First contact with an S7-1200 - How to go online in TIA Portal, even if Target could not be reached

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hey guys you know what i thought that today we could do something slightly different and i decided to take us back to the basics so this video will be dedicated to all of you just starting with pocs or maybe uh wanting to learn how to do things in ti portal what we'll cover in this video is the very first contact of a poc we'll try to find our network figure it out figure out what you're dealing with and load the hardware config to it and if you like it if you like this formula of going back to the basics please let us know and maybe we'll make it into a series okay so we are in tia we have a fresh new project so yeah click here create a new project give it a name in the project we have absolutely no hardware configured whatsoever but i have connected my pocs a few of them a few different plc's and to my network okay so as you can see we have no devices so you can imagine two scenarios here one scenario is it's a factory um poc you know you just unboxed it and brand new one connected to 24 volts uh connected via an ethernet cable to your pc or a laptop that's one one um one option the other option is maybe you just got you know to uh a plant and there is this plc they have a problem with it or you are a new employee and you need to get access to it okay so two different scenarios uh regardless which one it is the important thing is to know what you're connected with okay because in tmea to be able to connect to a device we need to know to which network card it is connected so normally as you can see you can have quite a big selection of different interfaces uh one place where you can maybe find a clue as to where you are actually connected if you don't know is if you go here right click open settings and change adapter options okay and you have different adapters and for me i'm connected here okay so i'm at one clue for me as the status is not disabled and the status is not network cable unplugged because i have something plugged there um you might see an unidentified network if it's not connected um uh but yeah generally speaking it will be one of these with with something here not network cable unplugged or not disabled then you know if you look at here a device name you will see a device type actually so if it's wi-fi probably it's not the one that you're looking at so for me it's this real tech usb gbe family controller and this is what what is going to be important for me because here in ti on the left hand side i will now find the same thing okay and if i'm good if i know that this is what i will always be using i can actually go here and display interfaces hide all of them and show just this one so it is a bit clearer now if you go here you can see you have two options update accessible devices and display more information so if you do update accessible devices what it does now it does a dcp scan so it uses discovery and configuration protocol on layer 2 okay to find your devices so it will be um broadcasting message messages using mac addresses so if you are using vpn for example this will most likely not work for you because vpns most of them use just layer 3 they don't allow for relay to communication on the mac level while profinet is mac based okay while the configuration layer of profinet uses layer 3 uses tcp to configure these things and the initial discovery is done over at layer 2 and as you can see here on the left hand side it found three devices okay one of them has a name poc underscore one profinet interface one and an ip address and this is how you would expect um maybe a running poc a poc that was configured in the past to look like so if it's maybe you have a plan to connect to a poc most likely you will see something with a name and with an address if it is a brand new poc most likely it will not have a name like this so it just says accessible device and it will not have an ip assigned it only shows you um the mac address of your device okay so this kind also proves that you know this device doesn't even have an ip address so we are not using ip addresses to connect we're not using layer 3 we're using layer 2 and this communication is a mac based communication so now one of them is my device okay um if i don't know which one it is well you can check on the device if you have physical access to the device you can read the mac address of the side of your or you know if it is a fresh new device what i would suggest connect just one device and it will immediately know what you're dealing with this would be the only device um that is that is discovered here now what if you double click of deductible devices and it isn't there well probably you have a network problem okay because um because this uses um layer 2 and mac addresses even if you are in a different subnet it will still show you the device and what it will do though if you are in a different subnet if you click the little arrow see here it shows me all the things but if i was in a different subnet it will only show you online and diagnostics like this this one option so if you are on the same subnet as your poc you will see all the options if you are in different subnet you will only see online diagnostics but it will still pop up here so if you can't find it check your your cable you know try to connect directly from your laptop to the device if you are maybe uh plugged into a switch try to go directly from your from your pc and to the actual poc make sure that your that your um cable works make sure that you are selecting at the right interface here uh worst case scenario you know maybe try if you can um connect to something else as well so if you for example connect another pc can you ping it this will prove to you that the cable works and that the card works and and hopefully will allow you to find what the problem was but if the device doesn't pop up here you will not go any further because this is like the basics of communication although stop here because i did tell you before it will not be here if you are using a vpn so if you for example also have a switch that only supports layer 3 communication or you have a vpn so it supports layer free communication you will not be able to find your device here there are ways to connect to it and but you need to know the ip address of your device and then you would scan the device looking for a specific um ip address okay but if you are connected physically cable and from your pc to the poc it must be here okay so we have this poc that is something that was clearly configured before and you have two out of the box you know pocs or maybe factory reset pocs because these two guys i actually factory reset before so now to start working with them um we need to add them to our projects and and now you know what you can do as you can do um go to devices and networks yeah or even here add new device now you will probably know if it's a 1200 or a 1500 okay 1200 1500 yeah now you know um so you know which one it is and then you