First Drum Beat in REAPER - Sequencer

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hi I'm Kenny Joya welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm gonna show you how to create your first drum beat using a sequencer in Reaper for the most part there's two different ways we can create a drum beat in Reaper the first way is using a sequencer to trigger our drum samples the other way is to play or perform it using a MIDI controller or drum pads in this video I'm gonna show you how to do it using a sequencer but I've also made a similar video using a MIDI controller if you prefer to see that video check the list of videos available on the Reaper video homepage that video should be just below this one so the first thing we're gonna do is go to the Reapers stash website we'll go to google and type in Reaper stash then we'll choose this right here then we'll search first drum be and this file shows up we get down with the samples we'll be using to create our first drumbeat now let's go back to Reaper and put a plug in on this first track I created let's go to the track effects we'll go to the reaper plugins and choose resample Matic 5000 which is the sampler that comes with Reaper so let's double click it now let's go to the folder we just downloaded right over here on PC that's called your Explorer on Mac it's the finder and here the samples we're gonna use let's start off with the kick just drag it in to the plugin we can click this button to hear the sample that's our kick then we go down here to minimum volume and bring the knob all the way down to infinite and that's going to allow our sample to be velocity sensitive so it's triggered harder it'll be louder and if it's triggered quietly it'll be softer we're gonna use velocity to adjust the volume of each sample then we'll go down over here to notes start a note end we could choose the MIDI note that's going to trigger this sample I'll type in 48 which is c2 - both of them and now c2 is going to trigger the kick sample so let's add the rest well first select the plug-in copy it and then paste it now we have a new one but we could put our snare let's grab a snare right here drag that in play from here let's change the note for this sample so different MIDI note triggers the snare which changed this to 50 which is d2 now let's move on to the other samples copy and paste it let's do the clap right here drag it in she's the note 252 which is e 2 there's a clap do it again for a coast hat right here drag it in let's hear the hi-hat change this note to 54 which is f sharp 2 and do another one for the open hat drag it in change the note to 58 which is B flat 2 and then I want to turn on right down here obey note offs normally when we trigger these samples it just plays the whole sample but if we choose this the sample only plays while the mini trigger is held down so if we trigger a short note the note is short which will help for things like this when you want the hi-hat to cut off when you play the next note if this was turned off it would sound like this which sounds wrong because both hi-hats are playing at the same time so let's turn this on now let's move on to the next sample copy and paste this let's go to shot one which is more of a musical sample that has a pitch to it sounds like this let's keep obey note offs on what she's a note 260 which is C 3 copy and paste this let's go to shot to drag this in and that sounds like this and change that note to 61 which is D flat 3 copy and paste this and bring in the river symbol which sounds like this to create a reverse effect we'll change this to 62 which is d3 and then finally some white noise which we'll use as a crash for the top of our chorus which sounds like this and again we'll leave on obey note offs and change this to 63 which is he flat 3 so now we have all the sounds we're gonna need but now we need a way to trigger it we're not using a MIDI controller so going to use a sequencer what's that another plug-in right here what search sequencer right here there are three the mega baby one is the most powerful so it's use that one we want to put it before our samples so can trigger them afterwards so just drag it right above it and place it there nobody change the song tempo down here to 80 beats per minute that's the temple or how fast this drumbeat is going to be then turn on the metronome right up here let's double-click this plugin so we can float it and make it as big as possible so this sequence of plugin is basically a MIDI step sequencer each one of these boxes represents a step and by default each step is a sixteenth note and over here we could see our notes but let's change the notes because right down here it starts at c1 so let's move these green keys up higher to about here so it starts at c2 which is where our kick sample is set so let's start by placing a few snare hits on the two and for using d2 just click right here and right here and we should hear a snare on the 2 & 4 hit play and we do we could change the velocity or how loud the hit is by holding down control on the PC or command on the Mac and just drag it up and down and we can see the number right over here let's bring it up to about 70 right about there that we can click this one to clear it hit it again another velocity is the same as this one because it automatically uses the previous velocity on every new note we create and we could also change the velocity of all the notes that are the same sample but holding our alt control on the PC or option command on the Mac and just dragging it and they all go up or down together put it back to seventy-two and now it's add a kick part we'll go down to see to click here here and here once you that let's bring the volume down of all the kick hits with that modifier and let's put it at around 60 let's hear that now it's it a clap but just on the second stage on right here and e - just the velocity to be about 70 and it sounds like this now let's hit the closed hi-hat on every eighth note again each box is a sixteenth note so we'll do every other one which is f sharp to click this one this one and so on and that will sound like this now I want to create an accent for this part so it changed the velocity of every other hit starting with this one bring it down to about 20 then we can click this twice and it changed the velocity so the last note we hit so all these will give me lower in volume creating an accent on the downbeats and for this last hit let's hit an open hi-hat get rid of this one and click it here let's hear that but notice the note is too short so to extend that note hold down alt on the PC or option on the Mac and just drag it from here to here now the note will be twice as long one thing I'm noticing is that the open hi-hat place too often it plays every bar I wanted to play every other bar so we use a keystroke to double the length of this section go right over here to our notes hold down shift and then just click it doubles the whole