] front bumper is mostly done i ran out of rivets we're gonna run to the store but that's basically done except for bottom sport just consider that done moving on we got the fenders all trimmed up these are gonna work as our over fender it's gonna be an extension off of that current fender line and they're going to come over now we need to start working on our side piece the the clk gtr has a giant side piece we're going to go ahead and build that off of the door here and it's going to come out to down here and then it's going to be two pieces and it's going to go into this door too so it's going to be like a giant box type thing and then from there we can cut some cool vents and do it and other stuff like that on the safety side of stuff the fire suppression system is installed so got the fire expression system right there pole handle right there you yank on that there's eight different nozzles that that thing leads to four in the cabin and four under the hood that will suppress fire we've got our comm system mounted right there and probably very most importantly is our wheel and tire setup so these are the konig counter grams in a 10 and a half inch wide by i want to say 18 and they're wrapped in nitto nto5 so both these companies have been huge supporters of the channel and sent these out for us to have on our race car and we have one set on the car right now and a backup set too so the nt05 is a really really good track tire has tons and tons of traction it's a race oriented tire so this is gonna be really good if we have anything that gives us the upper edge uh while racing it's gonna be these so huge shout out to these companies i'll put links in the description very very good stuff very economical great price point for the quality that you get oh and also the corbeau uh five-point harnesses are installed as well you can find those on kobo site and i already have a link in the description for that huge thanks to all of our our sponsors all of our partners that have helped us on this build when we do a huge build like this really fast a lot a lot of parts go into it and uh it takes a lot from everybody so we thank them so much for making it all happen all right i think all the safety stuff is basically done we will pass tech with this car so now we just got to make it look cool and not have anything risk falling off so i'm literally using half inch thick solid round stock to weld into these doors to build this side panel it's going to be beefy [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well oscar got the spoiler on that's a plus downside is my side's good idea um it's just not it's not looking it's not looking the way that we wanted i'm gonna scrap it i'm gonna cut everything off and i'm just gonna work with uh just the mustang gt side skirt as like an addition to come out and to come down and then we'll build off of it in each direction it's a tricky balance when it's this late in the game we only have like a handful of hours left to finish this build and uh picking cosmetic stuff one over the other whatever so you gotta really try and make the right decision but i think it's important to not be afraid to give up on an ugly idea and just try and do the better one especially if you can make the other one faster [Music] all right we got our first decal for the build printed up so chelsea is in charge of all the decaling and delivery that we're gonna do so this is a kind of a test just something really simple and it's gonna go right there on the black part of the windshield so we're gonna get that cleaned up oscar's got the main spoiler and the secondary spoiler so we were going to build the one that kind of swoops around spoiler from the clk gtr but then all the ones that have a wing actually do do this thing so we're going to incorporate this with a little bit more but we also want the truck to be able to open and close so that's a work in progress side skirts also work in progress roof scoop work in progress kyle is riveting the hell out of that roof scoop we absolutely can't have that uh come off basically chris fix's car had a lot of problems with overheating so we're well and also the clk gtr has a roof scoop so we're going to scoop a bunch of air in here shove it down in here at the driver and then we're going to let it release out here and then i'm also going to cut i'm going to cut a hole right here to let a bunch of air out here so a lot of stuff going on at once i'm gonna work on getting the other side side skirted and the skirts firmly attached on the up top they're good on the bottom but they need to they need to be mounted right there and then we can start working on the fenders [Music] guys i think i'm cursed everything i think is gonna work out just doesn't work out and uh this is no different so these mustang fenders these are aluminum i thought they're gonna be steel but they're aluminum so i was trying to get uh rivet everything on everything like that but basically we have a problem is the car is too wide the rules state that no rubber from the tire can stick over and this can't really sit on here like this so basically this fender's not getting wide enough we have in the back oscar's uh trailer fender situation is looking really really good so we're gonna i got some more trailer fenders over there i'm gonna cut them up i'm gonna use them because they're gonna be steel and then i can actually weld them to the fender so we're building more wide bodiness from scratch [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] this car is so silly looking oh my god so we went for the clk gtr looks starting with that slanted front end and then trying to do this wide body that goes back and then the clk gtr the the top of the wheel to the top of the like the end of the car is only like a matter of inches and on this thing it's feet so it kind of we kind of missed the mark but what we did do is straight up build one of those cars from need for speed underground this has hard need for speed underground vibes and i'm not hating it so i'm uh i'm gonna change up our hood livery that's that's on its way and uh man this thing it's just special to look at we've got a few more things to add on here and then a lot a lot of decaling is going to get it on here the biggest thing is is our only advantage that we're going to have over any team is our wheel and tire combo we have really really great tires and really good wheels that are very very wide they're going to give us a lot a lot of traction on the track the rules state that you have to have a solid body part coming over every piece of tire so we had to build a really sturdy really large wide body kit on here and we had fun with it and and i don't hate it it's hilarious it's our levins car it's our 500 race car i don't know if i said it already or not but the wheels and the tires they count as safety equipment so you can just like throw the best version of what you can find on there and i think that's the only spot we're going to get our edges going to be in the cornering so we're definitely not going to have the most speed or the best braking that's for sure so we stayed up till 5 a.m yesterday to finish this part now chelsea's job is to do the rest of the vinyling on here and we're going to throw a few more little trim pieces on here to put the little salt on the steak show you what it looks like when it's done [Music] come on [Music]
Channel: B is for Build
Views: 353,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acura, aston martin, audi, bentley, bmw, Buick, cadillac, chevrolet, dodge, ferrari, fiat, ford, gm, gmc, honda, hyundai, infinity, jaguar, jeep, kia, lamborghini, land rover, lexus, maserati, mazda, mclaren, mercedes, mini, mitsubishi, nissan, porsche, ram, rolls royce, subaru, tesla, toyota, volkswagen, volvo
Id: 09PlAE3rW1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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