First Sunday | Worship & Prayer Night

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] new [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right good evening everybody welcome to first sunday night of prayer and worship feel free to come down to the altar and worship with us tonight as you can see we have kids tonight but we want them to be in the presence of god worshiping us [Applause] [Music] we love you president [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh all eyes on you [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is will be exalted [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is for your name [Music] and all is for your glory not in all things you would have the first place [Music] that in all things [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you would have [Music] you have the first place [Applause] [Music] [Music] you will have your first place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god my god [Music] is [Applause] [Music] give me a [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] bye [Applause] me [Music] foreign [Music] just put your glory in serve me just let me see your beauty anywhere just put your glory in me just let me see your beauty in me [Music] just let me see your beauty [Music] put your glory in me [Music] see the supernatural my face [Music] stir up my face [Music] to see the supernatural [Music] anywhere [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] story [Music] catch me my god my videos [Music] [Music] [Music] for your glory catch so put me anywhere but you will have the first place put me anywhere [Music] but you will have the first place [Music] put me anywhere you will have a fast [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so foreign [Music] there's never oh [Music] oh hello [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] from [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] right we want to [Applause] [Music] observed [Music] foreign [Music] is won't you [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] come on [Music] is won't you come come like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] move it out just [Music] foreign [Music] won't you come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just [Music] we just want [Music] we just want to [Music] [Music] we just want to see [Music] we just want to see your [Music] we just wanna see [Music] [Music] [Music] we just want to see [Music] we just want to see [Music] we just want to see your face [Music] we just we just wanna see your face we just wanna see your face we just want to see your face tell them tonight we just want to see your face we just wanna see your face [Music] we just wanna see your face we just wanna see your face [Music] come [Music] we just want to see your face [Music] come [Music] [Music] come anyway [Music] [Music] lyrics right now let's sing it up [Music] right now come on we just wanna see your face [Music] come live [Music] [Music] we just want to see come on come anywhere you wanna come [Music] [Music] [Music] come like [Music] i like the way [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] we just want to see [Music] we want to see [Music] we just want to see [Music] [Music] we [Music] so you're not gonna believe what the lord showed me and prayed for tonight and i began to hear and see you cry out to see the king's face i knew this was the lord answering to his people because tonight as i prayed all i could see was his eyes of fire looking at his people in fact as we were worshiping i saw the face of a lion with flames burning in his eyes staring down at his people and i felt like a roaring lion swaying back and forth he was sinking those that would reflect his face those that would reflect the flames in his eyes and he brought me to first kings 18. this is the showdown with elijah with the prophets of bell with jezebel when he calls down fire see the interesting thing is it says in this time that the land was in drought the interesting thing about water is there's a reflection in water it reflects see the land was not reflecting their king their true abba the land was dry of the presence of god of the favor and blessing of god of the protection of god in fact it was so bad that it says there was great famine and no food and it even proves further because as elijah went to go rebuild the altar why did he have to rebuild the altar because the altar to god had been tore down it was isolated nobody was going to the altar of jehovah any longer they were serving baal is it an interesting mercy culture that we spent this year rebuilding the altars of god in our homes and so it says as elijah begins to build this altar to god not only does he rebuild it but he takes the most precious substance water and he begins to tell them drench the altar with water i know the land is desolate and there's a famine so bad that there is no food for the people that it hasn't rained in three years but i want you to take all the water you possibly can and drench this altar see the beginning of this chapter the lord said go present yourself to ahab the earthly king and tell him rain is coming do you know the faith that elijah had to have in this moment facing a death sentence to an evil king saying who are you my god is about to answer with fire and rain in the land and there may be hundreds of you and one of me in this moment but watch my god show off in a supernatural way and we know the story church the prophets of baal they began to cry out and cut themselves and there was no answer yet elijah summons the people and he says come in close to me and he says this come near to me so all the people approached him and he repaired the altar of the lord that had been tore down and he said fill it now with water pots pour the water on the offering and on the wood do it a second time do it a third time until the water runs down around the altar and then he says this how long people will you serve two masters how long will you confuse yourself with the opinions and the ways of the world and then that of jehovah that you know is real and is about to show up and i believe church we are entering into a time that we know our jehovah is real but god is saying church you know i'm going to show up because i always have but in your day today in the decisions that you have to make the hard and easy ones am i jehovah am i king of your life do you worship me when it's hard do you worship me when the government says not to you do you sing anyways do you prophesy though you are afraid do you share words of knowledge though it may not seem like it's the end thing to do will you dream