Fire Emblem Continent Lore | Jugdral

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hello everyone my name is halvi in this video I'll be explaining the lore of the continent young troll [Music] yubtro is the continent that the Fire Emblem games of genealogy of the holy war and thracia 776 take place upon it exists in the same world as arcanea and Valencia [Music] Granville is the kingdom in the center of the consonants it was founded by Saint Heim with over half of the 12 Crusaders founding its six duchies which are chalfi jungvi Friga dozel feltoner and Etta Valhalla was founded by the Crusader Heim and is the capital city of Granville and takes priority over the other six duchies of the Kingdom the royal family of Granville comes through the line of Heim and the blood of Naga chaofi was founded by balder the holy night it is sigurd's home and the holy sword tear Fang is passed down through the chalfi family youngvi was founded by uler the bowmaster the holy Poe you fell is passed down through the youngvi family Friga was founded by thrude the Magee Knight the mjolnir spell is passed down through the thru family and many of its Mages specialize in Thunder magic dozel was founded by naul the warrior the holiest acts hellswath is passed down through the dozo family valt Homer was founded by fialer the Mage Fighter the Val flame spell is passed down through the valtumer family and many of its Mages specialize in Fire magic beltomer's family crest is called the fire emblem Edda was founded by bragi the Archbishop the holy Stout Valkyrie is passed down through the Etta family the Dominion of agustria is a country that was founded by hotter the Black Knight the original wielder of the demon sword mistletain it is comprised of a collective of noble houses Salif was born here the country of Celeste was founded by said the wind Crusader it is a peaceful nation and its people worship the queen God for seti it is also home to many skilled Pegasus Knights and wind Mages for most of the year it is covered in snow isoc is a country founded by ODE the sword Saints the original wielder of the balmung it is home to many skilled sword fighters and has a unique Warrior culture thracia and the monster District were once a single nation founded by The Sibling Crusaders Lance Knight Muran and Dragon Knight Dane the nation separated after what was known as the tragedy of the gay bolg niorin married her brother Dane's friend then one day her husband and brother got into a fight noran tried to break up the fight but accidentally killed her husband with the gableg she then killed herself to join her husband in death and a few years later Dane also mysteriously died ever since then thracia and Munster have always been bitter towards each other thracia is a mountainous Wasteland while Munster is blessed with fertile land ferdane is a country not founded by a crusader and is known as a barbarian Kingdom it is heavily forested with a large lake in the center many of its Fighters wheeled axes malettos is a country not founded by a crusader it is a wealthy nation and a major trading hub [Music] draw was the home of an advanced human civilization around the same time that the humans on arcadea were just getting started on building their own civilization with the help of the Dragons then after a couple thousand years in the grand year one the grand kingdom was founded on the western banks of the young River then in year 230 the grand kingdom was reorganized into the Grand Republic and for centuries enjoyed a time of peace and prosperity then in the Years leading up to the year 440 Bishop Gare believed in a legend that drinking the blood of the ancient dragons grants won tremendous power and eternal life so he traveled the world and finally arrived in arcanea this was around the time that Naga was at war with degenerated Earth dragons Gare met the Earth Dragon loptus and they formed a blood pact and Gare was possessed by loptos Gare returned to yugdraw and founded the lobster Church which worshiped lactose as a dark God laptops hated humans and saw an obvious opportunity to use gear and wreak vengeance upon them in the year 447 the original 12 deadlords are formed in the service of gare they invaded the Grand Republic and destroyed it then in the year 448 Gare founded the lobster Empire and became its first emperor all subsequent Emperors for the same name and were all possessed by loptus in the following years countless people are killed all at the hands of the Empire and loptos as well in the year 449 the Great Purge happened where one hundred thousand people were killed then in 452 in boletos many children are sacrificed to loptos in an event known as the sorrow of malettos and is the possible origin of childhoods the last of these terrible events was the massacre of Etta in the year 453 in which tens of thousands of people were killed