I cut my hair after growing it for 8 years! So, Am I pretty? ✂️❤️🐶
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Channel: Tosa Bebe Pet
Views: 151,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yorkshire terrier, yorkie, york, dog, grooming, haircut, style, cute, puppies, tosa, trimming, beautiful, banho e tosa, dog groomer, pet shop, shu and tree, petgrooming, girl with the dogs, korean grooming, 요크셔 미용, ヨークシャーテリア, yorkshire, 요크셔테리어, grooming at home, grooming guide, йоркширский терьер, യോർക്ക്ഷയർ ടെറിയർ, chó sục yorkshire, योर्कशायर टेरियर, Йоркшир терьер, Yorkshiren terrieri, 约克夏梗, 約克夏梗
Id: 3Lm_gmUojBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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