First Look: Budds Creek National 2021

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welcome to your first look here at racerx brought to you by 60 helmets committed to the relentless pursuit of better brain protection i'm jason wagon and we are back another track we didn't get in the schedule of lucas oil pro motocross last year it's right here buds creek maryland in mechanicsville maryland close to buds creek this is uh kind of silently moved toward the top of the list of rider favorite tracks every track kind of goes through its ebbs and flows through the years of weather and track conditions but due to the last couple of years i've really heard riders start to talk about how much they like butts creek and how much they missed it last year so that's exciting however we don't know exactly what the conditions will be like this year depending on who you talked to we had a ton of rain this morning friday that's for certain if it doesn't rain anymore between now and racing tomorrow we'll probably be okay that is a big if you know how these summertime things go on the east coast it could have a deluge or it could blow right over us and nothing will happen it's all up in the air depends on who you talk to how bad it's going to be it is definitely sloppy right now but we're not going to be racing for another 24 hours as we shoot this uh so let's just get into what this buds creek track is like first of all we got a local native jared fry of the monster energy star racing yamaha team literally grew up like right over there so let's talk to him hey let's talk buds creek track is back on the schedule of 2021 we didn't have it last year and we found the local native it literally says mechanicsville maryland in jared fry's results chart uh i'll talk to you about the home track thing in a second but first just tell me about what it's like to ride buds creek in general what's the track like oh yeah it's pretty cool to ride track here at buds creek the dirt's loamy it's got good traction but there's all also some off cameras that make it pretty tricky so uh with this rain that's coming it might be a little more tricky and that's off campers because it's funny like okay so you got like levi's kitchen on your team and he's from washoe and he's like yeah but i don't actually like the washington track that much you actually do dig this one yeah i enjoy this okay okay uh now let's talk about that hometown thing you grew up 15 minutes from here yeah 15 minutes uh so how often do you really get to ride it though uh well when i was growing up i was able to ride it quite a bit but i haven't ridden it in a couple years so i'm pretty excited to get back out there so it's better than say like a una dilla where they don't really open it there were local enough local races and things yeah to ride it quite a bit yeah i'm pretty sure now they're actually open every day so yeah okay uh but oddly okay this is gonna be your first pro race here the way it's all turned out right yeah yeah because you just missed it you had a knee injury yeah well they didn't do it in 2020. yeah so jeez uh so what is that like fans family all that type of stuff the atmosphere what's that going to be like i know i have a lot of family and friends here but uh as far as fans go i guess we'll we'll see but okay yeah we'll just see how it goes but seriously are there like days on an 85 or something we were just destroying people on the local race scenes what was that like uh yeah when i was growing up i used to race here all the time and a lot of times i'd i'd smoke smoke everyone but uh i mean yeah hey that should lead to people on the fence it should yeah okay we'll see we'll see uh the local fast guy usually has fans on his side regardless where we go uh let me talk to you about your season so far so last year toward the end of the year when you started doing this the results were pretty good yeah uh so we're like oh he's gonna be that much better but it's been about the same so what has it been like for you uh yeah this year really hasn't gone the way i'd hope but uh i did better last weekend at unideal and we're just gonna try and finish out the season strong and see where we end up do you have anything you're putting a finger on as to what you need to do or what you're struggling with any idea no not really to be honest just kind of searching and uh just trying to get better right okay so then that leads to the next thing how do you keep your confidence up when you got a whole super cross all the way through now you would love to get three or four good results yeah how do you still think positive uh honestly you just gotta tell yourself that you're you can do it and yeah i just believe that's probably the biggest thing right and look uh your team does well all the time they have all the tools does that make it better or easier to be like hey i got this awesome bike or oh man look at how fast these guys are going which direction does it go i'd probably say it makes it easier i mean you got a good bike and you got all the tools it's just you got to go out there and make it happen and uh unfortunately i just i just haven't been able to do that so but now we have the home race yeah allowed yourself to visualize at all like yeah but bud's creek that could be the turnaround yeah that's what i've been hoping for but uh of course the first time i'm here to race buds creek it's rain so uh could go either way though it might might go in my favor so uh we'll just have to see maybe a mud race and a hometown race combined maybe that's what you need yeah and fans cheering yeah okay a little bit of everything yeah we'll get it cheer for jared fry you used to watch him growing up everybody here at buttes creek okay we have found the most popular man in motocross everyone's favorite rider cody shock why not just pulling top tens but look he's still legitimately building his own dogs but you're popular now so you have to take microphones all right get back to the goggle prep later okay you're still prepping your own gogs you're not at this level yet no okay uh nothing's changed okay just doing me people seem to like it though are you sensing this uh fans you i feel like you've done every podcast lately i'm coming over here to interview you are you feeling this uh not i mean yeah like it's definitely more yeah than usual yes but i mean i'm i'm down for whatever like i'm so chill with everything it's just like yeah we're here doing it right because i could think okay it's not like you're gonna be like hey i'm awesome now like i'm not saying no but it could lead to pressure or stress or anything like that but it's still all good and fun yeah okay i like to keep it fun yes okay so you're from delaware correct is this like a track you rode how does this all work oh big time okay that's where i was thinking we were going so first time ever qualified for loretta's my first time trying okay 209 my regional is here all right and what class was this 85 9-11 stock wow so you did did you tried or at the first time first time ever first time you tried yeah so you did not even attempt to qualify for loretta's until you're on an 85 11 years old that's pretty cool yeah that's five six years late compared to most of these other dudes yeah yes yeah i was that kid on a stock 85 stock suspension trying to just survive coming down these hills my dad at the time he didn't believe in suspension and we learned real quick when we show up to the ranch that third motto cody's getting suspension he didn't believe in suspension just ride it dude he's like go out there