First 5 Things to Do with a New PC Build

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what's up guys welcome back to Pauls hardware today's video is going to be the first five things that you should do after you have set up a brand new computer and I'm gonna start off with an apology you see on behalf of myself and others like me who have done videos on YouTube about how to build a computer I'm sorry I'm sorry if I've ever built the system gotten to this point where it's all put together press the power button to turn things on and then leave you guys with this reboot or select proper boot device or insert boot media and selected boot device and press it key we'll do this and we'll build the system and think hey everything's good to go you've built a new computer but can you really use this computer in the state no you can't you need to like install Windows there's a few other things I'd like to do before I install Windows so that's what this video is gonna be about it is a tutorial so I'm gonna be walking you through everything step by step and I'll be doing some screen capture and all that kind of good stuff so you can keep pressing a button and nothing will happen but let's do something more productive and gather the essential tools that you will need for today's tutorial now apart from the computer that you just built nice and fresh and new you will of course need a keyboard and mouse you'll need a monitor to connect it to and then you will be needing an internet connection as represented by this purple Ethernet cable right here beyond that you will also need another computer because you're gonna need something else to connect to the internet with to mainly get Windows 10 setup on a USB Drive but also just in case you need to download some drivers before your new computer has internet connectivity you will need a USB Drive so this is just a little 8 gig Drive you need for gigs minimum and I recommend a USB 2 or USB 3 if you want things to go at any kind of reasonable speed finally and this is just a fair warning to me guys who are actually using this as you tutorial for an upgrade upgrading a system or installing Windows on a system that might have data or something on there already an external drive something that you can plug into the system lots working copy everything onto it again there's nothing to copy off of this one right now since this brand new but make sure that if you have any personal information pictures my documents anything that's irreplaceable that you can't read download from the web like basic program installers and stuff get that onto an external drive unplug it set side in that way you know that even if something terrible goes wrong you will still have your data and you can rebuild everything the way it was before then the last thing you'll need it for being thorough is a Windows 10 license you can get those for fairly cheap via King wind net and I'll post a link to my video about that right here that place is not a hundred percent on the up-and-up according to some people there's arguments that go on about that so if you do want to buy a full license that should work just as well but the way I'm gonna have this set up for you is once you install Windows you can start using it and then in the future when you get your Windows key you just type that in plug it in and then it will activate you'll be good to go step one of this process though is going to be to tests everything which we kind of did at the beginning or the end of the build video where we powered it on and we saw that fans were spinning so I've got this fan I installed on side panel here that one's spinning the systems on I can see that the front fan there is spinning as well power supply fan is spinning the only fan that might not be spinning are the ones on the graphics cards some newer graphics cards will only spin the fans when the graphics card actually gets warm enough to need that so we can visually look and say alright fans are spinning we're good to go but there are a few other things you should probably check on to do those additional checks we will need to access the UEFI also known as BIOS at some points I can reach the power button of course right after you power the system on just start tapping the delete button on your keyboard it is almost always a delete button I haven't encountered any modern key or modern motherboard that uses anything other than deletes but by tapping that button right as the system powers on it tells the system let's go into the UEFI or the BIOS now the BIOS or UEFI is a great thing to get a little bit familiar with you don't need to know all of the ins and outs of it but basically understand that this is part of the motherboard so once we install windows onto one of the drives over here these are kind of two separate entities but we can make some changes here and check some stuff in the UEFI before we've even installed windows to the drive and we can also make sure that when we do install windows everything is going to go nice and smooth the first thing I like to do is just basically a reality check so this is going along with checking everything in the system to make sure it's all up and running most bios's are new and improved' updated BIOS UEFI versions do have Mouse support and they also frequently have an easy mode which is what we're looking at right now you can see it says easy mode in the top-left this is the BIOS for the B 150 M Pro for V from asrock and it gives us a quick look at for instance what's installed so we can see our I 5 6500 CTOs been recognized there as well as it's processor speed we can see DRAM information here so dims a 1 a 2 B 1 and B 2 and we can see that it is recognizing 2 a cake sticks installed there which is what we installed so that's good too down here for storage configuration you can see all the plugs that we might connect storage drives to and since I have unplugged the 2 terabyte drive already and I'll show you that why I did that in just a sec I can see that all I've connected right now is my SanDisk SSD that's