First Start in 28 Years! 1966 Ford Mustang Resurrection: Will She Run? Old Car Revival

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let's put a little little more white lightning in it all right got the old man running will she fire up will she crank and run y'all the issue now uh the issue now is will the coal and coal wire work we have the battery hooked up we're going to do the ignition here hold on wait wait wait hit it 10 years wow this that thing we didn't even clean the caror wow that sounds better good sounds better than putting my tail I don't know maybe it does smoking a little bit y'all what you think old man all right going hit it with the old Master Lock master key let's see if she'll [Music] [Applause] fire so let me let you in on a secret of YouTube when you hit that subscribe button it is absolutely free to you but it immensely blesses me hello YouTube World welcome to to another episode here on restoration and yeah we're at the family graveyard again not the graveyard but the auto graveyard and the cool thing is is there's been some revivals going on around here yep this old 1964 Ford Fairlane cranked up and moved and many of you watch those videos and boy we really appreciate it but today we're actually going to be working on a different forward I actually told you in the last video that the next one will be the 65 Galaxy many of y'all were looking forward to the 65 Galaxy but my old man called an audible and said he didn't want to do the 65 Galaxy next he had another plan so on this episode we're going to first start an automobile that I know and guarantee and I'll show you in just a second they have been sitting for 28 years not being cranked and do you think these old boys do you think these two old uh you know these two old wheelers can get this car going again we've got a big plan we've got a great agenda so we hope we'll make it happen in this episode here on restoration all right everybody here it is there's the there's the old man people don't like me calling you old man but you're not offended I've been doing it old man anyway feel like an old man anyway I've been doing it for a long long time I don't think it's offended him yet look here y'all this is a 1966 Ford Mustangs got the 200 inline six uh in this car how long has it been sitting Daddy I bought it May the 2nd of of O of 92 May the 2nd of '92 and I just had dug out this bank here I was 12 years old I just dug out this Bank where the bulldozer of course and out from my house and uh getting ready to build a shop and I found this on the on online somewhere I think he B at eBay he didn't find it on eBay it was in a one of those magazine nickel uh yeah whatever it was but anyway I had to go get it I give $200 for this thing $200 and the guy told me I couldn't drive it home because it didn't have brakes and the gas tank was leaking a little bit so I told him I'd come back next day with a tow dolly or flatbed and uh when I went back I had all plans I was going to drive it to Porterdale from Loganville about 20 something miles where's Loganville but I found out the hand brakes work so hey I saw you NE was just barely a slow drip so I got my mama and uh she took me over there and I drove it I'm walk around while he's talking keep talking old man while uh while that was going on I got it back to Porterdale I told Mom I'm going to leave my car here and I'm going to take this thing to Jackson so I did I backed it up here and uh been here since May the thir when I actually brought it home May the 3 of 92 all right y look at that boy if we'd have got in I don't know if y'all can see that look at that wall good Lord all right yeah need some floor pans I do believe out the things went out TV oh it's still on Daddy all right here it is y'all this is it all right daddy told his story about this car this old camper top right here was actually sitting on the side of the car because me and a buddy of mine plays straight base I would be down there in a batter H pitch and the straight base would be back here and there's a lot of times you might a good hit you'd hit it all the way up here and uh one of mine did this right here I hit that Jer right there Wham no not really that wasn't me I whooping with my bell all right here's uh coming around the side here's the kicker y'all um these trees were not here when we parked it here not one of them was this one maybe the pine no neither one of the Pines was here neither one of the Pines was here um you can see it has been sitting here a while so in this episode we're going to get this old girl running we're going to get this old girl running we know we're going to share with you in just a second what we have already done to it and what we plan on doing to it in this episode going raise the hood we're not cutting down trees y y yep there she is the Mustang powered Sprint 200 so this is a 200 cubic in inline six um what have we done thus far you can look and see uh Daddy has actually sprayed all of the spark plugs we want to take those loose he sprayed this locked he