First Impressions of COPENHAGEN (strangest place we've ever been)

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good morning from Copenhagen it is our first day exploring this city and we're very excited because a lot I'm very happy that we're here so we have pretty high expectations it is raining a little bit and we'll see how long this lasts we've been given a ton of recommendations on things to see face to do so today we're gonna head out into the city check out some of the big sites and also some of the more unique things that you all recommend like the oldest bakery in the city this place only cooks the Danish version of a cinnamon roll on Wednesdays we've heard they're supposed to come out of the oven at 10:30 and it's 10:30 to [Music] that looks okay I think it's a false information about when they came out of the oven it's not warm can we be honest on this channel this is like the outer edge but at average I'm going for like the center part this is how you really know okay final thoughts on the cinnamon roll it was good I finished the majority of it I just came in with the expectations that were like up here like unattainable expectations I was also comparing it to a Cinnabon which I really love maybe they're having an off day or maybe they've left them there were a lot of people in there getting cinnamon rolls I think it was an enjoyable cinnamon roll I just expected it to be life-changing that's all on site so we've been out in the bathroom copenhagen for about an hour now and then few things immediately stood out to me the first one being the architecture is absolutely beautiful here the old buildings and the new one it's one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been to the second one is everybody rides bikes for scooters everywhere even though it's cold and rainy today so the thing is there are hot dogs everywhere hotdog stands hot dogs restaurants I don't need hot dogs that one is there's tons of big beautiful walking streets like this this is such cool City we're definitely gonna get hit by bike by the time [Music] also because we've booked this place for you last minute the Airbnb that we were staying in last night is not available tonight they're having to move to a new hotel both don't today and it said the city is 97% full so only three percent of accommodations in the city were available so we're moving our stuff to a very average hotel we typically only have two bags we tend to accumulate things four dollars each [Music] and this is home for the rest of the trip oh wait is there some food so there was one thing everybody told us that we had to do while we were here in Copenhagen and that was go to the Tivoli amusement park and Gardens because it's the second oldest amusement park in the world unfortunately it's only open for a few seasons and one of those seasons is not now we just missed it but they do have a large food hole that has a bunch of restaurants and so that's we're gonna go to lunch if it's open according to the internet it's open here and then you gotta go down to the other to get to [Music] [Music] yeah oh the baby's meatball business the Danish me volatility us out really good yeah this food haul is really cool it's like an upscale Street food market that's inside we decided to go with this local restaurant that our smart board I chose the lady how to pronounce it it's the typical Danish open-faced sandwich there were all different kinds of options but we asked her which one was the most Danish and she said took a dollar please forgive my pronunciation so it is basically a Danish meatball so meatball mystery meat rye bread potato salad chopped onions some green garnishes looks good to me I have no idea how to eat it do you have any suggestions all right my first Danish smart Fork it's really really good the meat is super tasty it's like all the flavors kind of soak into the rye bread if it's a regular bread it wouldn't be able to stand all this mountain of food on top of it it's all cold I'm really good meeting a salads I'm a big fan so to get to our next destination we are attempting to take one of the local forms of transportation oh it sounds like it worked and we're gonna try to ride it to the other side of town I'm honestly like super nervous 45% of everyone who lives in Copenhagen uses bikes as their main mode of transportation so the bike lanes are packed we don't know like what the local rules are we're just gonna do our best not to get run over I'm sorry mommy for not wearing a helmet I'm very nervous I'm gonna run to this one ready 1 2 3 red huh there it is okay we have two bikes all right here we go do this [Music] phone holder with these two rubber bands with an absolutely genius invention alright well we survived the bike lanes we made it across town and it only costs $10 for both of us have those bikes for an hour which feels pretty good and the bike lanes here are so good like their own Road no matter what road you turn down there was always somewhere designated for the bike like separated like different than the road it made me feel good okay so the reason that we've come across town is to come to this area that sounded extremely unique it's called Christian iya or freedom town apparently it's this part of town that's like it's a commune that operates completely separately from the city it was an abandoned military base originally and then these people kind of started squatting and then they just kind of never left it has like its own laws like apparently like weed and drugs are legal there and it's just being openly sold in the street it has its own flag it has a school but there are a lot of fun rules one of them being no pictures or videos we'll try to be discreet but like and also run around like some shootings a grenade there are a lot of police yeah it was like the closer we got the more graffiti you saw the more like sketchy looking people you saw and the more policemen that you saw we're just gonna go check it out it just it sounded too unique not to just like go see for ourselves so we're on one of the side streets and we think we can film the others like a Main Street over it this way where I won't point the camera which i think is where the majority of like the drugs are sold and the guy was like do not point your camera thought this area kind of governed themselves and the police kind of looked at the police are coming it's such an interesting place like literally as soon as we walked in like under that sign there were just like people smoking we like openly on the street and the craziest part to me is really in the middle of Copenhagen yeah like what a major attraction I can see it from here there's tons of street art but then again Nick you see a lot of kids I'm like a lot of families dogs like there was a like a horseback-riding school like horses in the middle of the city such an interesting place [Music] you're now entering the EU I think we were saying something along the lines of that was the most interesting place we have ever been there was this street that we walked down called pusher Street and they were just openly selling weed just from these little kiosk it was just all sitting outside it was like nothing we had ever seen before but at the same time just right down the road there was a daycare and a school we just really didn't know what to think of it there were definitely some people I was trying not to make eye contact with while we were in there however overall everybody was very friendly and I'm glad that we saw what but now I'm moving on to dirt Louie to go yeah today so there's this big spiral staircase that goes up the steeple of this church and it's supposed to be one of the best views of the city so yeah maybe later smile maybe later anybody's planning their trip though and you want to go check out Freetown this is just right around the corner not [Music] we are ending the day in this beautiful part of town that when I picture Copenhagen this is what I see there are 17th century canals and buildings that are super colorful and cute all down this road everybody's sitting outside a restaurant the Sun is setting swans are smoothing by it's super lovely but it is a little cold so we're gonna grab a coffee and enjoy the news alright that wraps up our first day in Copenhagen I don't really feel like we accomplished quite as much as we set out to this morning having to move our stuff across town kind of put a little bit of a dent in our plans but oh no pretty good day I can see how it's one of the happiest in the world I don't know what it is about it but I love it yeah thankfully we still have several days in the city so we'll get to see everything that we missed or that we had planned to see today that got pushed back and a lot more fit [Music] yeah you need a new coat okay whether we are ending the day in this beautiful hole girls on a longer run no ready because it makes people nervous this one had a whole life huh I'll see how this goes charge and the weed town [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,209,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: couple vlog, daily vlog, full time travel, husband and wife, husband and wife travel, husband and wife vlog, kara and nate, kara and nate vlog, travel, travel couple, travel vlog, travel vlogger, vlog, christiania, copenhagen, copenhagen christiania, copenhagen food, copenhagen travel, copenhagen travel vlog, copenhagen vlog, danish food, denmark, denmark travel, denmark travel vlog, denmark vlog, what to do in copenhagen, where to eat in copenhagen, where to go in denmark
Id: cvP5JN6qEZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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