First Baptist Morning Worship Service Live Stream

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[Music] my glory oh we were [Music] we worship [Music] we were [Music] Oh Oh we worship me got away [Music] we worship God Almighty [Music] Oh we worship You Heavenly Father Oh [Music] we worship [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh only [Music] Oh Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nobody [Music] oh we were [Music] it's what we created [Music] we did Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] is all about you Oh [Music] Oh only you only because you are we make miracle word Rama scheme light in the darkness my god that is who [Music] 'we make miracle work promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are has he been that for anybody [Music] we make miracle my god miracle work light in the darkness my god [Music] we make miracles keeper [Music] yes my god that is you [Music] we were [Music] we were you here [Music] we [Music] we and we call you we make miracles keep light in the darkness my god [Music] you we make miracle Skiba like in the darkness my god that is [Music] that is [Music] it's who I know you to be [Music] you make [Music] it's always [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you shown us we can trust you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] Oh you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good morning the whole entire body of Christ this is a glorious day in the Lord we are yet still on this side of glory so this is a glorious day in the Lord shop for joy to the Lord all the earth worship the Lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the Lord is God let us pray eternal God our Heavenly Father how we thank you Lord God for your grace for your mercy and Lord most of all we thank you for your love we bless your holy and righteous name we're grateful Lord God this morning that as we slept last night in the very image of death you so fit to wake us up early this morning you watched over us in your campus God we thank you for keeping us we thank you for blessing us that we might be at this place and this time this appointed time right now to talk about you and how wonderful you are to bring forth the word Lord God that you would have your messenger to bring bless him now Lord God that he might bring it with force and with authority and with boldness Lord Jesus in the precious name of Jesus we pray amen amen amen good morning family in Psalms 46 yard is our refuge and strength an ever-present help in trouble and be still and know that I am God I will be exalted in the earth the Lord Almighty is with us Heavenly Father we come to you in prayer this morning saying good morning Holy Spirit recumbent to you as humble as we know how we thank you for a good night's sleep and waking us up in our right minds and with a reasonable portion of health and strength thank you for your grace and your mercy in this world you said we would have trials and tribulations and if we put our hands in God's hands he will never leave us nor forsake us we must build our faith in Jesus and trust and believe my family that Jesus will bring us through we may have been through floods fires earthquakes volcanoes tornadoes and now the corner virus karana virus but it is this one more things not too fearful he says to us in Corinthians 4:7 through 10 he says we now have this light shining in our hearts but we ourselves are like a fragile clay jar containing this great treasure that makes it clear that our great power is from God and not from ourselves we are pressed on every side by troubles but we are not crushed we are perplexed but not driven to despair we are hunted down but never abandoned by God we get knocked down but we are not destroyed God is our strength our protector our healer our rock on everything our only fear is God if we tune our hearts and minds to die and be obedient to his will he will hide us in the shadow in the shelter of the Most High God will we will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty if we make the Lord our refuge if we make the Most High our shelter we have no fear except the Almighty father we ask that you continue to bless our pastor and his family continue to give him your vision to bring back to your children and to carry out your will and receive you will receive all the praise fill our hearts with love and remove anything that is not worthy of you bless our pastor emeritus and his family and all the ministries of our church to night years field and our hearts to your words to hear your voice and be obedient to give you all the praise and when we have done all that we have to do for you open your arms and welcome us home where we can praise you forever because you are so so worthy father and we greatly appreciate and love you with all our hearts praying my family and everything will be fine trust in the Lord for he is your shelter he is your everything and all God's children say threefold amen amen and amen [Music] [Music] let me say thank you today for all of those the First Baptist Family and all of you out there who are joining us by way of internet home this morning as we come to you in this way at this time of the pandemic which is co V in nineteen we thank you for your words of encouragement we thank you for your prayers I also want to say a hearty thank you to all of those who have sent cars to first lady and I congratulatory cars far first year here at First Baptist we're so thankful for you and we thank you for thinking of us and thinking about us during this time and we pray that everyone is continually blessed as we come to this time of giving this is still yet a time of being blessed for we understand that if we have something to return to God that we are still blessed we thank you for your faithful giving for your not forgetting about God in this time of Cova at 19 we thank you for your continued support of this ministry as we continue to move forward and do the things that God has called us to do as a body of Christ as you know our same methods of giving still exists whereby you can give online at one