David Hogan New Stories 2022 becoming people of iron and the story of Joseph | David Hogan Testimony

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heart of those rejoice who seek and require the lord i need you to be a rejoicer somebody who is not ashamed in public like the other day i was riding on a jet and this lady comes up to me and here's what she said to me you and your wife how long y'all been married i said 50 years she said i could tell i said okay hopefully that's good she said she said well why do you think everything is okay i said what you're a stewardess leave me alone and bring me a cookie [Music] i i i didn't get on here to explain my lifestyle to you she said you need to tell me i said all right you're the one asked and i'm not going to stop telling you them wheels go down i said i got myself born again i used to be a gang member i was a preacher's son got mad gang member the whole thing jesus came spoke to me and it's on you it's on you what i'm gonna tell you next you need to get born again that's how it's got to roll she said i knew you was born again she said the way you take care of your wife the way you walk you can tell that you are not like others your age i said wow that's a good thank you i might like you you need a cookie where are the cookies i'll get you a cookie [Applause] we sit there for two hours and just talked about jesus and she was raised in alaska on a self-fishing idea up there and and i was i'm telling her about my cows and our farm uh in mexico and oh she just oh she just we we just got along in that weird i said the only thing separating us is jesus because a lot of things that we believe that i can tell you and i could get along really good but the difference is jesus and i need you to get yourself born again so you can get your thing sorted out like mine sorted out and it's it's necessary to be devote to be devoted be devout hello it can be seen by joe public if you'll walk in the holy ghost they can see a difference without you saying anything because she brought it up and i finished it of course glory say it and let the heart if your heart rejoices you're going to be noticeable and and people are going to be curious and want to know what is it why do you think everything's okay and you look at it and i told her i said if i looked at my surroundings i would have to be sad but because i know the end of the thing it's it's all right it's going to work out and i don't know how but it will [Applause] you learn that when you get to be a great grandpa i didn't know it when i was just a dad but i know it is a great grandpa now and look what this is let's get going on this and i won't make it verse 4 seek say i will seek him inquire say i'll do it for the lord say it crave him say i'll do it his strength say it his might now watch this in flexibility to temptation say it say it again say it again see everybody wants me because of my age they want me to be more flexible you know mellow out it never happened for me yet i'm still inflexible i'm not flexible jesus is gay inside of that i do well outside of that you won't like the guy all right look all right keep going seek and require his face say i want the face of the father say it seek and require his presence say i want his presence say it say it right out of your mouth i want the presence of [Applause] god verse 5 earnestly remember the marvelous deeds that he has done every person in this room you have a testimony i need you to remember where you were in the gutter you you were in whenever his gracious hand came in that mess and got you and started sorting you out you need to remember that and you need to be grateful and you need to be dependable and you need to be devoted and you need to be devout you don't need to let this system in this world run who you are you need to be the example the judgments the sentences which he pronounced upon his enemies say i don't want any of that stuff say it you all spring of abraham say i am that i am that i am a son of abraham say it i believe in faith in god say it shall you children of jacob you've chosen one say that's me it's talking to me say it i am a chosen of he said i have said it i've been grafted into the main vine say it he is the lord our god verse 7 his judgments are in all the earth say i believe it what i see don't matter what his word says is what's truth he is earnestly mindful of his covenant look at that verse 8 say thank you god for your covenant say it i'll believe it i will walk in it hell cannot stop me say it i am a son of god i am a daughter of zion say it his covenant and forever it is imprinted on his heart say thank you tell him thank you i believe and it is he commanded and established to a thousand generations i believe i believe yes i can have hope in the word of the the lord which he made with abraham swore to isaac and confirmed it to jacob as a statue into israel as an everlasting covenant verse 11 unto you i'll give the land say i want the land say it [Applause] say it's my possession say it shut up i possess the land say it [Applause] i am a soldier of zion [Applause] verse 12. when they were but few in number very few i can't tell you how it was for me i left houzz's homes mamas and dads i left nation of america i went to mexico had given up i had a great