the only one that's recognized I can even see fans over here there's only 3 headers on the board and I have fans connected to all 3 of them and all of them are reporting back that the fans are spinning so that's nice too now you might also take a look at your temperatures which are reported up here CPU temperatures between 30 and 50 degrees Celsius are usually normal for being reported in the BIOS it's also got motherboard temperature voltage a little bit more advanced stuff if you're willing to get into it one thing you should pay attention to is gonna be boot priority now again right now we only have a single drive connected so it's only showing a single drive here but if I plugged in another drive it would also show here and we need to choose which one we want to boot to so you can set that boot priority in the BIOS if you want to or you can use a shortcut key it happens to be f11 on this motherboard also while the system's starting up and then you can just tell it for one-time use boot from this USB or boot from this hard drive this should give you a pretty good at a glance idea of what's connected what's being recognized which should hopefully be all of the stuff that you installed however one other thing that you might want to do and this is a being thorough type of step is to check all the other different stuff on the motherboard all the other different connection points that might not have things connected to them for right now so for instance our DRAM is in slots a 2 and B 2 right now we could power the system down completely switch off the power supply and then move those 2 dims over to the 2 a 1 and B yeah a 1 and B 1 slots then power back on and make sure they recognize there as well just to make sure all the all the DIMM slots on the motherboard work those are the things we could test I recommend USB ports on the front if you have drives plugged into there they should show up here in the BIOS as well and then there's other stuff that you might check as you go on further through the installation process and definitely make sure you have checked everything by the time you got windows up and running which would also include all these ports on the back panel so the other USB ports back here I have currently plugged in the monitor via the HDMI plug on the graphics card down here at the bottom you can check the video outs on the motherboard themselves even though you're not trying to use them and then of course the audio there and possibly even the other display outs on the graphics card again that's being completely thorough I'll admit I don't usually do all that stuff but it is something that would be good to check right off the bat just in case you have a faulty port or something like that it's better to spot it now while you're still within your return policy period than waiting until much later down the line speaking of shutting down though I mean hit f10 which is almost always the shortcut for save changes and exits if not there should be another option there in the BIOS to do it not all BIOS these are the same and now the systems restarting which I didn't really want it to do I wanted it to shut off if you don't have Windows installed yet and you need to shut off you should be able to just push the power button and it should turn off if it doesn't you can hold in the power button until the system shuts down that's kind of a brute force way of doing it and only recommend doing that if it's a last-ditch scenario or if you're just in pre operating system stuff in that case it won't really matter too much a brief in between step here before we move on to the finer points of installing Windows is I only like to have the drive I'm installing Windows to actually connected while I'm going to the installation process so what I did here with my 3.5 inch drive which are just going to be storage as I just went and unplugged the SATA cable from it which is pretty simple you can actually plug just the SATA data cable or you can unplug the power cable one or the other either way the dry won't work anymore at least won't be recognized as connecting to the system and then of course the power the system back on again and press delete again to go back into the BIOS again and then a couple settings in there we want to make sure we have set properly so now that I'm back in the UEFI there's two things I would almost always like to do with a new build in the UEFI before I move on to the actual installation of Windows now I just hit f6 and that's to go over to Advanced Mode and like I was saying most of these newer motherboards have an easy mode here with more of a more familiar or friendly graphical interface but then also in advanced mode which is going to be more familiar for people who have used older UEFI or BIOS interfaces before that's got a list of topics across the tops that you can sort of switch between each one has a bunch of sub settings down below so the main again will just kind of give you an idea of everything that's connected you can also add favorites here all we're gonna do with this one is we're gonna check the memory speed and the settings for the storage memory speed is listed here under Oct ker you can go to DRAM configuration and then there's timings and different clocks that you can set the frequency of the memory that I have chosen is that I have installed here is 2666 however since this is not a z170 board it's actually not allowing me to access those because intel sees those as OC or overclock speeds they're not supported on this type of motherboards so this is one reason why you might actually consider a z170 motherboard for your motherboard of choice rather than something some more along along the budget lines like an h1 70 or an h1 50 or the B 150 that I have installed right now because it will allow you to access those now this isn't a huge deal memory speed running at 2133 is just fine but it is something that I would do if I had a z170 board I'll show you that in just a second the other thing I would do on a z170 board is or I would done just about any board is