will you obey i believe we are in a time that god is calling his elijah's out saying church will you follow after me will you follow me to this altar of the impossible i know it's not possible for you to set this altar on fire hence why i threw water all around it because i'm gonna show up church stretch your hands to heaven the gift of faith is about to be released to those that desire it those that desire to reflect their fiery king those that desire to be filled with the flame that is unquenchable those that desire to be filled with the flame that shows up in the hardest moments in the moments when you're running late but god says no stop and give no stop and lay hands no stop and say be healed so father those that are lifting their hands right now [Music] oh faith is coming faith is already coming faith comes by hearing the word oh god they already cried out to see your face so lord i thank you as their hands are lifted that there may be an elijah hour that is coming i feel like in this room there are some of you wow that are martyrs in this room [Music] there are some of you that are being sent to other nations and will be standing in high places in this nation and the lord says are you willing to be filled with my fire [Music] are you willing to be filled with my fire when it's not easy are you willing to allow me to use your voice when it's not easy oh god as they cry out yes i declare the gift of faith to be released in your people right now [Applause] oh god let us see your face i declare a rushing wind come and fill your people with your power with your presence oh lord we desire to be people of the supernatural filled with your fires filled with your passion oh god would you fill us with your fire would you fill us with your fire [Applause] lord i'm like come on i'm [Music] i can't help it i'm filled with this fire i don't care what anybody thinks no not anywhere that i go i was on a run the other day and i was filled with so much of his fire and presence had tears running down my face with my hands lifted and carved zooming by me and you know the thought came they're gonna think i'm crazy and i said out loud i don't care i just want to be filled with this fire so i don't want half of you to get the fire in this room i want every one of you to get the fire in this room and some of you are gonna have to get a dignified [Applause] [Music] tonight [Music] tell me we just want to see your baby [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we just [Music] we just want [Music] we just want to see we see [Music] [Music] we just wanna see [Music] we just want to see your face [Applause] [Applause] please [Music] they just wanna see your face [Music] they just want to see your place we just want to see your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on just [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just want to see just want to see [Music] [Music] one glimpse of you and i'll change [Music] one glimpse [Music] one glimpse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] here now [Music] times cause what happens when we look [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right here [Music] [Music] we found hope in your eyes right here let's change everything [Music] fear goes in your presence found hope in your presence [Music] i feel like god gave me an assignment the enemy has built up a stronghold in many of your minds he's tried to convince you that you need to do something more to receive your healing that you need to be better you need to pray harder you need to fast more he loved you so much that while you were dead in your trespasses and sins while you were at your worst while you were fighting against him he sent his son to die for you if he didn't withhold his own son won't he also freely give you all things who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed the power of god is here tonight to heal you the healing power of god is present now and here's the lie that you need more faith you need more faith if i just had more faith if i could only believe the same faith that you used to receive salvation is the same faith that you use to receive your healing it's a package deal they're not two separate things that you have to believe for one comes with the other it's not learning how to believe more it's learning how to trust god and receive it and it's close it's right there it's part of the deal it's part of the package while you were dead in your trespasses and sins he gave his son you think he wants to withhold your health god created everything all we see all we are he created everything for one purpose is not to receive your worship he was completed himself he didn't need it it was to show you love to sacrifice himself for you father we repent of thinking we need to earn our healing from you father forgive us of not receiving everything that you purchased for us we choose now to receive it we choose now father we're going to receive communion you can return to your seats if you want to if you want to stay up here you can the ushers will bring you your elements the bread represents more than what people think it's more than just something that symbolizes something this is the body of christ this is the body of christ it represents everything natural that jesus purchased for us when he died on the cross every bit of provision every healing that you need is yours this is done in remembrance of what he did it's not something we need to earn it's not something we need to grow in to receive it's right here right now already done when you receive jesus as your lord and savior you received healing it's part of the package it's the new covenant he made it with us he said my body was broken for you surely he has carried our sicknesses and disease the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed i don't think it's insignificant that god showed pastor heather god is a lion because he jesus says a lion because he showed me jesus as the lamb the lion in the lamb in the book of exodus it talks about the passover lamb that they were to take a spotless lamb and they were to kill it and take its blood and spread it on the doorpost and the lintel of their home and it would be a sign of the passover a sign of the covenant that they were god's covenant people but it didn't end there they were supposed to eat the lamb every single part of it they were supposed to eat every single part of it and not let one bit of it remain until morning in psalm 105 it says that left egypt with silver and gold and there was not one feeble one among them some estimates think two and a half million people that's three times the population of fort