great job i was pulling down some change and i left with nothing just me and my wife and two kids we now we're we're a massive army of thousands we own the land and if i can get this covenant into the next generation that's there now there that thing will be so amazing if i can just get them to believe they went from one nation to another and kingdom to and that's what i do he allowed no man to do them wrong say thank you god i am a standing testament to you that i have been all over this place been in every war zone godly it's scary they have not they beat me stoned me and put shot me put me in jail that ain't nothin i have not been done wrong i forgive them it's more important that they get born again than that i have a few scars he reproved kings for their sakes touch not my no no anointed ones and do my prophets no harms 16. now you look at this world i'm getting to this 16. um because you got to you've got to understand that some of you have been called and you've been called out you're first generation some of you i'm not i'm eighth generation and i was called out from my eighth generation thing to a job to a specific order of god's power and we have to believe it above all religious lies all political schemes and systems all judgments of men jesus is king it says he called for a famine uh in verse 16 he cut off the source of bread god can do it in a heartbeat now you listen you listen god called it he had something he was he was going to do he was going to form his people into a nation but there's a way he went about it and one man he called him out a mama's boy joseph and and now let's jump over to genesis 3 7. and i want you to want you to go with me and bear with me i'm not going to tell you any more stories probably because i want to teach you something here so look look here genesis 37 jacob you know did what he did and how he did it that's another story i don't care right now about that it's awesome but not right now and i want you to look at verse three israel loved joseph see see when when you parents you got these mamas boys you mamas y'all are knuckleheads because golly it makes the rest of us mad at you when you choose one above the other and and that's how it was in this family it says and jose joseph was loved because he was a son of old age and and he made him a distinct long tunic you know this coat of many colors idea in another if he'd just made all the other brothers a coat they probably wouldn't have been as much trouble i don't mind you loving somebody and but keep your mouth shut about it and give all the kids the same and there'll be less trouble but that ain't when in this case uh look at verse uh verse four now look what it says when when the when his brothers saw that their father loved joseph more than them something happened in their spirits hate was given a root but you got to understand you have to understand that that is not awesome parents in my opinion made a mistake there but it doesn't matter god's plan will happen regardless ever how you want to bring people up on charges what they did and should have done and all of that i'm telling you god called the famine and for that to happen joseph had to be in the right place at the right time that mean it means envy jealousy hate had to be in play for it to happen so this boy could be took taken away from his parents and sold into slavery no i don't want that kind of god well you got him he's going to do his job it's going to go his way and it's not going to be comfortable sometimes you have been fed some foolish live some utopia idea i don't know who came up with that it's ridiculous there's no place to hide from reality and you be okay how's it going for you little cul-de-sac with a little stupid painted toad poodle thing with your dumb specialty coffees and your knuckle-headed green morning shakes and every one of you got more diseases than anybody can name what's wrong with you believe in jesus like you believe in that idea and we wouldn't have this thing one let the plan of god have its way in your life do not kick against what paul the goads the ox goats jesus told paul you've been kicking against those sharp pointed sticks now stop it so i'm telling you today stop look at this it's true that people get preference over you it's true that they get better clothes than you do i'm sorry go buy you some dillard's is still open jealous knucklehead listen look look at in it to top it all over oh oh here he's standing with his fancy little coat and all his people hate him now and they're envious of him and jealous of him and then all of a sudden god starts giving him these dreams and visions and he's a knucklehead he went and told them anyway and they go have you lost your mind come here tell us we're going back we'll never bow to you oops i told y'all not to use that word on god i told you you got to use in everything anyway it and it says look at verse seven i saw my binding sheaves and these one sheep stood upright and the rest of them bowed down verse seven verse eight are you indeed we're gonna you're gonna reign over us that'll never happen well it did yeah all right nine joseph dreamed yet again and his brothers he's he's talking about the sars and the moon boy when they got mom and dad bound down that really hacked off the brothers you