First Solo Trip On My Trawler

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] alrighty it's sunday january 30th i'm in palm beach adam left four days ago i think and i've just been hanging out in the dock and doing random stuff fixing on the fixing the boat working on the boat i'm headed up to palm bay to see my parents so this will be my first multi-day solo trip on the boat got it all set up and yeah i'm gonna come back to palm beach in probably two weeks and then i'll head back down to miami but for now i'm gonna head out of here and i'm pretty excited to see what the uh the icw has to offer so we'll uh we'll get going on here and i'll i'll stay posted well we just pulled off the dock i guess when i say we i mean me in the boat but still wait so uh we're leaving west palm beach and headed to palm bay i think i'm gonna spend the night tonight in jupiter that's the plan at least and we'll go from there it's actually pretty cool today it is not florida warm i really liked palm beach and they'll definitely come back here made a bunch of friends over here too so this is uh just a temporary goodbye to south florida but i will be back to south florida so i'm in the center of the channel it's 11 feet deep right here there's that sailboat right there they have a sail full of wind and they are just planted so i am guessing they got stuck in that section that says three feet right there and they're a ground as hell and that's why they got the sea boat there but the wind's blowing today so they got a lot of wind in their sail wow their mast is like tweaking too holy crap yeah they are a ground we've been going for about half the day now and uh it's uh 4 30 right now i'm in jupiter florida right now and i'd like to try and see if i can get into this spot called the jupiter narrows now it's it's a shallow shallow area but once you get in there you're in deeper water so i read all the active captain reviews and everyone said no no no you can't get in there but we're gonna try it we're gonna go slow it's a muddy bottom we don't draft that much i'm gonna see if i can squeeze in there if i can it might be one of the coolest places that i've ever anchored so but yeah jupiter is nice first day solo on the boat it's not bad i mean i'm just cruising it's uh it's fun it's chill listening to music and yeah good time wow look at that guy's got his house and his frickin boat is bigger than his house wow nimbus oh it's the type of cloud i think nimbus cloud speaking of clouds there ain't no clouds out today but it's kind of freaking chilly for florida all righty we're pulling up to the narrows the north jupiter narrows here if i can't make it in i'll go anchor over there [Music] all right yeah we're not getting in there um yeah i just saw it one foot on the depth finder and i can see the sand getting stirred up so yeah we are uh we're not going in there so we'll uh probably just go back to that little nice little anchorage right back over there and that'll uh that'll do us i couldn't get into the north jupiter narrows so i came right back over here to this anchorage and it's a bunch of boats here it's pretty cool i'm going to make some food work on some videos and then go to bed and wake up tomorrow and probably go for vero beach [Music] all right it's my first solo morning outed anchor wicked excited making some breakfast we're gonna get a spinach omelet going so i'm over here in jupiter florida anchored in this really cool anchorage right on the other side of those trees is the ocean i might take the dinghy over there to check it out not quite sure yet gonna cook some breakfast gonna see what's going on hoping to make it to vero beach today um i bought all the stuff to start sanding all the wood and all the teak down so i can redo the teak and make this thing look decent the floor is the floor itself is in good shape but all the clear coat is gone so the floor is it's clean and solid but man it is just beat probably hasn't been clear coated since the 80s so i'm gonna sand the whole floor down i'm gonna make this floor look brand new again hopefully i am not a carpenter but i can learn we're just gonna send it yesterday was my first day from west palm made it to jupiter didn't leave till like 1pm yesterday another late morning today i slept in it was just too nice to not sleep in this anchorage is good and uh some of you may wonder well what if the boat starts drifting away off of its anchor while you're sleeping well i use two things my chart plotter has a built-in anchor alarm so i set that if you drift outside of that um if you drift outside of that green circle right there then it'll start beeping like crazy i also have an anchor alarm set on my phone it's a wonderful app called anchor basically you do the same thing here and if you drift out in that circle it starts beeping like crazy too except that's right next to my ear in the room if that thing starts beeping then you get your ass out of bed immediately and you evaluate the situation as you can see we did not do a whole lot of moving at all the anchor that i have on this boat is i actually just bought it in hollywood i had a 35 pound cqr anchor which is a great anchor but it does not work too well in the uh in the sand and i bought a 44 pound bruce you can't ever have an anchor that's too big and my windlass is pretty strong so it can lift it no problem um you drop that bruce anchor in whatever the hell you drop it in and it you're just i mean you're planted makes for the perfect omelet every time very little stick in the pan easy to clean bam ready to go good nutritious breakfast let's eat let's get out of here all righty made some breakfast did the dishes and now got dressed and i want to go over to see what it's like over there on that apparently there's like a hundred foot walk and then the beach is on the other side i heard the waves crashing all night so you know i'm like all right should i get out of here or should i go check out the beach well truth is i ain't in a rush and you miss every opportunity you don't take so we're going to look at the beach alrighty we're off to the beach it should be a pretty short dingy ride right over there this is our anchorage so that's the anchorage apparently i'm not the only one that had this idea and it looks like there's a trail right here oh wow it's legit permitted photography oh you can fish off the beach too swimming hiking prohibited pets release taking any animals plants aircraft to clean drones runs are prohibited no nudity all right let's go check it out wow well that's a private beach if i've ever seen one that is too cool looks like some nice surfing swells here holy crap wow look at the size of those waves this is cool nice place to surf all right we're back on the boat time to get this thing rolling [Music] all right so we just i just pulled the anchor up and uh i'm headed north to vero beach and then ultimately palm bay where i'll visit my parents and then i'll spin around and head back down south again this is my first solo trip and so far so good knock on wood all is great great great great just cruising down the intracoastal and i got some friends that decided to join well we just came through fort pierce uh i'm headed to vero beach so yeah alrighty lunch time on the icw making some lunch today it's uh chili we're gonna make nachos a little splurge add some canned chili the can i just uh i'm just pulling up to vero beach now and uh i've been inside driving all day chilling it's actually not a bad ride at all and uh yeah so we're gonna go anchor in this little creek up here and um all is good should be a nice little spot [Music] so i just got to this cool little anchorage in vero beach and this will make for a decent day tomorrow i think uh 30 or so miles to palm bay from here just to give you an idea of the cruise today the salt and pepper didn't even slide off the table and i mean they slide easy so yeah almost but it didn't fall off well i just woke up in in vero beach and i'm making some oatmeal gonna get ready for my last stretch to palm bay and it is just wonderful out here the weather's getting warm again it's been chilly the last couple days but now it's at least 70 right now and i'm just tucked away in this little cove it was so calm last night came in through there it's pretty cool so i'm gonna eat breakfast and get ready to go let the motors warm up and we'll be on our way i just got to palm bay i'm anchored out in this really nice spot um really close to my parents house so it should be pretty cool we'll uh see what's going on my gopro camera footage got corrupted again so i'm going to try and figure that one out right now today is thursday february 3rd and i am here in palm harbor palm bay florida i'm going to change my anchor set up real soon to a full chain road with a bridle that goes to each cleat and connects to the chain but my whole anchor system is right now is just not ideal so i went with my dad yesterday to home depot and whatnot and i'm gonna start doing all the bright work on the boat because it's uh not looking too good all the woodwork is smoked so started sanding and you know i got the door i'm gonna sand the door and but my main project for today is the floors [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: InTooDeep
Views: 89,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Albin, hatteras, yacht, trawler, boating, cruise, icw, intracoastal, waterway
Id: PWlUmkksLMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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