Firouzja DESTROYS Nepo In Just 28 Moves!!

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that is a super Grandmaster move if I have ever seen one yes Ali Resa roua the most exciting player in this tartar steel chess tournament just destroyed two-time World Chess Championship Challenger Yan npom Nashi and he did it with this opening rubbish The Vane opening night to see3 this was Neo's reaction when he returned to the board and saw what Ali Resa had played what excuse me played what an absolute classic reaction and it's classic Ali Resa so exciting this is round 12 of the tartar steel Masters the business end of the tournament so Yan goes Knight F6 in response we get D4 D5 and now Bishop F4 the Jabara London system like a London but you've got this Clumsy Night on C3 so you can't set up the porn triangle you know the old party hat formation think that kind of thing so instead Black's the one to strike at the center with C5 tried and tested we get E3 supporting Yan goes for the early exchange cornery captures Bishop G4 a top move here you know Daniel nitzki talked about that in the commentary box with Robert Hess but Yan goes for A6 decent move you know that's a key Square for two minor pieces of white now we get Knight F3 then Bishop G4 and Ali Resa goes H3 puts the question now we see an immediate captures why didn't the bishop drop back well ala wants G4 as we're going to see so don't encourage it captures played Queen takes back and Knight C6 pressures the center immediately the knight's being removed and so look at this from what white we get Castle's Queen side what an absolutely stunning variation you know different to the usual boring Roy Lopez blah blah blah this is exciting chess so E6 is now played G4 from Ali Resa he wants to kill nepo on the king side so what does nepo do will attack on the queen side here starting with Bishop D6 natural development and Ali Resa says no thank thank you I don't want to trade Bishops I want to keep my pair of snipers here plus this one supports the center and nepo Carries On with Queen to A5 very natural attacking idea here so always play King B1 Ali Resa knows his stuff and now the Silicon Overlord it wants B5 Rook C8 that kind of thing and they look very very natural moves to be honest you know it's easy with an engine but I like to think think those are the main moves I'd be playing first nepo starts with Knight B4 however looks slightly odd to foray forward with the Knight here before bringing a few more pieces in and now a great move by Ali Resa he does some Proaxis with Bishop C1 not only bringing that one back to defend the king side here support Pawn to A3 but he also opens up the queen laterally so nepo goes Rook C8 now and there's a very dangerous attacking idea simply to take that Knight on C3 you know give an exchange remove the defender of this Pawn crash through deliver mate this is one of the points of the move of course so A3 forced you have to drive back the night and these sacrifices with takes on C2 that kind of thing not working reminds me of an Ali Resa game he played recently against vidit did go on to lose but great sacrifice so the the Knight meekly returns but okay you've induced the weakness this is Neo's Point G5 from Ali Resa of course the Knight can't Sally Forth here it's got to retreat which it does and now Pawn H4 what an exciting variation this Jabara London is absolutely love it and now again this is a bit strange to me from nepo you know B5 looks so so natural threaten B4 right use that whole Pawn as a hook and everything and then maybe white goes Knight A2 decent defensive move covering B4 opening the queen it's just an interesting game but nepo goes Queen to B6 here standing in the way of his B Pawn now it pressures the center plus the king but the tactics are working nicely for white Ali Resa he just ignores correctly he can go H5 here that's the very top engine move he goes Bishop H3 also a good one and he's setting up some really nasty ideas of Knight takes on D5 the Bishops eyeing the Knight the Rooks could be coming to the center and so on I won't go too deep we see the ideas in a moment now what does nepo do here well you might be wondering about Bishop takes on A3 that's just the Free Pawn right this one's pinned well then there is Knight takes D5 great move opening the queen or there's also this one hit the queen here once it moves somewhere you know it can come forward doesn't matter well now the queen takes that Bishop you know we can see the point of Bishop C1 earlier fantastic move so these ones not working that's why we see instead Knight takes on D4 why has Ali Resa sacrificed the pawn well this is his point he launches an attack now he can play this move move immediately it's very interesting but he plays Queen E3 I need stop saying interesting I sound like kramnick if he's suspicious of a game right so here we see Queen E3 played setting up this pin and the best move for black and basically the only move to keep a kind of equilibrium is Knight to B5 now the queen is covered by this Knight you know you're not shedding a knight there White's best response is this move of takes on D5 using that pin this is one of the points of