think because they made you a coat they gonna get down and worship you all right look you're you're living in that you constantly are men men-pleasing idea and you're not going anywhere stop it please the father allow god to come in your world and guide you and it's uncomfortable some of it lord have mercy and it doesn't seem to ever going to be over and it just keeps getting worse and worse i want you to hang on because jesus is coming his plan will supersede every evil in your life yes whether it's you made or or somebody else around you man made the idea and it look what it says and then dad comes to him said look i need you to go give your brother some food and go out there and check on the sheep and you know you're my favorite i love you and i hurry on back son you ain't gonna stay out in the heat like them other guys golly that's a threatening idea and so they saw him coming and ways off oh here comes the dreamer let's kill him see i live in that world out there of of of the rebel groups and the in the animals and all that and i've learned how to survive and actually abound in that atmosphere and look what this says so they let's kill him verse 20. let us kill him and throw his body in some pit somewhere and and let we'll just tell our dad that some ferocious animal ate him here we'll kill one of these things and put blood on it and reuben delivered him thank god for the reuben's in the family let's don't kill him let's let's don't shed any blood and so the brothers you know they stripped him of his coat and throw him in an empty pit and then here comes those people along and so they sold uh joseph in verse 36. it says the medianites ishmaelites sold joseph to in egypt to potiphar now joseph joseph the kid really didn't do anything wrong it's not his fault where he was born in the lineup it's not his fault his mom and daddy loved him the way they did it's not his fault none of this stuff is his fault god started speaking to him and showed him dreams and visions about the future and all of this and he just is this naive knuckle-headed kid that's got more energy and courage and he don't get the the dread and the problems that are around him i encourage you to stay naive as long as you can because once you recognize the danger you're in you're in danger of fear starting to dominate your life but this guy sold it they sold their brother into slavery to this head of the guard of pharaoh's house and and this boy just started excelling joseph did not 38 verse 30 chapter 39 joseph was brought down to potter for the officer of pharaoh the captain of the chief of executioners of the royal guard and he goes along and in verse 3 the master saw that the lord was with him see everything he did he prospered even though he was a slave see you don't like those words you don't want to be a slave to anybody you're americans you won't bow we'll see about that you will bow to the holy ghost you will be destroyed you will be destroyed if you do not bow to the holy ghost in the name of jesus and this is what it says and he gets old being in being a slave a master to the system this master this potiphar got him and treated him good he rose up and the word potiphar didn't even know what he had going in coming out he just went home and ate and went to work and he was blessed because joseph is blessed and then the woman here we go verse 12. she caught him by his garment come and lay with me she said but see joseph he had a thing called integrity he wasn't influenced by his hormones he was influenced by the fire of god in his spirit by the covenant of his fathers there's something greater than your personal passions it's called jesus [Applause] and he fled out there and she kept his coat and she screams oh look what he done brought this slave hebrew boy in here look he doesn't know he's going to humiliate us and on and on it goes it's a lie so they chunked him in now he now he's not just a slave now he's a slave in prison and he's innocent there's none of us this is going on now for years he spent two years chained up in prison on top of her how long he was in potiphar's house on top of every how long the trip took away from his parents first time he ever left home and he was in chains on a camel if he wasn't walking i don't know that i need you to understand god's plans might not look like you think in order god's plan might not think it looked like your elders around you thinking i need you to submit to god's plan and it might mean a trip to the dungeon even though this kid was innocent because to me i don't believe hardly any humans are innocent personally then in chapter 40 he got got these guys they they hacked off the king and so they got thrown in prison and joseph's in there and they all had these dreams and and so joseph interprets the dreams in 41 verse chapter 41 it says after two full years pharaoh dreamed now it's not joseph dreaming it's somebody of importance now you listen to me all the great people that interpret laws and divines have divining skills and if the right person is submitted to the holy ghost god will lock up their sight and only open up his people's sight say it i want that i want to be able to see when no one else can say it i want to be able to hear when everything around me is closed and i'm in prison all right and