sprayed this cator 758 times and it's it's uh it's locked up really really well um we also the other day while we were cranking up uh this old feran uh we also uh put a battery on it we turned the crank the crank moved put a battery on it and we tapped it and it was not stuck but we still want to take the spark plugs out um as we take each of the spark plugs out we're going to pour in some Mystery Oil and kind of let it Lube up uh the cylinders uh sleeve walls and make sure it doesn't uh you know doesn't have any rough spots on it we can get all that worked out and uh we're going to get this old girl running we going to get her running daddy oh yeah and don't get mad cuz he calls me old man he been calling me old man ever since I turned 40 when I turned 40 he was just a youngster he he really rubbed it in but he just turned 40 back a couple of months ago and I've been rubbing it JC my son calls me old man and it's just a term of endearment that's the way we do it we're not offended he's not offended we love it so no nobody has to worry about telling me I'm being disrespectful cuz I'm not I told his son to make sure he calls him old man cuz that's what he started with me when I was 40 already saying it's going to be a lot of work so uh we're going to first start by seeing man said 13 16 I think it is should be it is I can't get it down in there to get it all is it too wide no but you got to push past that rubber stuff you got in it there it is oh look at old man I tell you what I'll teach him something about teach me something something about that rubber pad inside there now we just don't want break them loose break them out no that was an elbow yeah that was actually a lot easier than I anticipated oh now it's getting tight oh that's why cuz it broke off down in there you did I didn't all right y'all look at there that spraying helped it didn't yeah sprayed it was actually it doesn't look horrible I mean it's got a lot of the oil on it doesn't look horrible so let's dribble a little oil down in it and then I'm going to set this back in so we uh so we know what we're doing uh we got let me show them what we got we got some good old Marvel Mystery Oil I don't know if y'all ever use Marvel Mystery Oil uh but this Marvel mystel will just go in there we're going to get it all in all the cylinders and then we'll turn it over and as we turn it over it'll spit some of it out but it'll lubricate the wall and then we can go uh go from there all probably don't need a bunch but just enough the cylinders are flat so that'll be enough to soak around it don't you think yep probably too much that's just right goad and take it out more no oh you're trying to drain it get it all in there waste none of it don't want to get that stuff on the ground that's stuff cost me $749 A4 oh my goodness percentage wise what you paid for the car yeah that's high is all right we're just getting that in [Music] there all right y'all so we don't bore you to death and use up a lot of card we're going to do this on every one of these and uh after we get it done we'll come back and show you cranking it and letting it run out all right everyone we got all the spark plugs out all were easy except number six had to put a little more horsepower on number six to get it off um but you see I put a little Marvel Mystery old down every one of those holes there and as we took that put the Marvel Mystery ho it sit in there we're going to let it sit in a few minutes why we go get a battery and uh we're going to turn it over by hand I'm going to go get my other uh what is it uh you just not 5/8 is it uh you're going wrong way there you go all right he's turning the crank Now by hand and it's actually it pretty tight no a tight onehanded onehanded look at him go this kind of kind of got me worried I thought this was a good tight engine but that marble all must worked better cuz it wasn't spinning this good the other day by hanging took two hands turn that thing yeah uh-oh oh marble mystal now you done got it slipping you want me to go get uh turn but that should be turned them all at least one time ain't oh yeah you going to let it sit there when we work on the cider before we turn it over with the battery um let it sit in there a little longer yeah we'll let it sit in there a little bit longer and U so we're going to take that off put my carburetor on I say let's pour a little gas in it sniff your fire all right the old man wants to uh use this carburetor which comes on it to see if we can make uh make it fire with this the butterflies aren't opening everything stuck on it but I've got a auto light top one does but the bottom one don't yeah the choke does the bottom doesn't uh so what we'll do is uh in just a few minutes uh we're probably going to uh get the battery hook it up uh kind of let it run all this stuff out spit it all out and then we'll put the car spark plugs sparc lators as Derek says at vice grip garage uh we'll put spark plug spark plug wires get them all hooked back up and then we'll see if she has any fire any