FIRST HAIRCUT!!! She became a baby!!✂️❤️🐶
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Channel: Tosa Bebe Pet
Views: 319,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shihtzu, shitzu, tosabebe, tosatesoura, shihtzuhaircut, groomingshihtzuwithscissors, groomingshihtzuhead, groomingshihtzuface, tosabebeshihtzurosto, shihtzubabycut, shihtzufilhote, shihtzugroomingstyle, shihtzugroomingtutorial, curso banho e tosa, shuandtree, doggroomingkorean, lovelygrooming, シーズー トリミング, 시츄미용, shitzuaeso, pflegetechniken, lhasa, lhasa apso, 라사압소, 라사압소미용, 강아지 곰돌이컷, teddy bear dog haircut, puppy, first grooming, pet shop, shu and tree, Ши-тцу
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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