worth not one feeble person among them the lamb of god he purchased your salvation he purchased your healing he purchased your provision everything in the natural that you need you need a job it's here in the body you need provision it's right here you need healing it's right here his body was broken for us that we might receive health wholeness provision everything we need in the natural is right here and jesus said do this in remembrance of me do this in remembrance of the new covenant that i made with you it's a done deal but there's a catch you have to believe but the same faith you use to receive jesus is the exact same faith you used to receive healing hold the bread jesus we thank you we thank you we thank you that you came for us when we were your enemy you loved us so much that you humbled yourself you became a man learned obedience became that spotless lamb of god for us the sickness disease might pass over we remember what you did jesus we remember what you did let's take the bread the blood of jesus what a precious thing what a precious thing it washes us clean he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of god in him when we partake of his blood when we place our faith in the finished work of jesus we are washed spotless as the lamb you don't need more faith to overcome that sin you need to receive the grace available it's yours it's yours let's hold the cup father we thank you that you gave your son jesus we thank you that you shed your blood holy spirit we thank you that you revealed it to us that you empower us that you give us the gift of faith to believe and you make us whole jesus we remember the covenant that you made father we remember the covenant that you made with your son and we enter into that covenant by faith we remember what you did jesus let's take the cup now the spirit of god is here to heal you everyone stand your feet let's take a few moments pray in the spirit if you don't have your prayer language you can get it right now the spirit of the lord is here the same way you received salvation it's the same way you receive the gift of praying in the just spirit and open your mouth and receive it engage your vocal cords come on start engaging your face my now if you're experiencing any kind of a health issue if you need healing in your physical body i want you to just raise your hand to raise your hand and start engaging your faith the spirit of god is to heal now if if if someone around you has their hand lifted up lay hands on them and start praying for them and then start fighting for them like you would fight for your own brother or sister or son or daughter i tear off the lies that the enemy has tried to put on you i break them down in the name of jesus healing is yours healing is yours healing is yours the enemy will not resist it any longer you can recognize symptoms but you don't know what it is it's being healed right now you're being delivered your name is here i call you here your your name is i call you your name is here i your name is is i call you here is here you have been here is here i've been here your name is here is is i call you healing is the children's is hey here you i've been your name is esther's moses's davids peters paul's lord i declare the gift of faith that was released tonight into the adults that gift of faith was released into these babies into these children father i thank you that their faith will far surpass us oh god i thank you that they will have a faith and fearlessness to see the innocence in every individual be able to have the faith for healing to have the faith for provision to have faith to take giants down to have faith to set the captives free tonight we bless our children if you have your children in your hands just lay your hands on your children and bless them right now we bless these babies we declare a hedge of protection around them we declare devil you cannot have this generation but they are gods filled with this supernatural might and power we declare that they will dream dreams and they will prophesy and i just saw them prophesying into adults and awakening adults that were away from the lord so lord i just declare sensitivity in the grandparents aunts and uncles and in us parents to hear the gifts of the spirit through our children so tonight we bless you we bless you and jesus mighty name and i thank you that not one day not one day will they live away from you o god that they will fear you every day of their life and they will serve you and glorify you as you use them o god lord i thank you that they will have intimate relationships with you where they will see you clearly they will see the supernatural i just felt that so strongly parents these children are seers and when they see things and tell you about them don't laugh because they are seeing true and real things i just heard the holy spirit say tell them to draw pictures of what they're seeing and it will make more sense to you but it will remind them of the visions and the dreams that god is giving them as children so lord we thank you that you are teaching us adults and how to steward the supernatural call that is on this generation in jesus mighty name amen come on let's give it up for these little ones well mercy culture church we love you so much who want to remind you that every night this week we have solemn assembly and it's going to be like this every single night it'll be at 7 00 pm right here we will have this week different activities for your children to do in worship if you were a part of it last year it was so beautiful they made banners and all different types of crafts that they had and then they got to worship with them and my kiddos still have them and still use them at home for worship and prayer sometimes karate chopping each other to be honest but we love you so much and the three different ways that you can give are on the screen as usual and then i would love to just bless you guys out exodus 33 13 says this teach us your ways that we may know you and find favor bless your people as they go we love you so much jesus amen so here we go so so so so so um so so so so so um so so okay my my oh so so hmm so oh oh oh good so here we go so so so so so so so so so so so so foreign foreign
Channel: Mercy Culture
Views: 2,477
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Landon Schott, Heather Schott, Mercy Culture, Mercy Culture Church, Holy Spirit, Presence Driven Church, Presence, Fort Worth, Texas, Mercy, Mercytown, Encounter, Jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 30sec (5310 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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