it wasn't until the year 535 that resistance against the empire formed in any kind in that year Myra the brother of the emperor gear of the time started a rebellion however he failed and was sent into Exile then in year 611 another Rebellion gained momentum consisting of Warriors from all over the continents this one also could not stand up through the Empire's lights as they were pushed back into the single stronghold of dharna in the E desert but it was around this time that Naga over an arcanea learned of what loptos was doing and gather 11 other dragons including salamander and forsetti and left for yoggrow to save its people then in the year 632 Naga and the other dragons descended upon Donna and performed blood packs with 12 fighters who would later be known as the 12 Crusaders Naga and the other dragons gave these Fighters their power into form of the holy weapons then year 633 began the start of the holy war and the 12 Crusaders used the power of the holy weapons to fight back against the empire after 15 years of fighting Emperor Gare the 17th wielding the power of loptos was killed by Saint Heim who wielded the power of Naga and a lobster Empire was no more but it is important to know lactose's bloodline and by extension his will survived through Myra's descendants after the end of the holy war in the year 649 the 12 Crusaders went on and founded the kingdom of Granville and its six duchies as well as the kingdoms of Isaac agastria Celeste and thracia foreign the remnants of the lobster Church were all forced to hide beneath the Eid Shrine in order to avoid persecution and their descendants were also unable to leave and live normal lives else they'd be burned at the stake by the other nations this resulted in the cult's operations and beliefs and their dark God laptos continuing and it led to their Archbishop manfroy to begin to scheme and plan out a way for loptos to be revived and for the old laughter Empire to be restored and rise to power once again elsewhere Myra's descendants secluded themselves in the spirit forest in verdane to prevent the birth of a child with major lactose blood this is where a woman called sigyan was raised she possessed minor lactose blood and got the idea to lead the forest and eventually marry Duke Victor of beltomer and the two of them had a son named Arvis Arvis inherited major her blood from his father and minor loptos blood from his mother however Victor was very abusive towards sigyan which led her to have an affair with granville's Prince Kurth becoming pregnant with Kurt's daughter Deirdre Victor once he found out about this committed suicide and this caused the pregnant sigyan to run away back to the spirit Forest where she died in childbirth leaving Deirdre to be raised in isolation from the rest of the world Deirdre inherited her mother's minor loptos blood and Kurt's major Naga blood manfroy learned of the existence of these two carriers of lapdos's blood and soon enacted the first stages of his plan to create a suitable vessel for loptos first he and his underlings manipulated the leader of rebelt a noble house and Isaac to attack Donna Donna is a sacred location to the people of Granville and in the year 757 Cur Earth took his trusted advisors Byron of chalfi and ring of youngvi to war with Isaac Isaac King Manan goes to Donna as well and routes prabouts and kills their leader Kurth and Manan are just about to meet and negotiate a truce but before the peace talks can begin manfroy Works closely with Arvis and takes advantage of Duke repter and Duke Lombard's Ambitions for more power and has them kill King Manan with their King dead the Isaac people are enraged and War continues over in verdane more of manfroy's underlings are also looking for dareja and they also nudge perdain's King and princes into invading Granville while their main forces are away in Isaac so they do and one of them kidnaps edain which leads to sigurd leaving chalfi to save her in the rescue attempt sigur ends up invading and conquering all of verdane this is where he he meets Deirdre falls in love with her and they get married meanwhile manfroy manipulates the power hungry Chagall into killing his father and taking control of agustria the now King Chagall orders an invasion of Granville forcing sigurd to fight back and he ends up conquering most of agustria and around this time Lombard and raptor have been spreading rumors that Byron and sigurd were conspiring to overthrow Kurth eldigan then gives sigurd one year to restore the peace before pulling out then in year 759 Granville wins the war with Isaac and takes control over it however under mantroy's influence Lombard assassinated Kurth upon his return from Isaac and Duke ring is killed by his son Andre Byron and sigurd were framed for these crimes meanwhile in augustrhea sacred son salaph is born selif inherited major balder blood