then they they i want you to understand that this boy didn't do anything wrong god's plan is what drug him through the gutter but it was also god's plan to make him second in the nation only only subservient to pharaoh himself everything else was underneath this kid that was always god's plan and that boy never did kick against it he never you there's not one word said that he ever got frustrated with god's hand in his life that's amazing and he if anybody had the right to be that way because he was after all a spoiled child and i look at verse 16 moreover he called for a famine upon the land of egypt he cut off every source of bread but look what he did in verse 17. he sent a man say i want to be sent say it now when you when you just said that out of your mouth you just went to jail for like five years and you went you went you went through as a servant you went you got sold into slavery you got so so god's plan can be manifested can take control of a of a demon an idolatrous environment we have to submit to jesus and what it looks like does not matter all right and i'm right about this now god spoke me to me this is one of four people that he spoke to me and i don't have time to go through all four of them that take a whole week and and it said look what it says here it says he sent a man before him say i want to be that person i want to go before the delivering hand of god say it out of your mouth because joseph in the bottom of the dungeon in chains for years was the hope of israel that was god's plan and we're such crybabies and entitled humans i didn't say the prick word that time entitled people that that we cannot let god we're so busy being important and right we we miss god's entire purpose for us sometimes i need you to let that happen okay look what this says because there's something here that i'm fixing to say that some of you ain't going to agree with and if you stand up and spit it at me i'll the guards escort you out of here if they don't they'll escort me out cause i'm leaving because i do not have to do this i am here because i want to be here you got to understand what i just said to you i'm here nowadays i go where i feel like heaven wants me to go i am not obligated to a living being except to love that being that's it now you understand what i just said to you all right and look what he said he sent him even joseph who was sold as a servant see that don't make sense we believe jesus came here and only thing happened to him was evil they killed him so that god's plan could be initiated started for our redemption so resurrection could happen so that the glory of god could be brought on the planet in in the new age in the new life in the new testament of god i need you to look at verse 18. because this right here is what's missing in almost everybody's life there's not any iron in your diet you none of you none of you understand now i do i do believe that that you've got pressure on you that that you've made some stupid decisions and bad decisions and you've made good decisions that we're bad and you feel persecuted and you feel like hell but i'm pretty sure it was you had made the decision now i need you to get this verse 18. his feet they hurt with fetters he was laid in chains of iron and his last phrase in the in the amplified says it like this his soul entered into the iron that's what's missing you ain't got no iron in your backbone i got me some iron buddy i've been tempered with fetters and beatings and and they are forgiven because i'm right now we own them instead of them on in us it's a true statement and it says right here in verse 18 his feet they hurt with fetters he was laid in chains of iron and his soul entered into the iron until his word to his cruel brothers came true until the word of god tried and tested say i want god's plan in my life say it i don't care what it is say it now i need you to mean that though i need you to understand that hope you ridiculous as it seems you are the hope for america it's not anything that any government or any idea or any blue or red or any anything is done or said that is not going to help america you are when you realize that you get a little bit of this iron in your soul hell cannot stop you do not i i can't let you quit be warned be frustrated look at god because he can't he could deliver us all in less than a half a breath and he would lose nothing he would lose nothing but he has a plan and it's hope and it's in you his name is jesus and i need you to suck it up and shut up i need some iron in our diet our christian diet needs more iron and you need to understand its own purpose and it's god's plan and it's uncomfortable most of the time but it's befitting when we submit to his will in our life because your will is awful i can look at you and see that but god's will in our life sets us apart and makes us different we are recognizable to the world just by walking amongst them almost every time i go into a walmart store some demon runs up on me and starts cutting up i stopped the other day in a pilot all i wanted some diesel i don't give a flip about you doing your crack cocaine i don't get over the corn shut up you want to die knucklehead that was another word trying to get out that's on you that it is help yourself and this joker runs up on me and