First One To DIE WINS In Minecraft!

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me and jelly are gonna figure out how to die in minecraft but it's not that simple there's only gonna be one way to die per challenge and we've gotta figure out what that is oh yeah don't don't try this at home please please don't jelly i want you to jump off this cliff and die oh easy man not a problem wait a minute uh yeah dodge i think i might have slow fall yeah you definitely do so we get any damage we need to figure out how to die while we have this slow falling effect josh i don't think i'm gonna try it jelly yeah that's not working that's uh yeah wait so the only way we can die is by falling yep but we have slow fall you're you're catching on jelly this is great what what am i gonna do well that's that's the whole point now we do have some some tools that we've been given uh a spy glass um what am i gonna do is spy glass i don't know jenny look at me um a pickaxe and a sword just gotta look around there might be a way that we can die all fall damage with slow fall we just haven't figured it out yet yeah that's that is the point jelly um technically all right all right hear me hear me out i'm hearing you okay elytra yeah i don't think we're about to go to the end and beat the entire game just for the first challenge it might be possible to die of fall damage with slow fall and when you have an electron okay i've got an idea yeah okay can you die with a boat like at full damage like if you don't fall really slowly yeah but if you [Music] i don't know jelly i'm just making suggestions i'm gonna get some resources right move right there boat huh jelly i'm gonna try out the boat where's the boat oh you're all the way there okay i'm coming hello okay i'm gonna set this up so slowly okay i i've got a good feeling about this one jelly josh can we not do this together no i'll make my own you didn't believe in it okay boat oh my god oh it didn't take any damage quicker josh what you should have tried is to get on and off the boat on and off the boat yeah yeah yeah yeah look i'll show you okay yeah yeah yeah all right watch this watch this ah that didn't work i didn't work yeah i i don't think that the boat when you get out of the boat you get slow fall and the boat falls without you okay let's try something else though maybe we can build on this riding thing jelly what like riding something oh yeah that's actually good josh we could potentially jump off of riding horse yeah that's that's true that could work hmm what else could work what about like falling with like gravel somehow or sand falling with grass see that could work let me see if we can grab something down at the bottom and you may be here do you want to look for a horse then jelly well yeah i am looking around jelly okay i want to try this out all right wait you found sam well yeah um do okay uh what well i i just you know when you like fall with sand maybe that helps okay all right all right um how should i do this just just do it just build and fall just just build i want to make sure i've actually got a chance of dying in the water okay so i guess i got sand here so maybe if i just like break the block below it why because i'm still on the sand whoa wait that nearly worked i definitely fell further did you get did you get damaged no i didn't oh what i actually did it jelly how i i just did the sand thing again but i was on it this time the first one to die in lava winds okay bye i'm just telling you that's not gonna work uh jelly that's not gonna work i'm not dying we have fire resistance mate wait so how we supposed to die in here well we have to find out a different way on how to die in lava what but not with the fire that kills you okay okay this doesn't really make a ton of sense to me but i mean technically josh i i i have an idea what drowning there's no such thing as oxygen down here does it work oh you can drown in water can you drink it doesn't seem to be drowning jelly i can't see anything yeah that doesn't work you made me come all the way back down here for nothing is there another way we could die in a lot well i did see a sign over here yeah when we start we the extreme lava area but over here is this extreme snowy area maybe we can get something to help us find the snow i mean there's we got snow here what's in the bucket um do we need a shovel that picks them up and makes something yeah what how is this going to help us with the lava though josh yeah i know i have a much better idea what we don't have the bucket for snow dummy we have the bucket for water follow me follow me i have a revolutionary idea on how to die in a lava pool okay if you say so all right slogan do you have a bucket of water as well uh i didn't bring any water okay all right let me grab something i got oh god i got it i got it water secure all right now come with me to the pool okay what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna basically stand yeah in the lava and then place the water which should wait wait we need to we need to break we need to break this block love this effort from you jelly but i'm not saying much place it on me uh josh you missed i i it only does the top layer i was trying to suffocate myself inside of obsidian i know when my head is in stop don't do it i could lock you in here josh when my head is in the obsidian i have nowhere else to go i could lock you in here forever right now we need to die i know but it's kind of real funny if i just like locked you in here ah hey how'd you go over there i'm gonna do it myself oh what it just disappeared what you can't stand but it doesn't turn into obsidian wait jelly what did you do i just