First LZ Compound BBQ Got Wild...

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The pressure washing guy seems like a nice character addition

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 137 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoS14 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Taylor handled that AC Compressor

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 180 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iLykeVidyaGames πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rudnick is so much more enjoyable to watch as a side character on someone else’s channel.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 188 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yeet_my_meat_lol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

All rudnick bought was 11k doge coins? Lol. He ain’t no onion.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LH44FTW πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This may be an unpopular opinion, and I'm pretty sure it's not gonna happen as long as plan C has any say, but for the love of all things holy do not sell that Miata to Rubdick. I'm not even a Miata fan but I know that one's to clean for Sputnik to destroy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cmarston87 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That S-10 though

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SeizeTheCarp3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shit looks so fun. Lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RoadWarrior86 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/g3us πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

kind of funny how the power washers girl did a little perk up, shimmy when the camera showed up

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pinktops πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi guys welcome to this video uh today very exciting day this is kind of i don't wanna say it's like the open house it's not like the open house but it's kind of like uh how how how how home morning housewarming party at the compound uh so we're just having some close friends over um rudnick's gonna be here that's what i'm most excited about the most we've been trying to get him out here for the past three years that we've owned this compound um but we went to costco yesterday so we'll probably start out with the footage there and then we'll jump into getting ready have a bunch of people here have some fun rip some go-karts use the pool a reminder stay the in school okay thanks bye big day crap we gotta get out of here this was a lot we're running out of time i got like five minutes to get this popsicle back in the freezer oh boy oh boy it's starting to melt dude oh boy yo dude hop in the cayenne dude hop in the cayenne dude this is a real porsche dude let me tell you about a real bullsh fake ass thing you drive we got to get somewhere really quick for the moment fast fun plan right now so basically what we're doing uh i have my golf cart fixed by a friend and the friend lives pretty close to my house and it just seemed like a whole ordeal to get my trailer there so i was gonna just kind of ride with fury back to my house but grand grand starting to freak out because there's a lot of main roads i mean it doesn't i'll be driving this nice car but so we're going to go straight yeah so i mean i don't know dude i wrote a side by side down the median of tommy's old so i got my my one of my electric golf carts back one of my friends put some new batteries in and gave it a little love um excited for you to see how good this thing looks just cleaned up but it's got some torque but the top end could use a little bit more for sure [Music] now what is it pretty good it's a little slow we're doing we're doing 20. we're doing 20. yeah 18. i guess it just feels close if you're on a real road ready on three three two [Music] guys i'm back i lost my pink glasses but boy do i have some merch for you this wednesday at 2 p.m eastern standard time we've got one of the best four product drops of all time you're gonna want to mark your calendars don't forget it because we have the brand new racing division hoodie it's got a beautiful back print look at that an embroidered front it's got sleeve prints i'll let you guys check out more on the website this was inspired by the s15 i wanted a piece of merch that went along with the s15 without having the s15 on it so this is the same yellow color as my front bumper looks great you're gonna look great in it i'm sorry there's a loud pack of bees hiding around above me we got the same shirt as a sweatshirt but it's white with a little logo in the front everybody always wants white shirts you're going to get them greasy but if you're into that you're into that we also got the v2 evo tee that i'm wearing right now all right look at that sky it's beautiful we got some color in it now we wanted to show off the yellow brakes you guys loved it and we wanted to make it even better just for you and now last but not least we have the brand new pie cut t-shirt we got beautiful colored pie cut titanium welds look at that you guys are gonna love this i love this it's a great design it's colorful looks awesome it's a great way to stay in shape look at that listen wednesday at 2 pm mark your calendars don't forget it more information in the description thank you [Music] uh [Music] testing gonna do a wheelie okay you know be so funny i can hold the trailer brake and just drag the trailer you're being really suss right now adam [Laughter] my first time here in like 16 years we're doing a costco run uh we've realized now that we live in the middle of nowhere we gotta stock up on some supplies so we're getting grills and party favors lots of toilet paper we really like the single ply kind um i don't know man i just don't think that going to the bathroom should be an enjoyable experience so here we go so we wound up getting a lot of stuff [Music] dude like there's like 400 pounds of stuff yep uh-oh i'm impressed that you didn't spill in there they don't have pool stairs that's the only thing i wanted a pool chair and a float or grilled target walmart grills we need a grill yeah grant loves girls i don't really like girls i don't cook i don't i think you're really into girls yeah you're always looking at them it's the ones with the propane and the external burner grant loves looking at grilled on instagram yeah only stainless grill hey oh he's blinking he's winging we're both talking about different things here yeah we came prepared okay look at how much easier it's gonna be to load everything in the trailer big brain move but you wanna show them the receipt where is it so we kind of screwed colette i knew this but i didn't tell her that since she was one with a costco card she was the one that had to pay for all this unhappy unhappy oh my god jesus load her up yeah it was a spicy one yeah the only reason why i was invited on this trip uh now i realize why for the 2600 dollar bill at the end of it yeah four carts [Music] we've been getting the pool area ready look how beautiful this place looks especially with the running water got some chairs it's not gonna finally look like a pool area but there's some imminent thunderstorms coming so we'll see if they hold out or uh we get enough dry spells to rip some go-karts and have some fun thanks grant thanks freddy thanks daphne wherever you are okay teamwork makes the dream work well guys i told you one of my favorite guests has arrived hey so i'm from the transport company you called about uh i think a barn find miata you needed picked up or something sorry i don't know if we got room for your rig chris chris who i'm just here for a miata it's a nice guy what is that are you being for real no i'm serious that just come out i never saw like the flip before you're rocking this hi chris hey miss you miss you glad to see you here let me let me tell you where to park all right so we had like a like a guest list like a shared known everyone said what they were bringing chris said chips and dog coin yep is it do you pronounce the dog or doj doge dogecoin i got 11 600 doge where on my phone but like because it's not real coin right it's just fake stuff because crypto's like kind of fake now you're gonna try to use my video to pump and dump yeah everyone no no no all right chris put an offer on the table right now well i thought we i thought we had an agreement friend what do you mean you thought adam stumped me what do you mean he did he called me right before he got this like dude i'm getting this miata like how much would you pay how much would you be stoked to pay for this i was like 1500 bucks he's like you'll buy it off me we talked it i was like yeah dude i'll buy it now he wants to keep it colette wants to keep it yeah but hey man i'll do any sort of challenge any gross thing anything you want me to do anything any within reason yeah almost anything we're gonna use this miata to our advantage someone's here with an ls this thing's so clean though what's up man all right ready you ready oh my god you're gonna try to kill me today you know i got hurt in october i'm still limping me you better make me sign that wave we actually do have a waiver and we're having a driver's meeting yep that's 100 i'm not i'm actually terrified it's they're good kevin showed up mr power washer kevin look at this thing dude i heard you is this thing on race gas nah she's on 93. how much you making we don't know yet is it just a small block on a little bit of knife will it do a burnout [Music] can we can we do it on some not so fresh oh yeah true you got slicks he's like none of my new hard work hello hello what you got there oh this is the the 10 000 watt amplifier gotta figure out the other one for more sound so we got a macgyver something together because there's a bunch of speakers in the pool area um but the amplifier was taken but we'll should have pretty sick sound because this whole place is wired and we just got speakers all around so i don't even know where i'm going the disorganization of parking is kind of funny because no one knows where they're going i'm just like yeah find the build and go left i got to do a merch plug where's my merch we should go do that now before it gets hectic huh yeah chris runnick's already been trying to throw white claws down my throat yeah i'll throw a white cloud on your throat shotgun challenge shotgun in a minute honestly we need more shotguns around here but i'm not talking just shot pew pews that one up right here so the gate opens just fire away you know yeah it's florida it's your property what do you think about my barbed wire scary it's actually electrical too no it's not yeah it is thousands i don't want to touch it lick it 1000 bucks yo give me