all i'm doing is pumping diesel trying to scare me and intimidate me well dude i'm not i don't care about his dumb devil and that thing come rolling up on me he said what's wrong with you i said dude ain't nothing wrong it's something wrong with you you know what what's wrong pulling stuff off and he ain't got on hey son you need a chill i got a gun [Laughter] cocaine ain't gonna stop no pull it son and he goes he goes why aren't you afraid i said of what jesus is king son i got nothing to worry about i'm telling y'all we need some iron around us and it's uncomfortable and i know a lot of you are in that straight and you don't know you can't figure it out you've done right and sickness has come your reward is your family hating you your job letting you go your people you go what it what no listen to me let jesus be king in your life and it don't make no difference what hell takes from you god will give you seven times as much it will happen for you i got to get you i got to talk you into letting allowing a little bit of iron in your diet so that you can be stronger every one of you know that anybody works out one of the one of the greatest things you can do is put iron in you in your bloodstream it makes you that much stronger i'm telling you it's the will of god to walk as joseph walked to walk through these trials and tribulations because we are the hope of this nation but we need iron and to get iron it's going to be costly sometimes and you're not willing to pay it because you said jesus paid it for me brother praise the lord well you and i are finished talking because i got to go to the toilet i'd rather be in the toilet than talking to you listen to me don't you give me another religious junk talk son let's let's do this let's let's do the gospel let's be okay with jesus being in charge and it doesn't matter what it looks like it matters that he's in charge if you believe and trust him you're going to work it out it'll work out for you i just need a little patience on your hand a little trust increase chakaba i need you i need you to let hope arise in your spirit in your soul and let it spring forth break forth into joy o my soul holy ghost i was over there in a at a flying j over there in knoxville tennessee on the east side exit 378. all i want's diesel and there's this whole truckload of flaming uh homosexuals out over there and they're broke down and and they're just knuckleheads to me and i mean i mean i don't like i don't agree with all of that idea and and i'm sitting there and i'm pumping my diesel and it's just what it is and you know what the holy ghost said to me feed them the next week i said i won't i won't do that and so i look over my son jody and i said to him jody did god speak to you he said i was hoping he didn't say nothing to you dad [Applause] i said well let's go come on turn the diesel pump off and come on and we go over there in there went up in their bus and it was awesome we're hope we we have to be hope for everyone we have to but no we use our personal ideas in to dominate and run people in the ground and hate and abuse you're no different stop it jesus is king i told jody i said how much i said be cautious please he said dad he said you're the more liberal one between me and you when it comes to money i said oh i said all right here give them this and they watch me reach they're sitting there whole stack of them and they broke down and all kinds of stuff and and i reach in there and i pull out 300 bucks i said heaven just spoke to me over there and told me to feed y'all for two weeks it's 300 enough and their their jaw is on the deck uh yeah i said all right here let's give him 400 just in case so i gave him 400 cash and that is the right thing to do [Music] do you hear me help people that's what jesus does you have to get big he's bigger than our thought patterns and who we are and how we believe and what we say and if you want iron in you you have to be like jesus [Music] good preacher otherwise you're just another pharisee with a bunch of regulations and we got plenty of those i don't i'm not recruiting holy ghost i bless you i'm here to i'm here to invite heaven to come and give us plans and strategies i'm here to invite the angels of god in here and to rebuke fear and doubt and panic i rebuke the system of the demon in jesus name and i call on the mercy and i want to be free to help everybody the same regardless of my thought pattern in jesus name because jesus did that for me the the least thing i can do is be like him in jesus name so i'm going to invite you of course we'll pray for healing of course we'll pray for him fill in the spirit of course we'll pray for salvation of course it's what we do but i need to invite you to lose some religion and some change that freedom and presence and glory has put on you how you have to act a certain way and be a certain way you don't you have to walk like jesus and i do not know what that looks like and i cannot copy that out because as many different peoples in here that's how it's going to look that many different ways but we need iron in our system in our diet for that to work where we can have the strength of the gospel to be real instead of some printed out system it don't work yo so i i'm here to bless you i'm not here to curse you but i'll