๐นHamster escapes the awesome maze for Pets in real life ๐น in Hamster stories Part 2
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Channel: Mister Hamster
Views: 153,364,965
Rating: 4.469882 out of 5
Keywords: hamster, hamsters, maze, Hamster Maze, DIY Hamster, Maze DIY, Traps, Traps Hamster, Animal Traps, Animal, Pets Funny, hamster labyrinth, hamster obstacle course, diy hamster maze, funny hamsters, obstacle course, cardboard, hamster house, hamster minecraft maze, minecraft maze, hamster trap, hamster vs snake, Police, Police game, Police Hamster, Pets Police, maze with Traps, Game, Toys DIY, Hamster escapes, Spider, Escape, Jail, mister hamster, in real life, prison break
Id: cu38F7beXj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I was so scared for Mister Hamster when he got to those spinning black balls, phew. ๐
It escapes prison like I play video games... Knowing you're supposed to go one way and looking every other way to make sure there aren't any collectables or power ups before moving on
This was really cool. Thanks!
Getting those Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee vibes. Great stuff!
Prison Break deleted scenes
Woow surely cool