First non repeating pattern ever - Wang tiles

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these were the first tales ever discovered that never repeat their pattern it all started with a brilliant mathematician named how Wang he wanted to know whether he could cover an infinite plane with tiles in this way take a square where each of its sides has a different color the rule is to place the tiles together so that each adjacent Edge has the same color you can't rotate or reflect the tiles he wanted to know if you could cover an infinite plane with a finite set of tiles he found plenty of sets that could be tiled in a periodic fashion meaning that some pattern would just repeat over and over again until it covered the infinite plane in fact he thought that all patterns would be periodic but then his student Robert Berger discovered a set of Wang tiles that never repeat their pattern this was the first set of aperatic tiles ever discovered Burger's original set was made of over 20 000 tiles but today mathematicians have found a set of just 11 Wang tiles that never repeat it's crazy that such a simple set of just 11 tiles can give rise to such complexity
Channel: Up and Atom
Views: 88,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L4WSKf6NZrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 56sec (56 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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