First Player Cut on Hard Knocks, Shannon Sharpe Pranked & More! | 2001 Ravens Episode 2 | NFL Vault

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Cool find. I remember watching this as a teenager and thinking that Tony Siragusa was a real piece of work.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JMcMillan89 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched all 5 episode the other night. JD is like 24 years old in this show. Its his job to make the cuts, hes essentially the angel of death walking around. amazing to see how far hes come.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ranch_dressing_hose πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who is that big hoss in the thumb nail

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Durzzzz95 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did you see those lvl 10 calf muscles on our GodMonarchJoeDouglasΒ©?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SmoteySmote πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is a dude who worked his way up from the very bottom, doing the worst job in the org. Love to see that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/snark_manchez πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Brian Bullock seems like a generally good dude who cares about his players

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/retspih πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
you [Music] the first 10 days of camp are a true camp mode there the dog days of - it is the light at the end of the tunnel is a long way off because all they see is the drudgery of practice the key is to keep a schedule tight when they're working they're working and when they're off they can rest that you want to put things in there that that are superfluous or don't really accomplish anything you get them up early for them the horn goes off at 6:30 they don't necessarily have to get up at 6:30 but they've got things that have to happen they've got to eat breakfast they've got to check-in at breakfast we don't want them foregoing meals for instance so we check them through breakfast the rookies have to get going a little earlier because they've got to get taped because practice is gonna start at 8:45 and the veterans are gonna waltz in there anywhere from 8:15 to 8:30 when they want to get up on that table they're gonna get up on that table come rookie or hell or high water there's those big kicking cannonballs that guy right there this is like the ultimate feet 12 years living them no bunions internet corns usually the morning practices are most arduous it's the most physical it's padded we make them push through a lot of things they're gonna be done about 11 o'clock they then have a little bit of time they need time for rehab some of them will get into the weight room some will get into the tub someone going to get some treatment or therapy they'll then get some lunch and then they're gonna get some valuable nap time you hope to block it out so they can get a good hour hour and a half now 2:45 they will then have another meeting that primarily is just looking at the film from the morning practice so you can follow up with that as freshly as you can okay so make sure we're talking and communicate with each other the other thing is this in every play that we've got yes there is there is a place to go with the ball to win and then we're back on the field it to four o'clock much lighter practice it's in shorts very up-tempo obviously not as physical in practice and then they're gonna be off the field dinner's at 6:00 special teams at 7:00 team meeting where you follow up with your offensive defensive meetings by 7:45 so those 10 days we're gonna be very very important and they understand that and they'll be able to look at that as a benchmark that boy just get me to that 10 date there have been a number of heat-related deaths this past week or so in the middle portion of the country and one has now hit the Minnesota Vikings family 27 year old Korey stringer the team's outstanding right tackle passed away early Wednesday morning complications of heatstroke suffered on the practice field it's been very tough on our football team the reason we're here is to let the public know how much we love and care about Korey stringer and what he's meant to us and whether he was involved in the game of football or in the community he's a guy that we could always count on I don't even know how and when I'm gonna get over this and we know Korey stringer number 77 it's gonna be missed running through the tunnel gameday having his number called after the game seeing his wife and son in the lounge [Music] it definitely affected me I went out and I couldn't even focus for practice and you know I tried to hold it together where I wasn't crying and I cried anyway in the locker room and Brian of course know I'm and even Qadri know him I was going to get weighed in and Corey Harris came up to me and he you know he told me he said did you hear about Korey stringer you know I don't know it just you know threw me off it just really threw me off that uh he died you know there's a lot of things I want to talk about right now you know business-wise but it's kind of tough most you aware we had some we had a tragedy in the family and I'm talking about the NFL family Korey stringer passed away we got a couple guys here obviously worked with Korey or it was truly one of God's gentle people for fans big as he was and he loved life he was a hell of a guy and it just you know it really makes it of all the things we try to get across here it's living each day to its fullest there's a lot of things gonna pull pull your weight and you never know what's gonna happen but it underlined