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hey guys what's up my name is renee if you're new thank you so much for stopping by this channel i am 18 weeks pregnant i will be 19 weeks pregnant in two days and i thought i would do a video like a little sit down with you guys to just explain some of those signs that i saw before i found out i was pregnant and just little like weird coincidences i have them all written down and i thought they would be fun to kind of just go through as like i don't know if you're having the same symptoms or signs or you think you're pregnant i thought it would be a fun video it's an interesting video first things first i thought i was gonna get my period feeling like very crampy like i felt like i was about to get like a major period like you know those symptoms that you're just like oh god this is not gonna be a fun one that's what i felt a weird random symptom that i had was my rings so i have the kind of like sensitive skin that if i wear fake jewelry my fingers will turn green but my fingers underneath my real rings were starting to turn black or my rings getting old like what's happening that was a really really weird symptom i think it has something to do with your iron i was sleeping non-stop so i before i was pregnant was drinking decaf for pretty much the whole year occasionally i would have a caffeinated drink like a matcha or something i was drinking like three eyes coffees a day i was sleeping a lot i was starting to fall asleep around like seven and taking naps throughout the day and i just could not catch not only energy but motivation like i was just so tired like you know when you go to like a park at the end of the day like a giant amusement park disney or something and at the end of the day you're just like exhausted that's what i felt like my boobs were hurting specifically my nipples were like really hurting it was just so sore like to the point where i couldn't even have like a loose piece of clothing just touching them like it was i was in so much pain i before i was pregnant would go to the gym five times a week i was on my grind and i noticed when i started going to the gym that i was so out of breath i didn't really want to go to the gym which was so unlike me and every time i did go to the gym my like stamina my performance were just like not it i had the most odd cravings i remember talking to my friend like just sitting there chowing down on plain greek yogurt like just eating it like it was ice cream i was going through like a pint a day like why am i craving this now that i go back and i think about it i probably was craving either the protein or the calcium which meant i was probably most likely deficient in it and my body was just wanting that i had this moment where i woke up in the middle of the night it felt feverish but i felt like i was gonna faint like i was really cold and shivery so i got up to turn the ac down and i was like blacking out as i was coming back to my bed and i remember like jumping on my bed thinking oh my god like do i have kobe do i have the flu what's going on and then i woke up fine my sense of smell was weird so i would walk downstairs to go um just like walk around and we have a lot of dogs in the area and i just kept remembering thinking i stepped in something and was like i would look all the time on my feet and i'm like what did i step on why do i smell that and then cologne like when a man would come in with like cheap cologne or i had a moment where i was in the gym i was on a treadmill and this guy walked by and he had i swears like axe or some sort of one like a really strong scented one and i was on the treadmill and he came over and i was like oh my god i must throw up and i had to literally to get off the treadmill and i got mad at him for the fact that he sat next to me like i was kind of moody i honestly haven't been too moody but that was the one time i'm like what is it to wear this clown we're we're at the gym we're sweating yeah my sense of smell was just way different and then this is another really weird one but like honestly now that i think about it from the time i conceived for about six weeks from that i had my eye like twitching all the time and i'm like i must be so tired because my eyes twitching i don't know if that's a sign or not i think i had googled it at the time and i'm pretty sure that was some sort of like something to do with pregnancy but i was like oh that's why my eye is touching like it was just all day twitching so those are just some like weird things and then in terms of like random coincidences or signs from the universe that i felt like i was picking up on and at the time i just didn't know what what it all meant if you're into this kind of stuff again from the time i kind of conceived i just remember seeing blue jays everywhere they were everywhere i was seeing like two or three a day and i'm like i'm on the right path something's good is happening and i really do kind of hone in on certain signs like that if i like see repetition in what i'm seeing throughout the day and i just remember seeing lots of blue jays and then when i found out i was pregnant it just stopped my boyfriend um had an intuition so he and i were taking precautions he had randomly texted me one day hey i think you should take a pregnancy test i was like that's weird why but i did and it was negative actually and i was like what made you want to ask that he was