again try to look at my storage configuration and in storage configuration here we can see the SATA controllers as well as the mode that they are set to now this being an ass rack board and being a more budget board it doesn't have the settings that I would typically see here which would be the choice for the whole controller of HCI or raid or older legacy IDE mode this does have the ability to tell the motherboard what type of device you have connected so I have gone and chosen a solid-state drive here so that for the purposes of this motherboard scene is it's gonna be all we can do to tell it what to do as far as our storage connectivity so switch real quick and now I've plugged the the system back here in so we can take a look at that UEFI which is a little bit more advanced this is an X 9 motherboard and here you can see again the same sort of basic layout although I have to get further away to use the mouse for this computer so again this is the easy mode that we're looking at first we can see memory listed up here I don't know what the deal is with the memory speeds I'm not worrying about that for an X right now fans and all that good stuff that you might expect to see so really similar to what we saw with the asrock BIOS over here in advanced mode though when I twitch I can access with f7 we can see a little bit more things that we can do so over here an AI Tweaker I can actually go and access the DRAM stuff and that will allow us that will allow me to set the DVR in frequency I can actually just manually set it here depending on whatever the memory is that I purchased so if I bought a 2800 speed kit of memory I could just set that like that or we can use the XMP settings which should be available make their backup here yes XMP right there which will automatically set the XMP setting for the memory at 2667 which is the kit that I have currently installed now the other thing I was talking about is storage configuration so over here under advanced we have PCH storage configuration and in here we have the ability to change the actual mode of the SATA controller that we're looking at now the reason I bring this up is simply because it will save you a lot of hassle in the future if you're planning on doing raid most of these right now will default to HCI that's what you'll get and that's what you should stick with whether you use an SSDs or hard drive IDE is a legacy mode I don't recommend using that it's really not necessary for new computers it's made so you can have backwards compatibility but you don't need that you'd much rather have faster connectivity and a little bit more efficiency so you want a HCI if you do plan on doing raid either now or in the future switch to RAID mode now even if you're just using a single Drive you can still have a single drive with Windows connected windows installed on it using raid mode what am i doing though this isn't even the right computer let me switch back there are of course lots of other things you could do in the UEFI our BIOS but I want to keep this simple so let's move on to the next stage which is going to be creating that Windows 10 installer USB so grab your USB Drive make sure you have another compute setup I've got this one right over here and of course you're gonna need an internet connection in order to download the iso and iso is basically like a snapshot of a CD or a disk image or something you download that iso which is the data and then you use the Windows installation app to take that and shove it onto here and then this becomes the Installer and you can use that to shove Windows 10 onto your SSD not to be too technical about it next up we're actually going to create the Windows 10 USB installer so for that go over to this website it's a Microsoft comm site that's linked in the video description and you're going to want to download the media creation tool just by clicking the download tool Now button and then that should start to download once the Downloads finish you can launch the media creation tool and you should see it pop up just like this you need to agree to the license terms and then it'll take just a moment to get set up this will basically download the Windows 10 ISO and plop it on to that USB Drive for you we don't want to upgrade this PC we want to create installation media for another PC and click Next the defaults here should be just fine you want Windows 10 and you want 64-bit you'd have the option to select others if you want to we want to choose USB flash drive and then hit next it will then go on to our system and it only found one viable Drive to use here so that's the one we want to choose hit next again and it will start to the installation so once that media creation tool is all finished you should have your drive with the Windows installation files on it so we'll eject that from our other computer and connect it to our new computer yet it is I'm just gonna plug it in the back here oh yeah I'm still in the BIOS here so let's go ahead and save and reset and you remember how I told you about that boot menu the boot menu is important right now because what we want to tell the computer is that USB Drive that I just plugged in we now want to boot from so I have tapped f11 as a system of starting and this brought me to this many right here which will actually let me individually choose to boot from anything that's connected so this is the SATA Drive this is what it would default to I just put in this new USB disk so I'm gonna click on that and it should immediately start booting after that and it should show cool a Windows 10 logo right there in the middle which means it's initiating loading up the Windows 10 installer environment awesome here we go language time and keyboard inputs English Works install now note that you can also repair your computer with this tool so don't get rid of this USB or reformat it once you've actually gone through the setup we'll hit OK and again just a couple more seconds to wait now here is an important part you can activate windows and actually punch your license in right here