First Night in the Off Grid Cabin at -3° F Outside | How Cold was it Inside? | R-Value?

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to the cabin tonight is going to be first night staying here uh I know I've been getting a lot of questions of you know have I stayed at the cabin yet so the answer is no but tonight's actually going to be the first night and I'm actually looking forward to it because we're actually under a winter storm warning and the temperature is supposed to get down to zero degrees overnight so I'm really looking forward to testing out the R value of the cabin that's another question I've I've gotten quite a bit is you know what do you think the R value of the cabin is so I guess I'm going to find out here tonight we'll see how cold it gets in here so right now it's I think it's about 6 30 outside uh temperature I think is about 38 37 the storm is supposed to start here I think in the next hour or two and then temperatures are going to dip down to right around zero degrees sometime around two two o'clock three o'clock in the morning so uh we'll see what happens hopefully uh you know I don't freeze to death but I think the cabin's pretty well built I think the R value it's hold its own and uh someone to keep uh keep an update every couple hours see what the temperature is inside versus outside and we'll let you know so those of you that don't know the construction of this cabin the walls are actually two by eights three two by eight sandwiched together glued and screwed so the thickness of the walls right about five inches thick so it's a little bit thinner than you know a traditional log cabin but you know I think that five inch thickness there there's not a lot of gaps uh between the boards the gaps are very tiny I've not shanked it yet so um that's something that's also going to help out with insulation of the cabin so I think whatever the temperature gets to in here you know inside the cabin when it's zero degrees outside um I'm probably gonna add about five to ten degrees of warmth to it when I actually the inside and outside you know weatherproof the doors uh put insulation foam board insulation underneath the cabin because right now there's no insulation underneath Up on the Roof I have a really thin layer of foam foil insulation and then uh you know a 10 mil vapor barrier as well so that's really the only insulation upstairs so I'm going to kind of monitor what the temperature is upstairs as as I go along tonight as well and I'll let you know so thanks again for watching and uh we'll see how it goes tonight upstairs looks like it's about 74 so right around four or five degrees warmer upstairs um now I do have a ridge vent right above the ridge beam and that runs pretty much the entire length of the cabin so I get ventilation right there so I'm sure some Heat's Escape in there I may kind of uh scale that down a little bit so not as much heat gets out [Applause] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] about a half inch inch of snow on the ground foreign foreign foreign foreign wow foreign 5 30. it's 54 degrees inside negative 1 outside foreign well I made it through the night uh it was a little cold on the floor sometime around two three o'clock in the morning I think it got down to like negative three negative four Outside Inside was low mid 50s but the draft on the floor from the barn doors and I think not having the underneath of the cap and insulated that probably led to it being a little bit colder than it would be in normal circumstances so uh so I think I learned I need to definitely get foam board insulation underneath the cabin so if it does ever get back down to zero negative four negative five uh it won't be as cold so we don't typically get that kind of weather here in Middle Tennessee but when we do it's good to be you know prepared for circumstances like that so overall I think it was pretty comfortable last night we had about a couple inches of snow like I said wind chills probably got to negative teens so the wind whipping you know around the cabin and you know I can feel the draft due to the barn doors so again that won't be a problem once the addition is built so hopefully you found this information useful uh I know I did get a lot of questions on our value and you know the thickness of the wall so I think you know the cabin passed the test and when we get it fully insulated and weatherproofed I think it'll hold heat even that thanks for watching [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Off Grid Experience
Views: 443,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ox3qe06eaEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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