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foreign day of school until now uh I'm so scared I'm like I'm terrified I need to get up I need time to get to like process everything and like actually get up all right guys I'm up I'm moving uh I gotta go wash my face and brush my teeth and like de-puff everything [Music] [Music] okay foreign I'm just gonna make my bed so that like when I get home from school I could come home and lay down to like a nice clean room so I'm gonna try to have my own like it's neat as possible so I don't have to worry about it later [Music] thank you okay so now I still have to do some space stuff I'm gonna take my sleep time because I woke up extra extra early like when I tell you class starts at nine nine and I'm here at up at like 5 30. so I had a lot of time to spare do that and get back to you [Music] [Music] [Music] if you guys want to know the products that I use basically I just use this juice can you see that that's what it looks like it's like a packet and it comes with like all of this and [Music] thank you and this comes with all of this I just do that and I put this these pads on my face you just you know wipe your face with them because they make sure you don't break out even though I have a little pimple right there so it's not helping I could just cover that with my hair but still like I don't want that there on my first day like like [Music] my eye bags are going crazy this is not acceptable behavior you need to be gone [Music] today my first day of eighth grade I don't know only like the big dog at school because I'm just like that but it's going to be my first time at this new school and I'm like terrified I think I'm gonna be really lost so I'm scared but I'm not gonna stress it out because ain't nobody get in I don't care I just hope I look cute while I'm lost you know a damseling distress needs her her guy you know what I mean I also use um this um ordinary eyelash serum I've been using it for like a few weeks now I think it's worked a little bit because my eyelashes were really short because the mascara every single day for school um so I think it helped a little bit but like not a lot but at the same time only we've been wearing it for like like almost a month oh you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put some what's it called eye drops in my eyes so that they're really like glistening and very bright I'm so scared I hate doing this video they are [Music] foreign feels so good I did a hair treatment on it yesterday and I used this spray um this WOW spray that gets rid of literally it's amazing it gets rid of flyaways so I don't have any hairs at the top and when you're in like damp areas like when you're running you know how you come back and your hair is all sweaty and gross no when you put that spray it literally like it absorbs it and your hair just stays really nice and fun and fun stuff it's 5 40. I thought I had a lot of time but time is going by really fast so I'm gonna do my makeup I had to bring in the big guns today it's really dirty it's really dirty look at everything I got inside here I have this stuff I don't even use but you know maybe I'll maybe I'll change one day the first thing I do I'm gonna do I'm gonna get rid of these eye bags because they're just there's something else I'm telling you I'm talking so loud and everybody else other than me is sleeping right now I gotta shut up okay I'm gonna just blend this in foreign [Music] [Music] contouring last year I did contouring and everybody called me makeup Queen all year I was makeup Queen because I had so much makeup on so I gotta like take it down a notch I'm not being able to see the second time oh my God I totally forgot I got these things where are you here this will be a lot easier how can I go for makeup Queen to not knowing how to do makeup at all this is mind-blowing does she look smart I'm telling you guys I literally forgot how to do makeup I literally forgot how is that there's a lot on there I literally forgot dude I literally forgot how to do makeup I'm done I'm done I need to like slow down I got so much time I literally just almost finished my makeup in eight minutes nine minutes I think the real Elvis I don't think he's that cute I mean yeah I don't find them cute but the actor in the Elvis movie foreign wow [Music] like wow everywhere [Music] so um doing my eyebrows with Vaseline don't come at me I just comb out and then put some some [Music] [Applause] [Music] concealer damn I went without makeup for too long I'm like a virgin at it now [Music] I think I just got to do my eyelashes big transformation I have makeup on my phone okay I might add some more mascara but I gotta let this dry first so yeah I know some people their freckles and are insecure about their freckles so I know some people get mad over the fact that people put fake freckles and stuff because like they don't like this but I really love freckles like I think they're so beautiful I just think freckles are really beautiful clothes are out of them and they just add more like color to my face I feel like my face is so Bland let me see them a little bit [Music] The Next Step I'm gonna do my wrist which I'm probably gonna have to redo later because school has been starting like more than a few hours I go in with this um it looks like I don't know where it's from I just I just stole it from my stepmom because she wasn't using it so ouch that's good [Music] I gotta go put my uniform on actually what am I talking about I have to do my hair because this ain't gonna work for me so while I wait for my iron to heat up I'm gonna just put some jewelry