if you want to or you can click this button I don't have a product key which I'm gonna do right now this will let you go through with the installation and then you'll be able to input your product key later we'll just go with Windows 10 Pro just to start out with again if you enter a product key for a different version later on like home it will just change the version that you have installed I accept the license and click Next and then here we almost what we definitely want to click custom rather than upgrade you can use this to upgrade from an old computer but custom is always the way like I like to go now fortunately we have pretty much a brand new SSD or at least I've made that SSD look like a brand new SSD there so we only have a single drive drive 0 and that is because I disconnected all the other drives now you might see more stuff here you might see drive 0 with a partition and then drive 0 with another partition if that is the case I recommend selecting all those partitions and using the delete button to delete them all until you just have unallocated space you just want a nice blank empty drive to work with here one final trick and this is kind of a little bit more advanced but I will tell you guys how to do it if you hit shift f10 in this menu you can pull up a command prompt and this will allow you to do a bit more fanciness if you really have problem installing to the drive that you're installing to now I would say only is this in dire scenarios if you don't see a drive listed here at all for example you might need to click load driver and in this case you might need to download a driver from say your motherboard manufacturers website and then load it up here by clicking browse and then that would allow you to say you could just put it on the same installation USB that you had Windows 10 on and they could select it there load up a driver and then that will tell the Windows 10 installer how to talk to how to talk to the hardware that you're currently working with we're not going to do that though but I will show you how to totally clean a drive if it's necessary so shift f10 to get here to the command prompt type disk art D is kPa RT that will launch this utility type list disk to words that will tell you the disks that are currently connected again we have that disk 0 which is the SSD and there's nothing wrong with it right now it's a 240 HP SSD about 220 3 gigs formatted and then we also have disk 1 which is the 8 gig drive that Windows is currently loading off of now if we wanted if disk 0 was giving us some issues if we were getting an error like e we can't install there or something all we would do is type select disk 0 and then it will tell you it's the selected disk and then type the clean and then hopefully it will tell you that it succeeded and cleaning the disk and then you can type exit there more stuff thing there are more things you can do at this part but I don't want to I don't want to distract you guys too much from that anyway then you hit refresh or potential you might need to restart the system and reload back into this operating system environment but the drive should then pop up there if it should at least give you the option option to install into it and then just hit next and then it should automatically go through this next process and it'll tell you as it goes copying files getting files ready installing and blah blah let's come back when this has gone through the motions so one of the really nice things about installing Windows 10 off of a USB Drive as opposed to the older installation method of installing from a optical disk is it's a lot faster this whole process has only taken somewhere in the 10 to 15 minute range and you'll note that since I used the f11 to boot off of that USB Drive I didn't change the boot order that the motherboard has set up so after it did the initial installation off of the USB Drive it restarted the system and then it went back automatically and started booting off of the SSD if you've gone into the motherboard boot order and you've told it to install off the USB Drive it can go through that initial setup process reboot and then boot off of the USB Drive again and go back into that installation environment if it does that just shut the computer down unplug that disk and then boot it again and it should go and start loading off of the stuff that's on the SSD or whatever drive you installed to now this is the going fast page and we want to only we always want to customize here and this is where you can turn off the features that has Windows 10 track use so I literally turn every single one of these switches off there are two pages of them I don't want it to do any of these things I don't want it to automatically connect to hotspots the one thing I sometimes leave on is using smart screen online services to help protect against malicious content and downloads in sites loaded by Windows browsers and Store apps that one I think is okay to leave on anyway everything else turn off hit next and in just a moment we'll be able to set up oh well right now we will be able to set up whether we're going to be using this computer by itself or as part of a Microsoft account I usually use it by itself on this computer 11 because it's a in a core 1100 and then you you would always want to enter a password I'm not gonna do that for right now just for the sake of simplicity but use a password it's it's a really good way to keep your computer much more secure I'm gonna pass on using Cortana for now as well and I think I think Windows 10 is like almost installed now it's the exciting part you just you never know when it's gonna finish oh good let's start well I don't think I've been doing a very good job of calling out the numbers for my 5 things here but that is the end of thing for which is installing Windows 10 Windows 10 is now installed let's move on to the fifth thing which is just going to be some of the basic set up procedures that you would want to go through in order to make sure Windows 10 is working properly now you might notice