something now when we talk about taking care of yourself and being hydrated you need to make sure you've got the fluids we bill stands up there and tells you what you need to do in terms of the water or the combination of electrolytes and the Gatorade what you're eating over there trainers and doctors look at that stuff and they're constantly monitored we don't do things arbitrarily we got the best people in the business we got to pay attention to it but I want to tragedy like this hits it's tough on everybody and it makes you very aware I'm gonna have rod come in and let's just take a knee and let's close that with a prayer for Corey and his family rod can lay something on us here and give some thought to what's going on here father we come to you thanking you that you are the love of our souls that you care for us you have even protected us through this training camp thus far my father we just want to say thank you for that while we lift up Corey's wife and kids and their family God we ask that you would give them your peace that you would protect them surround them with people who will love them and care for them and then would help us to do as a psalm ascend to number our days are right that we might gain a heart of wisdom well we'll do something organization if you're interested some personally go through Kevin Kevin we'll find out what that what the family's wishes are okay all right guys be on time it may be where you're supposed to be now any one of us could've been Corey's fate if you've ever had anybody a friend or a loved one died there's a this emptiness that comes over you there's a loss of words so the Bible describes it as a state the sting of death football is a small part in life I'm a dad and a father and a husband more than a football player life is stressful it's not that it's not stressful it's not that we won't have a tendency to get stressed out the question becomes how do we handle stress how do you handle stress in your marriage how do you handle the stress of trying to make a team when you know that you may not get the fair shake guys that have been Christians for a certain amount of time are able to share their experiences with the young guys about being nervous about you know learn how to handle your nervousness in front of crowds and cameras and people following you and you know the coach looking right at you wants to see performs you need that spiritual fluid to help you get through this because this stuff is it's the real deal Jenkins to just just point them to steps and throw just let them go y'all catch it about 20 25 yards down the field I mean these first couple practices I'll just have just some beginning before I can really get going as heaven just thinking too much just relax and play I can't relax and play it's gone that's right you got to relax nervous for some reason I just got a little jitters when I first get out there I ain't gonna lie and gonna lie just things that I would be able to do my eyes closed stuff I'm having a little show we're doing out here it's crazy because I've never had this problem in college not once for this it's a different world it's the NFL now these guys move real fast up here real fast nobody moves like that defense moves I gotta get down Oh Jay I never did stuff like I had I here for some reason I don't know what it is but gotta shake it though fast I think he's just scared to death I can't pull a trigger cuz every once in a while at least expected he fires a nice hard ball but I think I have a up side that might just give me that edge but saying that you know you can do it and actually doing it is two different things I think he believes I can do it but he wants to see it on a consistent basis quarterbacking is about consistency when you got a guy like Elvis that gets up there the car gonna miss and then you got to follow that you know it's a hard test and Randall tries to give me a look little hints okay what if he's pressed pretty free shirts and working with I just want to be a sponge I'm gonna suck up everything that I can from all these guys and hopefully it'll work out to where I can be part of this team I think each day I'm getting more ready ready to get that chance just to see how I react to it they want to see the development they want to see you get better each time they want to see you fight from adversity because when it's time to put the gear on and go to battle they want to know that if adversity comes can you get out of it or do you sink in the tank and those are some of the things that I think that you know they look at and they can evaluate hey Marvin where's Marvin hey where's the guy you got off the internet Marvin logged on to a sex site in 5:47 1-800 rented linebacker [Applause] come on look at your position on the field walk through it with me walk walk walk if you're there you're dead I'm back said already you got to stay inside out like that there you go walk walk if I come back you come back if I keep going now you accelerate boom you got to keep that leverage right yeah this is a dream job and everybody wants to spot it's definitely gonna be a fight everybody wants to play but everybody can you come up stick one way slap him it slows the water and knock his ass out of the way and rip your arm and go don't sit here and dance in front of him I've been losing weight yeah good they're so hot you know you sweat I eat you but it's not like I'm really hungry there's no like college toddlers I think you only have 20 hours I mean time a week hey or they have you mean know if you're gonna like just on what you're given in these meetings and you're not reinforcing it back in your room it's not gonna add up the world will change to practice roster stuff rookies or first-year