Discing Around Field Fire

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[Applause] well everyone we're back in the 72-30 uh it was never broken the combine was flying it's just the head had i kind of broke it a lot and the problem is is that the parts that they need to fix it or parts are on back order so the head is still just sitting in the shop waiting for parts who knows when they're gonna get here we did quite a few acres with the 8250 uh that we were loaned but we have my goodness i mean we probably i think we put 18 threshing hours on it so it's quite a bit of time in a loan machine so we're back in our machine with an eight-row head i have never run an a-row head before so we're going to try and finish out harvest with this i think that's the plan as far as i know we have 85 acres left to harvest i'm thinking that's going to take us about two days barring any breakdowns but we'll see how this goes looks like somebody left some harvest goodie bags in here a farm bureau it looks like a whole bunch of snacks drinks that's thoughtful let's get this thing fired up let our monitors warm up turn our ipad on maybe maybe here we go [Music] [Applause] ipad is all fired up we are ready to go first turn on the separators there we go i can hear everything working there i'll let those warm up for a little bit i'm going to turn on the head just lift up and push forward see my little roller cones going now get everything warmed up and we can start hitting the field i just want to say you guys look at how far we've come together the beginning of the season i was like nervous even getting in the combine even with dad with me and now look at us starting things all by ourselves this is really exciting it's really cool for me to watch my own progress as i document my journey for you guys i suppose one of the advantages of an eight row head is that you only have eight rows to monitor instead of twelve rows and because you're taking in that much less corn you can make it a full pass down the field a half mile before you have to unload so it makes a little bit easier since i'm here picking by myself this particular corn head is a chopping corn head so we're really um i'm running it pretty low to the ground so that i get rid of as much stock as possible and i left with just a little nub especially because we don't do a lot of heavy tillage as in we really don't do much tillage at all um what was i going to say oh that's right so we're running it really close to the ground but this head does not have auto header height so once it's set at a height it's going to stay there so i'm just being very mindful and watching i really don't want to smush a snoot and for those of you that were asking a snoot is the little like triangular cone things on the head another advantage of the eight row head over the 12 row head is that i'm at four miles an hour right now and only 70 engine load um let's see how fast i can go without breaking anything i want to be careful whoa six miles an hour i'm not even at 100 look at that we're speeding right along so i guess originally i thought the eight row head was going to be a step backwards because it was smaller but now i'm thinking that maybe it was a step forward because there's less to monitor in front of me and i can go faster i don't know what do you guys think which would you prefer would you rather take larger swaths at a time but not be able to go so fast or take a smaller swath but be able to go a lot faster so i say i'm back in our combine because for the past week exactly we've been in a loner combine i guess it was kind of a loner kind of a demo thing because dad and i are looking at upgrading the combine and our head breaking just happened to be a convenient excuse so originally we were just going to stop harvesting until our head was done but because the part for our head won't be in for the foreseeable future um the place that we get our combine from the place in aurora the shop gross hands said hey we've got a combine for you so they were generous enough to just bring it out and then we were able to demo a combine that we might be buying and then we didn't have to take two three weeks off harvest and then before you know it it's november and then it's snowing and yeah so we're very grateful for that but it is nice to be back in my own machine i will say i got used to the new automated controls i'm having to kind of relearn our combine good news everyone i picked dad up as my green card driver so we're really moving along now the april head it's growing on me i was skeptical at first but i think i'm starting to like it all right everyone this is the last pass on this field after this is done we get to move on to our last field of 2021. how exciting is that i'm extra excited because the last corn field is my corn field and i don't know i just have a feeling it's gonna do really well so once we're done here we're going to take most things back to the farm to fuel them up because the last field is the furthest away and then we'll just start driving vehicles up there i am driving the combine home as quickly as possible right now which is not very fast it's only 19 miles an hour but there's been a car accident close to us and it's on fire um and so dad is heading over there with a disc and hop over in a pickup hopefully everybody's okay okay i've arrived at the scene i don't think it's a car accident i'm thinking some kind of equipment fire because it is out in the field dad is on his way with a disc and the farmer has both pivots going um my goodness i just hope no one is hurt the fire department is here so that's good but dad's gonna come the problem with fires man in the countryside and especially with how windy it is i'm glad the crop is harvested the problem is that these fires spread so rapidly oh my word okay so dad dad is in there with the disc the fire is moving so fast so pretty much we're just disking up the ground to try and stop the fire from spreading anymore just to get a line of black dirt in between the flame and all the rest of these fields here there we go that's dad right there see the tractor that's him [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] 510 where are you at dude i couldn't see anything i almost ran into blaze um yeah i see a man that smoke is sick there he is he just came out of the fire you see that that's him right there in the tractor i just want to say thank you so much to all the firefighters for just totally being on the ball and good job dad having the disc hooked up ready to be here this is incredible to watch yeah so that's funny because the tractor that dad's in right now and the disc actually wait are we doing this no that's our desk it's our disc but the tractor that dad is in right now is a demo tractor we just haven't really gotten around to being in it actually at all because we've been so busy with harvest so luckily it was hooked up already and ready to go so i don't know how people are recognizing that it's dad in the tractor but i keep having people stop i'm just on the road here um and farmers are just coming out of the woodwork you know to see everything and they're like be sure to tell your dad thank you so much for being here and ready and helping out i don't know how they're recognizing us but yeah it's dad i'm not taking away from your work at all but it is all the firefighters i mean seriously you guys are incredible well i would say the disc made pretty quick work of that not too much left out here this is what burned up corn stalks look like just so thankful there wasn't a crop still out here so it's wet here from the pivot but as you can see it's just really dry and it has been so windy and we've had a few hot days here so hot engine parked on this a fire but it's all handled taken care of nobody got hurt [Music] okay that might be one of the cooler ways i've used technology we're totally switching gears here away from the fire trying to get our minds back right into farming so before we move to the other field we're going to fuel the combine up i didn't have anyone to back me up to the fuel pumps and so i set my phone up and then on my watch i can see my camera screen and then while i was in the cab since i can't see behind me i just use my watch to be my eyes back here and it worked out perfectly bto status what abroad has bto oh yeah what a day a huge shout out to case ih gross hands international for allowing me to demo that 340. i have to say having a tractor that can go 34 miles an hour down the road certainly helps to get you to the emergency glad to help out super glad that no nobody was hurt and no other property was damaged in the in the fire so you know happy to help out where i can when i can uh stay sharp my friends have a good night also i'd like to give a shout out to all the local fire departments that sent all their trucks and all their people in including the volunteer there's a ton of volunteer people there you know a huge community out here that drops everything and runs into danger so a pretty big shout out to all the other people that came into the scene to fight the fire you guys are the real heroes for sure thanks guys appreciate it we've successfully gotten oh wait that's our combine it seems as if our neighbors slash family members have decided that they're going to start the field next to us tonight too so i think dad might open up some andros but for now i'm signing off
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 342,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gdXf9c4uBPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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