spark she's got any Thunder left in her all right here's the old man with the with the battery um oh that's a big old battery a't it yeah that's a battery move the wire ran a little bit yep can't ride with it like that but we'll see we ain't ready to crank it yet are we or ready to turn it over are we no well yeah we actually are I mean go ahead that's up to you all right so now we're going to um this is not even cleaning them and it turned over last time yep we turned it over uh just the other day just by hitting it but uh I'm going to well I'll just stand right here you going to do it from in there yeah all right y'all hold on before you do it he's going to hit it and let's see what all it spits [Music] out I mean it looks like a murder has taken place wiers room he he saw all them leaves in here this thing's got a m yeah that old car was ready to go it's like hey we need to clean I can't see nothing I'm going clean the windshield off all right do it one more look at them windshield wipers oh windshield wiper motor still works all right cut it out man it look like somebody done committed a murder up here look at all that that Marvel Mr O is all over the F she's going to smoke like a SI daddy oh well I said that in the last time smoke like a Sith I don't think sifs smoke maybe they do uh all right y'all we're going to now put all the spark plugs back in it uh we've kind of got everything lubed up it's turning over doesn't seem to be turning over fast um does it does it yeah it seems like battery a little weak but it did turn over but turned over I don't know if it was tur it over fast enough uh maybe we'll have to uh get another battery um or hopefully the SP uh the U hopefully the starter is not dragging but it didn't seem like it was dragging I just think the battery is weak so maybe the old man got an old battery or need needed to charge the battery and didn't do it but uh did it from last time so it's been sitting there a week over a week oh my goodness cold weather cold weather and you ain't you ain't do that nope all right y'all we're putting spark plugs in didn't know you the wipers went to working that button huh did you know farest gumps password uhuh one farest one oh look how white them are I don't see no fire do you you got the ignition on yeah the ignition's on hey did you hear what the uh fisherman that was a magician he pulled out a you know a deck and he turned over to the his first maid and he said pick a cod pick a Cod all right I'm sorry Dad joke there you know what one ocean says to another ocean when they meet I'm waiting at you oh he got it nothing a never heard it before but I know the wave wave they don't say anything they just wave Remember Mama was rolling on the thing she was them waves was taking her in I hope she don't watch this video cuz she gets mad yep about 6 Ines of water and she was dying rolling rolling in that stuff rolling in and out she got B me cuz I was laughing so hard all right he's sanding his points um actually they don't look like they're touching now well it's sitting on top of it is it on top yeah it should you go over here hit the other side and let me look hit hit the point over there you got the ignition on nope go turn the ignition on we're going to check and see if we get in fire all right ain't got no battery right now what's that you got dog on fan on inside that's your fan motors blowing well you know the battery's hooked up all right see if it's firing no hit it over there just roll it over yes got fire it's firing at the points points are firing I saw it I saw it I saw it turn my off all right don't run your battery down come on point a button get on there huh is that off nope still still on all right you got it that time all right come get your top back on it's hard to do one-handed you don't put the Rotary on buttons on yep the rotary Bolton is on turn it did you there go they're fitting in there there all right so all right what's the plan daddy I'm going to just see if we get any gas at all through the bottom of this thing all right so he's squirting a little bit of gas hopefully a little bit of gas and uh we're you got the ignition on yeah the ignition's on let me make sure I'll check it all right y let's see if the ignition's on on side ignition is on all right hold on all right he's going to hit it with the old Master Lock master key and let's see if she'll fire can I tell y'all we ain't got enough battery I don't know if we got enough batteries don't make fire we ain't got enough gas in this thing either I'm going to cheat he just p it on down in there I don't know if it's turning it over fast enough seem like it I think you got old weak battery all right you want to check fire yeah take spark plug hold on I got a I got a spark aater all right we're going to check fire to the spark plugs many of you have uh been watching some of our videos and you know that I had a coil explosion on my hand and I think my teeth are still chattering because of it so I've got this handy dandy uh all this will do is go in line between