is T - Baptist dot more www one is T - Baptist out more you can also give on cash app and dollar sign one st FBC mor e there's one st FBC mor e or you can also give by mail 302 Moore Street Fayetteville North Carolina - 8301 all of our giving messages are secure we thank you for those of you for your spiritual giving in for your gifts in support of this ministry maybe we pray in this time most wise and gracious God we thank you for this opportunity to return to you just a portion of that which you have blessed us with we realize that now we are going through a time of crisis Britta's God but we know that you are still above the crisis we thank you for giving us wise minds and wise hearts to follow the laws that men have set to keep us safe we thank you for your Holy Spirit that abides with us and that unites us together even in this time of social distance in Oh God we pray right now you continue to bless those healthcare workers who are on the front lines those first responders will see into the needs of those who may call with urgent needs oh god bless in a mighty way keep they and their families safe we pray for this church body in its entirety for this country and for this world that you will lay a hand on mercy upon us and that you will allow covet 19 to subside keep us now God in this time of giving we thank you for giving us gifts that we may just return simply a portion to you thank you God for the minds that are reminded to do as you have commanded us to do and paint a tide and give it an offering we thank you for today O God continue to bless and your most holy son jesus name amen any man as you prepare to give it this time roughly Neal is coming our staff assistant minister she is coming to give us our scripture and for this morning [Music] good morning again First Baptist family and this entire body of Christ our scripture this morning can be found in the book of Acts acts 4 8 through 13 x4 8 through 13 and I'll read from the NIV but then on verse 13 I will read from the King James as well and when you find x4 8 through 13 you will see that it says then Peter filled with the holy spirit said to them rulers and elders of the people if we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed then know this you and all the people of Israel it is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed jesus is the stone and you builders rejected which has become the cornerstone salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must to be saved at verse 13 and when they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled ordinary men they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus verse 13 again King James Version now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus amen amen and amen indeed we do greet you this morning in the mighty matchless and manage istic name of Jesus the Christ we give honor to God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as we celebrate this Sunday that follows Easter as we come once again into another time of worship another opportunity to hear from on high what thus says the Lord as was read earlier in your hearing Acts the fourth chapter verses 8 through 13 from the book of Acts the fourth chapter verses 8 through 13 in the NIV I want to lift verse number 13 again from the King James Version I want to live verse number 13 from acts 4 x4 verse number 13 I lifted once again in the King James Version now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus for just a few moments this morning I want to talk from the subject have you been with Jesus have you been with Jesus though we understand that it is a privilege and also an honor every day that we have an opportunity to spend with the resurrected Jesus Christ all right that every day is a chance and there is a need for us to celebrate the fact that Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day but on last Sunday people all over the world celebrated the official day which had been set for the year of 2024 the day many call Easter or the day of resurrection of Jesus Christ the resurrection dear friends is a necessity of the Christian faith for it is in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and on the resurrection of Jesus that our faith now stands for if there had not been any resurrection there would be no need for us to have a belief our a faith had there been no resurrection there will be no need for us to come together on Sunday morning and worship the Bible which in the four Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John entails the life in Ministry of Jesus is the number one uncontained it best-selling book of all times in so billions of copies in over 2,000 languages but even though the Bible is so highly sold all over the world you must understand that everyone who is reading the Bible is not reading the Bible for the same reasons as those who believe there are those who are reading the Bible are looking to find error there are those who are reading the Bible looking to understand what you believe so that they can find that there may be something wrong with the promises of God thus all right just as there are those who are reading the Bible to find error in God's Word there are also those who are coming to church there are those who can lift up holy hands there are those who can shout hallelujah there are those who can stand on the doors but still are not truly believe that Jesus is who he says he is thus brothers and sisters if our the non-believer and the second believer can rival each other in reading of the word an understanding of the word and the acts of that which we believe are righteous if they can rival each other in acts there must be something that makes a difference between the life of the believer and the knowledge seeking non-believer and that something is an encounter with Jesus Christ do you not understand that when you come in contact with Jesus when you have a sincere encounter with Jesus that your life can no longer be the same when you have a sincere encounter with Jesus there will be something about you that has to change the book of Acts is a book which recalls