i'll give you that if you like it i'll give you the miata seriously that's how i don't want to take them er dude i'm going to act like adam thank you guys for coming um all right so we have six carts right now i think taylor you brought your own can i apologize do we have liability waivers yeah do we have enough 22. okay get on the prancer yeah turn them out okay don't step foot in a go card unless you have liability waivers okay sign a waiver yeah after this driver's meeting we are all going to walk the track when we're walking the track we will show you where you can get off the track you cannot get off anywhere but the one spot um we're going to do 10 lap heats and this is self policing so if someone's being let we them know guns crazy but there's hand signs like this means you're going out this means you're being yeah second i think this is the most important part there are no safety barriers there are trees you can hit there are ac compressors you can hit don't smash into people give people little room going around corners um don't try to clip someone going through a section just it's it's scary enough out there by herself so just try to be cautious to other people that are riding um because someone will get hurt if you're if you're trying to pass on the inside or push them wide or something like that so just pretend this is like a pit lane go and then you're gonna go around the back of the building and we'll regroup in front of where the go-karts are gonna be so this is technically the last corner right here you're going to be coming all the way down the straightaway and through here this is probably one of the most dangerous spots if everybody's stacked up if you see someone slowing down don't slam into the back of them let everybody roll through here because from here to pretty much the front gate you're full speed ocean man at the to the rescue we got him i'm good right i'm good you're good avoid the job yeah see i was going to go on the outside so i'm glad i'm watching i'm already messing up f tommy's saying i was going to be a para paraplegic yeah that worries me now thanks tommy i got the nervous piece nervous piece oh yeah you might want to empty that out before you repeat on the car no and then it's going to come out and then it's is that your way on it it's going to be the banana mario kart my piss is that way you're marking your cart yeah yeah number three i'm gonna piss on greets oh okay i see you oh my god i see what you mean right rips huh car is that's why he's three geez i need to do that [Music] so so all right first thoughts how was that it took me a couple laps to like get into it yeah but like i started flat um flat foot all here i can almost flat foot around that but it's a lot of fun yeah it's hairy oh yeah dude it really hurts your wrists bad huh yeah you got to pull it around my legs started shaking and stuff i'm like i'm not okay [Music] [Music] [Music] come on two [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Music] [Music] i'm so so you good dog that looks scary i tried to stop but it's too late strikes well thankfully they don't work oh god that's kind of funny that the video ended up ending at the ac unit but we did hang out for a while up at the house in the pool area just didn't really film that much because we were all just kind of hanging out and chilling but um good news is this ac unit along with pretty much every single other one back here does not work uh we've been working on getting some quotes to redo all the ac units in this building it's gonna be probably like a forty to sixty thousand dollar ordeal uh so what we're gonna be doing is just kind of slowly chipping away and replacing the units in the sections that we use the most so uh yeah i didn't want to make it look like a working ac unit was broken but taylor was all right i was worried that uh he got hurt because i was definitely an early hit probably wasn't the smartest layout running the go-karts back here but it was fun and different but um overall it was just it was so awesome having all the friends here and having a place where we could like safely be reckless legally abiding the law there's more than enough space for everyone and uh i'm just excited because you know we've been in this place for what like two or three weeks at most we've barely gotten our grounds we barely like set up no one's really even living here yet it only gets better from here so uh i'm super pumped super thankful i hope you guys enjoyed this video we've actually had a lot going on behind the scenes on car stuff but just because the fact that companies have been doing really well and we've been doing so much with the compound i know i've had a bit more of a focus on it but we're about to jump back into some content with both the e36 and the 15 which both have two very big competitions coming up first round of fd the second round of clutch kickers and they both got some spicy new set up so thank you guys for watching and i'll see you soon thank you
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 815,977
Rating: 4.9751649 out of 5
Keywords: adam lz, Adam lz compound, the lz compound, Adam lz compound go karts, lz compound go carts, go cart racing, bbq, new shop, warehouse, explore, adress, drifting, challenge, video, first, series, episode
Id: aCmpn6pe5mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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