thing so now we have a two bar pattern instead of one bar so we can clear this note and instead put the note here so now the open hi-hat only plays every other bar [Music] but I want to try something different on the first bar right here as I mentioned earlier each one of these notes is a sixteenth note which sounds like this but if you want to play faster notes we can still do that we could subdivide these steps into multiple steps so if we hold down the modifier shift while right-clicking and then drag watch what happens we get two boxes instead of one let's do the same here so we could put four notes there and get a 30-second note which sounds like this [Music] let's go even faster with a 64th note do the same thing hold down shift and right click drag go up so we get four notes in that one box two sim here and now we could add four notes here and four notes here let's just put three for the second note so it sounds like this and we could adjust the velocity of all these by drawing it with the modifier control on the PC come into the Mac just drawing right from here up here and create a fade in that's a bit too loud go a little bit lower [Music] that's a bit better but I want to try one other thing I want it to pan from left to right so it's duplicate the closed hi-hat and pam one left and one right we'll go to the closed hi-hat copy it and paste it twice let's bring these up to here just so the next of them what she's a note for this one to be 55 or g2 and we'll change this one to be 56 which is G sharp too then we'll pan the first one to the left and the second one to the right now go back to the sequencer and delete these and divide this one into four pieces and this one the same thing they will put in notes for this one and this one but just three will fade them in like this but here it sounds it's a little more interesting with the hi-hat panning left and right now let's add our musical samples the first one was c3 click it and then drag it bolt on the PC option on the Mac so to adjust the length Sony plays from the beginning up until but not including the snare have a copy the kick part so we'll put one here as well click it and drag it up until here get rid of these we can adjust the volume on both hits we'll make it about 45 let's hear that [Music] do the same thing with shot to which we'll put over here let's see sharp 3 click it drag it over just the volume of them together let's bring it down to about 30 next we have a white noise and their verse symbol but unlike the other samples we have so far I want these to play every four bars instead of two bars so gonna use the feature of this plugin that allows us to use more than one pattern if we go up here by these numbers these are the different patterns we could use from 0 to 15 so there's a total of 16 we've been using pattern 0 so it's duplicate pattern 0 2 pattern 1 holding ctrl on the PC will command in the Mac just click it and it duplicates padding:0 to pattern one Senate could change them to be a bit different let's go back to zero and go to D sharp 3 which is where the white noise is click it drag it over up until the snare adjust the volume to be about 40 [Music] but we don't want that white noise to play as often so let's go to pattern one where it's not let's say the reverse cymbal here it's on d3 so let's put it on the second snare and drag it over right to here adjust the velocity to be about 30 let's hear that [Music] but after that snare we don't really need the open hi-hat let's hear that and now you want to alternate between pattern 0 and pattern 1 and luckily we can do that real easily hold on alt on the PC or option on the Mac and just click number 1 then it links up or it makes a chain between 0 & 1 and now it will alternate between both patterns but doing it this way is not as flexible as it can be so let's turn that off hold on the PC option on the Mac and just click 0 that takes off the linking between those patterns and let's switch it a different way but first let's create a few more patterns for our song let's start with 0 and duplicate it to 2 controlling the PC command in the Mac and just click it do the same thing with pattern one and put it on pattern three now it's readjust pattern 0 & 1 to be a verse or breakdown verse will stop with zero and the Wii or the kicks and the snares let's get rid of the white noise and it sounds like this [Music] and for pattern one what's to eat the kicks and the snares which change the kick pattern to play eighth notes towards the end right here up until the state [Music] let's put a snare at the end and that could be the second half of a breakdown verse so we have four patterns to choose from we have our chorus a to the second half of the chorus and three a breakdown verse and zero and the second half of the breakdown verse at one so we could switch it by hitting a midi key but first we'll turn this on over here midi trigger and change it to on pattern change then these red keys over here will decide what many notes trigger which pattern it starts at C for which you can see right here trigger C for that goes up the keyboard to change each pattern so C for his pattern zero C sharp for his pattern 1 D 4 is 2 tee shot 4 is 3 and then so on so let's go back to our tracks over here let's create a media item controlling the PC well commander the Mac and just draw it from bar one to bar three we'll double-click it to open up the MIDI editor let's go up here to c4 and destroy in a note we'll make it two bars long doesn't it to be that long it just makes it easier to see so c4 is going to trigger pattern 0 then we can duplicate it to bar 3 bring the note to C sharp for duplicate it again to bar 5 bring it up a half step to D for which we pattern three which is a chorus well the first half and then finally bring this up to c-sharp for now we have all the patterns that we need if you just duplicate them and move them around let's let them all bring them all over here and it should play back the two halves of our breakdown verse and the two halves of a chorus and they repeat that and if we had a full song with more patterns we just create them and move them around so let's open this back up so I could see it all at the same time let's play it from the beginning and we should hear the changes in real time starting with the breakdown verse which is pattern zero [Music] and just like that we create an arrangement for our song using just four patterns to choose from and again we can create up to 16 and just copy and paste them to let our song so that's pretty much it that's a first drum beat in reaper using a sequencer I hope you learned something I hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks [Music] you ah you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 42,865
Rating: 4.9553299 out of 5
Id: nJFcRF-D9Sk
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Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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