your spark plug and your points and your spark plug wire and if it's Fir and the light will come on so uh so we're going to plug it up to one side old fashioned way is put a screwdriver in there yeah and have your son hold it that's exactly right all right hold on all right y'all do you see it see if it's fires oh I seen a light I seen a light ah it's a dim light but it is a light I don't think we got enough battery all right y'all here is the old intake I think the size carburetor that I have is what was originally on it these Yellow Jackets but uh she's stuck try to move her she's stuck all right all right she's she's stuck on there good we're going to try to get this gasket off cuz like crazy I got 784 of them at the house and I forgot to bring them that's the carburetor we want to put on it when no gasket this is the one going on it all right all right we got the top of the carburetor off little bit of uh dirt down in there but not bad so let's fill this baby up good job good job good job got her some fire power in there now she going to squeeze out the side when I put the float in it but uh that'll be good body we had time uh to wait my daddy's battery charged so we went to town got an ignition coal got spark plug wires got points and condenser don't know if we're going to put those on and got a spark plug so we got all that to put on now uh so we're going to get it done and it's pretty simple so we're just going to get all that put on and as we get it put on go get the battery hopefully she'll fire right up all right everybody now has new spark plugs has new spark plug wires has a new coil I've got points and condenser we haven't put it on got gas in the carburetor I need a lightning maker over there with a battery and we've had it charging and uh hopefully when we get back she's going to fire up so uh fingers fingers are crossed and uh what you think old man was she run she ought to she's ever going to run she's ever going to run he said got a right y'all we went to Mom and Daddy's and Daddy got us both of cold Coca-Cola and got a charged up battery so we're going to put the battery in it and as we get the battery in it we're going to be able to turn the key hopefully when we turn the key that old girl is going to fire right off she's got new coal new spark plugs new spark plug wires only thing left ignition wise would be uh we know it was getting sparked so hopefully the points and all is good the starter uh may be dragging a little bit cuz it seemed like it was turning low you don't have the I ain't got hook up I just make sure switch was on be ready so we're wondering if maybe uh maybe the starter's dragging where hopefully it was just a weak battery um it's got a brand new Cate on it spray a little extra spray a little extra in it then you ready yeah ready to try it turn that baby over oh it ain't doing nothing a turning no faster I think we got a what is that compression you hear the compression hitting yeah sounds like the muffler over here the exhaust is leaking I don't think she's turning over fast enough to fire well next thing do is take this go back into the points and see Qui [Music] is a starter all right y'all we're going to test the if I can hold starter okay the ground this is got to go all right let's see if that old hide will spin we know it'll spin but would it spin fast enough gra that thing old man it ain't kicking in is it don't seem like it twist it twist it's getting hot oh we this ground getting hot that starter's bad starter's bad look at that it done burnt that off man burnt my new ones up them things are good too we had an opportunity to uh watch I had the opportunity to watch the old man work he said uh I couldn't tell him that I did it all today so he did put the St starter on uh so now uh we're going to get everything hooked back up what what's that go to this is a starter hot wire okay yeah so he doesn't have the starter hooked up yet he's going to put the uh hot wire to the starter uh I'm going to turn the ignition on and we're going to crank her up here in just a minute so uh we'll be back after he gets that wire on clean it off ain't back yet I don't know if you can see it can y'all see that old man's breathing hard that's what happens when he leans over her car for too long yeah may have to have Mama rub my back tonight I'm glad you said Mama yeah I'm glad you said back too yeah both all right everybody she is tight so uh let me put the throttle back on we don't think it has any gas left in the carburetor we probably have already run that out um so we're going to hit it a few times and Bo we switch may not be on hold on hold on can you see got the switch off I'm going to check the switch before you hit it switch on switch is on all right everybody hold on before we do it will she crank she has new wires new spark plug new coal we got new points and condensers right over here not on the car has a new starter is a battery what's dragging it or was it the starter dragging it $60 we took a Gamble and took a guess um so we're going to fire