Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Vietnam and the Intellectuals
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Keywords: Firing Line, William F. Buckley Jr, Noam Chomsky, Intellectuals, Public Opinion, Vietnam War
Id: 9DvmLMUfGss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 12sec (3132 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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see, i suspected that german security aparatus nazis would try to commit terrorism against the left disguised as migrants. (see the Uniter-story on wsws) but i never stated this online because i feared i could inspire this before they would get the idea themselves (and they love false flags, and Reichstagsfires, don't they).
they got the idea years later, they tried acting on it, they got caught and now we have to put the german and US armies feet to the fire until they unroot these nazi terrorist usurpers and ideologues from their ranks
Low-key nostalgia from those FBI warnings. It sounds a little dystopian, but those warnings used to be on seemingly everything lol
That interviewer is infuriating me, but he is at least engaging.
Might be confirmation bias but I love how these older TV shows feel. Feels completely different to modern mainstream media.
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