that the history of the early church in the book of Acts we find there the first model for Christian by the name of Stephen in the book of Acts we find where at Antioch believers were first called Christians in the book of Acts we find the Acts of the Apostles in how they help to move the early church on X has numerous opportunities for us to to see our the work of Christ the Spirit of Christ in the life of those who believe are there there in the book of Acts there are many opportunities to see and for us to see how the church gain is footing and how it became to be the foundation which it now is today in the life of so many here in the book of Acts we find that Peter and John have healed a man who was lame and because of this healing they have been brought before the Sanhedrin Council they have been brought there because of what they have done and they claim that they have done it in the name of Jesus other things in which baffles the council so much about Peter and John is that who they are and who they claim they have had healed this man in the name of you see Peter and John were simple fishermen but when they stood for the council and spoke so boldly claiming that they had healed this man in the name of Jesus the council could not help but see that they had been with Jesus you see what they had learned from Jesus was showing on the outside what Peter and John these common fishermen who were ignorant and unlearned men are with this thing on the outside was evidence that they had had a change which had taken place in their lives I don't know what it was that happened to them why they were in G's wig with Jesus maybe it was when they saw Jesus heal Peters mother-in-law maybe it was the fact that our when Peter when Jesus said Peter to retrieve the temple tax from the fish's mouth maybe it was when they there Peter James and John Jesus in a circle or saw Jesus or raised Jairus daughter from the day maybe it was the fact that they had seen Jesus called lazar from the day and after three days in the grave but there was something about their being with Jesus which calls our Peter and John to project a difference that had taken place in their lives here there were these two unlearned and ignorant fishermen speaking boldly before the Sanhedrin Council Matthew 7:20 says just as you can identify a tree by its fruit you can't identify a minha by the things they do as well when they are before the council when they when they are before the council is evident that they have been with Jesus because of the change that has taken place in their lives when you've been with Jesus you cannot help but be changed you cannot remain the same for you have to put down the old man and pick up the new man when you have been with Jesus your life cannot help what helped him but have made a turnaround and I have news for you this morning friends when you've been with Jesus the more you come to know Jesus the more you develop your faith in Jesus the better your life will become when you've been with Jesus you must understand that you have not been with simply an ordinary man but when you've been with Jesus you've been with the one who created us from the dust four when God spoke he said come let us create man and create him in our own image he was speaking to Jesus when you've been with Jesus you've been with the one who was from eternity for John says in John 1 and 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was with God in the beginning when you've been with Jesus you've been with the one whom Shadrach Meshach and Abednego had a prayer meeting in the midst of a fiery furnace wouldn't you've been with Jesus Peter said you've been with the one the stone whom you builders rejected has now become the chief Cornerstone the place where the entire building comes together the place where if it is laden not if it is laid on even the entire building is laid uneven Peter says when you've been with Jesus you've been with the one who causes this whole thing to come to together he knows that there have been changes which have taken place within him in John there are changes which have taken place on the inside that show up on the outside and maybe that's the same for you friends there's a change that Jesus had made within you on the inside that cannot help but show up on the outside Peter and John stand there these unlearned and ignorant men they look down upon because their level of living has a not allowed them to go into the great schools of philosophy because they are common everyday fishermen are there when I referred the opportunity to hold a high status in society they are unlearned and ignorant men but because they have been with Jesus they stand before the Sanhedrin speaking with bonus yes they spoke of Jesus and how he had healed they refused to stop speaking of how Jesus how they would heal in the name of Jesus they refused to stop speaking of how they would our call out demons in the name of Jesus how about you today are in the name of Jesus and because you have been with Jesus do you have joy in the midst of your sorrows because you've been with Jesus are you now able to find the silver lining behind every dark cloud because you have been with Jesus do you walk around with your head lift it up when life situations say that you ought to be not only looking down but somewhere lying down in a fetal position but because you've been with Jesus has the case been for you that where do you thought the world had counted you out when everybody thought that you were down for the count Jesus picked you up and you are still in the race what about you today because you've been with Jesus what is it that Jesus has done on the inside of you that people can't help but tell that there's something working on the inside because it's showing up on the outside when you've been with Jesus they spoke about Jesus and they refused to stop healing in the name of Jesus they refused to stop preaching in the name of Jesus but notice just because they had been with Jesus they had to stand before the Sanhedrin because they had been with Jesus does not mean that they did not face any trials and