her up right now I don't have uh ready you got it you got it let's go oh yeah oh yeah turn over now what in the world you doing I'm nervous you made me work too hard wo we are [Music] [Applause] here look get it goo fire [Music] the did run out of gas run out of gas now good Lord what's it for the donuts [Laughter] gone oh it ain't just a donut what in the world all that all that on the side spray stuff I put on there burning my goodness that's that WD40 and that 200 ready to go y'all y'all see that that Rascal first time it is run and we ran it over when it turned it over fast enough that booger bear run um but we're going to I'm going to fill it back up with some more more gas and we're going to see if we can get it to tune up a little bit and I don't know about tuning up it's running so loud it seems like I've got the idle screw uh the idle screw ain't right I know it's uh I I know the throttle's running really hot on it so we got to pull the throttle back we're going to see us you idle a little bit so we'll be back in just a second all right y'all we're back we've got everything hooked up and ready to go I got gas back in the carburetor uh but my old man told me old sentimental story about a 60 6 Ford Mustang what was your sentimental story oh Lordy uh that was the very first car I bought I bought one for $600 it was green had a black vinyl top bucket seats three-speed in the floor no console that's when me and my wife started dating very first date very first car I bought his wife my mama yeah so uh the other day I mentioned it to her and she said is that the same car we used to go to the drivein in the very first car I said yep that was it and you had to set in the on the hump between the seats and I made you a little box with a cushion on it for her to get close to me but uh she mentioned it when he told me that on the way to get the starter he got emotional and I about started crying so we going to crank this up before we really get to going uh you want to get in it and turn the key and see crank foot feed now yeah well hold on now I'm going to be justing a little bit on the on the carburetor H starter up all right y'all so we're going to turn this on hold on before you do it let me get in oh big rubber boot all right now watch out for them uh watch out for them I ain't W that wall you want it no you want to take a look at it oh we already have oh yeah bring it over here let's see it that window now you watch out for that window that window cut your arm yeah there a big one he' probably been there a while I'm glad he's old all right all right y'all where he's going to fire it up let's see what it'll do go ahead [Music] I turned it off all right of course she has absolutely zero water in her we just get so foot loose and fancy free we forget all this stuff cuz we just all we doing is trying to run it all right y'all we're uh we're going to close it out right now we have finished we've got it running we've got the engine running we've got to get water or coolant in the engine we got a daddy took the bottom radiator hose off so the motor is completely drained we probably have run it too much already uh we want to do that next time we'll be uh getting the wheels unstuck probably we'll be cutting down trees to see if we can get this old girl moving again and uh that'll probably be the next episode that you'll see with the Mustang now remember we've still got the 65 Galaxy and way there on the other side over there I don't know if you can see it but it's a Willis Jeep it's green Blends in so it's green and blending in what the old man said so we're going to get that going uh as well so that'll be on the channel uh but next time we'll be getting this old girl moving again hopefully getting her moving again because we know uh right now I think the old motor's good I think the motor is ready I think the old motor is ready to go but we love yall we appreciate you watching we thank you so very much for hanging out with us I want to petition you right now if you're not subbed to the Channel please do so I think 87 and a half% of people that watch the videos are not subbed if you like this content and want to see more of it sub there's going to be more content just like this on this channel and as always we thank you we know no way of closing out any of these videos and saying Deuces may God bless [Music] [Music]
Channel: RevStoration
Views: 197,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, ford, Mustang, 1966 Mustang, junkyard, start, in, years, fe, woods, revival, roadkill, road, kill, motortrend, First Start in Years, Will it Crank, Will the Car Run, 1966 Ford Mustang, RevStoration, Car Revival, Car Restoration, Father & Son, Water in Oil, Family Car Graveyard, Car in Trees, Left to Roit, Junk to Jewel, Check the Oil, Rev, Rev it Up, First Start, Will it Start, Stuck Carburetor, Smoke the Tires, Amazing Revival, The Old Man, Father Son, 200 straight six
Id: NoDnW7NqgwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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