players unless you have a special team presence I'll tell you right now you've got no chance to make this club you gotta say there and pay a lot of attention in it in the classroom a lot of guys such as myself I'm not used to backpedal one more point I don't know where to set a wedge on kickoff returns Missouri's doing pretty good on kickoff return gets on a track and people got to come to him a little bit more than hit him going to someone else he doesn't run quite as long I don't know exactly how that term started but uh to me when I think a Turk I think of the Grim Reaper cuz you're doing the dirty work of having to grab somebody and take them to get cut and it's uh it's never an easy job because you know you get the players they know you're the Turk and they have a different feel around you but uh they know it's business and this is not a good part of business but it's a business nonetheless yeah yeah just tell him coach really needs the same I think anybody who's ever played football to actually be the one who grabs them and most the time they know they know what's going on and it's it's tough but hey coach Billick needs to see [Music] yeah just a graduate play looking and follow me I'll take down Sam you know he was sleeping that makes it equally tough I'm having to wake somebody up just to tell him he's gonna get cut but you know make you gotta make sure you tell him to bring the playbook for the coaches and then walk him down the coach but he was real saw more about it didn't say much releasing a player clearly is the hardest thing a coach has to do it reminds me not to be overly melodramatic but there's a scene in a Clint Eastwood movie the Unforgiven where he talks about killing a man the idea that you take away everything he has everything he's ever gonna have now obviously that's what we're stating in a little bit but I can't help but think of that movie when I have to sit down and sit I to I with a young man and explain to him that there's no longer a place for him on this football team I've been there I've been cut twice and so I have an emotional attachment with that that I hope I never get to Calais or too far away from what I have to do this coach our teachers here please come on in man how you doing not easy huh privacy it doesn't make it doesn't make any difference to you but but I've sat there myself twice it's not easy it's it's the worst part of what I have to do what I want to do is make sure that you understand a couple things because it's a unique environment for you right now you you've got some legitimate athletic skills for whatever reasons you you haven't had a chance to develop in college and haven't been tutored in the quarterbacking skills it takes to compete in this league right now the college coaching me wishes what would love to still work with you but the pro coaching me says I just don't have the time there's a stark reality that everybody understands they can do the math that you're gonna keep basically 53 players so you've got to come in with an attitude however unrealistic it might be based on the numbers that I am gonna make this football team and if you don't come in with that attitude then you've got no chance it's like a classic Amazon yeah well that's that's the next challenge for you know it's not my place to sit here and tell you that you you can a cannot play in the National Football League just because this situation isn't going to work out for you it doesn't mean another can't what what I know you had aspirations maybe to teach and do something like that I mean what what do you think your immediate plans let's say you don't get picked up by a bit another team what do you think your media plans might be did you did you finish your grit do degree you yeah you need to do that so sir because you've got some unique athletic skills and I don't think it's something you should give up on oh definitely just by I think I know I can play the position but I got it I've gotta be able to get to just that part never had this problem I never had this problem I had he reminded me a lot of daunte culpepper probably the strongest harm I've seen in such a long time he was a nervous you know never I tried to tell you can't hold on to things when you throw it interception you can't hog the well on interception you just hey it's over with it's done keep on going and Ortiz uh he tried to get through that but it was difficult for him then starts a lack faith and you can't play football without faith well there's anything we can do to help you out don't you know don't hesitate to let us know if it comes time you start looking for an NFL Europe team and you want to get a bit of a feel for what might be a good one what the coaching situation is who does what feel free to give us a call or mat a call and we'll do whatever we can all right man you're good young man we appreciate your time we really do even leave that and and we'll get you started and good luck with it and let us know what we can do to help at some point okay all right she's very good [Music] you know teases my boy you know and uh hopefully watches and and stay up you know it's hard but you know you gotta keep on the leg until you know make it fit in and hopefully you know he can bounce back and make it to another situation what's better for all the workers came in here a little tight little tense maybe even nervous but he didn't really have a chance I think to just loosen up and shocking but you just gotta move on I'll be back with both Elvis and Randall we don't want to expose them a lot during training camp so there should be an opportunity obviously we want to groom Chris and have him play a lot but there should be an opportunity for you once you get the system under your