I haven't actually connected the Internet to this computer at this point because I was waiting for the moment of truth to find that out now here's another fun thing Windows 10 the Installer the information that is on this little USB Drive only has a certain amount of info when it comes to different hardware that it might encounter hardware that it encounters that it doesn't understand how to use it needs a driver for so what we're gonna be doing is installing drivers to make sure the different individual elements the graphics card and the chipset and different parts of the motherboard will play nicely with Windows 10 the other thing and the reason this was a moment of truth is you might notice when I plugged in just now it immediately recognized that I'm connecting to a network if it's a home network you know to do what it says I want yes since this is a home network now if you plugged in the Internet and it didn't work it would mean that the Windows 10 operating system does not have an up-to-date driver for your network specifically and that's an important one to get connected because that means you have internet connection if you have just so network connected then you can connect to the internet to download everything else you need as far as drivers go now since this did work I'm going to just load up the asrock websites and we'll go there so I'm just going to jump over to the asrock websites this is the specific page for the motherboard the B 150m Pro for V and depending on the manufacturer your layout might be different here I don't know why it took me to the memory support list but let's go to the download page and then you can see the different drivers and utilities here you would select your operating system we just installed Windows 10 64 bit so we'll go with that and then you would download the end of individual drivers that you might want now the ones that I'm going to download right now include the audio driver the driver INF which is the one that's for the chipsets the Intel management engine driver I'll also be downloading the land driver even though the lands working I might as well get the up-to-date one I'm not going to do the app charger that is rock software that's optional this is a say too floppy image this is what we wouldn't would have needed before we installed Windows 10 when when I did that load driver option if it wasn't recognizing the controller for the hard drives that we I connected again we don't need that for now I will get the Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver and then the VGA driver is if you're using the Intel if you're using the Intel built-in graphics since we're using Nvidia we will go to the Nvidia website to download those and from the NVIDIA GeForce driver web we can select the manual driver search since we know what GPU we just installed it's a 1060 and we're on Windows 10 60 but back where'd it go Windows 10 64 bit and we'll hit start search and it will download the latest game ready drive and there are all my downloads goin and Windows 10 will automatically download downloads to the Downloads folder and there they all are right there now that all of our drivers have finished downloading here we'll go ahead and install them one at a time I like to make a folder on the desktop call it drivers keep things a little bit organized and I usually start with the chipsets and then after that the order doesn't really make too much of a difference I don't think but I will unpack one load it up hit set up chipsets and start to realize all the little tweaky things I need to do with Windows 10 to make it actually behave and do it I want and I will just hit next and accept and install and it will start installing things there no big deal and it means it nope oh god come back screen it's just thinking about things this is what happens while you install drivers by the way it's usually not a big deal oh good change the layout there anyway while we're doing this we can hit view over here and go to options and change our folder options and change open X File Explorer to this PC and go to view and you know hit the display and show hidden files and don't hide empty drives and especially don't hide extensions for known file types that's stupid and then we hit OK and that makes things slightly better oh now we can tell that this isn't executable for more fun tips like this checked out my first 5 things I do with a new Windows installation it's still mostly relevant even though it's a Windows 8 installation as talking about there all right one other thing to point out when you're installing drivers if it tells you to restart restart don't wait don't hit restart later just just restart give it a second just do things in the proper order and come back and then continue along the way now one thing you might notice says you're going through here and installing drivers and stuff is that Windows is also doing things on its own like for example I now have an Nvidia control panel even though I haven't installed the Nvidia drivers yet windows will automatically download WH QL or Windows Home qualified that I forget what it's called since the windows list where they have said yes these drivers are valid however they're not always up to date so even though Windows downloaded this Nvidia driver which is better than the default driver is using it's still three seven 2.90 so I would still recommend rather than just letting windows make all your decisions for you still download the latest drivers so for instance here's the Nvidia driver um that I just downloaded which is a little bit more up-to-date than the one that Microsoft downloaded for me so we'll hit OK there and we'll go ahead with the driver installation for the graphics of course I still have all the other ones here that I downloaded the Lion driver and management engine and stuff so I'll continue with those but we also need to do one other important thing we're getting much more closer to being able to just started going willy-nilly and installing steam and installing like other apps and stuff