the queen on E3 if takes recaptures you've got a decent end game if not takes Queen C6 threatening a big check here Queen covers well the game goes on Knight E3 back white a little better with the Bishops the King still not castled but it's a game but however nepo didn't go for Knight B5 he played Bishop E5 yes it supports the Knight you know you know you can't take anymore and literally drop a piece but what are you doing after this fantastic move of Pawn to F4 by the way if you were looking at Knight takes on D5 there also a great move just a different variation now this is Neo's point if he moves the bishop of course he's just losing a minor piece right so what he does here is smash through with the Rook Queen recaptures and then he opens up the discovery of the bishop with Knight to B5 now there is a beautiful Harmony here you know this Knight supporting the bishop so no captures here this Knight's now threatening to take here with check the pawn is pinned the queen is hit and nepo offers an entire Rook now you would never want to do this because this is just terrible your material down like what a rook but this was Neo's point if check King E7 give the entire Rook yes but crash through and it's a huge attack now the engine says this is no better than a draw you know the line goes on and on and on but apparently this can lead to a draw white can now take here or go King B1 all roads lead to Rome according to the engine it gives zero draw but of course if black Miss steps then white could be better equally if white missteps you get mated but okay that would have been the idea if Ali Resa went after The Rook but this is the moment when he plays a very classy super grandm move Queen to F3 how professional the move Queen F3 is that is a super grandmas move if I have ever seen one Dani nitzki loving this one he's just saying right do your best bro I'm now attacking your Bishop it's got to go somewhere nepo moves to D4 and then simply King A2 Ali Resa just cool as a cucumber here stepping the king to some safety where's the followup you're in exchange down White's got the bishop pair so nepo goes G6 not entirely sure of the point of that you know maybe keeping an eye on H5 or something or these Pawn pushes but Ali Resa cracks on anyway taking a tin opener to the black king side we get Knight C5 and now I love this next move there's some awesome backwards retreating Bishop moves in this one Bishop F1 now played preparing simply to an exchange one of the attacking pieces and opening The Eyes Of The Rook on H1 so Knight E4 from nepo Top move Ali Resa simply captures this one with check porn recaptures and now he takes on G6 and the crazy thing is the most natural move in the world H takes G6 fails to a stunning tactic if you want to pause here test your Tactical ability then please do so so you can see the bar on the left is way up and it's for this move very well done if you found Bishop to E3 now the point is if the bishop is captured well you've left the defense of the Rook so you now lose this one you're a double exchange down okay so what if you don't capture the bishop what if you capture The Rook here on H1 well then there's this in between her orishan zuk as you'd say in the German Way and the point is you're attacking the queen so yes The Rook can take here but because you're not capturing with check then white takes here you're a queen for a rook to the good and obviously if you decide to move the queen let's say well then we capture here or I think this is even stronger going with the queen and you are a rook ahead so the tactics work for white very lovely combinations so f F takes G6 played for those reasons Ali Resa now centralizes this Rook look at the Cannons blasting down the center of the board and nepo capitulates he should castle that King finally but it looks very scary to do so of course instead he plays rook f8 and it leads to a killer move ends the game on the spot Queen D3 from Ali Resa rusa he wins the game as we can see on the left nepo resigns why well this piece is pressured twice right about to drop so say you Retreat it somewhere doesn't matter you know h8 for example well now bang you simply sack an exchange and you can't even recapture unless you want to get checkmated in one these are the problems right nothing you can do white killing it Ali Resa wins don't know the full standing yet the round is still going on but it is getting so tight at the top this guy is exciting really can't wait to see what he does in the candidates I love that he's there instead of Wesley sorry Wesley but I do chess like this very very exciting let me know your thoughts down below and I hope you enjoyed this one for another epic game have a look at the video on screen and I'll see you soon
Channel: Epic Chess
Views: 30,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic chess, chess, epic, chess analysis, chess game, learn chess, win at chess, chess analyzed, chess teacher, positional chess, firouzja, alireza, alirexa firouxja, tata steels chess, tata steel chess, chess brilliancy, brilliant chess move
Id: sOAHnlo9WHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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