First Solo Wild Camp (plus kit talk-through) - SNOWDONIA

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i'm heading off on an adventure to snowdonia for the weekend and i'm doing my very first solo wild camp which i'm equally excited and petrified for i can't tell you why i'm doing it because i know that it is going to terrify me to my absolute core sleeping by myself at the top of a mountain in a tent but it's just something i want to experience it's something i want to tick off life doesn't happen in your comfort zone and all that so i do want to push myself to do something that is definitely very out of my comfort zone i'm always happy with doing solo stuff solo hike solo adventures star no travels um and i'm happy staying over in hotels and hostels and stuff by myself but there's definitely a sense of vulnerability that comes with um sleeping in a tent in the middle of the wilderness so it's gonna be an experience for sure i'm really i'm really excited and it's gonna be a physical challenge too because i'm gonna have to lug this thing up a mountain and i struggle enough with my day pack so that's gonna be interesting i think it weighs about nine kilograms which isn't too bad to be fair so yeah i'm looking forward to it and i thought i would take you along for the adventure so i hope you enjoy it so i've just got to ogwen cottage in oakland valley and just putting some comfier shoes on and sorting my bag out before setting off and thankfully it's not cold at all and it's dry so i'm happy tv at all i think that is it i've decided to do my wild camp upon ugan which is just up there behind me it's one of my favorite mountains in snowdonia i think it's really underrated the views are just incredible and actually did my first ever group wild camp up there so it'll be nice to know the spot well just gotta get myself in this bag up there [Music] i think i'm about a third of the way up still got quite a way to go as in the entire mountain just taking it steady this is the nice thing about doing things solo is that you haven't got to keep pace with anybody you can just go at your own pace stop as many times as you want and get there eventually so i found the spot that i had in mind um which is here behind me but it's very very boggy not boggy just uh squelchy i'm not entirely sure if this is the best spot so now i'm just going to try and find some alternatives i really want this view i think i found my spot that little bit there let's go see so i'm gonna camp here with that incredible view i'm sure i'm probably choosing bad ground camp on i'm a complete novice but you live and learn so i will see how it goes but yeah i'm gonna pitch up here and hopefully in the morning have a beautiful sunrise over there so i've got my tent set up uh it's definitely quite lumpy ground but i'm gonna make do because it's a really nice little secluded spot and i've got an amazing view for the morning so i'm gonna deal with the lumpiness but while i unpack i figured i might talk you through my kit and show you what i've brought with me so first of all the tent um it's a nemo equipment hornet two-man tent it packs down into this tiny bag the weight is just incredible and it's just so easy to put up um so that's the tent i then have my sleeping mat which is the thermarest neoair x light it is one that you inflate yourself but it's really comfortable and yeah it's definitely one that i would recommend i then have a pillow this is a van gogh pillow i just got it from go outdoors but again really light really tiny just blow it up super quickly and you got a pillow uh my mini gas stove so this is actually from alp kit i screw my gas canister onto here and then i put my stove on the top water in there it's got a stand and you can cook so that's my little stove i then have food so this is one of the fire pot hydrated meals it's beef stew with pearl barley really light and they do loads and loads of different options so that's my food and then finally my sleeping bag so this is the rab ascent 700 again packs down quite small it's super cozy i think it goes down to minus five degrees or it could be minus seven but yeah it's it's super super cozy so i love it it's the best thing i've ever bought so that's pretty much everything my bag itself is the osprey kite 66 liter so it's quite big but it's really handy to be able to fit everything in it that you need um and this is also going to do me for some long distance hikes later this year as well so very good bag and it was actually really comfortable to wear and this is the first time i've carried it up a mountain with kit in it so it was actually really comfortable um so yeah that's on my kit i would recommend it all that's all i gotta say i actually remembered i had one of these mini pasta pots in my bag um and i'm not as hungry so i've gone for this instead of the hydrated meal i'm gonna save that for another time but i've got some country music playing i've got my food i've got wine and this view and i might just be the happiest person in snowdonia right now i don't ever want to come down i'm gonna eat my dinner drink my wine and just smile for the next two hours until it gets dark and then i'll get in my tent i've decided to head up a little bit higher to see if i can catch any of the sunset because it looks like it could be quite nice see look at those uh the light on the mountains i'm gonna go find it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so it's quarter past 10 and i am cozied up in my tent major error in that i have pitched on an in complete slant i thought it was flat by looking at the ground but i'm sliding off my sleeping mat already so tonight's gonna be fun i don't wanna get out and re-pitch so i'm just gonna deal with it and see how i get on but i'm warm and i'm happy and i expected to feel a lot less safe than i do i expected to feel pretty scared being at the top of a mountain by myself in a tent but i don't i just feel quite peaceful and happy and yeah i don't feel like i'm in danger or anything so that's quite a nice feeling i have my kindle i'm just gonna read and get to sleep and um i'm gonna get up at 5am because i'm hoping for a really nice sunrise it's meant to be nice so fingers crossed so i'll see you in the morning hello well i'm just heading down from my first ever solar wild camp i was sliding a lot in my sleep because i pitched on a slant but that's the lesson learned for next time but i just had the best weather i had it was there was absolutely no wind it was dry it was warm i woke up at 5am and saw the most incredible sunrise and had a hot chocolate and it was amazing so just making my way down and i can't wait to do it again so thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed it if you have any comments or tips or anything please leave them in the comment section and yeah looking forward to the next adventure
Channel: Graces Adventures
Views: 268,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowdonia, wild camp, wild camping, first wild camp, first solo wild camp, solo wild camp, solo camping, solo adventures, solo mountains, mountains, ogwen valley, uk wild camp, uk wild camping, wild camping tips, hiking girls, y garn, osprey packs, adventures, uk adventures, wild adventures
Id: yhIReUoYE70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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