like that nine night ni ni te is a great website to do that for all those little apps that you would go and download individually you can actually just choose a bunch of them with checkboxes and it will download it installer that does them all at the same time what I'm gonna do right now though is something that I should probably do all the systems off but for SATA it's usually not a big deal I'm gonna plug this hard drive back in so I'm restarting after having plugged that 3.5 inch drive in up at the top my plan here is to show you guys how to configure that drive to use as an additional piece of storage so you can start copying stuff over onto it and dropping it there since that was last thing to plug in as well I guess I can also replace this side panel so if you connect up your additional storage drive and you open up this PC and you don't see it listed there all we still have is just our normal hard drive if it's a brand new hard drive this is what will happen what we need to do is go into computer management's right click this PC and go to manage and then we want to click on Disk Management over here this will automatically pop up something that tells us our disks are not initialized this is like a little wizard Disick that goes through I'm gonna cancel this real quick but if that does pop up for you just go ahead and use it here we can see our drive is connected it is recognized it's simply not initialized and there's nothing allocated on it so I can right click here and go to initialize that brings up that same little wizard this is the disk we want to initialize you can choose MBR or GPT always choose GPT if it's a larger than 2 terabytes hard drive I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go GPT I think that should be fine to go with MBR if it's a smaller driver if you really need to make sure it will still be able to connect to older computers and finally even with that then the drive still net doesn't show up here in this PC because it's not allocated so now we can see the disk no little red mark indicating there's anything wrong it is initialized right click on that unallocated space click new simple volume then again this will take you through a wizard yes you want to drive letter format it using NTFS default allocation unit size is fine give it a label we'll call it 2 terabyte storage because that's what it's gonna be quick format if you don't want to be waiting for an hour or two for a mechanical hard drive two formats although if it is a used drive you might consider doing a full format and just bear in mind it's gonna take a little while hit ok it'll take just a second or two to format the drive and then it should pop up just as a new Drive would or like a USB Drive or something like that if you popped it in and again depending on the speed of the drive and how things are going with it it might take more time or less time but there is 2 terabyte storage so now we have a new empty 2 terabyte drive to drop all of our other excess crap onto or if we did something like using a mechanical drive or an external drive and we had copied a bunch of stuff from an old computer and now is what we can connect it back up put it all in that extra storage drive and then we'd be good to go there is one last thing I think here that I should mention when it comes to initial setup which is Windows updates always always check for updates pretty straightforward but windows will do this automatically itself but I highly recommends just doing it yourself if it's a brand new installation you'll just you know get things up-to-date more quickly type update go to the Windows Update on the settings menu click check it will guaranteed find a bunch of updates and it will automatically download them and then from here you can also prompt it to automatically restart as well whenever it's finished and I usually do that restart if it asked me to run it again restart again and if it asks me to again just get everything up to where it should be for security purposes as well as making sure that if you're gonna start benchmarking or something like that you don't have it trying to do this in the background while you're trying to do something else entirely like running benchmarks speaking of benchmarks that's all for this video and yes I have been running benchmarks on this system in both of its configurations so as a 6,100 core i3 with a rx 460 as well as what it is now which is a 6500 Core i5 and the GTX 1060 from Nvidia compare both of those systems to each other in this configuration it's about a $750 system overall not including the operating system the other configuration was a little bit less than 500 but I'm sure a lot of you guys are curious to know how much more power you get by going for an extra 200 $300 in price for the initial build I have numbers for those will be up very soon thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it hit the thumbs up button down there to free leave comments in the comment section as well if you have any questions about the detailed stuff or any issues as you're installing Windows I will try to answer them and I'm well I'd like to say huge thank you to those of you guys who who do go on in the comments section of my videos and get help and advice and support to other people because there's actually a lot of people given really good advice so I'm always proud when I see that thanks again for watching this video guys and we'll see you next time
Channel: Paul's Hardware
Views: 5,591,388
Rating: 4.9247217 out of 5
Keywords: computer, PC, PC gaming, personal computer, computer hardware, paulshardware, setup, windows, bios, uefi, install, Windows 10, installation, walkthrough, tutorial, guide, step by step, build, set up new computer, gaming computer, intel, $750, $500, amd, nvidia, gtx 1060, i3 6100, i5 6500, micro atx, matx, fractal, corsair, gskill, asrock, B150, chipset, evga, gigabyte, drivers, drive setup, hdd, ssd, initialize
Id: LbpqkiaO7q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2016
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