belt it's not a sad thing is to learn experience for me that's why I like that it's not like I'm sorry to go because there's such a great program here but gotta learn from Keller now overcome those middle those mental things and take care of your physical I'll be back this is a beginning I believe he has the talent to do it and he can he can accomplish it but he also has other things that that he can do as well you know so I think you can use this as a platform to do other things pull a little bit out to your date rest in peace whatever you're doing like hey you say you got a degree so he got on the phone hey how about number nine why'd you cut number nine oh my god he was ready to go he was some to get out a car didn't work and stuff man I was great number 9s mom's coming for you she's gonna kick your ass she's coming out 47 bring your helmet up here I like you come on come on so what's going on man how old do you 24 hey Robbie 35 he's only 24 he looks 35 what's your first name Kenny you got a nickname kill her kill her that was a good piece man I was a good piece on you bro like that I like that if he's got to buy his brother a Corvette if he makes the team's gonna be broke he gonna have no more money left forgot Uncle Sam Uncle Sam gets the Corvette before his brother hey Russ Keith here Keith right Kenny Kenny here says he will kill anybody you put him up against he wants to go on the first team kickoff team well put him on he'll be scared show me me in his face Kenny Kenny show me in his face can you ask the pastor man what you looking out here man look to get a couple tries outside cuz now I'm trying to find a man a job don't don't listen to the coaches man they'll try they're not good I love being in practice I love just having fun with the guys there's nothing like banging hands withdrawal I said like cover and Shannon is this not is nothing like it in the world yeah we got to go fast now I hate what my coach pulled me out because I believe this that's going to play I could probably learn something different on learn something new learn a different strategy to get there faster to make a play faster to read something faster that's what I think my game carries over think if I do it in practice when sunday comes is easy so when I go and practice I try to go just like look like you were having fun I saw a lot of smiles up oh and I mean it's the same thing yeah see that's and that's one of the greatest things we have about deceit there's one thing we do is we come to work together but you're not the same time we enjoy the game I love it I love you know being at practice I love you know being around the guys shag if you watch this java the dog and so he can w would hold you to 20 pull the blackboard out or you rod and rape I can joke with Ron he never takes it personal because he know I'm not trying to be perfect I can joke with rape he know it's not personal that's just a level of respect that we have for each other we just enjoy each other it's amazing that you know that these late stage of their career and my early stage my career that we jail the way we do crazy you get one rep and go out I took for real I'd go in there lonely now maybe if I said something to another guy you know he might take it a different way but rod knows what I'm talking to him I'm joking ray knows what I'm talking to him I'm joking right which is that stay in the building the whole damn building we don't really need each other we hang around each other because we want to because we have so much in common we are so competitive we get in the weight room and even though you know they cannot lift me what they try to do is they they try to miss their weight if many times I can lift my way how many years you got sent 12 right approaching 20 polity reaction the left we just love lifting to know that you know in that fourth quarter when we call on our body we know we're gonna be there [Music] think you got to be big and muscular and you know you kind of lift a thousand pounds it's funny whenever I go into a gym back in Jersey or now I'm working out in the offseason people come up how much you bench I'll make up some 800 the second one he's done already and these is accurate and it's how he ain't caught a pass I'll kill ya trust me when he wasn't getting bein he was catching everything sketch nice catch you talk about Todd you saw some of the things today that catch down the red zone that that's not easy to do and that's the best we're looking for from timing don't you think it helps in having Shannon the old-time desk and on Ozzie Newsome are you kidding me then you can't you've gone to the top of the mountain and you're sitting at the foot of the Lama Dalai Lama you know taking the secrets well you get a 67 round pick there's no guarantee that he's gonna be on the team during the season I know this guy's gonna be around so I know for at least the next 25 weeks I got breakfast if I wanted if I'm tired I guess I want to take my shoes take my shoulder pass take my helmet next year's rookies beware that's number two right there I got somebody do all that standings for as long as I want it so hey I'm glad they got it but he's gonna have to learn know a changgil know who's I've and he's willing to learn and that's the thing I like about him he doesn't he didn't come in say okay I'm gonna number one pick you know hey I'm your heir apparent I know how to listen to you well he does even though he's a rookie he's a first-round pick he still can't beat me Todd smart enough to know he's not gonna beat out Shannon Sharpe as a starting tight end he knows what Shannon Sharpe represents an incredible source of knowledge once you take that step get old through there em you got em initially you end up letting