and just floor it okay just go you did post before loretta's uh a screenshot of the vault of your loretta's scores not that good you want to talk about it uh what was the best you had 15th overall that was your best yeah okay okay so this is why everybody's so pumped on this look it's not just here supercross you really showed signs you finally got that top 10 overall but it was like inevitable i feel like one of these weeks you're going to put that together what the heck is going on what is change what is happening you know like the light at the end of the tunnel all right all right that's all i got i don't know i don't know where we're going we're just going okay we're we're going all right and we're having fun while doing it and that's all i got i you know like i have more guidance now yep being with tony and i have everything that i really need to succeed and we're just we're just doing it there's no like answer okay it's just yeah one ride led to another and then we're just steam engine just chugging along doing our thing okay you mentioned tony tony archer your mechanic also a local product uh like super local right before we get any further yes if this is a mudder tomorrow yeah if you were to be on my bike oh he would beat me i'm telling you look they don't check id at the gate let's say the gear put the gear on so have the gogs with the mirrorless honestly i'm building tony's goggles right now you just don't know it oh okay all right i've never heard of look everybody says their mechanic is an invaluable part of their program but i've never heard a guy praise their mechanics so much a for taking them another level but let's be honest not many people have a mechanic that was an ex-pro at this level so he's a huge part of your program huge huge and like i i just make it known to everybody now you have to come over we're talking about you yeah here we go yeah we got tony archer himself hey so i don't even know yes he sings your praises so much so you sing his praises and you can respond yes okay okay so i straight up told luige that uh if tomorrow's a mudder you would definitely beat me here so so no he's not kidding he's not kidding no no he didn't try it and i'm prepping your goggles right here so thanks man gotta be ready we just like hey technically they don't check ids at the gate so i said saying there's a chance yeah if if shock is a little yeah we're good we're good little tippy toe yeah yeah yeah if shaq's a little tall tomorrow ankles and we're good to go so we love this combo because i was saying to him i don't know many riders that have praised their mechanic for taking another level as much as him but then again most people don't have mechanics that raced at this level uh do you see that we could probably talk for an hour about this but are you looking at all these lessons and all these things you did and is that where your advice comes from your experience is a racer oh i like it do it do it yes yes and no so when when we started this i pretty much told him hey i may not know everything but i know exactly what not to do okay so like i mean as far as it went you know because i never had any guidance you know with myself it was just like hey here's a bike go race and like my dad obviously pushed me really hard you know with the way he was and uh it was a lot of just go faster i don't know why you can't just go faster and that's not the way to do it and then obviously with the traders deal it was good and i had good bikes and everything but there was never anybody behind me that was able to give me the answer so it was a lot of trial and error and a lot of experimenting and all that so uh yeah knowing what not to do and then obviously being around all these teams that i've been on you learn a lot and then i just bring that right here to him so wow invaluable i'm on the family plan the family plan the free plan you know now here's the only bummer uh you're delaware you're literally okay how far you can you can go how far away from here did you grow up uh my house is 15 minutes away but you weren't able to hang out here a ride this week right no no unfortunately that would be cool i wish the 125 dream race was still around because oh he's got a 125 and you know it could be muddy could have been muddy it's all good but explain why you had to go back home you're a little busy right now yeah very busy very busy yes your wife oh yeah yeah don't forget my first my first kid on the way yeah i didn't get to stay in between universe just in case you know uh obviously still at this moment like it could be any minute where i get the call and i'm just if it's a mud race and he has to leave you're gonna actually have to ride we've been uh we've been joking actually about he's going to get a pit board like hey baby's coming he's out your house no more pit board no more lap times where you are is where you are you know that's how it's going to be cody shock being a uncle it's going to be a good time that's full family plan he's already claiming that uncle oh i'm gonna bail out and work on his crap and he's gonna you know help with the baby yeah yeah you owe him yeah um got a lot of messes to clean up i just wanna make this go full circle so you qualify for the redis for the first time here uh in general did you race here all the time and then how do you think this track do you think you have an advantage here uh i did race here quite a bit growing up yep an advantage i don't necessarily think an advantage but on the track but advantage of just that home feel okay like just a little bit of excitement in you so i think that's all i got going for me if i need any line tips i know a guy you got your guy as long as he doesn't have to leave right right right there it is the most popular man in motocross right now at his home race people are going to be going nuts dude can we come up with a name for them it's the shockers can we name your fans we need to name your fans i mean the shockers like to do the wave so can we do like the shock wave the shockwave shockwave wheat dude you nailed it and uh hey just just focus in on that bag right there yeah all brought to you by 60 helmets they sponsor our show you guys kill it yes unbelievable thanks guys right love being back at buds creek kind of a legendary place now and you think about it's hosted a couple of usgp's a motocross of nations which is one of the all-time events i'm sure every fan here whether they came to the event or not is going to tell you they were you didn't want to miss that you've got the legend of doug henry on henry hill crashing and then coming back a few years later winning so much history soaked into this track like i said it's kind of underrated maybe not talked about as much as it should be it's awesome to be back and with that very close 450 situation with ken rockson trying to build momentum and the actual math bank close in the 250s should be awesome racing this show is brought to you by 60 helmets committed to the relentless pursuit of better brain protection you can watch the racing on peacock with practice at 10 a.m and all four moto's live first moto's live on mav tv second moto's saturday night on nbcsn we'll have a re-air of the 450 second moto on sunday afternoon on nbc enjoy the show folks
Channel: Racer X Motocross & Supercross News
Views: 14,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: racer x, dirtbike, motocross, supercross, mx, sx, pro, 2019, 2018, 2017, vault, racer x films, films
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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