threw a snowball at the lava hang on i don't i don't think that this is how we expect it to happen uh josh what i think i'm gonna die wait what stand in the powder stone wait what i don't understand what i i'm extremely confused right now but powdered snow i'm not even dying lava okay jelly you figured this one out then apparently i think that um apparently i did i think that the game's a bit cursed today our next one is to die as a chicken listen to me um i want you to be a chicken nugget okay let me see if i'll hit you i can't hit you oh so how are we going to die i guess that makes sense chickens only have wings they don't have i guess i could pick one so we have slow fall so we can't actually fall to death well we could go into lava maybe we could probably drown but i don't know where the lava is or where there's water hmm we can try water are there any like mobs aggressive against chickens remember the whole point of this is for the first person to die so i am against you right wait wait oh i've got an idea i've got an id what paris it's not killing me it's kind of like acting weird like sometimes i get my heart's back yeah okay yeah it's not working berries can't kill chickens okay i guess they do not delicious what to be completely honest with you jelly wolves they definitely kill chickens in this game don't they no what was that whoa no they don't no if you find a wolf don't don't don't look at it i think they kill sheep actually hmm oh what did you do wait we could shoot eggs oh my god i'm an ex-shooter okay oh i suppose chickens as well are you kidding me what oh my god look they're so cute i don't think they're spawning more chickens it's gonna kill us though jelly i know we still have to find a way to actually die wait did i just see something why no you stay right there jelly you're good you're good no is there something that we could die you stay right there jelly oh my god it's a kill me kill me kill me watch kill me you just kill me what i hit the why are you punching the fox fox kill me it was it killing you josh it was killing me but then you scared it from killing you oh my god it's killing a rabbit it's killing all of the ones that we put down no kill me jelly what the heck jelly you're gonna love this one our challenge is to die by overeating why do i have two food bars yeah because we gotta overeat jelly and i'm starving oh wait these things don't give me food do they donkeys yeah of course donkeys okay did it give you food no okay okay okay all right speed run sheep i'm gonna eat everything before you jelly i'm gonna die by overeating i'm going to the village i'm going to the village i'm going to village no no no no you're going to get wheat for days that's right little joshie that's going to go quick work i think that's true yeah that'll go really quick for me thanks yeah give it all to me thank you is it going to you yeah i think it is right now not good not good not good it works it works like magnus judge come over [Music] wait i might speed run carrots speedrun carrots i don't have to craft it that's true that's true i need to craft it i need a crafting table i need a crafting table wait josh how are you so wide wide what do you mean wide wait what i didn't even know this was happening oh my god wait it's only giving me one hunger um yeah no i i'm gonna win this because i i it's giving me way more than that really i look wider than you jelly um wait we can hit each other i think so yeah how many have you eaten now josh uh i mean i've only got like three left i think i think i'm gonna lose oh my god look at us we're just sitting here eating jelly this is kind of awkward think wait josh you're about to explode wait i did not expect that to happen did you you dropped a lot of food thanks josh no no worries but i died first so that's that's what counts in this one we are only gonna die to the warden that's right make him kill you that's that's all we got to do kill me it's not gonna work this is not gonna work why he's distracted you see this it's a music kill me josh there might be more he's jamming just some good tunes mate i think what we gotta do uh kill or break all the music i mean he hit me once i think concentrate i think he hit me hit me again i found the music block hit me hear me you dumb warden what is he doing he's not hitting me that's for sure so what do we have to do remove all the music blocks yeah exactly remove the music blocks because he's distracted josh okay well where i don't see them i think there's one up here they're spread around the map they're spread around this cave okay well that's not helpful oh i hear talking you break them and i'll be ready for him to kill me yeah no i want to win this do the thing warden where are you going he's running off yeah he's not since when is it so difficult to get killed by the warden don't kill him you can't kill oh there's another one here oh i see i see two music blocks josh i really need you to stop i need you to go for the music i literally am kill me okay this is way more difficult than i thought oh he seems to love this down out of this one psych kill me i removed it he seems upset but that might be another one this is there more another one water stop being a dummy what what the heck warden i did what is your problem i removed his last note block and he got angry okay well i think that means you win jelly well done
Channel: Slogo
Views: 439,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, First One To DIE WINS In Minecraft!, first to die, how to die in minecraft, jelly, mod, minecraft
Id: zAFlGxLoeL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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