First Aid Kit Vocabulary for ESL Learners

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all right so today I went to Walmart and I bought myself a first aid kit a first aid kit look I bought it for $10 from Walmart okay so what is a first aid kit well a first aid kit has a bunch of things that might be very useful to you in certain situations in first-aid situations first aid sort of means emergency okay like let's say you are chopping vegetables and you cut your finger or if you're cooking something and you get a burn or if a dog bites you yesterday I was jogging and a dog bit me in my arm okay so that might happen to you as well so it's a good idea to get a first aid kit okay so I would recommend if you come to Canada you should just go to Walmart and buy a simple first aid kit like this for ten dollars okay it might really help you in some situations you know you could keep this in your car in case you get into an accident or something like that or you could have it in your house okay I just bought this I don't know I might put it in my car or I might just have it in my house here okay but in this lesson today I want to teach you some of the names of some things in a first-aid kit okay do you know what these things are called you probably know in your language but do you know the names of them in English well in this lesson I'm going to teach you okay so let's unbox this unbox means let's take it out of the box okay so here we have our nice first aid kit see there's the English side and there is the French side premier signs premier signs gate that's the French all the products in Canada have English and French okay so you might not be used to that maybe in your country everything is just in one language for example in China or Thailand you know if you buy a product it'll probably just be written in Chinese or Thai or whatever language you know you speak but in Canada every product that you can buy is English and French okay so sometimes you might see a product on the shelf and you don't recognize those words so it might be the French side you might need to turn the box around to get to the English side okay so let's open this up here oh no it's got a it's got a little safety thing on there I don't have a knife can I just break it off maybe I can just this is embarrassing it's a kind of little plastic thing and I don't know how to get it off so I'm gonna need to go and get a knife hang on for a second all right I've got the little plastic piece off now I'm going to unzip unzip the bag and open it up we have here okay we have some more bags well actually it's one bag okay Wow look at all that look at all those things first aid things this is so exciting okay so I don't even know where to start but okay here it's split into three categories it looks like they see it says cuts and scrapes alright and then it says blisters splinter and stings blisters splinter and stings and then it says bleeding wounds whoops bleeding wounds and burns okay so we've got burns cuts blisters all kinds of stuff okay so let's open up cuts and scrapes first so here we have a lot of different bandages a bandage what is a bandage a bandage is like this okay these are called bandages now most of the time we call these band-aids a band-aid now actually band-aid is a brand name it's the name of a company but it has become the generic name as well so if a kid gets a cut or a scrape you know he's going to go ask his mom to put a bandaid on his arm or whatever okay so this is called a band-aid but it's a kind of bandage a bandage can be small like this or it could be big it could be let's see do we have any bigger bandages okay here we have some small bandage just look at that just little circle it's tiny tiny little bandages maybe you get one like a small cut or a bite or something like that okay this looks like a bigger bandage for a large area on your hands or your some part of your body oh here we have even bigger ones okay so this is this is a bigger bandage here you can see how big that is there okay so we've got a whole bunch of different bandages also we have some alcohol swabs alcohol swabs okay so these are important to disinfect a wound okay so if you get a cut or a scrape or something you probably want to use an alcohol swab to kill the germs before you put on a bandage right that might be a good idea I don't know I don't know anything about first-aid I'm not first-aid certified maybe you are you probably know more than me but I know a little bit okay so in that pouch we just have so in the cuts and scrapes pouch we just have bandages hay bandages and and alcohol swabs this is called after bite I don't know what it is is it an alcohol swab or what but I guess if you get bitten by a spider or a scorpion or a dog then you could use this to rub on your wound and then you put a bandage on so that's all in that pouch now let's open the second pouch which is blisters and splinters what is a blister a blister is something on your skin that you get from like friction on your skin usually like let's say you buy some shoes and the shoes are too small for you you probably get a blister on your feet okay that's a blister there so blister and splinter what is a splinter splinter is a small piece of wood that gets stuck in your skin okay so let's open this up here else I'll show you what you do if you get a splinter okay these are called tweezers with tweezers so actually these are really big plastic tweezers there any other tweezers in here nope that's it okay so if you actually