people top once you take that step I know they say that they're gonna use a to tight end often so it'll be exciting to see how much they'll play them first week away from Todd it's been it's been a little rough but I've had a lot of things to to keep me busy just trying to get the house in order we've got most of our stuff just the basics what we need so far our kitchen table the living room furniture set I need to buy some more things for the house he might help me do that and maybe put some blinds up when he has a break here and there he'll he'll call me the before lunch or after lunch and it's nice I get to talk to him pretty much twice twice a day and I'm gonna be going up for the scrimmage it's nice to know that I can go see him if I want to look at it man I got that movie star look on it okay I gotta do is put a little pass shades where you got that that trooper look too got a modeling career ahead of her he'll always just be taught to me I we've known ISA known each other since seventh grade so yeah it's it's kind of cute to see all these these little girls who have crushes on them what is that you want to sign this all right it's about the craziest thing I ever son when we work we work we don't waste your time if we can get done in 45 minutes in a meeting we'll take 45 minutes not an hour and a half but you got to focus for 45 minutes well I think of meetings I think of nap time you know sort of like time to unwind relax you always see the older guys like Stan towards the back of the room so you lay back you know your neck doesn't get jammed up a little bit or they get bored they get very very boring you know given the choice between meeting and practice I think I rather practice it just they just boring I mean there's nothing to do I mean you you know it I read the practice especially the first couple days first couple days and then like the last couple days of Camrys the first couple days they'll put in like the most you know okay here's how we're gonna huddle you know the right tackles here the left like I don't want to hear about the huddle Rod's been in this system so he knows it as well as the defensive coaches does so he's heard it over and over and it sounds so redundant been I've been in this system that Marvin Lewis has for nine years now so I don't even need to playbook you know say a defense and I know the defense not for Ricky for a young guy that's just getting him an offense well he needs that he's in tune to it me but whatever my sister's doing what my grandma's doing I want if they go fishing today we need to do this and we need to do that you know it's just like throwing everything we've learned out now let's start over from learning how to walk like give him give me a bottle start sucking a bottle with a nipple on it and then you know work up to a Belvedere around the rocks or something you know I mean come on if he's in a nine set on like you got it hey and we'll deal it out from there that's one thing we've got to make sure we're set on and that's what I'll watch me fill with that right and that's you guys right now okay Jan you can go all right we'll look at the group Pro I'll tell Kimmy when I came down to check on the building says the guys were in for training I noticed that one of the doors was barricaded with the table when I started to pull it open I can't move it it's too heavy and I do know that there are players stuck in there oh this is gonna kill me you're not gonna be in here again I tell you that somebody come on get this again and I can do anything but laughs but I don't think Shannon felt the same way you just said goose got us go get it goose you know you know you and the camera know we need to know who did this but we will have retribution all right what goosing somebody saw somebody outside or I don't I don't know how it came to it but uh I think I think I don't I'm not sure to this day who did it or what happened but that's what we thought just because you're Veterans doesn't mean that you know that these rookies and I do think it was the rookies who did this you know just because your veterans you're not you know out of reach of these Jesus rookies they're very tricky they're very sour right now I was goose I know it was goose I'm gonna be I'm gonna go get his fat ass now I just hope the person who is responsible for that really you know comes forward and and and learns from that experience and doesn't do that anymore are you feeling okay yeah when I got moved up to our to first drain nickel and a second on a depth chart at the corner cuz I two guys went down angles up as me on this Tacoma see what she was up to if you get this give me a call back tonight I should be up for a while I but you know we're very serious that's my girlfriend I miss her but at the same time I'm concentrating on what I'm doing here you know missing is fine and dandy but when it comes down to it her being there me talking to or anything else like that that's not gonna make any difference out on the football field you just have to stay home because there's no mistakes allowed saying them you didn't know something I mean they're not gonna stand for that I just want to come out and play my best on Friday if I get beat on something I get beat but I don't want anything to be something that I could have controlled this scrimmage is probably the first real time I will look at them and actually they'll can they compete can they can they make a place for themselves on this football team the veterans will get anywhere from six to eight plays and it'll be competitive it'll be all-out Johnny man you got your son's pants on a little tight a couple pounds it's country grumpy I think so and so you just woke up okay you say so the scrimmage is primarily for