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good morning we are back at the job getting this side area prepped let's go look at this front entryway see what it's looking like oh yeah nice so got to do the bull nose up there and then cut a ring and put the fountain in over there but it's looking good it's looking real good want to go set up a time lapse over where we're prepping and where we're going to start laying the pavers [Music] oh lunch time that's okay I don't want to make it too heavy all right so we just mark this out this is the fountain stand here so I'm going to go ahead and cut these pavers with the grinder some of them I can get with the saw but cut them with the grinder into shape and then we'll set it in there Jose you got an extension cord okay is it in your truck here we got pretty lucky not lucky but somehow we put the side that has the hole the base this way I don't what hole see on the bottom there's a hole the perfect side oh no I didn't notice orle stuff I got to cut [Music] w [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm go one more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] all right my GoPro battery died some point while I was cutting that but we got it cut in got why a goo it back up oh oh no I mean I just think we need to hit it down cuz it's in sand now I should be able to should be able to M it down a little bit a lot better you can see she's cut in [Applause] level got to make sure YouTube sees it know we're not a hack job that is a level pedestal for the fountain right there trying to yeah this thing is heavy boy yeah I know that old swing that there want me to pull it out yeah woo now we need to get this pull started before go give a pull see what we do [Music] got it keep going now comes the fun part dude we yeah I think we hire another set of hands well yeah obviously what you mean you ain't going to pick this thing up I we're going to need four people on this damn thing right there set I think yeah we just lean her on though I guess we can't we need to be farther forward we need to like walk it this way a little bit Yeah Yeah cuz I just want to Crunch that pipe you know can be the pull yeah I was about to say he can pull as we go in with this thing hey Victor we going to lift it I need your help to lift this so Jose what I need you to do just pull the cord is pull this cord so that when we lift it it don't get pinched that black cord in there okay so we going to lift this and put it like Center it right on there wait for Al come to too no here let me get over there where you're at get on this top can get the top or the bottom he should get the bottom yeah we need you right here just we going to lift it and set it on here one two three is it on there no good we're good I mean it's on enough to where if we need to center it we can a little bit me yeah me and you can do that though yeah that's good tell them it's good we can shift it around thank you graas heavy yeah cuz it's got to go Square yeah it's this way go this way and then also bring the what you already put th set down no I okay [Music] n [Music] n [Music] hey [Music] all right I'm going to go to the house grab the pressure washer so I can pressure wash off the dolly uh rubber tire marks I got on there so cuz we need to sand that area today w [Music] [Music] got the pressure washer went and grabbed my truck and trailer it's easiest let get this bad boy unloaded and set up all righty [Applause] [Music] goci yes m all right I'm going to go get the dump truck drop the truck and trailer at the house grab the dump truck come back so we can start loading cuts and any extra pavers in there they're about to start cutting over there they just finished laying so I'm going to make the cuts and throw the Border in so instead of making a big pile in the yard I'm just going to get the dump truck CU that's where all of them are going anyway way [Music] all right back at the house and it is warm out folks I live in Sarasota Florida Southwest Florida it's about an hour south of Tampa and you know you think that you just get used to the Heat and it's really not crazy hot right now it's only 85° but it's the hottest day so far of the new year and uh it's always tough at the beginning beginning stages of Summer you know your first 90° day you really remember that it's not always fun but it is what it is I got to go in the house and grab the keys for this thing all righty we are back with the dump truck I had to stop at the old Home Depot to get some PVC pipes for cutting the curves cuz Jose forgot his so we got [Music] pipes and the couplers go ahead and grab those so we should be good for the curves now all right we are running out of concrete bags so I got to take this back to the house dump it and then run to Home Depot and grab some concrete [Music] bags so that's what we're going to do woo this seat's warm [Music] the guys got uh most of it all done all the cuts are done besides the Border we having to make some wedge cuts to get around the curves and stuff like that so they'll be finished up today and tomorrow I got quite a bit of cleanup I got to do we're also going to seal this driveway but tomorrow we got rain in the forecast so going to plan to seal it today's Wednesday going to plan to seal it on uh Friday so just clean up all the stuff tomorrow before get rained out there's about a pallet of pavers left over so the customer wants to do another about 100 foot section that's what the pallet will cover so I'm going to go ahead and move the papers over to that area where he wants another little pad tomorrow I'm going to bring the skid steer and uh move that pallet back with the concrete don't forget right up at the front and need a little concrete on the the edges just making sure you not forget cuz you're in the hospital for 9 [Music] [Applause] days looking good yep got almost all the cuts done and just right up at the front doing a couple [Music] more looking good so here I need to go get some uh some rocks I'll do that tomorrow I'll stop and get a bag of rocks to fill that drain over with [Music]
Channel: Suncoast Outdoor Services
Views: 191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pavers, paver installation, how to install pavers, installing water fountain, water fountain, how to install a water fountain, how to do paver prep, laying pavers, concrete pavers, florida construction, florida paver layers, florida paver installers, installing water feature, fancy water fountain, how to water fountain, bird fountain install, sarasota florida, sarasota, gopro, jobsite gopro footage, funny construction videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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