tell you right now i i've just i've got to have this i've got to have we got to change we got to be like jesus we can't be like each other i believe i do believe that if joseph would have known what he was doing he wouldn't have done it i believe he wouldn't wore that coat around him brother's feet i thought it was gonna get him sold into slavery i think he would have thought better if he'd have known better he didn't know he was naive he didn't know what he was doing he gets his stuff from god he's just he's just excited ah and everybody what how dare you [Music] so say it with me envy strife jealousy anger hate get out of my life in jesus name i submit to the authority of god's plan in my life in jesus name i will walk as hope in this land in the name of jesus i will produce the glory of god god's way it's just a simple thing like i'm real fluent in spanish and in in every hotel i go in all the people that serve in there working there they're hispanic and i talk to every one of them and i i respect them and i and and we leave them tips nearly in every room we leave tips and we buy stuff and we leave it and we tell them you can have this and they just look at you gracias they another you can be a champion of god and nobody has to know it no one we was in service uh in february i think it was we was in this there's this play i can't tell you all all the details about it because it's it'll get us all in trouble but this drug this this this cartel runs this place now you have to ask for permission to go in and they gave us permission to come in and we're going to go in there and everybody at that service are cartel christians and you in your world that don't exist you cannot be a christian if you're a cartel no you here you can't here but out there where the cartel runs everything and owns everything the only thing you're going to get is cartel and so you're not going to let them get saved it ain't up to you to manage their life it's up to god to manage their life and we're sitting there and this cartel boss was in there and i didn't know it was a lady but when she stood up boy she was scary looking wasn't she there gum there wasn't hardly an inch on her body there wasn't some knuckle-head tattoo of scary in this design and she come walking up there you know oh my god i told heaven come over here you're leading this one to jesus didn't i and she comes up there and and she's looking at me and she says you guys are crazy and i told her we've heard that it's time it's old learn a new phrase she said i've been listening to you and i think you're right and i said heaven and that lady a cartel boss now and she got born again that she's gonna they'll kill her they will kill her for getting saved and we know that she knows that we know that what do we do we led her to jesus and all the people in that place that saved every one of them worked for the cartel well how do i reconcile that how do you reconcile that david hogan i don't that ain't my problem that's your problem my problem get them saved and let them work it out with god not me that ain't my deal do you understand that's awesome y'all that we're getting invited into these places where we're not even welcome and they're getting saved these cartel bosses and all these people and there ain't even any place in the gospel that you know to let them get saved you're saved you're no different than they are it depends on how you look at it don't it it's only mercy that touched you it's only mercy that's touching them in jesus name i hope i go back and five levels above her they're getting saved because we're going there again in a few days god's scary i can't you can't hardly breathe when you're there there's so much fear you're just it's but you feel you're so alive you can feel your blood running inside you it's so awesome y'all i never did get over that i never did get i never grew out of winning souls and that's something i never got so important and i'm i am i can go to any nation the largest churches if i want to whatever i want to do i can do it now and i want to be in that village with them cartel bosses god it's just something to watch them you just said oh you're telling them his words and they're sitting there with guns and they got they got control they worship the devil and you just tell them jesus loves them and they just stand up walk up there to you i believe you yeah that takes iron it takes iron to be able to do that it feels so good god feels good when you when your blood's running like that and we just look at each other on the way home and just like well we we're alive well it's not so it's so nice say i want that say it i want iron in my diet set so stand up and let's pray please and
Channel: Miracles Daily
Views: 20,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David hogan, David hogan 2022, David hogan new, David hogan sermon, Fear of the lord, Miracle, Testimony, bethel church, christian testimony, david hogan, david hogan ministries, holy spirit, miracles, my testimony, testimony christian, the fear of the lord, the fear of the lord sermon, what is the fear of the lord
Id: OJF2-q9mlVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 47sec (2927 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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