tribulations they were standing before a powerful council because of what Jesus had done in their life and it stands for us as well dear friends that when you've been with Jesus it does not mean that trials will stop coming in in your life when you've been with Jesus it does not mean that he will live life on flowery beds of ease as a matter of fact when you are with Jesus when Satan realizes that you're going over or that you've gone over to Jesus side it quite simply means that things may get worse for you Oh when you are with Jesus Satan are turns his attention to you because he's understands that now he's lost and lost another soul from eternal damnation and has gone over into eternal salvation when you see Satan realizes that you are now on the Lord's side he may begin to make your mountains a little bit higher and your valleys just a little bit lower when the devil realizes that you've gone over to the Lord's side is exactly when he'll begin to test your fingers but I stand today to tell you I don't be worried when Satan test your faith because Satan can only test your faith he cannot take your faith I am Satan doesn't have sis enough to know that when we test your faith and you stand the test in the trial that you only become stronger because your faith is now being tested because phase work is perseverance perseverance character and character hope every time we are tested and passed another trial we become stronger for the next test to come that's why you are able to stand when when chaos is swirling all around you and have a smile on your face that's why when you employ I know they are giving you hair on your job and you still come in in the morning with a smile on your face when you still greet them with kindness when you still give them the salutation of the day that's the favor of God making you longer test by test just because we are with Jesus does not mean we will not have a cross to bear the homologa said much jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free no there's a cross for everyone and there is a cross for me you must understand dear friends to follow Jesus means to take up a cross for where there is no cross there is no crown this thing that we're called to do in Jesus and not something that you can expect to do living on flowery beds of ease there going to be some mountains to climb and some valleys that we have to travel through there going to be some dark draining and some dark rainy and dreary days that we are going to encounter but just know every time you find yourself in a dark place that the Sun will soon chime just know every time when the night seems darkest that you never seen a night so dark that the Sun didn't eventually shine and just because the Sun eventually sighs it means that we are being made stronger every time you come through a test it makes you stronger for the next test just because we're with Jesus does not mean that things will always be easy but because you've been with Jesus it means that he will walk with you as you go through your trials and tribulations Peter and John refused to compromise the message and the mission that Jesus had given them to go ye therefore into all the world we cannot compromise the message of Jesus because he is the chief Cornerstone Jesus has made everything that was wrong all right and our job is to tell the world that that which was wrong Jesus has made right we can do no other but to speak the truth of the gospel that Jesus had laid upon our lives through his word the Bible of God we can do no other than to speak the gospel and to speak it full and true no matter what the challenges are we may face Peter and John and face challenges to their lives as they stand before the council and spoke boldly in the name of Jesus yet we find that the council wants to keep this message quiet here they have a man whom even they knew was blind until Peter and John healed him here they have a man who stands between Peter and John who could not stand will yet come into the temple praising and giving God all the praise and worship for what the Apostles have done for him but yet they want them to go out and keep the message quiet I want you to know today friends whatever heels that the Lord has done for you that he's done too much for you to be quiet because whatever he's done for you you were not worthy of whatever he's done for me I am not worthy of so no matter who tells you to keep the word quietly what God has done is too good for us to keep to ourselves we ought to want to tell it here and there near and far the change that the Lord had made in our lives Peter and John faced hardship because they refused to keep the message quiet they faced hardship because they refused to stop preaching in the name of Jesus of Nazareth they faced hardships because they refused to stop healing in the name of Jesus of Nazareth fast they faced hardship because they realized that the gospel they had been called to preach up was worth any hardship that they may face no matter who this they want to talk about you then don't keep the message quiet yeah because if you've been with Jesus huh whatever the Lord has laid all your heart yeah it's worth whatever tribulations you may encounter yeah Steven before they stone him that realized that he might lose his life but he refused to stop talking about Jesus some of us are only facing being talked about that and we want to go to our corner and fold up our hands and refuse to speak of the goodness of the Lord but if you've had a real encounter with Jesus us you should be so much on fire man that you can't tell help but tell somebody yeah the wages of sin is death but the gift of God through Jesus Christ is eternal life you should be able to help and tell somebody here you should want to tell somebody yeah the Jesus come that you might have life and have it more abundantly you should want to tell somebody yeah whatever you that you're going through now I know a man can turn your situation around don't allow them to keep your message cried if you've been with Jesus huh you want to have a fire burning wait on the inside that Jeremiah said just don't let me o