the second third level players to let them compete with one another to put them in a sheer competitive evaluation mode in scrimmage I was a little little nervous coming out but overall I was just you know comfortable trying to prepare myself like I would for a game try not to get overly nervous or overly excited you just I try to keep even keel [Music] okay we want to see a the lights are on let's get after some ass okay let's see what the we got here Oh Danny play a man always being go come on Leon come on Leon go out get out serious go a little bit so you can come back in it's coming your way [Music] this fast he knows this is a Fire's game you know his NFL these guys are you know he's a bigger than him best [Applause] you could go right there hey you know six all that do not just finish strong yeah finish it over we're gonna be in good shape we've been completed one pass where we in position and didn't make the play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nervous I was real nervous you know went out there and I think I did some things well and then I did something but just might go for my mistakes you know I think my scrimmage was pretty solid I would assess it as it was being a solid scrimmage yesterday if I did make a mistake it's game time situation I got to get up shake it off play this one worry about what happens on the film oh great touchdown couple of passes what more can you ask for [Music] you get done with something you put a beating on somebody here whatever you just let loose [Applause] it was just a good feeling that everyone in it in our locker room Manette area survived week one and we're just all happy and everything we just want to enjoy it was something as you know I've always seen on television and it just be part of it was magical [Applause] that's a very typical response because it's a get back to the locker room it's checked the body parts yeah I'm still intact and I survived and that sheer joy that comes out that hey you know what maybe I can do this we had a big loss with the injury to Leon Searcy but that's part of training camp too you've got to train your players to understand no matter what happens to any one individual the mindset has to be that's unfortunate who takes his place Searcy's loss is a big one but the Ravens have an ace-in-the-hole 15-year veteran Harry Swain a last year starter has been brought in he had been backing up Ogden but now with the injury swing his right back into his own spot just got off the phone with dr. curl they were surgery was delayed this morning but they finished it up and what it was was he had in the tricep set detachment there's the main attachment on the bone and then there's like little reticular fibers he had torn it off the ball the attachment reticular fibers were still intact that's why he could still bend it some if you haven't have a tear that's the one to have how we projecting eating playing 10 to 12 weeks that's what my understanding is because he actually have four six that should be good and solid and then we're it's a matter of getting all the strength back Leon's gonna get some surgery on us on his tricep she'd be back in about ten weeks okay Harry how many Super Bowl rings yeah three of them Sammy for years you've been waiting you ready to step up play tackle as a starter very good for a little bit that was reading the papers I thought we're gonna have to cancel the season that's what this whole thing is about when someone goes down someone else steps up now during the season that's what we're built for I told you earlier some of you guys now leave your present situation open to future possibilities because this thing constantly changes we're gonna get Leon back we're gonna get him back at the right time we got 35 days before we place chicago james trap where are you you gonna be there yes sir one week down how much the best we're through now life 365 they find out who did that blanket still investigating week one is over going home we're to rev every kid a mummy is home waiting for me with collard greens and cornbread and macaroni and cheese that's why I'm going get about 20 hours with the family so gotta go do my dad Lee duties now goodbye I might go take the helicopter out to uh the Eastern Shore you know I've been with coaches who believe in that old you know ten straight days of two-a-days in pads just kill you Brian wants you healthy that's the main reason why we won the Super Bowl last year you know if we needed a day off Brian gave us a day off if we needed to be pushed a little bit he pushed us that's the reason why you win you got to know what your players are talk to your players we give him feedback he gives us feedback we work together I mean that's what it's all about that's true teamwork well the next 7 8 10 days is gonna be pretty physical pretty intense but he gives he gives you time to get off your feet you going to training camp you go into pre-season and you come out injury free that gives you the best opportunity you could have a great camp but if you lose a couple of your main guys that was the worst training camp ever we got another three tough days of full pads coming up it's gonna be a lot of pounding so I just want to get off my body and just relax my feet and let the joints heal up a little bit we'll probably go catch a movie or something I could have been in this MOOC for ooh [Music] how the hell you mean about that movie again I had a boy that uh means some people that central Cass and they Duke a sinister they're looking for big guys so they went down there and they liked me I mean I wasn't open you know Michael Clarke talking underwood you know get any dialogue yeah you know what I don't know because they did feed me for one of those