can go okay in my case i'm connecting to a 1200 but i'm not sure which one okay if you know which one just select it it's going to be easiest for you if you're not sure and then you have this option unspecified cpu there are two options here but the other one is the cyplus version it's just a version that can work in in harsher environments so we go with the standard one now yeah i'm not sure which which uh um which firmware version this is so i'm just gonna select four four and hope it's fine yeah now if you're not sure and like you don't want to be guessing like me you could go online diagnostics and check and i'll show you this in a second as well but let's try this if it's a brand new poc it would most likely come with the the highest firmware possible so i have my unspecified cpu as you can see the device is not specified so i need to either use hardware catalog to tell tio which 1200 this exactly or use the detect er to come to to find out the configuration here i need to select okay i'm using pnie profinet and which interface am i using again i'm using this real tank usb gbe family controller yeah and now let's start search as you can see i have two at two different plc's uh yeah i guess it wasn't the smartest thing to connect to at the same time but that's fine because they only have um the mac address they don't have an ip yet they are showing here interface type iso iso okay detect to execute this function yeah it needs an extra hyper so i wonder what it's going to add it but that's fine let's see what happens now okay so as you can see it added an extra ip address in the zero range you know why well it added the zero range because the default ip address for a plc in tia is 190 168.0.1 so it just wanted something in in this range so now my adapter actually has two ip addresses one is in my home network dot 50 range and one is in dot zero range it was just added here hmm there you go module replacement between unspecified cpu and blah blah blah v3 not possible so clearly the cpu that i selected here is firmware version 3 and there is no backwards compatibility of any kind especially you know and there is no no way to even upgrade version three s7 1200 to version 4 1200 and then if i checked before i would be able to find this information but what you will see now when i try to detect the tia realize okay this guy doesn't have an ipa range so i'm going to give it the default ip address of 0.1 so we can now access it uh using as i mentioned before layer three which requires ip addresses for for configuration okay because with dcp with layer two we can only do things like uh give it a name and give it an ip address okay so i go online diagnostics and if i did check this done before i would see okay i'm on firmware version three and i would be able to even go check okay that's the poc that i'm looking for so let's add it now add new device s7 1200 cpu now it says at 1215c dc dc dc okay one ag-313 here stands for firmware version three so let's add this guy yeah and should be happy date now let's see and can we actually connect to him is the question so if i go online again select my usb gbe see i mentioned before if you were using vpn where player 3 you would not be able to access it using layer 2 communication but what you can do you can do this show devices with the same address and it will either use the address from the project or if you want you can just pop in the address here so 190 168.0.1 is what i'm using i don't need to click start start search okay as soon as you start stop typing it looks for your poc and it is found fine normally you can just use show or compatible devices start search and the result should be the same but it also shows me the other 1200 and well because it's it's a 1200 on my network okay as i mentioned before uh this device it only shows as a generic s7 1200 interface type iso and the address is the mac address while my 1215 that i tried to detect before already has an ip address so if i go online i can see that my poc is rather healthy okay as you can see it's in stop yeah but that's fine i didn't expect anything else from it so i i'm quite happy with this yeah now if i wanted to check maybe something is going wrong with this guy i can always go online diagnostics i can go diagnostic buffer if it is stopping for some reason i would probably find an indication why it is stopping here if i wanted to change his ip address i could theoretically go here assign a p address but i would suggest against it okay because then when you download your project it's going to overwrite it again to the default of zero one so rather than doing this you would go device configuration and check your plc okay properties and profinet interface ethernet address here we need to change it oh but we can't why can we not change it because we are online with the poc so we'll go offline with it and now we should be able to um set it to 0 1 0 5 for example yeah so this is set ip address in the project if this is ticked when i download it's going to get the ip address or from my project the one that i set here if i assign an ip address then i would need to make sure that the ip address is set directly at the device this means that you know some other components can actually change the ip address of the device and it won't be the the ip address that is loaded when i load my project yeah so that's fine now the name generate profinet device name automatically so my pc is called plc2 so the profinet device name is poc underscore two uh but you could change it okay so if you do um right click and you find yourself rename which is f2 um s7 s7 1200 version 3. yeah now as you can see it changed the profinet device name to the s7 1200 at underscore and v3 yeah so what you can do you can now download this again show compatible devices this guy load so yeah so that's fine and if i go back to online access on the left-hand side and update accessible devices i can see okay it changed its name it changes ip it's all good this very important place in ti that allows you to quickly check if you can find your device if it has the correct name and correct address as as i mentioned before uh i can actually spawn now two networks 50 and 0. and this is because if you right click here on your adapter and go configurations you will be able to see um that if you scroll down you have some local ip settings so i added this local ip address okay this one you can access both zero and and 50 without issues you would normally be able to see it but as i said if you click this arrow on the left hand side if you are not on the on the subnet you will not get all these options you only get online diagnostics option so now what about this guy i know this another 1200 so maybe i will try to use the method that i wanted to show first to detect it so i click detect again select my usb gbe and now i go for this guy detect let's see this this gives me more luck connection failed the selected online target could not be reached now this is interesting okay um could not be reached but i can certainly reach it here what happened hmm