First look: Elegoo Conqueror robot tank kit

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foreign sent me a thing to uh to open  up and review and generally look at on   the channel here under the label it  is a smart robot robot kit for kids tamper with a tamper-proof seal and get  inside and see what this thing looks like there we go conquer robot tank it has obstacle  avoidance mode line tracking mode Auto follow   mode and infrared control mode and fpv mode it's  got a camera on it oh cool so Inside the Box   you have uh looks like some paperwork and  some smaller boxes I'm gonna get these   smaller boxes out and this paperwork  out and there that's more manageable   is this thing oh okay it looks like it's a line  tracking track all right oh on the back of it   we have an inventory and assembly instructions  oh neat so let's look in the boxes starting with   the small box oh and the boxes are all  labeled so this one we'll just do this   so here is an ultrasonic distance sensor module here is that little gy 521 module which  I think it still doesn't say I'm 99 sure   that that is a XYZ motion detection gyroscope  kind of thing that is the line tracking module closer look at that guy so we have three  uh infrared reflective mode sensors so   this infrared LED and infrared uh transistor or  diode receiver basically in each of these pairs   so when it's running along here it will see its  infrared bouncing off the white and it will not   see it bouncing off the black or less anyway and  we'll report that back to the microcontroller   and in here we have oh this is the camera module  let's take a look at that so it's their own illagu   branded unit it's got a little four pin connector  down there to interface with the outside world   camera there and on the back an esp32 so this is  basically just their own branded version of an   esp32 cam okay nice standard module next in here  we have an expansion board for the looks of it   yeah that is a an Arduino hat or Shield I guess  with a couple of push buttons and RGB LED and   infrared LED you know infrared sensor probably  because it's got a remote control according   to the kit reset button and plugs for all of the  things and then we have a very dropable apparently Uno R3 again their own branded one not  just repurposing somebody else's board   they've spun up their own board cool  next box looks like we've got screws   and tracks and mechanical stuff so  let's just do that Nifty tank tracks   well that's pretty cool so a couple of  drive gear type wheels and a bunch of   idler wheels for tank tracks and some little  mechanical bits okay what do they call that   uh wheel caps maybe oh there's more in  here uh screws right rocker left rocker   what are these rockers oh okay that is a little  shock absorbers and the mounts for those idler   wheels and tank treads oh cool [Applause] in the  last box in has oh let's just take a look see   I see a remote control see a couple  of the very standard kit Motors   screwdriver reversible bit screwdriver Phillips on  one end and the hex on the other end that's nice   battery heavy battery box wait a minute  rechargeable battery box oh wow so no messing   around with double a batteries that's cool I'm  just gonna plug that into charge while we explore   the rest and yeah there's a charging light okay  so what's next looks like some mechanical mounts   a couple of our handy dandy little nine gram  servos bag of wires another little screwdriver   a little wrenchy tool two USB cables one for  charging and one for talking to the Arduino oh wow a lot of these kind of kits come with  uh Lisa cut acrylic this is anodized aluminum   that is some pretty swish little structural  pieces and they've got the nuts built right   in are those nuts no those are just uh those  are standoffs okay oh that is Nifty there's two   complementary sides there is a top or bottom and  there is the whatever it isn't the top or bottom   this is gonna be fun to put together I think it's  going to take me some time to put together I don't   think I will do it on camera I will follow the  instructions that are on the back of this poster   here which is huge it's literally poster size  and it looks like they're fairly good little   step-by-step instructions to mount everything  up starting with assembling the hardware   installing the motors doing all this it all  looks like it's Plug and Play so I think I'm   going to just go ahead and put this guy together  so that we can play with it a little bit so if   you go to their website and I'll put a link down  below to it they have a link to download a zip   file that has a bunch of information including  a PDF of that manual that's included in there   and I will just show you quickly without Too Much  Ado this thing you can pause it wherever you need   to just to see what all is in here and see what  kind of detail there is in these instructions   it looks like a pretty well designed manual so  far I think any sort of early teenager and up   who can assemble a meccano set or a complex  Lego set should have no trouble putting this   together the wiring all just plugs in there's  no big deal and it even takes you through the   uh the tutorial yeah and it looks like they've  already pre-loaded some software on it so that   it will run in IR remote mode so I think that's  probably what I will do initially but it also has   a bunch of useful information about how to control  it from an app oh neat didn't know that so I found   that from this page on elegoo's web page and as  I said I'll link to it below thank you [Music]   foreign [Music]   I am at the last step here   and just before I button this thing up and put the  top on I thought I'd show you the insides of it   so we have the two Motors on here with  the battery pack there we have the   what I believe is the inertial measurement unit  there um we have the line sensor on the bottom   you have the infrared sensor there two servos and  this bracketry up here and we have the esp32 cam   module up on top so it can pan and tilt with  those motors which is pretty neat everything   plugs in there nice and uh nice and clean all the  ports are labeled there's only a couple of minor   things that are left out or not super clear it is  a very good set of instructions but there's only   a couple of things really that uh that screwed me  up and that may have been because I wasn't paying   attention but first of all these motors need  to be put on with the nuts on the inside when   I rear of the instruction did say that another  mistake that I made is I put these motors on   facing the wrong way and they collided with these  things so they have to be towards the front here   um this little swoopy part here is  the back the front's the pointy bit   other than that everything plugs in right where it  should if you're not familiar with the servo wires   the yellow wire is the signal wire the middle red  wire is power and this dark whatever color where   it is is the ground they are labeled threaded  on the board ground five volts and their gpio   pins this one's labeled 10 this one's labeled  11. but just in case that's not clearly spelled   out in the instructions other than that it went  together quite easily as long as you actually   follow the instructions and pay attention to what  they're telling you uh all the instruction steps   call out which bag the screws are in and which  type of screws you need and as you can see over   there I think there is one or two of each type of  screw extra just in case