prosthetic thing but I don't know what my math actually you know had that capabilities of talking talking as though yeah one of those gorillas just gonna make a mugger do anyone would do that me I'll back out our last man the weekend was nice we definitely had a little little time off but uh overall it was great just relax get away from things see my wife and you know that's it's it's a good time when you can completely get a football out of your mind and relax [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's things we still have to put together and things that we've been putting together for the last week and a half or so but that's that's the other part of the you know life it's that's the the family life first week away from Todd it's been it's been a little rough but I've had a lot of things to to keep me busy just trying to get the house in order but I'm used to the busy hectic schedule lifting practice running all that kind of stuff I am very much looking forward to going home and hanging out with the family I must escape from the killer bunnies bunnies the first week is over with we have the first weekend in wraps and it's gonna be a great chance to kind of get away from looking at these ugly faces and look at some beautiful faces and and my beautiful wife and my my three kids and spend some time with them I'm tired of working out to be honest with you it's like okay fine another sprint okay fine we're gonna catch another ball okay we're gonna lift another way I wanted to start to mean something this week showed me that we are in shape it showed me that we're focused that this team as it has done in the past all but with new people adding on board knows how to crank it up at given times when I put my foot to that pedal that they're gonna respond and and and that was a lot to accomplish in the first week that weekend we had all the pretty sweet okay good good to have everybody back as you look at the schedule we talked about what these next three days are about we went through this entire week just to get to these three days hot humid my role is really to make sure everything is orchestrated properly to monitor the players physically that they need to be pushed a little bit is their attention to detail is the focus waning a little bit or do I need to take this size 12 and put it up someone's butt occasionally to say hey you're not giving me what it's gonna take for us to be successful we're gonna find some things out of the next three days now don't make me mad today I had a pretty good night last night don't piss me off now okay I want a nice good morning if I see you on the ground again I'm gonna send you a stamp that shows me you can play when you hold you can't play my team an upfield upfield upfield upfield is that now is that the best rise that all we can rush is that the best you can rush guys I tell you what the clock is stopped we're gonna run this drill until we run it right if it takes four good hours okay we're not running we're not reacting up field rush is that how you rush is that how you rush rush oh that's it oh-ho line up do it again do it again Oh Michael Oh Michael come on Michael okay he's down he's down damn it finis that's just focus Bobo tell them what solid means a man on man man on man man on man oh we're just guessing that or just guessing yeah no can clue what defense is being right god almighty back in the huddle back in the huddle make it first down we'll start the whole guy thing over we're getting lazy man the communications not happening back here we're walking around here like we don't know what we're doing we'll just start the whole damn thing over well we're not there we're not there yet and we're not there someone's gonna get hurt all right take a knee take a knee well if I thought if I thought yelling and going off would help I would man I really would you know I can tolerate a lot of things I can I can tolerate arrogance conceit greed right but self-pity is one that just just chaps we got a bunch of guys primarily offensively face it they're just kind of figuring pool boy how do I get through to Wednesday that's all the day was about that's all the day was about it's just the way we played ball is on the ground mental errors so we just wasted this morning it was a waste that came out i jeopardized your health you came out here and wore yourself down put yourself at risk for tomorrow and Wednesday for nothing because I I hope I'm gonna go back I'm gonna look hard in this feel film and see if I can find one thing that says well that two hours was worth the effort that we had God Almighty man we're just we weren't better than that it wouldn't upset me so bad but we got to find it suggest some of you go back and get your head in your playbook get lots of liquids replenish yourself and let's see if we can salvage this thing tomorrow morning okay because I can I can I'm over paying right now I don't mind paying full price but I don't like over pant I can bring anybody in to fumble the ball I can bring anybody in to drop the ball I hope some of you brought your rings okay and go go back to you and look at a little bit decide if you want another one because that's just not going to do it just not gonna be good enough you decide what you want to do with this thing because that was not good enough
Channel: NFL Throwback
Views: 1,659,264
Rating: 4.8363791 out of 5
Keywords: nfl, american football, nfl history, nfl highlights, nfl vault, hard knocks, hard knocks full episode, hard knocks ravens, baltimore ravens, hard knocks baltimore ravens
Id: w8NrykegK8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 54sec (2994 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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