got a small splinter I don't think these would help you look at that they're big and plastic if you have a really small splinter you need you need some smaller tweezers to get to get the job done okay I don't know what these are for do you know what these are for I have no idea okay oh here we have a cold compress see it's it's called a cold compress but actually we would just call this an ice pack probably an ice pack so if you get you know if you have some swelling like if you hit your head on something and it starts to swell then you need to put an ice pack on your head right so you should put this in the freezer I think I don't know actually maybe you need to put it in the freezer or maybe it just magically gets cold I don't know okay so that's what you would do for like swelling it's called an ice pack an ice pack okay and what are these sticks these are like if you go to the doctor and with a sore throat and the doctor says say ah puts a stick in your mouth I think these are called tongue depressors let's see what does it say does it say on the box oh I threw the box away it doesn't say you know what I'll have to look up the word for the these things after I make this video I think they're called tongue depressors or something tongue something something to do with a tongue okay I'll look it up and then we have some tape roll of tape here and what's so else do we have oh here we have a bigger bandage okay look at that that's even bigger so if you get cut you know look how big that is you could get cut on your forehead if you could you could put this on your forehead I hope you don't get cut on your forehead okay so is that all that was in that pouch tweezers okay tweezers tongue something an ice pack and tape okay now let's open the bleeding wounds and burns powder burns are really bad I hope you don't get burned okay look at this here we have gauze gauze right there's a roll a roll of gauze you use gauze to protect a burn right you put some ointment on let's see if we have any ointment here so here we have a lot of different pads okay different pads if I guess I don't even know if you get burned I don't know what you would use this it says sterile nonwoven sponges sponges sterile means or sterile you can pronounce it sterile or sterile it means clean like no germs if something is very sterile it means there are no germs on it okay so yeah we have a bunch of these these different sponges I guess pads oh here we have some q-tips q-tips in case you want to clean your ears I don't know why I guess people use q-tips to put some or to clean a wound maybe or something okay so if you get burned you would put gauze around your arm and then you would probably use tape you would tape the gauze you know so it stays closed let's see what else is in here okay just more pads so I guess if you get burned the most important thing to have is a pad I don't know what you use a pad for but there are pads combined pad look at all these pads now I'm ready to get burned I can do lots of cooking I don't have to worry if I get burned I can just use a pad and it will magically save my life I don't know anyway that's basically what is in a first-aid kit like this if you buy this one from Walmart this was the cheapest I think this was the cheapest one at Walmart there were other ones you know bigger first-aid kits for $15 or $20 okay I just bought a very simple one because it mainly just because it has things like alcohol swabs those are important and band-aids different kinds of bandages I don't think I'll ever need a tongue thing or I don't know what what would you use this for let me know down there do you why would this be in a first-aid kit because you know you're not a doctor like you know it let's say a kid gets a sore throat his mom is not going to stick this in and say say uh this is sort of useless maybe this has a different purpose maybe it's to use as a splint for example if you get if you break your finger you might use this as a splint that a splint is like something that supports your bones so you would put this like that and then wrap tape around it but that's too long since I broke my finger and I used that as a splint then I wouldn't be able to grab things it would be like I had it be like a woman with very long fingernails you know some women have really long fingernails I don't know how they grab things if you're a woman let me know do you have long fingernails is it hard for you to grab things like off a table that's funny anyway so that's basically a first-aid kit I hope you learned a little bit of English and I hope you stay safe when you come to Canada you know you might want to pick up a first aid kit for yourself it's only ten dollars I think it would be a good idea so anyway welcome to the world of first-aid if you have any questions don't ask me down there because I don't know anything about first-aid anyway maybe you can teach me some things about first let me know something down there that I don't know about first aid all right I'll see you over in the next episode of mad English TV take care [Music]
Channel: Mad English TV
Views: 37,676
Rating: 4.9475603 out of 5
Keywords: first aid kit vocabulary, esl, english medical vocabulary, english healthcare vocabulary, english vocabulary for health care, english vocabulary for emergency, english vocabulary for medical students, english vocabulary for nurse, english vocabulary for doctor
Id: v3klae9wTPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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