Fire Making with Pump Drill
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: paleomanjim
Views: 492,879
Rating: 4.9021044 out of 5
Keywords: Fire Making, Pump Drill, hand drill, bow drill, paleoplanet, tinder bundle, birds nest, fire plow, bamboo fire saw
Id: c6wRLJWfjFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue May 06 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I have a question about wood on wood firestarting methods. I had heard somewhere that if you put sand on the hearthboard that it helps get an ember quicker due to the added friction. Is this true or a load of crap?
Definitely a cool machine, but I'm not sure how practical for survival. I'm not packing a stone with a hole drilled in it when there are so many fire creation tools that are much more convenient, and I don't think I could create one in the field unless I had some sort of primitive drill, leaving me with a chicken/egg scenario.
Now that was pretty cool. Makes that method of fire starting so much easier it seems.