you drop one on the floor   um which may or may not have happened to  me a few times but I've got them all back   so I will just put in these last  four screws to put the top on here and we will test it out and just use the  initially we'll just use the demo software that uh   they pre-loaded from the factory um there is  instructions in the manuals on the website   or how to install Arduino on your computer I  already have it installed because you know I do   that now and again um and there are lesson plans  on there as well I'll give you a look at those   in a second I'm not going to upload them all onto  this thing one at a time not for this video anyway   um if you've ever uploaded an Arduino  sketch then it's just exactly that   man this last screw is being a little  bit stubborn I'll get your stuff to be lined up there there we go let's get those all tightened in  and clean up my workspace a little bit and we   will get right back to it oh I guess I should  mention um piece of engineering that I thought   was particularly neat is how these servos mount  they actually use the servo horns that come with   them one of them is in here screwed in a couple  of teeny tiny screws and down in the base of here   is another one of the servo horns that is screwed  in with again teeny tiny little screws they are   what were they they were  M 1.6 cell tapping I think   anyway they just screw in there just very  nicely I am quite pleased with that it is   a very positive connection and it is something  that I think 3D modelers should take into account   when they're designing stuff okay so let's power  this guy on power switch is right through there   powered on and these servos should zero  themselves perfect we have power on there okay let's uh let's see what this thing can do   so first we'll just use the  remote control like I said each time you push the button it turns 90  degrees the infrared sensor is right on the   back of it so it's not perfect from  all angles but it works pretty well   backwards forwards so let's try this  obstacle avoidance mode number two that works pretty well now where are you going   oh there's no obstacles for it to avoid  oh I did see that chair that's cool yeah chair legs is gonna have trouble with  stop I want Wayne forward mode option one that works well and you could just put a black tape line down on  the floor yeah even when it loses the track that's   cool and you can just put black tape down on the  floor and it would follow it around that's neat stop stop good so I think that proves  that the hardware Works which is pretty   nifty the only thing we haven't tried  is the camera and the servos on it   so I think it's time to load  some software of Our Own   actually you know after rereading this manual  again I probably should have done this before   I started but you know how it goes um so there  is an app that you can download and the software   package that you download uh has an APK if you  want to side load it but you can also get it from   the Android uh App Store Play Store thing um so if  you download that onto a device and you switch the   switch on the mean Arduino board to cam mode  this switch right here if you have an upload   mode then this USB cable or connector connects to  the uart of your Arduino Uno favorite on cam mode   then the uart of the Uno connects to the uart of  the esp32 up here and can control it which is neat   and apparently the factory loaded software already  has that functionality in it we go into our Wi-Fi   settings on our device we can see the illagu  device and I've already connected to it that is   the esp32 that's the factory software that's in it  yeah you can't get to the internet from it because   it's not interconnected but that you don't need  to so then if you fire up the eligue robot app   click on conquer because that's what this thing  is go to control click on this little chain   thing up in the corner here to link it which it  already is and then we can go into the various   different modes here but I'm going to go into  camera mode here hey look at that we have some   controls over lead and we have of you because  it's sitting right over there and I think yeah [Laughter]   that's pretty neat and then this over  here controls the motion of the thing   let me just pick it up off the workbench  so that it doesn't go too crazy and drive it wherever you want  let's take that out on the floor   and just play with it a bit all right let's see  if we can drive this thing to my beer fridge nope oh that's the back of my head over there there it is let me look around we can that's good you look up cool I like this and I'm still sitting at my workbench maybe I'm gonna have to add an arm onto this  thing to open the door of the fridge [Laughter]   so there's obviously tons of other things that  this thing can do and because it is Arduino based   you can reprogram it in the lessons it shows  you all the different uh gpio and what they   do here is one of the lessons one of the basic  lessons if you wanted to just write your own code   these are very beginner friendly it explains more  detail about how the motors are connected to the   motor drivers explains the motor driver chip  and then shows a block diagram of how it works   and then give you some Arduino codes to implement  and shows you what pins everything comes in   on and all the rest of that good stuff this  lesson alone just from moving things around   is 20 pages and of course has all the demo  code there already so that you don't have   to type it yourself and then there's another  lesson based around the line tracker another   one based around controlling the servos so  that you can move the camera module around   that again explains how the servos work what pins  are connected to shows you what the code looks   like it breaks down how it works all very nice  lessons and because eligible asked me to when they   sent me this I'm going to put a link down below  to this Amazon page where you can buy the thing   anyway that is a pretty cool piece of Kit and  for 100-ish dollars you get quite a bit I think   it would be a good start for you know a budding  mid teenage and up robotics hobbyist it took me   about three ish hours to put this thing together  and that includes me making some mistakes because   I wasn't paying attention I was trying to rush  and thinking I was knowing what I was doing and   just getting all flustered and having to go  backwards and forwards a couple of times but   if you're paying attention even if you've never  built something this complex before you're paying   attention you should be able to put it together  in three hours four hours something like that   you don't need any extra tools all the tools  that you need come with it this screwdriver   this tiny little screwdriver for doing the  two little screws on this on the servo horns   and this wrench that's all the tools that you need  to put together all included in the kit very neat   um well I think that's everything  uh questions or comments as usual   down below thanks for watching check out the  links down below and I will talk to you later and because I know my regular viewers  I know somebody's going to ask the   beer tonight was axis Brewings  juice of the Oats Oatmeal Stout
Channel: pileofstuff
Views: 8,988
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Id: Ms1FoXZ39SI
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Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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