on I'm gonna wear these tiny little poops I'll put my rings on and my my oh my bracelets on later but just to show you guys the earrings I'm really not sure what I'm gonna do I'm gonna like straighten it a little and then just curl it at the bottom I guess because that's basically how I want my hair to be so I'm not gonna do straight or curly I'm just gonna well basically straight but I'm just gonna curl it at the end I'd attack some people have a good day [Music] but I like it I think it looks good came out actually way better than I expected but I guess now guys I'm gonna put my uniform on and try to figure out a way to style that because I literally look like okay so this is literally looking so cute just to waste this makeup and this hair I'll be stupid I hate it I hate it oh it's looking so good I have a lot of jewelry I'm gonna put my rings on a little later I don't I really like this necklace it's just like a plain necklace but I don't know if I wanna do that one or this one that has like the infamous Tick Tock planet on it that one it's it's cute I don't know if it's wanted to do I look so hot right now I'm like obsessed with myself [Music] yeah this one's the go so I'm gonna wear these Rings where's my other one I got them at like this little hippie store at the mall see it [Music] it's really really cute and this there's the other this is what it looks like on I have this one too but like I always put that one I always have that one on so so I didn't show it and these two which I'm gonna take this one and take that that blue one off because the gold on it like went away now it's over and I don't do silver okay now we have this drawers all of these very Stitch okay so this is the bracelets this is everything I have a few more but I'm not gonna wear these today I have my lanyards here I have two of them I have this one that's like [Music] it's Marble it has like a little ID thing and it has this one that says Vans I like this one more I like pepper spray on it too because no you don't never know who's out there so I want to wear this one but it's like the packaging made it crumbly so I was gonna straighten with my straightener I hope this works so far nothing but I'ma like hold it on there so that it actually does something I'm basically done I have so much extra time it's literally six it's like 6 40 I think and I don't have to leave until nine the hell am I doing for like an hour and 40 in 20 minutes just that you're really cute I gotta put on my shoes I gotta oh I was gonna use the spray for my makeup that makes it last really long I should probably reading my hair a little bit and put some some hairspray in it so that it doesn't fall out I've just been sitting here because I I'm already ready basically I have nothing else to do but I look cute I'm gonna show you guys my outfit and I'm gonna put on my socks and my shoes well I'll probably just put on my socks for now because I'm gonna be laying in bed for a while I should probably pack something for me to eat alright guys so I'm practically ready to go I have like an hour left until school starts but this is the finished outfit I'm gonna like tuck in my shirt or something so that it's like like this oh my God I got it wet I'll pray to God that that's not Gatorade because I just poured some Gatorade in my bottle like have some Gatorade at school but this is basically the outfit hold on [Music] [Music] there's my water bottle I hope this doesn't fall out and then I embarrass myself but yeah that's it oh look at this I have a little flower and add a little shark on there so any squishy so then I get bored I could just play with them I have a Wonder Woman voodoo doll that's nice these are the shoes I'm gonna be wearing Loki don't know how I feel it but I think they're pretty cute so I'm gonna Just Go With It because like do you do this or dirty dirty air forces and that I'm going to be known as the girl with dirty air forces and I'm gonna try to be that girl so I just put on these shoes I'll show you guys the outfit so this is the outfit um with the shoes and everything I'll show you guys the book ride on this is what the book bag on looks like um yeah I look like I got a hunchback but this book bag is like super heavy for right now guys I'm gonna let my phone charge a little bit because I need it for my schedule and it's like halfway right now if I'm recording so much so I'm a little charged and uh I'll take you guys all right guys I'm about to leave my house I'll see you guys when I'm back home so I totally forgot to film when I got home but now it's like 11 P.M and basically the day was good except for the fact that I was in the wrong class for like 20 minutes before she called me out and she told me I was in the wrong class so that was kind of embarrassing um but other than that I had a really good day it was you know it was basic nothing really insane happened so I can't say much about that um so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did like comment share follow subscribe everything everything if you want more videos if you want to see more videos from me turn on the post notification Bell because I'll be posting a lot like every time I get the chance I'll post a new video to try to be consistent with you guys but yeah if you want to see more from me hit the bell and I'll be sure to leave you guys some more content love you guys see you in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Torri V
Views: 1,827,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mGFbQ_Xcxks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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