from his father and minor Naga blood from his mother Deirdre Chagall orders an attack on sigurd's occupation forces and forces out again to fight out again is executed for attempting to convince Chagall to back down sigurd's forces then kill Chagall and augustrhea Falls derdra is found by manfroy he erased her memory and kidnapped her he then left her in Valhalla to be found by Arvis repter and Lombard lead an army into augustrhea to capture sigurd and sigurd is branded a traitor as he flees to Celeste celeste's Queen Lana provides refuge for sigured and attempts to inform granville's King asmer of sigurd's Innocence but her letters go unacknowledged in Valhalla Arvis and darija fall in love and get married making Arvis the successor of the dying asthma then sigur got caught up in the Celeste Civil War and helped Lewin and queen Lana quell the Rebellion Lewin also obtained his Birthright a book of forsetti then in the year 761 Byron is able to escape captivity under Lombard but is mortally wounded and before he dies is able to give tearfing to sigurd sigurd goes on to kill Lombard he tells oifi and Shannon to take self and the other children of the army and find refuge in Isaac in the E desert Quan and ethylin are attempting to reunite with sigurd however they are being followed by travant and his troops travant murders Quan and ethylin and takes altena and the gableg and returns to thracia savior continues his march across the desert until he finally kills rupter Arvis welcomes sigurd to celebrate his triumphant return however sigurd is actually being led into a trap Arvis uses his powerful vowel flame spell to kill sigurd and the rest of his army and Lewin was killed by manfroy though Lewin was revived by forsetti who also took possession of Lewin at the cost of some of lewin's memories Lewin then disappears for some time however there were some survivors in sigurd's Army being edain Bridget aaronis lakesis teotu and Sylvia edain went to turn a nog and helped Ray selliff and the other children there Sylvia leaves her children in an orphanage at Donna then disappears teotiu is on the run in Celeste but ends up getting captured by reptor's son Bloom then dies after years of abuse erinus becomes queen of Celeste in lewin's absence but eventually dies of illness and her children leave to find Lewin Bridget later becomes evil and will go on to help Leaf in his Endeavors laquisis sends her daughter Nana for Finn's care in leonster then she was heading to Isaac in search of her son but she disappeared Without a Trace elsewhere in the world Granville invaded and conquered Celeste and thracia begins in invasion of the monster District then in year 762 thracia conquers a monster District King calf of leonster is killed and Finn leaf and Nana are forced to flee thracia is then soon defeated by Granville and trevant signs a peace treaty and enters an alliance with Granville the Munster district is now governed by the Friga family Finn leaf and Nana are on the Run ultimately finding Refuge with evil and Fiona meanwhile back in bellhalla Arvis was crowned as Emperor where he successfully created a peaceful regime that lasted 15 years also shortly after the battle of Valhalla he investigated deirdre's past traveling to the spirit forest and discovered that she was sigyan's daughter however even after finding out that his wife was in fact his half-sister his feelings did not change and he simply tried his best to not let Deirdre find out the truth he and their were blessed with two twin children Julius who was the culmination of manfroy's Ambitions as he inherited major loptos blood and was the perfect vessel for loptos's return and perhaps by the will of Naga Julia who inherited her mother's major Naga blood and was not a part of manfroy's schemes then in the year 770 manfroy came to Valhalla and presented Julius with the lapto's Tome and as soon as Julius touched it he was corrupted by lactose now under the influence of loptos Julius became obsessed with restoring the old laughter Empire back to its former might the first thing that came to julius's mind was to kill his sister Julia and by extension lactose's arch nemesis Naga however thanks to derdra warping Julia away she was saved but Deirdre was not so lucky and was killed instead afterwards Julius took troll over the Grandville Empire from his father and quickly gave lupter priest positions of power he also reintroduced child hunts and the murderous rituals of the lobster Church all attempts to resist the empire were crushed and met with brutal executions or enslavements even Arvis tried multiple times to stop Julius however all of his efforts ended in failure [Music] Lewin was now under four seti's influence for seti was one of the Dragons Who accompanied Naga and entered a blood pact with the Crusader said forsetti was a young dragon that held a high level of Goodwill