my peace if you've been with Jesus with the ward this wrote three words peace be still man and calm her agency if you've been with Jesus you've been with the one who had all power over sin death and the grave in the palm of your hand if you've been with Jesus you've been with the one who stole the grave victory and stole deaf sting yeah if you've been with Jesus have you been with Jesus if you've been with Jesus you've been with a houseful and they'll make the beginning and then I had the finisher of our faith if you've been with Jesus you ought to want to tell it everywhere you go you found a safe yes sweetie I know if you've been with Jesus this morning by chance if there's someone out there has not confessed salvation in Jesus Christ this Jesus that you see us preaching singing about maybe you were strolling through and you saw the service you decided to stop for a moment and see what they were talking about is Jesus that we're talking about this Jesus that we've have who's Rauf this change in our life it's the Jesus who desires to do the same in your life why don't you give him your life today let him come into your heart and make the change that only Jesus can make and I always say I can't promise you that your problems will not be there after you get off of you love your knees but if you go down on your knees and confess that you are sinner as we all are sinners saved by grace you will have more problems when you accept Jesus and get up off of your knees then you had when you went down on your knees why don't you give him your life today now was a good time this is a good opportunity not because there is chaos throughout the land not because we're in the midst of a crisis but because Jesus came bled and died and was resurrected on the third day to give you salvation that's enough all by itself that's enough all by itself you don't have to be broke busted and disgusted to need Jesus you need Jesus because we're all born with a sin condition that one day for us to stand before God and be judged will have to be covered by the blood of Jesus so that when God sees us do our confession of face he will see us through the blood of Jesus why don't you confess him today get that Bible off the nightstand and dust it off and turn her almost 10 and 9 words says that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you shall be saved confessor didn't believe you today confess Christ and believe he has rather resurrected today and be safe and then when this is all over find yourself and to a Bible preaching a Bible teaching a Bible believing Church and girl when your relationship with Christ and watch him do miraculous things in your life if you think the two fish in five by two loaves of bread or something watch him do miraculous things in your life watch him do watching more miracles in your life watch him work things out that you never thought would be worked out you can do it if you yourself to today why don't you give the Lord your life training feel comes to give us hallelujah if you have been with Jesus hallelujah what a change what a change hallelujah thank you boy thank you Father we're so grateful for that message this morning because if you've been with Jesus you should be able to tell somebody how good he is hallelujah let us go to the Lord in prayer father God we come right now in the name of Jesus we come father God for that person that boy that girl that man that woman who took the time this morning Lord God to hear your message to hear you reaching out to them Lord God and by the power of that message they decided right here right now that I want to have this relationship with Jesus that I want to turn my life around that I want to accept I want to believe and I want to confess my sins that Jesus may come into my life so far though right now in the name of Jesus I pray that you will bless them that you will gather them unto your bosom God and keep them Lord God bless them Lord God and keep them ready so that when the time comes and we're able to come back together but they will find themselves a Bible based church where they can help him or her to find that relationship with Jesus because he's sweet I know he is sweet I know oh thank you Father for allowing us to come together this morning we thank you for our pastor who has preached a word this morning we thank you Lord God for the musicians and for everyone who come together they've eating the Deacons everybody Lord God who are together to press your word for word so we thank you Father now God we put our faith in our trust and I believe in you knowing that this thing is gonna be over soon when you say so in your perfect time in your perfect wheel in Jesus name we do pray and give you thanks Lord God amen amen [Music] [Music] most wise and gracious God thank you Father for yet another opportunity to be here gathered in this place of worship Lord not this physical building but this place God within your spirit even in virtual reality Oh God out you to Facebook and other platforms we thank you for spirit and a mind and a heart set on you today and we pray father your blessings upon these your people as we depart from this time of worship when we have been gathered together whatever their method may be but most importantly our minds have been stayed on you in this moment thank you God for being a God who is above what we encounter thank you God for being a God who if we can only just lift my hands and wave toward you still understand thank you God for being a god who's above all in all in through all and still worthy of all the praise honor and then we can use bless these your people now now on to him who they've to farm and some papers in each of us father's before his body through menorah we're seeing joy but although eyes God Our Saviour be glory and Majesty the meaning and power both now and forevermore where were you all in every heart same in go with God and be blessed [Music]
Channel: 1st Baptist Moore
Views: 1,884
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 35sec (3395 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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