like i was in the an uber last night and he was telling me that his wife was pregnant with twins some signs that she was having was she was taking naps and he's like i noticed that you took two naps the other day and like renee you don't take naps and i was like it was a power nap how did i know i was pregnant i was making random jokes when i was pregnant now that i go back and think about it i remember like two days before i found out i was making a joke about nesting because i was going crazy in the house and at the time my friend chase was living with me and i was like oh my god i feel like i'm nesting like i was going crazy and i just made that random comment i had made some sort of pregnancy joke the night before i don't know why i said it but i just like made it right like it was the night before i found out xander was showing me he knew i wanted to buy a house in the future and he was showing me his building that he lived in and sent me an email um and it was a two-bedroom apartment in the condo that we're actually living in right now and i remember thinking like what is he trying to ask me to move in like what's going on i remember asking him and he's like oh i thought that was like a house to buy i thought they were selling the condos so i sent it to you because i thought that you would want to buy a condo you've been talking about buying a condo and i was like oh no it says to buy something out like the wording sounded like it was to buy but it wasn't and he sent me like a two bedroom the two bedroom that we're in now we made a joke when we were with bonnie chase's little girl we were like walking down he's like oh look we're like mom and dad little did we know on mother's day which i was actually pregnant i just didn't know we were going through old pictures and i saw a picture of my dad holding me and then my mom had said oh my god can you imagine because xander's so big he's like six foot six he's like can you imagine if xander ever had a kid his hands are huge he would just hold his little angel in his hand and at the time i was like literally pregnant i had no idea but i was like little do we know in nine months he will be baby like that again i think two or three days before i found out chase was i think it's because it was around mother's day chase was showing me his kids being born and how his wife's experience and was showing me pictures and i was like freaking out and we were all walking me my mom and chase and he was showing me that day and what it meant to him and i remember thinking i could never do that like that's so scary seeing all the blood and like everything and again i was pregnant and i didn't know there have been a lot of random symbolism throughout my pregnancy with the moon in particular i think so the day that xander and i met we had taken a picture and there was this beautiful moon on the bridge it was actually my dad's birthday and then the day that we found out i saw a beautiful rainbow i was in shock because it was a surprise and i remember thinking like can i do this is this the right thing i remember thinking about my dad a lot the baby's life and is it going to be good and i just like was going through all the things you know and i saw this rainbow when i was working i just felt the energy of like god and my dad and the universe kind of just showing me and explaining to me that it's going to be okay like i think the rainbow and the bible means i'm with you have faith and it's such a like peace of mind to see a rainbow for me like i just felt this overwhelming sense of energy and then there was another like special day um it was a i think it was like my first ultrasound or something it was like some sort of monumental day xander was walking over the bridge that we had met on and he saw like an actual rainbow from the beginning to the end like the i the pictures don't even do it justice it was the most insane rainbow ever and that was on such a like monumental day and then also the day that we found out was the red moon which resembles a lot we remember like reading through what the symbolism of the red moon is and it was just it was so on par and it was just so nuts yeah those are some of the signs and like little coincidences that i had not to say that everyone has these or if you have these you're pregnant or anything like that but that's just looking back now if i see like my fingers turning like black from my rings i'm like i'm pregnant if i feel faint randomly like i probably would know i feel like those are just i don't know if you have been pregnant before or you think you're pregnant like what are the signs you're having what like random really weird unique symptoms that you have before you found out i'm i'm so curious pretty sure i had some that i just i to this day probably don't remember or i don't correlate to the pregnancy that definitely probably was the pregnancy once i found out i started logging all my symptoms but it was really hard to kind of remember and think back oh my god that was probably the pregnancy so yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this video that would be fun if you did give it a thumbs up i love you guys so much and i will see you very soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Renee Amberg
Views: 12,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g0WJaBKN1Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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