and sympathy for humans and if he had the chance would have preferred to stay in yoggrow and protect the humans however Naga convinced him that it would be foolish and so he returned to arcanea still his passion and Will was inherited strongly within the Holy forsetti Tome thus the reason why Lewin was able to be revived and more so possessed by forsetti so then after laying low for a while Lewin reappeared and found Julia after she narrowly escaped from her brother's attack she lost her memory and was badly injured so even without knowing of her true identity Lewin took her to a remote region of Celeste to take care of her later they had to flee due to Granville gaining too much control over the country Lewin then got to work orchestrating many efforts to formally oppose the Empire such as hiring August to act as an adviser to leaf and in the year 776 Lee phrased a Liberation Army and actively fought against the occupation forces of thracia Elsewhere in the year 777 Salif the Scion of light begins his effort to liberate the content from the Empire's clutches in Isaac celeb fights the dozo occupation forces there and early on he meets Lewin who leave Julia in his care Lewin then leaves as he has business in the monster celev continued his rebellion and eventually liberates all of Isaac from the Empire's control Lewin returned to self and became his advisor first suggesting that he travels South to leonster to meet and join forces with Leaf seleth travels through the E desert where he recruits more powerful allies to his cause like Shannon and ares Salif then unites his forces with Leafs and they are able to defeat Bloom and try the Grandville occupation out of the monster District Cela then leads his army into thracia where he is attacked by travant as cell of conquers territory after territory and thracia trevant enters the frey but Falls at the hands of Salas Army altena then takes to the field and requests to join Salas forces to which celeth accepts as she is Leaf's sister Arion wielding the gang year is thracia's last line of defense but even he cannot stand up to salif's Army Julius appears and saves Aryan from death and warps them away leaving salaf now in control over thracia meanwhile revolutions rise up against the empire in augustrhea and Celeste all inspired by zealous victories celeth then continues on his path to Granville but first he must pass through malettos a country that has been experiencing many childhoods also at this time and Freud comes and abducts Julia Salif gets a taste of what Julius is like in battle but nonetheless is able to liberate malettos his next destination is chalfi his father's Homeland however chalfi is defended by Arvis wielding the powerful Val flame Tome Arvis has been trying his best to save captured children and he also entrusted the priest Hallmark with tierfing in hopes that Salif might acquire it Arvis was also able to speak with Julia telling her that he regrets everything that has happened between Julius and them and Deirdre then he is just barely able to give her dareja circlet claiming that it will protect her in the future Julia is then taken away by manfroy Salif attacks Arvis and defeats him avenging his father's death he gets to speak with the spirits of his parents and is now prepared for the final battle over in velt Homer Julius is about to kill Julia but manfroy intervenes saying that he has a use for her and will kill her later Julius returns to Allah and orders granville's duchies to attack salaf's Army Salif leads his army and defeats the duchies one by one until there is only feltomer and Valhalla left Julia sends out the deadlords to defend Valhalla and manfoy deploys his own unit of Mages as well as a hypnotized Julia to defend voltomer at some point Lewin learned of Julia's Heritage and advises seleth that it is most important to save her so self kills manfroy and speaks to Julia to undo the trance Julia then returned to valtomer where Lewin was waiting she used her mother's circlet to unlock the Vault where the book of Naka was being held now with the only weapon capable of counteracting the effects of julius's loptos tome Salif and Julia defeated Julius and the rest of the lobster Empire peace has been restored to the continent Salif is crowned king of Granville Leaf is crowned King of the New Kingdom of thracia Ares is crowned king of agustria said is Crown on King of Celeste and Shannon is crowned king of Isaac Salif also realized that Lewin was possessed by forsetti and thanked him for his help and with all that said this is the end of the video thank you for watching and if you enjoyed it like comment subscribe and have a great rest of your day
Channel: Halvey
Views: 2,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uq5B1oqwejw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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