so this doesn't work for you delete yes now you go to your device yeah zero underscore one online and diagnostics now this is interesting okay because as you can see we are on the same subnet but this still only gives us online uh online diagnostics so there is clearly something wrong with our our poc here in this case ng is reset let's see if this helps yeah so we update accessible device again we can see our device and what you can see the ip address wasn't changed okay there might be a another device on the network this could be causing problems or something just went wrong okay it might be a damaged apoc for example and but what was what basically happened is the the address did not get changed for now go online in diagnostics i'm still not getting anything let's try to assign the ip address 192 at 168.0.5 with the subnet of two five five two five five two five five zero sign ip address the parameters were transferred successfully as you can see it already changed to zero five he still isn't having it okay let's try to also this is very interesting he clearly doesn't like it a bizarre okay poc1 sign name let's see okay assigned let's see so it changed the name to poc1 it changed the ap address so it like has no full configuration and should be rather happy you know it should be a rather happy device and it is okay so as i mentioned before um profinet uses layer two for later there are well what is important for later is the mac address but what is important for profinet is the actual plc name and it is the name that profinet communication actually uses um to talk to other devices and you will see this problem uh most are filled with drives okay so if you have a fresh threshing drive like ceramics g120 if you don't give it a name you will not be able to connect to it and this was exactly the same case so if you are seeing a similar problem where you maybe just can't detect this plc and you can't go online with it and make sure to also give it a name okay so uh give it a name give it an ip and it should be rather happy it should tell you what it wants and now if we go back and try to detect it it should all work fine so we go on specified cpu detect um pnie usb gbe yeah i have my poc one detect and now it finds it fine okay unfortunately some of these errors overlap and it will be trial and error to find out you know what is the problem for you but generally speaking if you can't connect to your and plc if you can't go online with it first thing you always do you go online access and make sure you can see it here if you see it here but it comes as um accessible device and mac address for example make sure to give it an ip through the online and diagnostics option functions yeah so give it an ip with um the subnet of your choosing most likely two five five two five five two five five and then when you give it the ip make sure okay change the ip that's fine and then the next thing uh give it also um a name okay so assign profinet device name and give it a name it could be a temporary name because i'm not intending to keep this plc one and zero five you will then overwrite it with your config but giving these two things to your profinet device will make sure uh will ensure that you can actually go online with it you can connect to it fine and the same rule will apply to other devices like drives for example other devices that use profinet and communication there is not much more that we can do here you know in terms of the hardware configuration if i had problem with any of these plc's as i said you'd go online diagnostics you go diagnostics buffer start reading the buffer see what is happening but they are generally speaking nice at happy devices the only last thing in terms of the hardware uh you might want to do you know let's say it's a a device that you got of someone okay like let's say this v3 i i got it you know it had an ip it had a name i wanted to rest it to factory defaults and the way you do it you just find it either here in your project if it is added to the project or via online access you go online diagnostics you go functions reset to factory settings delete our p address reset yes and yes it will stop the poc it will reset at the settings of the ip of the um profinet interface sorry and if we add deductible devices uh it should come up in a moment as accessible device and the mac address again yeah it's still resetting yeah there you go accessible device and the mac address okay so this is how you would reset it at t factory defaults and yeah this is your first contact of a plc if you have a brand new plc or maybe you go to factory floor to shop floor connect to a poc you want to add it to your ti portal these are the options you either go add new device select the device that you have if you don't know what device it is you go online access and check yeah so online diagnostics and check what device you're dealing with or read on the side of your device if you're lazy as i said add new device select the type select unspecified it will tell you so there is a multitude of of of different ways of adding your your device and if you have any problems uh make sure that the device is in here has the name has the ip address if not check your cable check if you can ping other devices unless you are using a vpn as i said then it will not be available here and if you want to go online to your device you will need to add it by going add new device yeah then you would um determine okay this is the device i'm using so you need to know what device you're using you won't be able to select it in the properties and what i would suggest is that you put the ip address of your device whatever it is and then if you want to go online to it you go online extend it go online and you select the interface so if you are using vpn you would probably use your vpn let's say that i will select this nordvpn okay um or any other vpn tunnel that you're using tap windows adapter yeah and you do show devices with the same address and if it is the same address as here in your project that's fine start search but if you are using vpn it will quite often be an address something like 172 for example the address that vpn gives you poc so you need you would then need to add to put it here manually and even if it's something different it's going to detect it it will allow you to go online uh so that's it from me in terms of the first contact with the poc the first hardware contact with the poc um and maybe you know maybe we'll turn it in into a series of videos and in the next video we'll do um some basic config maybe we'll go through the the hardware configuration in terms of different settings that you can send and explaining them or maybe we'll go and do some basic programming if you have any preference please do let me know in the comments [Music] bye
Channel: AutomationStation
Views: 28,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiaportal, siemens, s7-1500, s7-1200, automation, plc, simatic
Id: Ywg1txKai6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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